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Harm Reduction Kratom , how many days in a row ,is safe …

Dec 8, 2019
Before your physically feel “uncomfortable “ by not taking it ? I have no tolerance to it,last time I used it was over a month ago.. can I take it 2-3 x a day for 5 -6 days without my body missing it ..
How many days in a row will you use it ?
If you've been addicted to it,theres no safe way.If you are naive I would say no more than one-two times in month
I'm currently addicted to kratom, I got away with it for years by sticking to sporadic use. I said this in another thread recently, if you are trying to make this calculation you are at a high risk for eventually falling prey to an addiction.

I thought I could get away with it forever, but one day you'll realize that you are addicted.
I'm currently addicted to kratom, I got away with it for years by sticking to sporadic use. I said this in another thread recently, if you are trying to make this calculation you are at a high risk for eventually falling prey to an addiction.

I thought I could get away with it forever, but one day you'll realize that you are addicted.
How bad is kratom addiction, relatively speaking? I've been taking it several times a day for about 2 years now. I started using kratom to get off opioids. I'd been severely addicted to hydros&oxys for about 10 years and simply couldn't afford them any more. I feel that kratom is the lesser of two evils.
Am I mistaken?
How bad is kratom addiction, relatively speaking? I've been taking it several times a day for about 2 years now. I started using kratom to get off opioids. I'd been severely addicted to hydros&oxys for about 10 years and simply couldn't afford them any more. I feel that kratom is the lesser of two evils.
Am I mistaken?
It's cheaper, and the ceiling dose is lesser, so I suppose it's "better." But it absolutely still is an opiate addiction with all the bells and whistles
What is "ceiling dose"?

I do know that my dosage has increased somewhat. But kratom seems to be self-limiting in that if I take too much I experience nausea and dysphoria. With oxys and hydros, MORE was always better.

Is that what you mean?
Stick to smaller doses 6-10g daily max.Better not redose,which is somehow difficult,because its short acting
Iv used it for about a week dosing 2-3 times a day with extract with no real noticeable wd, but obviously everyone is different
I've never wd from krqtom but my use is low dose and very sporadic.

I might take 3-4 grams per day 3x in a week, then I don't touch it again for weeks or months.

Personally, I mainly use it when I'm not sleeping well or my knee hurts(prior injury).

Kratom is funny for me, it works well. Buti don't like other opiates.

I've only used morphine a few times from injuries, but when I broke my leg and they gave me percocets I hated em. Then tramadol, did nothing. Then oxycodone, hated it and all 3 above I quit within 3-4 days

I'm currently addicted to kratom, I got away with it for years by sticking to sporadic use. I said this in another thread recently, if you are trying to make this calculation you are at a high risk for eventually falling prey to an addiction.

I thought I could get away with it forever, but one day you'll realize that you are addicted.
I’ve actually still have a sealed and an open 4 ounce bag from about a year ago that I still use once in a while , I used tues and wed and skipped yesterday but tried a 1/4 bottle of extract but felt pretty much nothing from it but it maybe because I had powder earlier in the week,I probably should have skipped it after reading the reply but I was curious…
I’m on and off Kratom a lot, and I can go up to 2 weeks of constantly being high on Kratom and stop it without feeling withdrawal. I might have a little more difficulty sleeping at first, but it’s not so bad it couldn’t just be chalked up to being just one of those nights.

That’s not to say I recommend doing this or testing your limits. I was honestly surprised by it, but any longer and I have to tapper off to keep from feeling uncomfortable.

I start by taking 4g’s 3-4 times a day, and it goes up to 6g’s 3-4 times a day before I start tapering off, so if your dose is lower than this, and you’re only doing it 2-3 times a day for 5-6 days, I think you’ll be fine regarding physical withdrawals, but you’ll have definitely crossed the line as far as psychological dependency.
There's no easy answer to this because it depends how much you are taking a day.
I've been on this plant for 5 years and I stick to 5-6g a day. The withdrawal is not very bad, just extreme fatigue, and it only lasts for a few days. Nothing will fix it though, not caffeine, not stimulants, only more kratom. I did this recently, and work retail, and they were some of the most exhausting days of my entire life.

When I was newer, I remember taking closer to 10-12g a day, running out (because I'd bought into that whole it's just like coffee thing) and experienced withdrawals that were probably about as bad as actual opiates. I'm still traumatized to this day by how bad it was, and it coincided with the loss of my grandfather. I was living in Hell.

I can confidently say anti-depressant withdrawal is a million times worse though.
There's no easy answer to this because it depends how much you are taking a day.
I've been on this plant for 5 years and I stick to 5-6g a day. The withdrawal is not very bad, just extreme fatigue, and it only lasts for a few days. Nothing will fix it though, not caffeine, not stimulants, only more kratom. I did this recently, and work retail, and they were some of the most exhausting days of my entire life.

When I was newer, I remember taking closer to 10-12g a day, running out (because I'd bought into that whole it's just like coffee thing) and experienced withdrawals that were probably about as bad as actual opiates. I'm still traumatized to this day by how bad it was, and it coincided with the loss of my grandfather. I was living in Hell.

I can confidently say anti-depressant withdrawal is a million times worse though.
Bupe will cover kratom withdrawal, but then you're dependent on bupe.
If you've been addicted to it,theres no safe way.If you are naive I would say no more than one-two times in month

I would say that's a bit conservative (of course safer is always better). If you have never been addicted to opiates (not just kratom but any opiate), you can take it, in my opinion, a couple of times of week, and that should be sustaintable, as long as you don't make a habit of multiple days in a row. However, if you're been addicted before, you will get withdrawals very easily again.

Also, in my experience, if you are counting the days and trying to use as much as possible without catching dependence, you are extremely likely to eventually slip into dependence.
The withdrawal is not very bad, just extreme fatigue, and it only lasts for a few days.

This is true, until you have a lot of time addicted to kratom or other opiates. As time goes on, the withdrawal gets worse and worse, and lasts longer and longer. First time I withdrew, it lasted 4 days and I was really uncomfortable. Now it lasts 10-14 days and the restless limbs are so bad it makes me want to off myself, it is impossible to sleep without a benzo for that entire time. Absolutely hellish.