Scared Hydro/Perc withdrawl PLEASE HELP!


Apr 5, 2020
I’m not sure if I’m posting in the right thread as I am new to Bluelight, but I have a question and need some help.

I am currently on my 3rd day detoxing from Hydro/Percs cold turkey after using for about 10 years. I haven’t really been having really bad withdrawal symptoms that I would consider extreme. But the symptoms I am having currently are I am having a headache that has been here for the past 3 days that resembles sinus pressure but I feel it in the front of my forehead and my eyes and in my nose. And it seems like when I get up to walk around because the headache is there I am extremely dizzy to the point that it’s driving me insane and then it’s starting to make me feel as if it’s something else going on with my head maybe making me second-guess myself. And also it seems as if my body has become extremely sensitive. Like me touching anything or my feet rubbing against anything or stuff like that bothers me to the point like that feeling you get almost like ticklish. And it seems like I am experiencing fast heart rate.

I am just curious to know if this is something that anyone else has experienced? It’s to the point where I have even went to the ER thinking it has nothing to do with the withdrawal and it’s something serious. But both times my CT results of my head have come back completely fine. Is this normal? I really am seeking some help and answers PLEASE!
I'm not sure what kind of help you are seeking? It doesn't seem like what you are experiencing is too much cause for concern. If you are 3 days into your detox than you have the worst of it whipped.
I'm not sure what kind of help you are seeking? It doesn't seem like what you are experiencing is too much cause for concern. If you are 3 days into your detox than you have the worst of it whipped.

I know they say that headaches are part of detoxing but I’m wondering what kind? And is the sensitivity to everything considered normal. Like no sensitivity as in pain but more of like it gives you an extremely strange feeling almost the the point of where you become irritable. And the headache is like constant pressure like sinus pressure. Even to the point where I feel pressure in my eyes, but no sinus symptoms. Then that causes extreme dizziness that seems to not go away. Then the fast heart rate is only fast when laying down which makes it hard to focus on anything. It seems like all the research I have done online haven’t helped with my answer as to is this normal and has anyone else experienced similar.

I also have had a hard time sleeping because I’m so concerned about the heart rate so I had taken a Tylenol PM with Benadryl which I thought would help with the headache and allow me to sleep. That was a HUGE mistake. It made me so the opposite. It made me jittery, cold as if it was freezing, dizzy, thirsty/dehydrated, confused, extremely emotional to the point where I felt like I was going crazy and just broke down because I had NEVER experienced nothing like it.Anytime I have ever taken Benadryl it has only ever just made me sleepy. So I would also like to know if that is normal as well? All things I looked up on it said Benadryl is safe to take while withdrawing from opiates to help with sleep.
Opioid withdrawal summed up in two words.

You will get through it, but yes, it will be horrific. What was your exact dose if I may?

Well to be honest I was kind of all over the place but never stuck to one exact dose, except for when I first started. It was very low. Probably 20mg a day if I could get it. But over time it became an everyday dose almost. Currently I had stopped for about 2 months no problem at all. It was breeze. No withdrawals AT ALL. But when I started back up my tolerance went from maybe 50 to 60mgs of hydro when I could get it if not everyday. And if I couldn’t get that I would be doing maybe 20mgs of oxy/ percs. I got it down to 20mgs of perc currently. Last dose was 4/7 and total dose in the whole day was 30mgs. Then after that dose I cut just COLD TURKEY! I experienced the diarrhea sweats and severe anxiety attacks.

Now I’m to the point where I have this PRESSURE headache that resembles the exact pressure of sinus pressure. That seems to not go away but for maybe five mins here and there but last for hours. But it just seems like the headache most describe is a migraine and not what I’m feeling. So it made me start to think maybe mine isn’t related to the withdrawls. Like my eyes feel like they want to pop out of my head.
It is related to withdrawal alright.

Try some extra strength excederin.
Sleep as much as possible and just stay down.
Make sure you are not dehydrated.
Get some gator aid and get your electrolytes up.
That should help.

