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Giddy bbc sickeners

All that reads like a bad acid trip. Think it’s time to walk away from whatever slight you’ve perceived “them” to have against you. Sounds like a massive waste of energy for zero in return.
Something else is going to court though and the corrupt police will be brought up, once again you're not privy of the content of the 100+ A4's which explains it all and is the reason of the nutshell explanation above about something else which reads in your words like a 'bad acid trip' which actually would be a good description of wtf actually is going on. One couldn't make it up yet it happens and has been going on for nearly six years now.

That last public prosecutor was alright, she said I knocked on the right door. Finally...
Purposely sticking a stick in a bees nest to rattle their cage and it worked.

Them cunts got more than my goat.
I've got my malinois's mentality.
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Btw I just wanna find out exactly wtf she joined up here and started posting if that one ain't clear.

John McAfee j at least joined up under a fake name. This one didn't so it's possible she's after a non story hence the earlier post if she wants us to look like degenerates I'm far ahead of them.

She's up late or wakes up early one of the two but she logs in to check bl so that one arouses one's suspicion immediately.

Penetration testing human souls I call it.
Btw I just wanna find out exactly wtf she joined up here and started posting if that one ain't clear.

John McAfee j at least joined up under a fake name. This one didn't so it's possible she's after a non story hence the earlier post if she wants us to look like degenerates I'm far ahead of them.

She's up late or wakes up early one of the two but she logs in to check bl so that one arouses one's suspicion immediately.

Penetration testing human souls I call it.
errrm, it's a fake account man

Thank you for you comments

@Reeta Chakrabarti

Is it true that the most common drug used among the BBC staff is cocaine?

Has anyone ever arrived there high on the ol disco biscuits?

Any crackheads about that you know off?

Please enlighten us.

You live in the 'modern London world' denying this shit goes on there is like being a flatliner.
Excellent 4-mta stuff that one.

Do you have any other inside goss about what goes on there.

I have me thoughts on why you join up and start posting on a degenerate's forum.

Any help or drug suggestions, maybe join up with a fake name and ask for advice innit.

I have absolutely no interest in the drugs you mention. Not only are they illegal but they will harm your physical and mental well-being. I do not forget how fortunate I am to be a BBC news presenter. I have got where I am today through years of hard work and dedication. I would never let drugs get in the way of that. I am sure that my colleagues within the BBC would concur with those sentiments.

@Reeta Chakrabarti
Btw you're dealing with one of them degenerate's here who has provided the corrupt police with black and white proof to charge me with slander on multiple times.
They finally cracked and them brainless numpties charged me with slander.

Due to covid I'd written out my statement already calling a a chief police commisionar of the Police Complaints authority once again a corrupt pedo mafia piece of shit and sent it through to another police force doing the 'investigation', and explained in my statement or this is going the good way to court or it's going to court the bad way.

The cop from another district interviewing me for the slander charge towards the corrupt pedo wankers was totally fabberglasted and told me looks like you want to get sent down. (them fuckers are not blessed with braincells down here).

Once they've taken your statement these days down here you get a video interview with a public prosecutor.
She firstly admitted that only one public prosecutor was under disciplinary investigation this despite me filing black and white provable criminal charges against three of them. You only blame 'one' of them and my criminal charges will be nill and void, right yeah they're not known to be unbiased straight and honest either etc down here...

She did admit that my slander charge would be discharged on the spot for calling the police multiple times corrupt pedo mafia pieces of shit.

I also provided them, the cps, with black and white proof calling them pedo cunts too at least they had the braincells not charge me with me slander as well.

At a guess even they, who are a bit brainier than your chief police commissioner of the police complaints authority or any of them other brainless clueless police cunts, do not want to go court with me :cry: , fucking band of tossers innit. I'll let you guess why that is.

I'm that kinda of degenerate btw... I could add more how I went to the police station to explain to the cunts if I catch one of the cunts the next day you'd read about it in the papers, only seen them once since when they'd been notified the slander charges had been dropped and they'd sent one of the cunts down on a quad who exited the property three times as fast as he entered it with me in pursuit as I waiting for the corrupt wanker piece of shit.
They've filed criminal charges on a few times against me, I've filed three times as much against them which all have been dropped. I've got a shit load of criminal charges numbers here totalling over 100+ A4's for your perusal.

As one of my latter statements said I call a spade a spade not a fucking shovell.

