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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

LSD + GHB (from euphoric spiritual revelation to a tragic harsh lesson)

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
As some of you know I have recently been posting about my liver failure, alcoholism and generally my deep desire to just be sober for at least once in my life. It's time to take a break.

Somehow LSD always has this magical ability to appear in my life and guide me when I need it the most. While I still consider DMT to be the granddaddy God of psychedelics, LSD has always been my favorite both from a recreational and teacher medicine perspective.

I dosed 200ug at 11pm because I love to line up the comedown with the sun rising. As I was coming up I dosed 2ml GHB to take the edge off. I was having a great time, 2 hours in took another 100ug.

I did the various typical things I do tripping alone in my room at night. Watched a movie, played some games, meditation with music... Etc was a great trip.

Right as the sun was coming up, my favorite part I was having such a beautiful mindset, very euphoric, motivated, happy and realized that I no longer need alcohol or benzos to deal with my anxiety. I have the strength to walk through that scary wall of fire that is a life of anxiety avoided with drug abuse.

It was one of the most beautiful spiritual moments I've had in longer than I can remember.

Then, out of pure habit, I decided to finish off my bottle of GHB. I didn't even bother dosing it. It was probably about 5ml.

Then I black out for 4 hours and wake up on the floor feeling like complete shit.... Completely ruining all the euphoria and that beautiful come down I was having.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was a very fitting way to end today's lesson. I couldn't think of a more tragic yet accurate and on point end to LSD's lesson for me.

I am going to try to go completely sober. I think I have the strength now. Hopefully I don't eat my words.
As some of you know I have recently been posting about my liver failure, alcoholism and generally my deep desire to just be sober for at least once in my life.

First off Snafu-V I read your posts on liver damage. I hope you are taking milk thistle extract. Milk thistle is such a quick tonic to the liver they even use it to reverse mushroom poisoning, the type that kills a liver and it can reverse that. Look it up, or maybe you already know. I had a dog years ago that was 13 and dying of liver failure some years back. The vet was preparing us to put her down. But I went home and gave my dog some herbs, millk thistle being one of them. A month later I took her back to the vet for her hearworm pills and he asked me what the hell I did as her enzyme levels were still high but not in the danger zone anymore. He called it a miracle. She lived happily for another year and a half. Livers can regenerate and quickly. So keep the faith and stay away from drinking. ;) You'll be fine.

As far as ruining a trip one time years ago I took mushrooms at about 7:00PM, had a wondertful trip and by 10:00PM figured although I was still tripping that I would calm it down and add to the "euphoria" with rohypnol (Flunitrazepam). That was the last thing I remembered and I woke up in my bed and in bed with me was a plate of cookies and a glass of milk on the counter. I never drink milk, at least since I have grown lol. So I had a real nice trip and before coming completely down took the whole tablet. When I woke up the next morning I mumbled to myself that I could have gotten raped by a plate of cookies. Damn that Flunitrazepam is strong. I only had about 20 of them back then and learned to break them into 1/4th of the pill for a nights sleep after that.

But yeah, I know the feeling of having a good trip and doing something dumb, or at least overdoing what we thought would add to the experience. Never had GHB but I am very curious. Someday but I know from posts here to be careful and don't redose.
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First off Snafu-V I read your posts on liver damage. I hope you are taking milk thistle extract. Milk thistle is such a quick tonic to the liver they even use it to reverse mushroom poisoning, the type that kills a liver and it can reverse that. Look it up, or maybe you already know. I had a dog years ago that was 13 and dying of liver failure some years back. The vet was preparing us to put her down. But I went home and gave my dog some herbs, millk thistle being one of them. A month later I took her back to the vet for her hearworm pills and he asked me what the hell I did as her enzyme levels were still high but not in the danger zone anymore. He called it a miracle. She lived happily for another year and a half. Livers can regenerate and quickly. So keep the faith and stay away from drinking. ;) You'll be fine.
Thanks for the tip! Didn't know about milk thistle. Buying some tomorrow. I had a cat that suddenly passed away within 3 days of liver failure, I wish I had the opportunity to save him like that :(
Never had GHB but I am very curious. Someday but I know from posts here to be careful and don't redose.

As a guy who loves alcohol and all benzos and downers in general after experimenting with GHB for the last few days I can conclude that I do not like it very much at all. I never got much euphoria from it, if any. Never felt any MDMA like effects like some people report... to me it just feels like an empty, less euphoric version of alcohol. I tried small doses, repeated, which was just boring. Then large doses which just blacked me out. No euphoria in between. Everyone is different but I didn't enjoy it. Maybe I didn't dose right.... but the dose enjoyment/safety range seems to be extremely slim margin.

Also gave me my first episode of sleep paralysis... scary. And gave me fucked up hangovers (intense depression).

If I ever use GHB again it will be small doses to sleep (if I'm extremely desperate and have nothing else)
Thanks for the tip! Didn't know about milk thistle. Buying some tomorrow. I had a cat that suddenly passed away within 3 days of liver failure, I wish I had the opportunity to save him like that :(

As a guy who loves alcohol and all benzos and downers in general after experimenting with GHB for the last few days I can conclude that I do not like it very much at all. I never got much euphoria from it, if any. Never felt any MDMA like effects like some people report... to me it just feels like an empty, less euphoric version of alcohol. I tried small doses, repeated, which was just boring. Then large doses which just blacked me out. No euphoria in between. Everyone is different but I didn't enjoy it. Maybe I didn't dose right.... but the dose enjoyment/safety range seems to be extremely slim margin.

Also gave me my first episode of sleep paralysis... scary. And gave me fucked up hangovers (intense depression).

If I ever use GHB again it will be small doses to sleep (if I'm extremely desperate and have nothing else)

I too have been playing with it... And found the same thing.

I even tried it with my last roll cuz I heard people say it doesn’t shine until your rolling, and it was a little better but still not great. AND it gave me a nasty hangover after..

I’m just not seeing what all the fuss is about. The only positive is it makes me horny as fuck.

The only positive is it makes me horny as fuck.

I didn't even get that... like at all -_-

Well I guess it made an orgasm a little more intense, but I was NOT horny at all

Phenibut was way better for this purpose IMO