Mental Health MDMA For The Autism Spectrum.


Oct 20, 2008
As I Understand It, Aspereger's And Autism Sufferers Have Been Found To Have Neuronal Over Growth. Could MDMA Help By Pruning Excess Dendrites? I Think It Might.
We don't really know much about how MDMA or psychedelics work.

MDMA may be good for PTSD, but otherwise research on autism would be somewhat preliminary.

As for psychedelics, they make a better case for it.
Psychedelics work too and they cause neurogenesis, so that kinda kills that idea. It’s my belief that reasonable doses of MDMA do as well to be honest. (Meth is neurotoxic at higher doses, neurogenic at lower.)

We don't really know much about how MDMA or psychedelics work.

MDMA may be good for PTSD, but otherwise research on autism would be somewhat preliminary.

As for psychedelics, they make a better case for it.

Not for everyone!
As someone on the lighter side to the autism spectrum, I can attest to LOVING mdma. Ive done all the drugs... it is the best one. Better than speedballs with hydromorphone. Better than the highest LSD peak. It completes me.

MDMA is good for sensory overload, socializing anxiety, and overall inhibition and anxiety. Not to mention many autistic people have some form of PTSD/CPTSD, because being autistic in the modern world is brutal. MDMA'S effects are practically tailor- made for autistic people.

I'm of the opinion autism is a little like addiction, in that, once it truly spawns, it is permanent. You can work on the symptoms, but you must accept the disease. MDMA has helped me handle the world with autism, but it hasn't cured it.