Trust me I'll deck one of them cunts one of these days, just catching them proves to be a bit hard.

Welcome to bl btw.

Your posts are concerning me, Arnold. You seem to have much unwarranted resentment towards authority. The policeman are trying to uphold the law, it would in your interest to respect their line of duty.

I do wonder if your illegal drug use has become a factor in these conflicts with authority.

If you have substance problems, I'd like to recommend the following website:

For honest information about drugs. You can call FRANK 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Call FRANK directly on 0300 123 6600

Or send a Text to 82111

Best wishes,

@Reeta Chakrabarti
You utter incompetent tool, read it again with a clear headed mind, you total overpaid hypocrite.

Ain't it funny how I clearly explain that I want it to go to the proper authority aka judges where you can appeal the corrupt system.
The corrupt rozzers get duffed up around here if they ain't careful.
They twist the law and abuse their powers.

Have you've ever had your criminal record falsified by the corrupt police, evidence removed from a criminal investigation to try and put you in jail?
Have you've ever had stuff nicked from you by the corrupt police?
Have you've ever been followed by an anonymous police car on purpose multiple time on order of their 'boss'? To try and intimidate you.

Nor did I btw, but I can name you the local people who have and what they've done as complaints filed, I have had other stuff happen to me though.

You're a total delusional pleb from another world aka lala world honestly who also isn't very honest. No one uses drugs at the BBC yeah right, typical gutter press journo you blatantly twist stuff your way...

My disdain has even grown bigger now towards British Bullshit Corporation, how thick and dumb are you fuckers down there hold on...

Or as you clearly yourself are not even competent enough or/and have the mental capacity to read something comprehensively which even a six your old could fuck me george.

Do you have shrinks at hand there? Or are you on drugs?

You clueless numpty.
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@Reeta Chakrabarti
You utter incompetent tool, read it again with a clear headed mind.

Ain't it funny how I clearly explain that I want it to go to the proper authority aka judges where you can appeal the corrupt system.
The corrupt rozzers get duffed up around here if they ain't careful.
They twist the law and abuse their powers.

Have you've ever had your criminal record falsified by the corrupt police, evidence removed from a criminal investigation so they try to put you in jail?
Have you've stuff nicked from you by the corrupt police?
Have you've ever been followed by an anonymous police car on purpose multiple time on order of their 'boss'?

Nor did I btw, but I can name you the local people who have and what they've done, I have other stuff happen to me though.

You're a total dilusional pleb from another world aka lala world honestly who also isn't very honest. No one uses drugs at the BBC yeah right...

My disdain has even grown bigger now towards British Bullshit Corporation
You clueless numpty.

This is definitely Morpheus under a pseudonym taking the utter piss :ROFLMAO:
@Reeta Chakrabarti
Btw you clearly demonstrate narcissistic traits

'I work at the BBC' from your previous posts,

'20 million viewers' look at me again just reading a few of your other posts makes me reach for the puke bucket.

'years of hard work and dedication' yeah right spouting delusional crap just like you did here that ain't hard work.
Twisting stories to make them interesting for the sheep brigade might be hard work for some but it comes naturally to people like you.

People like you live in a fantasy bubble, again a narcissistic trait.

The sociopath is clearly coming out with you within not even 7 posts.

That's a new record for me trust me.

In the real world you clearly are a deranged twisted dumb bitch who needs psychiatric help.

The first step is admitting the problem which won't happen due to the narcissism.

Those words are probably just too big for you to be able to understand as you can't even read properly.
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One correction I'm not taking the piss.
I'm being real here.

Just watch how gutter press journo's twist and turn stuff.

I didn't mean you Arnold, I meant Reeta. Even if it ain't Morph, I still reckon it's a fake account
Reeta chakrabarti trawls Internet for bad bbc references to correct.

But Arnold is right both the BBC and the boys in blue are bollix. I could write volumes on the pair from just my own observance and experience this past year. The total cess pit of lies and subversion that is the BBC. The same for the bobbies. I took one on in the early days of global pandemic going in to the cop shop strange training party. Me and dog jumped in front of the car and wouldn't let him in till he showed Id. Lucky, cos they were up to busy bizzie bizniz else they'd surely have arrested me and perhaps even locked the dog up. I've a lot of good stories of the last 12 months to tell.

