

Moderator: BDD, OD
Staff member
Jul 21, 2002
Have you used them and do they help?

Frankly I don't believe in it much, as least as far as the adjustments they do, etc.

I just started going to one out of desperation (years of lifting heavy and a few years of boxing has made my neck and back a little touchy) but I'm thinking of trying to get out of it. I thought they'd do some sort of physical therapy but this "adjustment" bullshit combined with some traction seems like nonsense.

Anyone have good (or bad) experiences with these guys?
I don't trust them. If you want some shit and grins, look into how chiropractics came about. I also find it hilarious that they weren't accepted by the AMA as a genuine medical practice until they sued their way in.
There's a local chain of clinics that claim they can cure your allergies and asthma. I'm sure there are some good ones who understand the scope of what they can actually do and will work alongside your medical team to treat issues, but I have yet to find one who isn't trying to lock you into recurring visits to make money or push supplements for you to buy
I've always been curious about them, however, obviously I am wary of anything that has extremely questionable science, dangerous unnatural cracks coming from your body, combined with questionable likely placebo results

that said I love to crack my own back... lol
Me at a chiropractor:

Me: "So which University or Medical School taught you to twist my neck and pull in a very unnatural way like that?"

Chiropractor: "My uncle."

Me: "Oh.........."

Chiropractor: "This little maneuver may be very painful, create a very loud unnatural noise and will shock you, but don't freak out - it's cool I know what I'm doing"

Me: "You know what I have to go to.."
Lets see if I can get out of it 😫

I really thought they were going to do some physical therapy (which I do believe in). These sessions consisting of back cracking and 10 minutes of traction is nonsense.
i used to work in pain management with physicians, and they always disliked chiropractors

but some ppl i know swear by them and ive also known ppl to come out in worse shape after seeing one.....

if it were me, i'd probably avoid a chiropractor
Yeah, you’re more likely to have your neck broken than have any pain resolve going to a chiropractor. Absolute joke of a “profession”.
Most medical doctors are quacks @MsDiz and these professions it's becoming more common to cure yourself by looking it up online and going to a pharmacy. That's how I got rid of my worms.
Most medical doctors are quacks @MsDiz and these professions it's becoming more common to cure yourself by looking it up online and going to a pharmacy. That's how I got rid of my worms.
Worms! At your age?!

Threadworms are pretty easy to treat.
Going to call them and see if I can get out of the package I signed up for.

I was really hoping they were going to do some sort of physical therapy based on the imaging they took. Not the case. I don't believe in the joint cracking business and I have plenty of my own cervical and lumbar traction devices that I've made (one of which is pretty clever and innovative, I should patent and sell it).

Aside from the money I just don't have time to be going in multiple times a week, especially for these spurious activities. Was really hoping for physical therapy aimed at enhacing lumbar and cervical spine stability but thats not what I got 🤧
@MsDiz This was a few years back. Shit got sanitary. But it worked.

But for some prednisone for gout, I have to go to a doctors to get checked out. Painful as it becomes, last time I got a shitton on predisone. No opies, but if you ask they would probably give you something soft like vicodin. Anyway, gettting your doctorate makes you more resourceful when it comes to these things. Or a doctor GED.

At no time did I want antipsychotics. Just weed.
Sorry, off topic.

Chiropractors have their place in society, just maybe the top 20% of them not a full force of dum doctors.
Have you used them and do they help?

Frankly I don't believe in it much, as least as far as the adjustments they do, etc.

I just started going to one out of desperation (years of lifting heavy and a few years of boxing has made my neck and back a little touchy) but I'm thinking of trying to get out of it. I thought they'd do some sort of physical therapy but this "adjustment" bullshit combined with some traction seems like nonsense.

Anyone have good (or bad) experiences with these guys?
My best advise is to visit a good Aikido school. If you are into one on one sports, all there warming up and cooling down exercices are benificial for your body.

And actually the same ones a manual Fysiothrapist's uses and advise's for a lot of back and other problem's.
My sports med doctor is a DO so he gs done some osteopathic stuff on my back a couple times

It feels really good I won’t lie, but I don’t think it actually helps much
My sports med doctor is a DO so he gs done some osteopathic stuff on my back a couple times

It feels really good I won’t lie, but I don’t think it actually helps much
OMT definitely piques my interest and the DO schooling is more to my liking in a true holistic (not the colloquial quack term, but like all encompassing) approach to medicine. Next year I'll definitely be applying to DO schools despite the nearest one being like a 5 hour drive from me.
OMT definitely piques my interest and the DO schooling is more to my liking in a true holistic (not the colloquial quack term, but like all encompassing) approach to medicine. Next year I'll definitely be applying to DO schools despite the nearest one being like a 5 hour drive from me.
Yeah I mean it seems the science on it is not really confirmed or denied.

it certainly helped with neck pain I was having. And like it does make sense that bones ought to be aligned and what not, especially when treating athletes

plus I think DO schools are bit less competitive than MD, and you get the same education