Cold Turkey from pressed 30 mg "blues"


Sep 16, 2020

I am looking for suggestions of anything to take to help me get through a week-long cold turkey opiate withdrawal. I have been taking "blues." No idea what's in them, could be some quantity of fentanyl. I am a 23-year-old woman. I have been trying to taper for months and just failing constantly. I have a week off work soon and I feel like this is my one opportunity to go all in and save my life. Any suggestions would be blessed. I have heard about Kratom and loperamide. Im looking for things like that. Even tea. I just want to feel somewhat in control of my pain :( . Thank you......

I am not really sure how this website works. If this isn't the right place to post this, I am sorry.
Good thing you’re getting off those fake blues, those things are extremely dangerous. One of my best friends OD’d on those and thankfully was with someone so they could call 911. Another girl who I went to high school with was snorting those with her boyfriend in their car and they both OD’d and died next to eachother. The cartels that make those do not give a fuck how much fentanyl they put in them, each pill is different and contain random amounts of fentanyl. If I were you I would never touch those things again. If you’re going to do opiates use something legit. As for help with withdrawal kratom works fine. Get a strain that has high alkaloids like Maeng Da. You can get kratom in capsules which makes it easier to take. You can order them online or go to pretty much any smoke shop and buy them.
Black seed oil can help a lot. Kratom as well which you've already mentioned can be invaluable. Aside from going through a medical detox and getting Suboxone or Methadone, kratom and black seed oil are probably your best bet.

Apparently some people use the DXM from cough syrup to help as well.
Kratom can have its own issues.

If you can get clonidine it reallly helps with the hot and cold sweats and high blood pressure. Its prescription only tho but people on here told me if you go to urgent care or ER while you're in detox they will write you a script. Its non narcotic and the give it to people in all the detox facilities. I was lucky enough to find a friend who had a script. Just be careful and make sure you dose correctly. The ones my friend had were like 4 doses in one so I broke it in quarters. You can google to find out the mg/hr.

If you can get your hands on some benzos it will really help with the insomnia and rls. But dont take them if you wont be able to control use and only take minimal. Benzo withdrawal is very dangerous.

Lots of vitamins, the ones that help me when detoxing are multi vitamin, fish oil and B complex, lots of water, force yourself to eat - bananas are easy for me to choke down w some water n also help w leg cramps n rls, chicken noodle soup, protein shakes, make some hard boiled eggs in advance. Electrolyte drinks gatorade whatever.

The lopermide will def help.

Hot epsom salt baths, esp if you have leg cramps.

Something to keep your mind busy - movies, find a new series to binge, books if you like to read. Try to force yourself to get up and do something for short periods like fold laundry or do dishes.

Tylenol or ibuprofen (dont take ibuprofen if you can get the clonidine, they interact negatively).

What makes you think you're getting pressies that are fent? The withdrawals will def come on sooner if its not oxycodone. Fent has a way shorter half life. If it is fent, day 3 will be the worst of it.

I have a couple threads posted about cold turkey H detox at home n Im pretty sure the H in my area is fent or fent analogues. Lots of good suggestions in those threads.

Is there someone you trust and can confide in to help keep you accountable and just to listen to your misery or help take care of you or just keep you company thru the worst of it? someone who can get you drinks and food etc?

You're young so you should be able to bounce back. How long and how much have you been using? Do you know about PAWs?

Good luck!! Get prepared and keep us posted. One thing someone suggested that really helps me is to think of it that your body and brain are healing from all the damage you've done to it, even once you get passed the worst of it it'll be awhile before you really start to feel normal.
Oh yeah and Magnesium as well, can help with the restless legs.
Kratom can have its own issues.

If you can get clonidine it reallly helps with the hot and cold sweats and high blood pressure. Its prescription only tho but people on here told me if you go to urgent care or ER while you're in detox they will write you a script. Its non narcotic and the give it to people in all the detox facilities. I was lucky enough to find a friend who had a script. Just be careful and make sure you dose correctly. The ones my friend had were like 4 doses in one so I broke it in quarters. You can google to find out the mg/hr.

If you can get your hands on some benzos it will really help with the insomnia and rls. But dont take them if you wont be able to control use and only take minimal. Benzo withdrawal is very dangerous.

Lots of vitamins, the ones that help me when detoxing are multi vitamin, fish oil and B complex, lots of water, force yourself to eat - bananas are easy for me to choke down w some water n also help w leg cramps n rls, chicken noodle soup, protein shakes, make some hard boiled eggs in advance. Electrolyte drinks gatorade whatever.

The lopermide will def help.

Hot epsom salt baths, esp if you have leg cramps.