I mean, the BBC had lock down live o n last night, radio wm was celebrating 1 year of lock down. Utterly sick.

For the Las 12 months, in fact call it 18 months my elder ziblings have been calling cops every time I go to visit my dad.

Basically, they had him under lock and key and wouldn't even let him come to the door nor window at a distance. Loads of fuckery. I've kicked off spectacularly each time. Ambulances too tryna get me sectioned. I took an od late summer cos I d had enough, the od was pretty much finally triggered by a bastard copper that came on the ambulance while me and my dad were talking, came between me and my dad and then threw me inthe floor of ambulance and cuffed me. There isn't much room on an ambulance. Let me add that prior to this boot boy jumping onto the ambulance there were two paramedics and another copper plus my dad. None of whom signalled any distress and all looked disgusted. But would they say yes thstv cops a cnut if it came down to it.? I've not put my complaint in yet cos I'm getting done for harassing these awful ziblings. The cops look embarrassed to be pursuing this each time they drag me up to their not a police station but it is by the rubbish dump ha ha!

I've enjoyed watching their slithering actions, seeing them have to wear masks. Funny as when I was in court in Jan that what solicitor said the courts the only place immune from the rona. All bollix. And yeah, I blame the BBC. And I will not let my dad spend the rest of his days sat watching the BBC when he has a perfectly good view out the wibdow.

It is my dad who taught me early they are all actors out to fool you on TV.

And Ireland rte are worse shower of shite. Total shit shower that crew. Can we get a Ryan tubridy or luke o Neill parody account. Serooisyy rte did a bad job on the people.
Here's a story I bet you wish you could have covered Reeta. This is my home town, the village green of erdington I think the fat coper was the smart one. He didn't want to run any more so he got the crooks to bring him the donuts.
I've heard bad stuff about that livingstone house but fair play to the ones doing well.
I didn't mean you Arnold, I meant Reeta. Even if it ain't Morph, I still reckon it's a fake account
Oh rightio, I honestly had them down to a T like illustrated above at the Beeb. Just not as thick and dumb as this one but everybody can be wrong innit.
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@Reeta Chakrabarti
You utter incompetent tool, read it again with a clear headed mind, you total overpaid hypocrite.

Ain't it funny how I clearly explain that I want it to go to the proper authority aka judges where you can appeal the corrupt system.
The corrupt rozzers get duffed up around here if they ain't careful.
They twist the law and abuse their powers.

Have you've ever had your criminal record falsified by the corrupt police, evidence removed from a criminal investigation to try and put you in jail?
Have you've ever had stuff nicked from you by the corrupt police?
Have you've ever been followed by an anonymous police car on purpose multiple time on order of their 'boss'? To try and intimidate you.

Nor did I btw, but I can name you the local people who have and what they've done as complaints filed, I have had other stuff happen to me though.

You're a total delusional pleb from another world aka lala world honestly who also isn't very honest. No one uses drugs at the BBC yeah right, typical gutter press journo you blatantly twist stuff your way...

My disdain has even grown bigger now towards British Bullshit Corporation, how thick and dumb are you fuckers down there hold on...

Or as you clearly yourself are not even competent enough or/and have the mental capacity to read something comprehensively which even a six your old could fuck me george.

Do you have shrinks at hand there? Or are you on drugs?

You clueless numpty.


I have read your comments regarding your police constabulary. The police are a separate body to the BBC, I have no direct involvement with them so do not understand why you are complaining to me about their conduct.

The police operate within a legal framework. If there is any violation of this you are eligible to raise a complaint or even go to court if you feel neccessary. As for your examples of police abusing their positions, I have no doubt there is some truth in what you say, however it is wrong to tar the entire force with the same brush. I have had close friends who are in the police and they are the nicest of people.

As for drug use within the BBC, any involvement with illegal substances could see your entire career ruined. If anyone in the BBC were mad enough to risk their career over drugs, I am sure they would be extremely inconspicuous over their use.

Here's a story I bet you wish you could have covered Reeta. This is my home town, the village green of erdington I think the fat coper was the smart one. He didn't want to run any more so he got the crooks to bring him the donuts.
I've heard bad stuff about that livingstone house but fair play to the ones doing well.

Fantastic Pinkpapaver! Thanks for sharing. I haven't been able to watch it all but looks to be giving great insight into real difficulties within your district. As a news reporter I love this stuff.

Many thanks for your input,

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