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⭐️ Social ⭐️ What have been your most memorable experiences with drugs?


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
I'm curious what stands out. Was it the first time you shot up? The first opiate high? An acid trip?

Right now I am thinking about the first time I used H after a month clean bc rehab. I always thought that people going into serious shivers and pure euphoria was a joke to make addicts look bad. I remember it clear as day. What a feeling that was...

I've also had some seriously bad and memorable experiences. I'll post those later if this thread takes off.
The first time I took enough datura with LSD to get deliriant visuals and effects. Like living in a nightmare without the terror and trepidation for close to 10 hours.

After that, I was hooked on the combo.
Acid, K and MDMA

Was the most beautiful night I have ever had, like a joy filled mysterious dream in another world finished off by some absolutely epic acid kholes with some awesome friends

Still recall dancing in a tiny room during a friends party, i looked at my arm and before my eyes it just turned into a skeleton, so cool

Walking through the woods and it was a magical woodland, Lord of the rings style. Instead of walking on the ground I was walking over Bridges between the trees with magical cities and temples around me.

Walking down alleys that became tunnels in ancient aztec cities

And eventually just full on ketamine dimension travel when we were ready to let reality go completely

God I still look back on that night. I've had more intense trips by far, been far more gone on psychedelics, dissos etc, but something about that night was just awe inspiringly beautiful, I will NEVER forget it
Dropping LSD before boarding a plane to Amsterdam was pretty intense too. We were taking off as it kicked in with full force - I thought I was going to wring myself inside out through my ass.
I tripped on a long flight from SFO to Heathrow. I had the BEST time. Like... okay I dosed the person next to me and we ended up making out and chattering like monkeys through customs lol.
Low dose dissociatives I guess. They were just everything I ever wished for x2, and only took opiates because I thought of that they need to be even better. Bad mistake. Oh, and 4,4'-dimethylaminorex. Never took MDMA yet but it was how I'd imagine it to be, minus some trippy hints and minus the fuckup (it's also a MAO inhibitor which mostly avoids to over-deplete serotonin).

Benzo blackout, for real now? I always wondered what's so interesting about blacking out on ethanol like Spring Break or Mallorca folks. I'm rather a connaisseur of drugs who wants the best possible experience instead of the worst fuckup.

MXE in the overnight bus and some occasion in a plane were very impressive but the bus was superior. Felt like I'd feel how all the souls around me fall asleep and it was SO peaceful. Walking through the city or sauna on it was similarly admirable, MXE had a very oriental touch to it at first. DXM was very nostalgic. DCK just stoning but very nicely so. The plane was too fast, felt scatterbrained but that also was O-PCE which I never really liked, and it was deep into my disso addiction phase.
I tripped on a long flight from SFO to Heathrow. I had the BEST time. Like... okay I dosed the person next to me and we ended up making out and chattering like monkeys through customs lol.
It's really fucking cool tripping on a plane. Good times! I was only on it for 2-3 hours though. Would love to try a long flight.
My first real psychedelic trip, on mushrooms. I woke up from the dream, realized we're all the universe experiencing itself, it changed the course of my life. I've had some other trips that were impactful too, I had some that helped me get past periods of depression, and I had another peak experiences too, but nothing was as powerful as that first one.
I woke up from the dream, realized we're all the universe experiencing itself, it changed the course of my life.
This. It became so normal for me to see the world and universe this new way that I don't really think much about but yeah it changed me fundamentally too. Somehow I agree to that the world might be a better place if more people would do psychedelics just once at least.
It's really fucking cool tripping on a plane. Good times! I was only on it for 2-3 hours though. Would love to try a long flight.
Ive never tripped but cant even imagine how it would be on a plane. I LOVE to fly in general tho. I was drunk once on a flight from Tennessee to Miami. Then got on a ship and was sick in bed for three days because of it all.

I think psychedelics could really help me. I am seriously looking into it. I am just scared of unresolved trauma surfacing tho
This. It became so normal for me to see the world and universe this new way that I don't really think much about but yeah it changed me fundamentally too. Somehow I agree to that the world might be a better place if more people would do psychedelics just once at least

Wish I could experience this, but acid doesn't agree with me, well my brain don't let it maybe I don't know
For me it was dissociatives, they are different but can show you similar stuff because it's not the drug, that is just the key which unlocks the doors of perception, so you experience the real reality with your soul instead of the 3d projection we're used to live in. Unfortunately for me it was never really visual, more emotional but some get beautiful visual stuff like temples and alien spaceships (thats DMT though but it seems to combine well with dissociatives 0 takes the fear off)
I think psychedelics could really help me. I am seriously looking into it. I am just scared of unresolved trauma surfacing tho