Something to keep your mind busy - movies, find a new series to binge, books if you like to read. Try to force yourself to get up and do something for short periods like fold laundry or do dishes.

Tylenol or ibuprofen (dont take ibuprofen if you can get the clonidine, they interact negatively).

What makes you think you're getting pressies that are fent? The withdrawals will def come on sooner if its not oxycodone. Fent has a way shorter half life. If it is fent, day 3 will be the worst of it.

I have a couple threads posted about cold turkey H detox at home n Im pretty sure the H in my area is fent or fent analogues. Lots of good suggestions in those threads.

Is there someone you trust and can confide in to help keep you accountable and just to listen to your misery or help take care of you or just keep you company thru the worst of it? someone who can get you drinks and food etc?

You're young so you should be able to bounce back. How long and how much have you been using? Do you know about PAWs?

Good luck!! Get prepared and keep us posted. One thing someone suggested that really helps me is to think of it that your body and brain are healing from all the damage you've done to it, even once you get passed the worst of it it'll be awhile before you really start to feel normal.
Thank you for all your suggestions. I really wanted to get some clonidine but obviously I'm confused about where to get it. I'm not sure how I feel about walking into an urgent care during that week, but maybe it will come to that. I live with my boyfriend so he will be around for support but he will be going through the same. (This has been an issue for us both) I have access to xanax, trazodone, and hopefully valium. Can I just go to a smoke shop to get Kratom? Where would I get the black seed oil?

I know theyre pressed, just not positive what they're pressed with. I usually start to feel sweaty and anxious 5-6 hours after my last dose (unless I have been sleeping). When do you think the acute withdrawal will start to decline? After day 3? Will the worst of it be over by day 6-7? I know about PAWS. I am prepared to be depressed for a while, I am most anxious about the acute withdrawal. I have been terribly be depressed before, but never been through withdrawal. I have had a steady flow of these pills for a year.

Thank you for your kind words.
Kratom can have its own issues.

If you can get clonidine it reallly helps with the hot and cold sweats and high blood pressure. Its prescription only tho but people on here told me if you go to urgent care or ER while you're in detox they will write you a script. Its non narcotic and the give it to people in all the detox facilities. I was lucky enough to find a friend who had a script. Just be careful and make sure you dose correctly. The ones my friend had were like 4 doses in one so I broke it in quarters. You can google to find out the mg/hr.

If you can get your hands on some benzos it will really help with the insomnia and rls. But dont take them if you wont be able to control use and only take minimal. Benzo withdrawal is very dangerous.

Lots of vitamins, the ones that help me when detoxing are multi vitamin, fish oil and B complex, lots of water, force yourself to eat - bananas are easy for me to choke down w some water n also help w leg cramps n rls, chicken noodle soup, protein shakes, make some hard boiled eggs in advance. Electrolyte drinks gatorade whatever.

The lopermide will def help.

Hot epsom salt baths, esp if you have leg cramps.

Something to keep your mind busy - movies, find a new series to binge, books if you like to read. Try to force yourself to get up and do something for short periods like fold laundry or do dishes.

Tylenol or ibuprofen (dont take ibuprofen if you can get the clonidine, they interact negatively).

What makes you think you're getting pressies that are fent? The withdrawals will def come on sooner if its not oxycodone. Fent has a way shorter half life. If it is fent, day 3 will be the worst of it.

I have a couple threads posted about cold turkey H detox at home n Im pretty sure the H in my area is fent or fent analogues. Lots of good suggestions in those threads.

Is there someone you trust and can confide in to help keep you accountable and just to listen to your misery or help take care of you or just keep you company thru the worst of it? someone who can get you drinks and food etc?

You're young so you should be able to bounce back. How long and how much have you been using? Do you know about PAWs?

Good luck!! Get prepared and keep us posted. One thing someone suggested that really helps me is to think of it that your body and brain are healing from all the damage you've done to it, even once you get passed the worst of it it'll be awhile before you really start to feel normal.
Oh and I also have a bunch of gabapentin that came from my moms dog who passed away (rip) (I know that's clinical insane but I've been told it will help lol)
Oh and I also have a bunch of gabapentin that came from my moms dog who passed away (rip) (I know that's clinical insane but I've been told it will help lol)
I wouldnt say its insane haha, gotta do what you gotta do. i would use small doses of valium during the day, use the xanax to sleep, that combined with the gabapentin should do the trick. I def wasnt down with the idea of walking into er or urgent care for clonidine either and just got lucky and had a friend who had been to rehab several times. if you know someone like that, Idk ask around. if you cant get it and hot and cold sweats are a problen, lots of showers.

