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Held Escitaloprame killed my dick and mood just after one dose


May 9, 2020
Today i took 5mg of escitalopram. it was the first time i ever took antidepressants.
i was horny all the time the last week and after 1 hours of administration i cant feel my dick anymore.
its no joke i just cant feel it and i got no libido its gone.
my emotions are gone too i feel so flat.
i feel so assaulted i was running to get off this feeling but i still feel bad.
i felt so good this morning.
will this feeling disappear or what happened ?
Stop taking that stuff.unless your suicidally depressed and absolutely need it don't take that shit.
That tough to answer....scary story for ya, when I was about 10 my parent thought I was crazy cause I had a lot of energy and didn’t care for school, they took me to a “specialist” who ran a bunch of tests and tried a bunch of medication, after one of the test meds I developed a twitch that is still with me 23 years later...I bet those meds I was testing are the same meds that they say don’t give to children under 18....doubt this is the case with you tho
Stop taking that stuff.unless your suicidally depressed and absolutely need it don't take that shit.
u know what ? i took 5 htp the last 2 weeks i was so amazed by the effect that i wanted to potentiate it with antidepressants im not suciidal or whatever i already thrwo themin the bin but im so panic that my dick wont get up anymore
That tough to answer....scary story for ya, when I was about 10 my parent thought I was crazy cause I had a lot of energy and didn’t care for school, they took me to a “specialist” who ran a bunch of tests and tried a bunch of medication, after one of the test meds I developed a twitch that is still with me 23 years later...I bet those meds I was testing are the same meds that they say don’t give to children under 18....doubt this is the case with you tho
are u making fun of me ?
You will come back. Don’t worry one dose surely can’t be that strong.

Throw that shit away antidepressants are horrible drugs
It produce many strange symptoms for the first 14-28days, than it should be ôk but if not your doc will either change antidepressant category or add something for libido.
Honestly rhe situation is this: i started taking 5htp last saturday and i szarted to feel so great i got so much libido boost and i thought oh wow if a supplement can do this what might be can a antidepressant do? I went to my doc yesterday and told him i need antidepressant she prescribed me one and right 1 hour after i took it tje WHOLE positive symptoms of 5htp disappeared.
That was yesterday hmm
the question is - will it be forever just after one dose ?

No, absolutely not. You took it today, of course you feel this way today. Just stop taking it, you'll be fine.

u know what ? i took 5 htp the last 2 weeks i was so amazed by the effect that i wanted to potentiate it with antidepressants im not suciidal or whatever i already thrwo themin the bin but im so panic that my dick wont get up anymore

5-HTP is totally different from SSRI antidepressants. 5-HTP just gives your body raw material to make serotonin, whereas SSRIs like escitalopram inhibit the reuptake of serotonin. Very different drugs. Antidepressants generally make people feel weird and will kill sex drive. You should never fuck around with antidepressants, they don't even work for most people who are depressed and have a lot of serious side effects.
hmmmm ok sounds very strange so for what these antidepressants ? - my libido is not back yet but it could be also coz of training and poor nutrition or placebo but i dont feel so empty like i did on the day when i took escitalopram.
it was just a 5mg dose and i weigh 95kg but i felt so emtionless i wanted to jump down the bridge coz it destroyed all the positive effects of 5HTP
I feel like the only person on earth that experienced positive effects of an SSRI on the first dose lol. I felt great the first few months of taking Zoloft. Then it just kind of leveled out.
There was a loss of libido, but i honestly didnt care. The emotional relief was worth it and it came back after a while anyway.
well maybe its because the drug?

The Zoloft? Lol yes i'm faily certain it was because of the Zoloft. I wasn't using anything else at the time.
I just meant that there's this common belief that antidepressants need to build up in your system over a few weeks before any effects are felt, positive or otherwise. I've gotten some weird looks from people when I tell them I had immediate relief.
The Zoloft? Lol yes i'm faily certain it was because of the Zoloft. I wasn't using anything else at the time.
I just meant that there's this common belief that antidepressants need to build up in your system over a few weeks before any effects are felt, positive or otherwise. I've gotten some weird looks from people when I tell them I had immediate relief.
Yes and thats why i think the statement "u have to take the drug for 7-21 days until u feel somethibg" - argument shitty coz i dont wanna take a drug that makes me more depressed until it will work
Yes and thats why i think the statement "u have to take the drug for 7-21 days until u feel somethibg" - argument shitty coz i dont wanna take a drug that makes me more depressed until it will work

Yeah i wouldn't either. I avoided even thinking about trying any psych meds for years for that reason until my anxiety/depression just got to be too much and started affecting my work.
I guess I just got lucky with the Zoloft. Everyone's different.