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What is the best "club drug"??


May 11, 2016
Once I was being prescribed anti-depressants and man I picked up so many chicks in nightclubs on a remeron-effexor combo, with some Ritalin also for that DA effect.
I felt so loved up and just super friendly with everyone.

I don't take them any more and my sociability went to hell after as in, I didn't even want to be around people anymore.

So serotonin is obviously a big player which is largely affected by MDMA.

I tried methamph and it seems to have some empathogenic properties but I sweat way too much on that and it's also addictive.

Also tried ketamine which is in no way empathogenic and unsuitable for a club experience.

Basically looking to recreate that super personability/friendliness etc.
MDMA for raves and weed for after party, maybe some benzos. Add some ketamine too.
MDMA or alcohol for me. They were the only two that I would take and want anything to do with a club. MDA was good too, especially if the pill had a small amount of meth in it. Very synergistic combo. I didn’t like MDE as much for clubs though. The stoning effect was too much.

Hallucinogens were too unpredictable, mephedrone wore off too quickly and was hard on the heart anyway, and I never liked classic stims.
MDMA for sure

And if you’re weird like me LSD lol. It makes me very social and hyper for lack of a better word. DEFINITELY depends on the vibe of said club. Drunk college kids are probably a no no. But for dancing, which is the best way to be social imo, it can’t be beat
And if you’re weird like me LSD lol. It makes me very social and hyper for lack of a better word.

I like LSD socially too, but mainly 2-3 hours into the trip. There comes a point where I become relaxed and feel very confident. LSD is also the most primal sexual drug for me, much more so than MDMA.
I like LSD socially too, but mainly 2-3 hours into the trip. There comes a point where I become relaxed and feel very confident. LSD is also the most primal sexual drug for me, much more so than MDMA.
Yes LSD has much more of a social quality than people give it credit for I feel like. I have not had the pleasure of sex on MDMA, to be honest we just wanted to cuddle
About 6 drinks first then mdma another 2-4 drinks go outside the club smoke a fat fucking joint go back inside and some more drinks til you reach your limit riding that fine line of the alcohol and passing out from it. This is a such a amazing combo will really make the music something else along with the lights you will be super fucked up and having a good time.
I can't even hold a conversation on LSD lol. I can see why it would be considered a party drug only because of the euphoric effect, but the thought loop is a bitch sometimes. MDMA or Meth is the way to go... Hell, why not both?
About 6 drinks first then mdma another 2-4 drinks go outside the club smoke a fat fucking joint go back inside and some more drinks til you reach your limit riding that fine line of the alcohol and passing out from it. This is a such a amazing combo will really make the music something else along with the lights you will be super fucked up and having a good time.

Yeah, not sure about the weed but I used to stash a bottle of gin outside the rave and go out there periodically when having a smoke and sip on the gin.

After pounding back like 4 Revs before the party. Revs are disgusting neon blue vodka-based coolers.....please don't ask what the fuck I was doing drinking those. They had an interesting taste hidden behind the disgusting sweetness and they were like straight marketed for this type of thing so I just went with it. The shape of the bottle was perfect for carrying around in your pocket as well. The damn label even had arms raised crowd with laser on the inside face. They sold it at every party ever and bonus points if you could catch the red and the purple versions. Though the red was the real mythical creature.

Anyway, I'm alive and well so it's all good. :D
Is MDMA plus drinking considered to be a generally safe practice? Intuiton would tell me no but I don’t actually know for sure
I can't even hold a conversation on LSD lol. I can see why it would be considered a party drug only because of the euphoric effect, but the thought loop is a bitch sometimes. MDMA or Meth is the way to go... Hell, why not both?
Lol it can be difficult sometimes. Once I was at a small rave/party thing and once the night was down they turned the lights on and shit the music off. At this point people started to chat and socialize rather than dancing. My trippin ass couldn’t handle the transition from “primal beast dance mode” to “speak English like a human being mode” that quick. So when this girl next to me said “Hi what’s your name?” I just stared at her for like 10 seconds unable to get words out before I just had to turn and walk away lol. Scary at the time but I had a good laugh thinking about it later lmao

I’ve been curious to try meth as a club drug given my love of adderall for such occasions. It’s certainly more economical
Lol it can be difficult sometimes. Once I was at a small rave/party thing and once the night was down they turned the lights on and shit the music off. At this point people started to chat and socialize rather than dancing. My trippin ass couldn’t handle the transition from “primal beast dance mode” to “speak English like a human being mode” that quick. So when this girl next to me said “Hi what’s your name?” I just stared at her for like 10 seconds unable to get words out before I just had to turn and walk away lol. Scary at the time but I had a good laugh thinking about it later lmao

I’ve been curious to try meth as a club drug given my love of adderall for such occasions. It’s certainly more economical
HAHAHA, my friend had a brilliant idea of going to Waffle House after taking 3 tabs each. Lmao I asked for my Pancakes Well done, and couldn't stop laughing at the waiter for he looked like Edward Scissor hands. I shit you not, but I was mid trip at the time... Ordered all that food only to take 2 bites of it :ROFLMAO:
Is MDMA plus drinking considered to be a generally safe practice? Intuiton would tell me no but I don’t actually know for sure
It’s fine as long as you don’t overdo the alcohol. You have to be really careful drinking while rolling though because stimulants don’t let you feel the alcohol intoxication really and you can get dangerously intoxicated. It happened to me before when I was drinking at a club after dropping E. I ended up in the ER with a .617 BAC and I had no idea I was that drunk (I was still conscious and very much aware of what was going on - I actually still remember quite a bit of that night and that level of alcohol should have been a straight up black out). You can also get even more dehydrated. I personally didn’t drink after I came up until I was at the after party with some friends unwinding.
Is MDMA plus drinking considered to be a generally safe practice? Intuiton would tell me no but I don’t actually know for sure

As I said, I'm still alive and quite well! :D

Though, there was water interspersed throughout, if I'm being honest.
I’ve been curious to try meth as a club drug given my love of adderall for such occasions. It’s certainly more economical

My meth use at raves turnt ugly pretty quickly. Turnt into me getting really anxious about being there and needing to go home.

I much, much preferred good MDMA for this than meth.
My meth use at raves turnt ugly pretty quickly. Turnt into me getting really anxious about being there and needing to go home.

I much, much preferred good MDMA for this than meth.
Do you think this was a dosage issue? MDMA certainly seems less addictive which is good I guess but I would be willing to give it a go anyways. Tbh at a rave I don’t really wanna talk I just dance. Definitely don’t wanna be anxious but I wouldn’t necessarily be upset at trading the empathogenic qualities for the physical dancing endurance (like going all day/night at a festival)
If you don't want to be 'high' just way more verbally fluent, friendly, and sociable, microdosing on the higher end with LSD or psilocybin earlier in the day then tossing back some piracetam, like 1g, and possibly a mild stimulant (caffeine, ginseng) right before going out usually does it for me.

Dial in the amounts and exact substances over a few tries to taste. YMMV. Works better if I'm regularly MDing on a schedule. Plus it's mostly sustainable, the worst thing in that stack is caffeine.
Caffeine is honestly one of my favorite social lubricants. Drinking tea with my friend and his mom are some of my best memories