I am looking for suggestions of anything to take to help me get through a week-long cold turkey opiate withdrawal. I have been taking "blues." No idea what's in them, could be some quantity of fentanyl. I am a 23-year-old woman. I have been trying to taper for months and just failing constantly. I have a week off work soon and I feel like this is my one opportunity to go all in and save my life. Any suggestions would be blessed. I have heard about Kratom and loperamide. Im looking for things like that. Even tea. I just want to feel somewhat in control of my pain :( . Thank you......

I am not really sure how this website works. If this isn't the right place to post this, I am sorry.
Take a naltrexone 12hrs on of helpl for freedom Google it
Kratom can have its own issues.

If you can get clonidine it reallly helps with the hot and cold sweats and high blood pressure. Its prescription only tho but people on here told me if you go to urgent care or ER while you're in detox they will write you a script. Its non narcotic and the give it to people in all the detox facilities. I was lucky enough to find a friend who had a script. Just be careful and make sure you dose correctly. The ones my friend had were like 4 doses in one so I broke it in quarters. You can google to find out the mg/hr.

If you can get your hands on some benzos it will really help with the insomnia and rls. But dont take them if you wont be able to control use and only take minimal. Benzo withdrawal is very dangerous.

Lots of vitamins, the ones that help me when detoxing are multi vitamin, fish oil and B complex, lots of water, force yourself to eat - bananas are easy for me to choke down w some water n also help w leg cramps n rls, chicken noodle soup, protein shakes, make some hard boiled eggs in advance. Electrolyte drinks gatorade whatever.

The lopermide will def help.

Hot epsom salt baths, esp if you have leg cramps.

Something to keep your mind busy - movies, find a new series to binge, books if you like to read. Try to force yourself to get up and do something for short periods like fold laundry or do dishes.

Tylenol or ibuprofen (dont take ibuprofen if you can get the clonidine, they interact negatively).

What makes you think you're getting pressies that are fent? The withdrawals will def come on sooner if its not oxycodone. Fent has a way shorter half life. If it is fent, day 3 will be the worst of it.

I have a couple threads posted about cold turkey H detox at home n Im pretty sure the H in my area is fent or fent analogues. Lots of good suggestions in those threads.

Is there someone you trust and can confide in to help keep you accountable and just to listen to your misery or help take care of you or just keep you company thru the worst of it? someone who can get you drinks and food etc?

You're young so you should be able to bounce back. How long and how much have you been using? Do you know about PAWs?

Good luck!! Get prepared and keep us posted. One thing someone suggested that really helps me is to think of it that your body and brain are healing from all the damage you've done to it, even once you get passed the worst of it it'll be awhile before you really start to feel normal.
I might be adding something wrong, but here blues are Diazepam/Valium. A lot of street ones you get in pots of 100, even the sealed ones have other things like Etizolam in instead as that is easy to buy in bulk powder form and strong.

Are they 10MG tablets? If so it sounds like that, so Benzos. If I am not up with slang in other countries I do apologise.

If its cold turkey from those, I would definitely seek some help. 30MG is not a HUGE amount, but if you have been taking them for a long time cold turkey could be a serious medical issue. I had to go to the hospital myself last year when I lost my sources to get them. I am on a taper and on 15MG at the moment, 3 times 5MG yellows a day.

I hope you are OK as this was posted a while ago, let us know how you are.
I might be adding something wrong, but here blues are Diazepam/Valium. A lot of street ones you get in pots of 100, even the sealed ones have other things like Etizolam in instead as that is easy to buy in bulk powder form and strong.

Are they 10MG tablets? If so it sounds like that, so Benzos. If I am not up with slang in other countries I do apologise.

If its cold turkey from those, I would definitely seek some help. 30MG is not a HUGE amount, but if you have been taking them for a long time cold turkey could be a serious medical issue. I had to go to the hospital myself last year when I lost my sources to get them. I am on a taper and on 15MG at the moment, 3 times 5MG yellows a day.

I hope you are OK as this was posted a while ago, let us know how you are.
Are u located in the Us
Yeah I'm haven't touched that shit in 7 yrs I swear that shit is a nightmare to taper off . When I took that naltrexone snot was pour out my nose muscles were twitching shit was pouring out of me my body went through so much I fell asleep for ten hrs woke up the next day not sick in the. Only one left out of all my friends that survived they have all died sad to say but. if they were still around I could be on that shit .. Imjust p=described addrtal and will take a xanax now and then
I need a good R C site they are all scams bc I take adderall and manage to run out early I heard 4f very similar

I am looking for suggestions of anything to take to help me get through a week-long cold turkey opiate withdrawal. I have been taking "blues." No idea what's in them, could be some quantity of fentanyl. I am a 23-year-old woman. I have been trying to taper for months and just failing constantly. I have a week off work soon and I feel like this is my one opportunity to go all in and save my life. Any suggestions would be blessed. I have heard about Kratom and loperamide. Im looking for things like that. Even tea. I just want to feel somewhat in control of my pain :( . Thank you......

