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Harm Reduction Im going to pain management for the first time ?

Dec 8, 2019
A little history first , I have a compression fracture of T8 that I did when I was 18 that I self medicated for decades and I have degenerative disc disease which social security just recently awarded me my approval certificate for disability social security, so my question is I have my first appointment at the pain management place which also is where I get my marijuana prescriptions filled at for the first time next week ,do you think it’s wise to bring in my self sourced drugs to show the doctor that allthough I have plenty of drugs on my own that I’m just trying to do things legit ? Or do I leave them home ?

My question is not about me sourcing drugs, but about do I bring them along to help validate my story ,I’m completely honest with my docs about my prior drug abuse and everything else going on in my life but I’m not sure about dropping 1000 pills on the counter to prove a point is a good idea , 😬
Leave them home. Honesty is great and it can usually be the best course of action but sometimes things are best left alone. If he/she asks how you have been treating your pain up until now just tell them that the MJ was useful but now you need something with a little more bang. Let him decide your prognosis and prescribe what he feels is best. I have always thought that honesty was the best policy but I have been denied many things by being honest with MD's. They think when we self medicate that we have disorders but most of us had no other options. Good luck and I hope you get your pain treated.
Leave them home. Honesty is great and it can usually be the best course of action but sometimes things are best left alone. If he/she asks how you have been treating your pain up until now just tell them that the MJ was useful but now you need something with a little more bang. Let him decide your prognosis and prescribe what he feels is best. I have always thought that honesty was the best policy but I have been denied many things by being honest with MD's. They think when we self medicate that we have disorders but most of us had no other options. Good luck and I hope you get your pain treated.
Im brutally honest about my past which they all appreciate because they’re so use to hearing bullshit stories from druggies , the more I think about it I’m just gonna do it ,I could bring a couple bags kratom along too, if he don’t treat me or if I think bringing the meds along backfired on me I’ll just chalk it upto a learning experience and go to another clinic .

He’s been my weed doc for a year now which means if had three visits with him ( renewals),we discussed him becoming my pain doc before but I was already with his competitor getting facet injections in my spine and mentioned that when I was done with them I’ll be in to see him ..
@Just a little pinprick just curious - do they already know about prior drug history?
I never confirmed things in detail with him but he knows, I have foot long decade old tracks marks that a blind man can see, 🤣 I did tell him what I’ve been taking but I doubt he’ll remember that was months ago , to me telling a story then opening a bag with drugs in it and telling the doctor “ I don’t wanna do things like this anymore “ should be a slam dunk.
I’ll update this thread on how things go..

I’m honest with my regular doctor about everything even my decades of IV drug use and he-still gives me small prescriptions for drugs I self medicate with so I have a legal reason for them being in my system,(tramadol,Valium..)
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Most doctors are already paranoid and by the book. If you show up and treat your drugs of use like a museum collection pulling out illegal Oxys and bags of black tar heroin and go..

Look Doc! I’m a junkie!

He’s probably gonna tell you to get the hell out of his office. No offense I would do the same thing
Any doctor with a heart would look at your back problems and happily write you a pain script of some strong opioids. I would think.
Most doctors are already paranoid and by the book. If you show up and treat your drugs of use like a museum collection pulling out illegal Oxys and bags of black tar heroin and go..

Look Doc! I’m a junkie!

He’s probably gonna tell you to get the hell out of his office. No offense I would do the same thing
Err,I don’t recall mentioning Oxy or heroin ,
Most doctors are already paranoid and by the book. If you show up and treat your drugs of use like a museum collection pulling out illegal Oxys and bags of black tar heroin and go..

Look Doc! I’m a junkie!