You are almost through the worst.
I hope you are feeling better today.
Sounds very much like withdrawal, but not a terrible one thank god. I get headaches exactly like you described, increased sensitivity in the body is completely expected, and to be honest so is all the fear and paranoia. Everything you're feeling is the feeling of getting clean by the sounds of it so no worries. I'm currently getting off opiates as well and this all sounds like what I feel as I taper
It is related to withdrawal alright.

Try some extra strength excederin.
Sleep as much as possible and just stay down.
Make sure you are not dehydrated.
Get some gator aid and get your electrolytes up.
That should help.

You are almost through the worst.
I hope you are feeling better today.
Is Excedrin safe to take when my heart rate is so fast when I’m going through this? And is Gatorade
It is related to withdrawal alright.

Try some extra strength excederin.
Sleep as much as possible and just stay down.
Make sure you are not dehydrated.
Get some gator aid and get your electrolytes up.
That should help.

You are almost through the worst.
I hope you are feeling better today.

But my fear is should I have just tapered instead of just went cold turkey? I’m taking Tylenol is much is possible and it’s like I take too much and nothing works and it scares me because even putting on a scarf or a hat around my head makes my head feel like it’s about to pop. And with the extreme fast heart rate it’s like I don’t understand why even when resting I still feel like it’s extremely fast and like there’s nothing I can do to call me down and it’s really scaring me. I have been trying my best to keep down water in that has been working very well I have Pedialyte but it seems every time I take it or drink it then I have diarrhea which is confusing. Is Gatorade better to keep down? And is Excedrin better than Tylenol? And is is safe to take with my heart being so fast? Sorry for so many questions. I’m just so new to all of this. And thank you!
Sounds very much like withdrawal, but not a terrible one thank god. I get headaches exactly like you described, increased sensitivity in the body is completely expected, and to be honest so is all the fear and paranoia. Everything you're feeling is the feeling of getting clean by the sounds of it so no worries. I'm currently getting off opiates as well and this all sounds like what I feel as I taper
My biggest fear is thinking should I have just paper instead of going cold turkey?
My biggest fear is thinking should I have just paper instead of going cold turkey?
I think if you can manage 4 days without anything then try to use non opiate (comfort) meds as I think you will have gotten through the worst of the physical. If you just cant manage it that's also fine and you will probably have already lost about half your tolerance or so just from the 3 days clean, therefore you can start the taper somewhere around half of what your previous lowest dose was.

Looking at the dose you were taking and the date of your last dose you are probably about in the worst of it right now though. If you feel you have to taper (it will prolong the discomfort) then I would start taking 15mg per day (5mg spread 3x per day) if 30mg was what you were taking 4 days ago, you probably wont feel great but that's the point. From there I would go down to 10mg when you feel like you are ready for another step down (2 doses of 5 mg) once you feel comfortable on 10mg daily you can either jump off or go lower, personally I would rather just taper right down to 1mg for optimal comfort but this is all just what I think would work for me. Good luck so far sounds like you're doing great
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At such a low dose, the worst is over my friend. No sense in placing unnecessary “what-ifs” into the equation! Focus now on staying the course.
Your body is screaming for more and you’ll question if you should have ever stopped at all. This is your mind playing games with you.

I’ve had one time where I needed to get back on the opiates. Day 11 off Suboxone and the withdrawal was still rising, I hadn’t eaten in 3 days and was vomiting more and more, barely had water for 48hours, I probably would have died had I not taken anything.

What I’m trying to say is that you had it pretty good and you just want to push through and be done cuz it only gets worse and worse. Every time you kick it gets harder.

I think if you can manage 4 days without anything then try to use non opiate (comfort) meds as I think you will have gotten through the worst of the physical. If you just cant manage it that's also fine and you will probably have already lost about half your tolerance or so just from the 3 days clean, therefore you can start the taper somewhere around half of what your previous lowest dose was.

