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Australian Sentenced to Death for Trafficking Chinese Meth


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Lots of food for thought in this case.

Including the human cost of trafficking and the callousness of Chinese geopolitics. I'm surprised anyone would try and smuggle that much in their airline luggage these days though. Maybe he's innocent or maybe just too stupid to live. Sad either way.

Sentenced to Death for Trafficking Chinese Meth
I'm so sick of how many people have died so pointlessly all over this stupid war against drugs.
Honestly good fucking riddens. All these meth smugglers have fucking ruined many lives in aus and NZ.
They still don't deserve death sentence. It's everybodys own decision to buy drugs or not to buy them and we have far worse criminals out there, in high positions and nobody sentences them.. (I've seen meth addicts, and I really just can't understand them, for me stims up to meth are just tools, but well that's me..)
Its the capital law in most Asian countries for a reason due to the heavy damage Meth has caused to there countries. Those who are willing to make millions off peoples addictions that will go to be massive pain.

If they are willing to take the risk in asia they should be willing to face the laws there and not be a bitch and complain to the media when they sentenced and try make up stories that they were innocent.

If they going to smuggle drugs at least smuggle mdma or something that is more positive to society. I was a ex stim abuser and have seen meth rob families and so many people i dont blame the users they just needed love and support. But for the chinese who make the shit to fuck over the world and thus the international drug gangs and cartels they can get fucked
Honestly good fucking riddens. All these meth smugglers have fucking ruined many lives in aus and NZ.

The guy didn't really get the death sentence for smuggling the meth, he got it because China is playing hardball in a diplomatic spat with Australia. He just got caught in the middle.
Its the capital law in most Asian countries for a reason due to the heavy damage Meth has caused to there countries. Those who are willing to make millions off peoples addictions that will go to be massive pain.
Yeah... come to the USA where meth is more common than a hamburger on a saturday...

I'll admit if drug possession = death sentence... I'd probably be sober by now....

It's so stupid though the drug laws on that side of the world....

People need MEDICAL HELP, not DEATH which they already prescribed to.

:/ fuck man
Yeah... come to the USA where meth is more common than a hamburger on a saturday...

I'll admit if drug possession = death sentence... I'd probably be sober by now....

It's so stupid though the drug laws on that side of the world....

People need MEDICAL HELP, not DEATH which they already prescribed to.

:/ fuck man
NZ and australia has the highest use of meth outside of asia. Its a big problem. This smuggler is probably just a pawn who had a massive drug debt owed to the triads but i have zero sympathies for anybody who gets arrested in asia for drug trafficking its a massive risk and everybody knows thats the game thats been played and if you fuck it up then you have to man up and deal with it. This guys sentence will probably be overturned at the last minute and given life instead which is worse than actually getting the death penalty. At least if your dead you have eternal peace and not the shit hole prisons of torture and manual labor they will put him through in china
This guys sentence will probably be overturned at the last minute and given life instead which is worse than actually getting the death penalty.

Yep I agree, spending your life in prison is worse than a death sentence.

It's probably stupid to compare but I'd be willing to bet USA has a worse meth problem than AUS/NZ/Southeast Asia.

I think those areas have a problem of importing other drugs, so meth popped up. USA basically fucking invented clandestine meth and USA fucking loves that drug sadly.
Honestly good fucking riddens. All these meth smugglers have fucking ruined many lives in aus and NZ.

This thinking has killed so many people already. I'm so sick of hearing it.

Heroin did an excellent job destroying my life, but the idea of someone being put to death for facilitating my ability to buy heroin is abhorrent to me.

We should legalize and regulate. Enough pointless killing.
Yep I agree, spending your life in prison is worse than a death sentence.

It's probably stupid to compare but I'd be willing to bet USA has a worse meth problem than AUS/NZ/Southeast Asia.
USA has a bigger opiod problem but not meth but they have cocaine problem instead. Meth that comes from southeast asia is on another level to mexican made meth.

