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*NEW* What Drugs Are On Your To-do List?

I want to try:

Methaqualone (Qualuudes)
Codeine and Promethazine (Lean - for novelty’s sake)

GHB (gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid)


Drugs I have tried are:


Psilocybin Mushrooms

Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

Tramadol Hcl
Quetiapine (Seroquel)
Aripiprazole (Abilify)

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My list is far too long to bother with, but I'd say mescaline, ketamine, GHB, and morphine would top it, in no particular order.
AMT, oral DMT, ibogaine, 2C-T-2, 2C-T-4.
There are others, non psychedelics too but if I'd have to choose 5 drugs I'm most curious about, those.
Codeine and Promethazine (Lean)

Lean is the most overrated, bullshit high there is. Codeine by itself is FAR better. The promethazine just makes you pass out. I got a bottle once from a doctor because I told him I couldn't tolerate DXM. Got home all excited, drank twice the recommended dose, started to feel a little tiny opiate buzz and then uncontrollably fell asleep. Next day I tried a recommended dose (which was a very low dose of codeine), and barely felt anything but groggy. It was impossible for me to feel anything resembling a good opiate high from it, I either felt groggy or passed out. I have no idea whatsoever why it got so popularized in rap, but you're much better off with Tylenol 3s.

GHB (gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid)

One of the nicest drugs there is. :) Also super addictive and moreish.
Lean is the most overrated, bullshit high there is. Codeine by itself is FAR better. The promethazine just makes you pass out. I got a bottle once from a doctor because I told him I couldn't tolerate DXM. Got home all excited, drank twice the recommended dose, started to feel a little tiny opiate buzz and then uncontrollably fell asleep. Next day I tried a recommended dose (which was a very low dose of codeine), and barely felt anything but groggy. It was impossible for me to feel anything resembling a good opiate high from it, I either felt groggy or passed out. I have no idea whatsoever why it got so popularized in rap, but you're much better off with Tylenol 3s.

One of the nicest drugs there is. :) Also super addictive and moreish.

The lean's mostly for the Pop reference in my mind... I've done codeine by itself too... maybe I'm not missing out at all haha. GHB sounds dangerously up my alley though ;)
The lean's mostly for the Pop reference in my mind... I've done codeine by itself too... maybe I'm not missing out at all haha. GHB sounds dangerously up my alley though ;)

Yeah even for the novelty lean is still pretty garbage. I mean unless you have trouble sleeping or a bad cough. You're correct you're not missing out.

GHB is amazing though I got a bottle of it once upon a time. Great few days, also it takes jerking off/having sex to a new level. You know in case you were wondering.
GHB is amazing though I got a bottle of it once upon a time. Great few days, also it takes jerking off/having sex to a new level. You know in case you were wondering.

This times a million. GHB is hands down the best sex enhancer. Must try.
I have some 1,4-butanediol (which converts to GHB once ingested) coming on Saturday. I wanted another GABAergic to rotate because I also have stims on the way. And I've been drinking too often during the lockdown and it's making my body feel like shit. I need to be super careful because I got addicted to GHB before. And I have 500mL coming because that was the smallest size I could find (that is 2.5 times as much GHB as I ordered the time I got addicted and spent half a year weaning off phenibut to avoid GHB withdrawal). But I'm definitely looking forward to some more GHB sex. It's like infinite control, animal lust, 10 times enhanced sensation, and orgasms are long and overwhelmingly powerful.
I have some 1,4-butanediol (which converts to GHB once ingested) coming on Saturday. I wanted another GABAergic to rotate because I also have stims on the way. And I've been drinking too often during the lockdown and it's making my body feel like shit. I need to be super careful because I got addicted to GHB before. And I have 500mL coming because that was the smallest size I could find (that is 2.5 times as much GHB as I ordered the time I got addicted and spent half a year weaning off phenibut to avoid GHB withdrawal). But I'm definitely looking forward to some more GHB sex. It's like infinite control, animal lust, 10 times enhanced sensation, and orgasms are long and overwhelmingly powerful.

Well now I have to get some GHB again. Recently got a guy for it so imma hook it upppp.

This may be TMI (implying I care but whatever) but I just remember dosing some GHB and deciding to jerk off (not knowing what it was like[is it weird that that's like my first instinct with any new drug?]) and I just had my dick in my hand like "...this is the best and I have no idea why right now" and jizzed for like 2 straight minutes. Lyrica does that to me too to a smaller extent.
Yeah yeah