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Is belief in god inexorably linked with belief in the afterlife?


Bluelight Crew
May 12, 2010
For the record, I believe in neither. But I'm wondering if one can still believe in god without believing in an afterlife and vice versa.

Are the two mutually inclusive??
Yes, I suppose. I doesn't matter what I believe because i'm a man of science. I really only care about facts. I can't even remember my own beliefs. The only reason why I say "yes" is because people can contort themselves into believing anything. Just look at the vast myriad mental gymnastics we see from the homosapien everyday. While I don't believe there is a God, I cannot be certain, and I do believe there is an afterlife, but only for myself after another person, another universe, has died. When I die, there most likely won't be an afterlife given all scientific indication we revert back to the state that by which we were before we were born. But i'm not going to conceit myself to say this will absolutely be the case.
But I'm wondering if one can still believe in god without believing in an afterlife and vice versa.
Here we are with definitions... thanks, fubar.
Personally I do not believe that one can "die" as is defined by most western world... there is *something that connects it all just from what I have experienced and base this on: This is why I feel that there is no end to anything... just changes in form.
From a layperson POV; "god" may be what connects it all.
From a scientific; it may be wave-lengths or freakin' dark matter would be cool. ;)
I do not know what to believe as everything I was taught growing up were lies or misinformed instruction (either unknowingly or otherwise).
So, yeah... I believe this does not end but doubt the existence of *god as most would define it/he/she.
Afterlife? Who the hell coined that term? We killin' ourselves with this mentality and seriously limiting our options and ideas, IMO. If there be "life", how does it extinguished and something come after? Like super-devil afterlife?
Always reassessing so this may not be what I think in 3 seconds.
What I'm asking is that if you believe in god, do you also believe in the afterlife by default? Although I don't believe in either, I can see a distinction between the two. Does the afterlife necessitate a creator, and does the creator automatically result in an afterlife?

Meh, it's all just semantics and weirdos at the end of the day...
True but those weirdos have slaughtered countless. :eek:

I really do not know what I believe. So will pass this to the left hand side @madness00 =D

Ehem. Mic check.


Okay. I'd like to believe in reincarnation, but I don't believe in God or afterlife. I think you can believe in whatever you want, inclusive or exclusive of anything.
One thing I have learned from this forum is drug user are mostly religous any atheist in the house? I am atheist
one can edit posts indefinitely.
What I'm asking is that if you believe in god, do you also believe in the afterlife by default?
Not a personal question... more an academic in essence?
Sure... anything is possible. :p
I'd like to say does anyone have any sources for Kratom or heroin, opium or any opiate ....
only joking ;)
C'mon, holms.
Please dont cause a ruckus as @Police Detective is onda case and knows all.
one can edit posts indefinitely.

Not a personal question... more an academic in essence?
Sure... anything is possible. :p

C'mon, holms.
Please dont cause a ruckus as @Police Detective is onda case and knows all.
?? It was a joke what did I edit I think you are mistaken I did not do a major edit of anything? Seriously bro what did I edit? Am I that high? 😄
Seriously bro what did I edit?
Nah, man, it's nothing to do with you editing (other than the fact that one can edit previous post to reflect a moments addition to content in one post than 3... just a peeve of mine so thats me and not for your anxiety.
Can we PM on the other issue?
any atheist in the house? I am atheist

Yes, me.

Or more correctly, I suffer from ASD - Atheism Spectrum Disorder. Where I fall on the spectrum from soft agnostic to hard atheist depends entirely upon my state of consciousness. If I'm stoned or on MD, then I become agnostic. If I'm pissed as a cunt i become a staunch atheist. If I'm sober, i just can't be arsed thinking about it.

Having said that, I have actually become God on several mushroom trips in the past... ;)
I would say so, yes. You can believe a higher power exists without believing there is an afterlife. You can believe some mystical spiritual afterlife exists without believing in a higher power.

Truthfully though we live in a simulation.
I would say so, yes. You can believe a higher power exists without believing there is an afterlife. You can believe some mystical spiritual afterlife exists without believing in a higher power.

Truthfully though we live in a simulation.

Yeh, obviously anyone can believe what they want. But my original question was directed at people who believe in 'God'. Ya know, christians and that lot. As an outsider looking in, it would appear that the only reason people put up with all that god and hell and damnation and suffering for our sins bollocks is so they can get a cushty ride to 'the afterlife' where everything is beautiful, it's own way, like a starry summer night, or a snow covered winters day.. etc.

Does anyone actually have faith without seeing it as a free ticket to paradise..?

My guess would be a resounding 'NO'...
Yeh, obviously anyone can believe what they want. But my original question was directed at people who believe in 'God'. Ya know, christians and that lot. As an outsider looking in, it would appear that the only reason people put up with all that god and hell and damnation and suffering for our sins bollocks is so they can get a cushty ride to 'the afterlife' where everything is beautiful, it's own way, like a starry summer night, or a snow covered winters day.. etc.

Does anyone actually have faith without seeing it as a free ticket to paradise..?

My guess would be a resounding 'NO'...

I get ya. And you are right every organised religion promises some kind of afterlife. Even those "spiritual but not religious" types often believe in reincarnation and whatnot.

People have this desperate wish to live forever and will look for any kind of reasoning that makes it seem possible. Don't get this at all myself. Immortality sounds more like a curse and I bloody well hope there's no afterlife.

“To the dreamers of immortality. - So you want this lovely consciousness of yourself to last forever? Is that not immodest? Are you not mindful of all the other things which would then be obliged to endure you to all eternity, as they have endured you up to now with a more than Christian patience?”

- Nietzsche
For the record, I believe in neither. But I'm wondering if one can still believe in god without believing in an afterlife and vice versa.

Are the two mutually inclusive??

Is belief in god inexorably linked with belief in the afterlife?

No. I do not think so.

We are all, or mostly all, born with a feeling that things are not what they seem, but that does not mean it relates to an afterlife. Science has put a name on it but I have forgotten it. I can find it if you insist.

I think it is tied to or more of an insecurity that keeps us on our toes. Some associate it with our sixth sense.

If you Google, Princess Alice experiment, you can see a version of it at work.