South east asia has the biggest problem its really really bad. 6.3% of australians use meth. around 10 tons of meth or more are consumed in australia alone each year. NZ is alot smaller population but use is estimated to be half a ton a year just in the major cities alone. Out rural it gets worse but no data on usage is published. nz about 3% population uses meth with 25% of middle class adults having tried it once

American total populace use is 0.6%
Can you source/link this stat? If you can, I'm blown away.

we're also a lot bigger country

I don't know Australian law but getting caught in US with meth sucks ass and ruins your life.

Honestly the figure could be higher. Australians are fucking cooked and use as much drugs as they can.
Percentages of population already accounts for population difference.
The 2016 National Drug Strategy Household Survey found that 6.3% or 1.3 million Australians over the age of 14 had ever used methamphetamine (including ice, speed or base) and 1.4% reported recent use (in the past 12 months).

Ok so you're bending the words a bit. 6.3% EVER used meth... 1.4% in the last 12 months...... also includes amphetamines and other drugs!!!

Still that rivals or bests what USA deals with... not arguing that.

still, back to the OP's topic, even meth shouldn't command a heavy jail or death sentence!
The data in that link says only 1.4 % of auatralians regulalry use meth.
Meth users don't need jail but the dealers do they are making huge money on peoples addictions in australia and nz where the price is high.

A possible solution is to give them amphetamine instead at a pharmacy they have to turn up to and given support to work and try fix there addiction instead of meth.

But for countries they had meth legalized for a long time it didn't solve the problems which has led to what we have now though the system we have is not good its the fact that so much is been made in golden triangle and china under government super version to fuck the world up and make money.

Swizterland did it best when solving there heroin problem but i think meth would need to be addressed in a different way and a less powerful stimulant given to users. The biggest issue is that heavy stimulant use ends in psychotic breakdowns where they go crazy.
Meth users don't need jail but the dealers do they are making huge money on peoples addictions in australia and nz where the price is high.

A possible solution is to give them amphetamine instead at a pharmacy they have to turn up to and given support to work and try fix there addiction instead of meth.

But for countries they had meth legalized for a long time it didn't solve the problems which has led to what we have now though the system we have is not good its the fact that so much is been made in golden triangle and china under government super version to fuck the world up and make money.

Swizterland did it best when solving there heroin problem but i think meth would need to be addressed in a different way and a less powerful stimulant given to users. The biggest issue is that heavy stimulant use ends in psychotic breakdowns where they go crazy.

I'm not trying to criticize what you are saying but do you honestly believe giving meth heads amphetamine will solve their problem?

Methadone didn't work very well as it's too strong and still kills people (at least here in the US)

Do you think giving codeine to heroin addicts will solve their problem?

I've been to Amsterdam twice and clearly witnessed that "legalizing" drugs or putting them in a tolerable grey area did not solve their problems.

I think drugs should be illegal, however, should be made a misdemeanor or a social health issue.

Only VIOLENT drug offenders should be sent to jail.
I'm not trying to criticize what you are saying but do you honestly believe giving meth heads amphetamine will solve their problem?

Do you think giving codeine to heroin addicts will solve their problem?

I've been to Amsterdam twice and clearly witnessed that "legalizing" drugs or putting them in a tolerable grey area did not solve their problems.

I think drugs should be illegal however should be made a misdemeanor or a social health issue.

Only VIOLENT drug offenders should be sent to jail.
No but it would make it less of a problem its about giving them a fix while at the same time giving them job training skills and community support so they no longer feel the need to do drugs.
No but it would make it less of a problem its about giving them a fix while at the same time giving them job training skills and community support so they no longer feel the need to do drugs.

I completely agree with you, other than giving them amphetamines.

Most hardcore drug addicts need sobriety, not different less destructive drugs?

Meth won't kill you as quickly as other drugs. (I say this after overdosing on meth several times, I know it's deadly!)

Hell I've been to so many doctors and they gave me librium, suboxone, valium.... etc

I can't even describe to you the relief those scripts gave me, and I always quit.... for awhile... then relapsed

Why did I relapse? Because the US health system doesn't give a shit and you're on your own.

Rehab and return patients are a huge business here $$$

Does AUS/NZ follow up after initial treatment like that? I'm curious.
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