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Harm Reduction A help with iV diazepam Ampules (NOT PILlS!!)


Feb 3, 2008
Hi as title states I have coke across some diazepam ampule injections (glass) 10mg 2ml….. so yeah it Fucking burns and it’s thick. I read not to add any water to it… but also read saline is the proper way of doing it.

Atleast that’s what the ER did with a saline flush.. now I do have biostatic sterile usp water with benz alcohol in it (hosperia) would this be okay to use as a replacement for saline? And would this bacterialstatic injectable water be safe to use with coke? Like what substance are NOt good to use for biostatic water? I always used it from cpt heroiN R.I.P,
To keep shelf life of anything I’m IVing of course wheel wilter when needed. But anyway would this work the same way to help dilute the diazepam to make it more enjoyable? I’m assuming a larger 3-5MLnsyringe with a 28ish gage and dilute 2-3 ampules, dilute it to help with burning

If this is correct and I cannot use the bacteriostatic usp injection, what would be proper to use if I’m just trying to purchase locally at a store? I heard some day distilled water or sterile water but mainly saline… that said I know u can buy some OTC… I.e arm and nasal spray or what about the nebulizer spray refill packs? Idk I’m lost here but really want to try doing this via IV rigjt, without IM… and I’ve always wanted to try vishospital grade ampules. Any advice?
I feel like i don't fully understand the question, but in any event I have injected that same solution in both ampule and vial form and don't recall it being too unpleasant.

In respect to bacteriostatic water, it will work anywhere water will work, i think.
Jealous, I can’t even find regular diazepam, let alone injectable ampoules...
Thanks but I swear I saw warnings about not adding anything to this vial. Not even water and it’s so damn thick?! One shot or 5mg won’t do shit with my tolorance there’s gotta be a way I can do like 3 vials in a 10cc rig lol
Jealous, I can’t even find regular diazepam, let alone injectable ampoules...
Tell your doctor your taking a airline flight and your freakin out about it and he/she will probably wanna give you Xanax but you can’t ask for Valium instead cause they worked in the past for you👍👍