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Withdrawal from dihydrocodeine (as cough syrup)


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Asking for a friend as I am a well known know nothing regarding opiates.

Would 200 mg per day of dihydrocodeine for say six months rate as a serious addiction for a twenty year old?

Would cold turkey be a reasonable option or does that level of use require medical support and possibly other pharmaceuticals to help? Is incessant weed smoking any kind of compounding factor?
I wouldn't say 200mg a day is a serious dependance but you'll certainly get WDs if u stop abruptly, DHC is stronger than u think. Try and taper down to a lower dose first if ur thinking of going cold turkey.
I wouldn't say 200mg a day is a serious dependance but you'll certainly get WDs if u stop abruptly, DHC is stronger than u think. Try and taper down to a lower dose first if ur thinking of going cold turkey.
It’s actually for a friend who consulted me about what to do. But I know nothing about opiates. So I said go see a sympathetic doctor that deals with addiction. He was talking about doing a naltrexone rapid detox based on something he’d read online. Which seemed extreme for cough syrup. But I don’t want to diminish how serious it might be.
200mg of DHC is roughly equivalent to 60mg of Morphine a day so yeah he'll probably get moderate WDs. Tell him to taper down to 100mg then go cold turkey.
I would advise you to tell your friend not to go to a doc that recommends buprenorphine or methadone. Personally he can jump off that dose with pregabalin and light sleep aids (for 5 days or so) cold turkey. No personal harm in doing so I'm my opinion but YMMV.
I would say it ultimately depends on what type of metabolizer your friend is, but in general yeah, I would say 200mg/day codeine would give noteworthy but not major level of withdrawals (just based on how I metabolize it and how high I get on 200mg).
I would say it ultimately depends on what type of metabolizer your friend is, but in general yeah, I would say 200mg/day codeine would give noteworthy but not major level of withdrawals (just based on how I metabolize it and how high I get on 200mg).

He's not on Codeine hes on Dihydrocodeine which is twice as strong as Codeine. Plus Dihydrocodeine is active on its own, its not a prodrug. It does have active metabolites such as Dihydromorphine (DHM) but theres so little of it its not clinically relevant.
tell them to get some Loper and some Valium and just plan on having a bad week. people overcomplicate quitting moderate doses of opies imo cuz there is no easy way out.
The easiest way out is to gradually taper down to 0mg over a long period of time, the only thing u need to pull that off is good discipline.
I definitely don't have the discipline for that. I tried that with benzos and that's how I found bluelight. I'm a cold turkey type of idiot
I definitely don't have the discipline for that. I tried that with benzos and that's how I found bluelight. I'm a cold turkey type of idiot

If your gonna go cold turkey then taper down to a lower dose like 100mg or less, basically the lower the better. If tapering isn't possible then look into taking high-ish doses of Loperamide once every 12 hours, and a long acting benzo like Clonazepam.
If your gonna go cold turkey then taper down to a lower dose like 100mg or less, basically the lower the better. If tapering isn't possible then look into taking high-ish doses of Loperamide once every 12 hours, and a long acting benzo like Clonazepam.
no I understand the concept of a taper I can't do it if I got pills or anything okay I'm getting high