Looking at the dose you were taking and the date of your last dose you are probably about in the worst of it right now though. If you feel you have to taper (it will prolong the discomfort) then I would start taking 15mg per day (5mg spread 3x per day) if 30mg was what you were taking 4 days ago, you probably wont feel great but that's the point. From there I would go down to 10mg when you feel like you are ready for another step down (2 doses of 5 mg) once you feel comfortable on 10mg daily you can either jump off or go lower, personally I would rather just taper right down to 1mg for optimal comfort but this is all just what I think would work for me. Good luck so far sounds like you're doing great

My next question is extra strength Excedrin safe to take? I have taken ibuprofen and Tylenol. No help at all. But I’m not sure if Excedrin is ok if I have a fast heart rate.
At such a low dose, the worst is over my friend. No sense in placing unnecessary “what-ifs” into the equation! Focus now on staying the course.
I know. This process is just a scary one because I don’t know exactly what to expect. This headache is extremely scary to the point where I’m just left confused. Like the headache scares me to the point it’s driving me crazy. I have had headaches but if my blood pressure was high and this causes it I’m confused on why the doctors wouldn’t have said that. Not saying it is high but seems like the headache resembles that type of headache
Your body is screaming for more and you’ll question if you should have ever stopped at all. This is your mind playing games with you.

I’ve had one time where I needed to get back on the opiates. Day 11 off Suboxone and the withdrawal was still rising, I hadn’t eaten in 3 days and was vomiting more and more, barely had water for 48hours, I probably would have died had I not taken anything.

What I’m trying to say is that you had it pretty good and you just want to push through and be done cuz it only gets worse and worse. Every time you kick it gets harder.


Guess the question is to reassure myself that this is the withdrawl for sure. This headache is normal? Even with not feeling the least bit of relief with OTC pain meds?
Yup I had a similar headache last weeks simply from tapering my Suboxone. Also certain synthetic opiates (like oxy) are worse in the headache department. All normal :)

That said we arentvhere to judge you one way or the other. Only you know you and what you need.

Yup I had a similar headache last weeks simply from tapering my Suboxone. Also certain synthetic opiates (like oxy) are worse in the headache department. All normal :)

That said we arentvhere to judge you one way or the other. Only you know you and what you need.


Did you happen to have any advice on how to help these headaches?
My next question is extra strength Excedrin safe to take? I have taken ibuprofen and Tylenol. No help at all. But I’m not sure if Excedrin is ok if I have a fast heart rate.
Personally I would avoid the caffeine, diphenhydramine from the drug store helps some people to sleep and loperamide (Imodium) helps some people with almost every withdrawal symptom, that you should keep to a minimum though it could prolong withdrawal sort of like a taper a little bit
Did you happen to have any advice on how to help these headaches?
Make sure to drink lots of water dehydration is common in withdrawal and dehydration causes headaches
But my fear is...
what is torturing you. Let that go and find something interesting or just watch movies for hours. take hot showers.baths, drink a LOT of water.
Your fears of this is crippling you. Just my opinion. It's a downward spiral that ends in a sunny day regardless.
I take refuge here at BL when shit is fu**in with me. It helps. All I have to do is start reading and my mind switches from craving stuff to more knowledge/insight.
Take it easy and breath.
It's near the end.
Let it go....
I think your fear is making things much worse for you. Try a nice cool cloth on the back of your neck for your headache. Make sure you’re drinking water or a drink with electrolytes. Distract yourself as much as you can.
what you’re describing is withdrawl and it’s scary and terrifying but it’s normal for what you’re going through. You’re not dying, your body is pleading for what you’re denying it, that’s all.
I’ve used lope in the past for opiate withdrawl, 20mg was as much as I took and I tapered off it slowly over a week and a bit. Try to take some paracetamol or ibuprofen to help your head but it might not do much.
You’ve just got to stick this out, it will pass.