He’s probably gonna tell you to get the hell out of his office. No offense I would do the same thing
So what were you gonna show him lol? A bottle of aspirin?
Already went over this in replies to others but ,
Do you think 4 bottles, #50 ,100 mg tramadols, *plus legal scripts
#500 10 mg Valium , *plus legal scripts
1/2 lb kratom
2 boxes soma ,few bottles tizandine,metaxalone,nabumetone,gabapentin and a bunch of other shit I’ve been given , I think it’ll will convey a message that my back is fucked and I’m willing to try something cause previous methods are no longer working ?

To me it just shows I’m familiar with controlling my pain responsibily without going overboard , I only use kratom and some of the muscle relaxers once in a blue over the past few months and I smoke a shitload of weed

If he won’t help me there’s plenty of other places that’ll like access to my insurance card $$
don't do that

he's just gonna look at you like you're a junky
I understand what your sayin, maybe bringing them with me is too much but he’s going to ask me what I take currently take for pain and I’m not going to lie about , but he can also lookup my prescription history and confirm I’m being truthful, all except the kratom , I gotta feel it out on how it goes, I can bring them and not need to show anything, .

I’d like to hear from people who did pain management and know how things work
I understand what your sayin, maybe bringing them with me is too much but he’s going to ask me what I take currently take for pain and I’m not going to lie about , but he can also lookup my prescription history and confirm I’m being truthful, all except the kratom , I gotta feel it out on how it goes, I can bring them and not need to show anything, .

I’d like to hear from people who did pain management and know how things work

i worked in pain management for years so im telling you from the other side
i worked in pain management for years so im telling you from the other side
Ok , thank you for replying
Am I safe to assume he’s going to send me for current MRI’s ,cat scans before assisting me , even with radiologist reports from my last ones performed 1 year ago ?
Recent social security disability award help any ?
It’s a nice feeling to be able to piss a clean sample for a drug screen if needed
Ok , thank you for replying
Am I safe to assume he’s going to send me for current MRI’s ,cat scans before assisting me , even with radiologist reports from my last ones performed 1 year ago ?
Recent social security disability award help any ?
It’s a nice feeling to be able to piss a clean sample for a drug screen if needed

Probably not if they're only a year old unless something new is going on....x-rays maybe

you're probably looking at steroid injections at T8 - hopefully that works for ya
Probably not if they're only a year old unless something new is going on....x-rays maybe

you're probably looking at steroid injections at T8 - hopefully that works for ya
I did injections from my lumbar thru thoracic spine earlier this year, radio apalation too. It helped but I was told it only last about a year before the benefits start to fade from them.
I did injections from my lumbar thru thoracic spine earlier this year, radio apalation too. It helped but I was told it only last about a year before the benefits start to fade from them.

oh you've had radio ablations already.....those are fun right? so you've done one radio ablation and you've stopped because they're no longer working? or you're gonna do those every 6 months? you should be on some course already
My therapy went like this
Facet injection = 2 vertebrae a session = 4 injections each session ,
Two sessions facet injections followed by one radio ablation For lumbar

Then repeated by my compression fracture , T8
But after the second round of facet injection ,I bailed cause It fucked me up for a month, ,we went too close to my old fracture and I had a big setback and started the tramadol ,kratom ,muscle relaxers for a few weeks because of the pain .
200-300 mg Tramodol works fine for me to control my pain but I can’t take any longer take them ,they make me sick ,it’s the ssri effects , ( nervous tension,anxiety,nausea return after 1 dose) they turn me into a mess for two weeks with just a single dose,

Now that you have a better understanding of my history , what’s the verdict ? What would your prescription read like ? Lol
Most doctors are already paranoid and by the book. If you show up and treat your drugs of use like a museum collection pulling out illegal Oxys and bags of black tar heroin..
This is why he should cover his track marks with a long sleeve shirt, be pleasant, and lie like a motherfucker.
This is why he should cover his track marks with a long sleeve shirt, be pleasant, and lie like a motherfucker.
Track marks are over a decade old ,they’re not fresh. I stopped shooting in 2009, Im not ashamed by them ,or my prior drug use, I’ll never lie about that to nobody.

Like your signature says, no fucks given