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victims II & III


Bluelight Crew
Jun 10, 2017

we lose another sunrise
to the slick tar of hysteria
breathing vesicant
we blister from tears
& peel open from touch
our fetid skin is cold
pale as milk
sweltering welts of pus
soft bones & molasses-blood
marrow with Lewisite & dust
gristle wounds
embellish hands in prayers tied
with strangled laughter
we flee
into the crowds of the terrified


blown into pieces and
stitched back together in asymmetry
the post-amputation prophets
with recycled limbs in decomposition

soldiers with phantom pains clasp their missing hands
together in reverence for their butcher

he ravages with the indifferent fury of machines
to collapse all systems into pandemonium
his theology is written on the maimed bodies
of the bone-saw apostles

"believe nothing"
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I pretty much selected all the lines as favorites. Really powerful imagery as always.
High cacao content (very dark). 🙂