I am not really sure how this website works. If this isn't the right place to post this, I am sorry.
Kava is purely natural, extremely broad range medicinal herbal plant psychoactive medicine, with a medicinal profile virtually on par with that of cannabis, and still so unjustly unknown.

kava is unlike Kratom and alcohol and benzos, kava is entirely non physically addictive. Zero withdrawals and tapering needed.

Kava works on GABA. It’s a fantastic natural anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, antidepressant, social drug like alcohol.

it has sleep aiding, pain relieving and healing properties, and works for general health preventatively like cannabis does.

Kava has picked up in unjustified stigma based on non applicable, misconducted and misinterpreted studies long ago, using extracts unlike all Kava typically used, in huge doses, suggesting negative liver impacts, which was primarily due to the presence, in those extracts, of certain kavalactones not present at all in Noble, Instant or Micronised Kava.

However, Kava must be separated from alcohol at all times, at least 24 hours.

I’m not aware of any other genuine contraindications to be dead honest, in 15 months of heavy use and research, mixing Kava with anything and everything except alcohol, which I can’t tolerate.

So that says a lot. Just no alcohol, and the hyped myth of liver damage does the amazing healing plant Kava is a shocking injustice.

But I mention kava here now, because for many ex alcoholics it has been a Godsend, enabling them to abandon toxic, addictive alcohol altogether for non-toxic, non addictive, healing and medicinal Kava, in particular the Kava has helped especially with the physical and mental withdrawal symptoms in those situations.

While from then on and ever since, completely replacing the want or need for alcohol.

Kava is known similarly to really help with benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms, and I imagine many other drugs too.

To finish....I just vaped a nice strong bit of organic Cannabis flower, after a powerful 255 ug LSD trip yesterday with cannabis edibles and Bluedream vaporized to really kick the trip up those extra notches, and I’m just heading down right now to prepare a good serving of kava for myself this evening.
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U can get those bars sorry I'm driving I couldn't read ur entire post interested. If yes

I need a good R C site they are all scams bc I take adderall and manage to run out early I heard 4f very similar
Mate, this is NOT A FORUM FOR BUYING DRUGS. It is for advice and help, not selling or buying drugs. You will be banned for doing that this isn't the place for it. Unless I have read your message wrong, then I apologise.
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Kava is purely natural, extremely broad range medicinal herbal plant psychoactive medicine, with a medicinal profile virtually on par with that of cannabis, and still so unjustly unknown.

kava is unlike Kratom and alcohol and benzos, kava is entirely non physically addictive. Zero withdrawals and tapering needed.

Kava works on GABA. It’s a fantastic natural anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, antidepressant, social drug like alcohol.

it has sleep aiding, pain relieving and healing properties, and works for general health preventatively like cannabis does.

Kava has picked up in unjustified stigma based on non applicable, misconducted and misinterpreted studies long ago, using extracts unlike all Kava typically used, in huge doses, suggesting negative liver impacts, which was primarily due to the presence, in those extracts, of certain kavalactones not present at all in Noble, Instant or Micronised Kava.

However, Kava must be separated from alcohol at all times, at least 24 hours.

I’m not aware of any other genuine contraindications to be dead honest, in 15 months of heavy use and research, mixing Kava with anything and everything except alcohol, which I can’t tolerate.

So that says a lot. Just no alcohol, and the hyped myth of liver damage does the amazing healing plant Kava is a shocking injustice.

But I mention kava here now, because for many ex alcoholics it has been a Godsend, enabling them to abandon toxic, addictive alcohol altogether for non-toxic, non addictive, healing and medicinal Kava, in particular the Kava has helped especially with the physical and mental withdrawal symptoms in those situations.

While from then on and ever since, completely replacing the want or need for alcohol.

Kava is known similarly to really help with benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms, and I imagine many other drugs too.

To finish....I just vaped a nice strong bit of organic Cannabis flower, after a powerful 255
I have managed to be clean from heroin now I am on subutex after I overdosed and injured myself around christmas time.

I am alcohol dependant though, and really am battling that. I have managed to reduce my intake, but I can't seem to stop. I have never tried Kava.

Reaching out for help, would you recommend I try it, or is it too dangerous where I may well likely drink alcohol?