Request Image request - Bluelight census 2021!


Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002
Hi everyone

Global Drug Survey is starting up soon, and I have managed to insert a question into GDS that will measure whether people have used/visited Bluelight in the last 30 days. This means we will be able to conduct our second Bluelight census - by analysing the subsample of the GDS that report use of Bluelight, and providing Bluelight community with characteristics of that sample, e.g. demographics and drug use, etc.

For this, we will need a banner promoting the census. I'd say we should create something for the top right-hand corner banner as well as for the highlight thread banner further down.

I don't have any preference for design or colours, just something that's attractive and makes it clear we want anyone viewing the banner to participate in the Bluelight Census 2021.

(I'll post a thread in Drug Studies when the survey launches, and this banner can point to that)

Thanks for doing some image-y stuff for the site - whoever is able/willing to contribute :)
bluelight image and color scheme #2 as most agreed upon prior.
bluelight image and color scheme #2 as most agreed upon prior.
Not sure if you read my post. I’m asking for someone to design a bespoke banner for the Bluelight census …. nothing to do with our logo.
Not sure if you read my post. I’m asking for someone to design a bespoke banner for the Bluelight census …. nothing to do with our logo.
Well wouldn’t that be the best thing to put the logo toward?
@BlueBull perhaps you could help?

I don't know what the text should say... Bluelight needs you! (rather than please complete the Bluelight census)?
When does this launch (what is our time frame)?

I may feel creative and tinker a bit this weekend, though I should likely spend my time on higher priorities. Moreover, almost anything I 'create' is fucktasticly ugly and should not be shown publicly :D
Thanks @TheLoveBandit - the survey will launch late next week but we don’t have to launch our banner until it’s ready. I think as long as it’s launched in next couple of weeks it should be fine.
CFC used to love this job. I know he’s not on staff anymore, but also not on BL?
@BlueBull perhaps you could help?

I don't know what the text should say... Bluelight needs you! (rather than please complete the Bluelight census)?
Huh I seem to have missed the notification of you tagging me, stumbled on this thread by accident, sorry. I'm willing to try but I do think you overestimate my graphical skills, or underestimate my lack of them :laughing: I'll spend some time this weekend trying to come up with something, though do forgive me if I fail to produce anything acceptable. Any pointers, design elements, image size requirements, etc, etc, apart from what's mentioned in the first post? Image text something like: "Bluelight census 2021!"?
Huh I seem to have missed the notification of you tagging me, stumbled on this thread by accident, sorry. I'm willing to try but I do think you overestimate my graphical skills, or underestimate my lack of them :laughing: I'll spend some time this weekend trying to come up with something, though do forgive me if I fail to produce anything acceptable. Any pointers, design elements, image size requirements, etc, etc, apart from what's mentioned in the first post? Image text something like: "Bluelight census 2021!"?
Thanks. I bet your skills are better than mine though ;)
You are forgiven in advance.
Pointers: banner for top right corner 550x50 pixels. I'm not sure what the size of the banner for highlighted post is.
I think we need an appeal to action in the text.
We need you to complete... the Bluelight Census 2021!
Maybe the 'we need you to complete...' can be smaller text?
As for an image or graphics that matches this, I'm not overly bothered on what that is.
I also need to write the post to Drug Studies to promote this survey, which will be what we link this banner to. That'll happen soon :)