• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

New secretive "alcohol alternative"

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020

"GABA Labs is developing ingredients that aim to enhance GABA activity in the brain and nervous system, thereby increasing sociability and conviviality while reducing anxiety.

GABA Labs will bring the Alcarelle series of synthetic ingredients (including “Alcosynth”) and its active botanical ingredient, known as “ABI”, to market and license this technology to the Drinks Industry. They will create new ranges of drinks that give some of the social and conviviality benefits of alcohol whilst reducing the risks of harm.

Ingredients Compounds​

GABA Labs is working on a range of compounds that aims to mimic the positive impacts of alcohol – sociability, less anxiety, more conviviality – while avoiding the harm alcohol causes. We’ll be licensing these ingredients technologies to Drinks Companies so they can make a whole new generation of healthy drinking choices for adult social drinkers.

In order for this to come to market, Alcarelle will have to go through a rigorous regulatory process. This is likely to take between three and five years.

Botanical Ingredients​

GABA Labs’ research into GABAergic molecules in food grade plants has led the scientific team to investigate extracts from approved food-plants, already well-established in the food and drinks market. We combine these to create active botanical ingredients for license to drinks companies."


They claim to be inventing a true non-toxic alcohol "alternative". They are very secretive of the proprietary (plant based?) ingredients. Their claims are quite high.

Sounds like BS to me since they wont release their ingredients or science.

It's probably going just be like every other bullshit knockoff "legal highs" you see in the headshops in the US and online

There are some early reviews that sound positive but I'm very skeptical
This idea has been floating around for a while. It's been the holy grail for David Nutt, a famous advocate for an "alcohol alternative"...there was also a Canadian company which was manufacturing a drink with 5-methoxyaminoindane as the active ingredient iirc, as an "alcohol alternative"...

The idea of a new research chemical actually taking the place of alcohol, which has an enormous history, popularity, cultural influence, etc...I'll believe it when I see it. So far "alternatives" seem exclusively relegated to head shops and the Internet.
GHB doesn't do shit for me. maybe they can invent something new, would be nice.
GHB doesn't do shit for me. maybe they can invent something new, would be nice.
GHB is a valuable chemical but I don't find it particularly desirable for recreational use

to me it's like the best sleep inducer available since it induces sleep but also provides healthy deep sleep (unlike most other depressants)
GHB is a valuable chemical but I don't find it particularly desirable for recreational use

to me it's like the best sleep inducer available since it induces sleep but also provides healthy deep sleep (unlike most other depressants)
maybe i need a higher dose but 4g didnt even put me to sleep.
Maybe wasn't as potent as you thought, 4g would put me to sleep, 5-6 is blackout territory
i dunno, i got it twice from one source everyone said was alright, then another time from a friend, and both at those doses, barely felt shit.
Maybe wasn't as potent as you thought, 4g would put me to sleep, 5-6 is blackout territory
I took 2g of GHB, nothing, so I tried 3g, which made me hyperactive and anxious and noxious for three hours, throwing up twice in the first 45 mins. Haven’t taken it again in twenty years.

Too bad, as I could like the purported benefits very much.

I am not addicted or attracted to alcohol for those effects, which I have found internal ways to manifest. It is for its amazing ability to dismantle traumatic anxiety, not social anxiety, that always drives me to relapse.
"Sounds like BS to me since they wont release their ingredients or science" yeah since its all natural herbal GARBAGE they shouldnt bother as its useless. i bet it contain GABA and many of the same shitty relaxing herbs we used for centuries.
"Sounds like BS to me since they wont release their ingredients or science" yeah since its all natural herbal GARBAGE they shouldnt bother as its useless. i bet it contain GABA and many of the same shitty relaxing herbs we used for centuries.

We ageee. Although in this case there might be a weak benzo type drug hidden in the "special ingredients" list. Mainly because David "busta" Nutt is involved. I forget the name of the nonbenzodiazepine compound he was championing for a while, but I bet @clubcard would know.