I think that's why I have bad trips, I'm leaving it alone, I might try shrooms as had it a couple times mild dose but my ex ruined it and gave me a bad trip asking me what's wrong when I was coming up, that anxiety on the come up,it to hard to get past so what a stupid question to ask someone on shrooms as then I questioned "hmmmm what is wrong, and took 50mg vallies and aborted the trip

beautiful visual stuff like temples and alien spaceships

I'd love that but the only time I'm going to experience DMT is when I release it naturally when I die, as you must know, we release it when we are born and when we die, other than that, I'm not touching it, it sent my ex best friend insane, the entity's told her not to come back she came back and they was horrible to her, told her she's going to die alone, she's now lost the plot she was doing other drugs too and has BPD and Bipolar, but that sent her over the edge, imagine spending the rest of your life thinking you're going to die alone, fuck that shit I'd rather not know
Do you enjoy delirents? I read enough trip reports of the disturbing hell people go though on DPH, Datura and angels trumpet etc why do people take it I really don't understand and am interested to know?
I've only tried datura stramonium (angel trumpet) and datura inoxia - though I've always been careful NOT to end up in a three day delirium unable to separate reality from the hallucinations (like the most entertaining datura reports contain), but I greatly enjoy taking it with cannabis or LSD or 2C-B.
Together with psychedelics they give a fantastic boost in euphoria and visuals. Some hallucinations occur, and they tend to bring a certain dark vibe to the trip, without being scary. They also eliminate nausea.
With cannabis, the high gets "heavier" in some sense (like you "feel" gravity pulling you down, in an odd, bodily euphoric kind of way), and your balance gets a bit off. I'd love to try DPH but can't find it.

I've tried Amanita Muscaria with has certain deliriant effects too (some argue it's a deliriant, some don't; I think they're like being drunk and having a low dose of mushrooms at the same time).

The thing I like is just that it makes it feel like you're in a horror movie. I find it exhilarating.

If you're going to experiment, I'd recommend starting with a very, very low dose, wait at least one week between upping the doses (as atropine & scopolamine/other tropanes build up in the system), and if possible, have a sitter nearby and benzos, should you take it to far.

Just tread the tropane waters carefully: there be dragons here.
I'd love that but the only time I'm going to experience DMT is when I release it naturally when I die, as you must know, we release it when we are born and when we die, other than that, I'm not touching it, it sent my ex best friend insane, the entity's told her not to come back she came back and they was horrible to her, told her she's going to die alone, she's now lost the plot she was doing other drugs too and has BPD and Bipolar, but that sent her over the edge, imagine spending the rest of your life thinking you're going to die alone, fuck that shit I'd rather not know
Whoa that's horrible. On erowid is a report too where the fairies turned against him but only after seriously abusing DMT. Yeah I know we all produce DMT and the thing about birth & death only confirms me that it's really a key to the existence but the brain is bad at interpreting things which are too alien for it, this is how the hearing voices stuff works, at least in some it's misinterpreted noise. I too was heavily traumatized by DMT but it was just a physiological panic attack from the strong norepinephrinergic activity in higher dose ranges. Never ever actually met a being or a place, but some time I loved to dissociate out of my body and float around in hyperspace. Was convinced for some time that I attracted a somehow lost soul who was there in the dark nothingness and now possessed my body but logic could show me that it was just an echo, I dissociated too often too much and my brain began to echoize. Is almost gone now after ceasing disso use.

Seriously, if you're already insane, I'd almost recommend to just do DMT again, but in a carefully chosen set & setting and maybe together with some dissociative to kill the fear. The universe isn't bad to us but it's entirely possible that we all are alone and that this 3d reality doesn't separate but connect us and when we die, we'll transform to where and whatever but I refuse to believe that there's something like eternal damnation. What you feel when dissociating from all the pains and aches of everyday life is pure love. Guess it's the same some achieve through meditation. Once stumbled upon a book about shamanism and what they described was very similar to my dissoverse experiences, just that they somehow have or develop a very strong mindpower which possibly is even able to manipulate the "matrix"..

Experienced some heavy glitches in reality, like drugs disappearing and instead just an old piece of paper there when afterwards I'd get picked out by police (yet more often not and just lost the drugs, or earphones, other small stuff.. unfortunately did never something actually appear, this would have been a proof.. I'm not sure, but chances are that I iterated through some parallel universes. Saw more than once my life as sort of a movie, or once some teens who took shrooms in a forest.. thought it must have been a movie I'd seen online while sky high but failed to find it, not in browser history nor under recent movies and it was from Switzerland, they don't produce too many bigger movies..) But it was never evil. The evil is bad people here & now.
Ive never tripped but cant even imagine how it would be on a plane. I LOVE to fly in general tho.
Same here! I've always loved flying.
I was drunk once on a flight from Tennessee to Miami. Then got on a ship and was sick in bed for three days because of it all.
Haha, that's tough luck. I'm always at least drunk on planes. Taking amphetamine before boarding was NOT that nice though. I was just antsy all the way.
I think psychedelics could really help me. I am seriously looking into it. I am just scared of unresolved trauma surfacing tho
They can really help if you integrate the experience and really work on what you've "found out" while tripping.
I was also quite terrified to first few times tbh, because I thought it would smack me in my face with my past. If you decide to do it, just take the time to plan it out well, make sure you feel good, and maybe ask a friend to either join you or tell someone nearby you're tripping, so you have someone to contact in case things get heavy. Or, that's my advice from the tub at least, "Kell Kell" 😄
float around in hyperspace

Sounds so cool, unless it's like the film interstellar where he's stuck in the timelines and he wasn't even on drugs

Seriously, if you're already insane, I'd almost recommend to just do DMT again

I told her never do DMT I told her my beliefs, yet she done it and she's more insane than ever, she was a nasty person though, she had a lovely side but a real evil streak hence why after 10 years of being her friend I had to cut her out of my life