Mental Health Any other Borderline Personality Disorder folks here?im

I hear that those with BPD are most likely to develop a drug problem, I wonder how many bluelighters have this diagnosis?
hereeeee, I think 70% of bls have this or another psych disorder xd
I hear that those with BPD are most likely to develop a drug problem, I wonder how many bluelighters have this diagnosis?

I have never been diagnosed but at one time in my life the diagnosis would have fit me to a "T". The patterns of thought and behaviors still bubble up sometimes in times of stress but I see them for what they are. I would never go into get diagnosed because I have seen that a lot of psychiatric labels are used as weapons against those unfortunate enough to get stuck with an official diagnosis. I firmly believe that most behavioral disorders are just that "behavioral". Meaning that they are learned behaviors and patterns of dealing with the world that are influenced by core beliefs and patterns of thinking that can be changed through careful observance, evaluation and effort. BDP is easily treated with CBT and other behavior and thinking modification methods, as confirmed by a majority opinion of the psychiatric community.
I likely have a personality disorder my therapist told me, but we don't think it would be BPD.

Bipolar on top of it.
I have CBT and DBT coming out of my ears. I've done loads and now I'm a volunteer in DBT classes I'm on my 3rd iteration and hoping it would sink in. But then something happens that just sends me over the edge and it affects me so badly. I wish nothing bothered me, although I'm ten times better than I was.
Really? I've heard the opposite, that it's really hard to treat.

From the 1st page that came up. Not saying it's always easy to treat or that this is the final word because as with a lot psychiatric disorders and practices it is an always evolving soft science without clear means of treatment, methods and definitive diagnosis.
BPD is treatable
In the past, many mental health professionals found it difficult to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD), so they came to the conclusion that there was little to be done. But we now know that BPD is treatable. In fact, the long-term prognosis for BPD is better than those for depression and bipolar disorder. However, it requires a specialized approach. The bottom line is that most people with BPD can and do get better—and they do so fairly rapidly with the right treatments and support.

Healing is a matter of breaking the dysfunctional patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that are causing you distress. It’s not easy to change lifelong habits. Choosing to pause, reflect, and then act in new ways will feel unnatural and uncomfortable at first. But with time you’ll form new habits that help you maintain your emotional balance and stay in control.
From the 1st page that came up. Not saying it's always easy to treat or that this is the final word because as with a lot psychiatric disorders and practices it is an always evolving soft science without clear means of treatment, methods and definitive diagnosis.
BPD is treatable
In the past, many mental health professionals found it difficult to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD), so they came to the conclusion that there was little to be done. But we now know that BPD is treatable. In fact, the long-term prognosis for BPD is better than those for depression and bipolar disorder. However, it requires a specialized approach. The bottom line is that most people with BPD can and do get better—and they do so fairly rapidly with the right treatments and support.

Healing is a matter of breaking the dysfunctional patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that are causing you distress. It’s not easy to change lifelong habits. Choosing to pause, reflect, and then act in new ways will feel unnatural and uncomfortable at first. But with time you’ll form new habits that help you maintain your emotional balance and stay in control.
Exactly said
Not a hundred percent sure about diagnosis but have had it be the likeliest answer in a formal test from a doctor. Also of course anxiety, depression, bipolar, comingle, and at this point I've been treated for everything including adhd so I'm thinking it's likely. Also mega wary of psychiatric medicine (except the good ones that help me function that are vawy scawy for the gubmint) as I think they barely know shit and act like they're spreading The Good Word.

Have struggled to finally marry someone I've loved for years of doing dumb shit and building resentments. Clingy as fuck. Hateful at times. Constant emotional turmoil. My anger gets to the point of rage at points, and I've broken a lotta dumb shit and hurt myself plenty. My mood swings are fast and not drawn out, and they are usually triggered by feelings of rejection, inadequacy, insecurity and so on. Most of my rage is focused on myself and have never physically hurt loved ones, except I liked to beat up bullies and shit in middle school, lots of vandalism. Also got suspended for beating up a substitute. This shit was before my father even died really.

Probably don't have to spell it all out for you but it's basically everything on that 9 or whatever symptoms list I've felt since childhood really. Including neglected childhood from my bio mom, have never had a real relationship with her because she just isn't capable. And losing my father at 12 left me feeling incomplete since then.

Won't even get into the last 15 years of my life 😆

I feel I'm getting better, as it can improve with personal work and some time, but definitely have my bad moments still.

And the inability of psychiatrists to properly treat and diagnosis addicts is antiquated junk practice that should be reformed because so many are dying.

Definitely oughta be a BPD/aspd etc jumbo thread if there isn't, as basically all personality disorders are horribly understood by even medical professionals.
I hear that those with BPD are most likely to develop a drug problem, I wonder how many bluelighters have this diagnosis?
I was diagnosed with bpd In 2012 I also have substance abuse disorder diagnosis. As Well as depression, anxiety, and social anxiety
yeah, i've gotten so much better over the years since i became diagnosed with that. I don't even take medication anymore.

Wow no meds well done, I'm under the community mental health team since my last suicide attempt.... They won't let me even drop my meds anymore, perhaps that's for the best for me though.
Wow no meds well done, I'm under the community mental health team since my last suicide attempt.... They won't let me even drop my meds anymore, perhaps that's for the best for me though.
i empathize with you, i had a suicide attempt 2 years ago twice. I spent 50 days in a psychward, I took olanzapine for a good 3 months and carbamazepine for 6 months. Then last year i dropped everything(well not everything, i still take clonazepam 2mg every other day or so. I'm not addicted to it but lately i've been taking more cause myy anxiety is through the roof since I'm jobless atm, the covid bullshit,etc) But apart from that i'm clean from morphine and crack atm. Doing well sort of. There's light at the end of the tunnel, trust me. XX, nick
Thanks hunni, I lost a lot through my last attempt 6 weeks in hospital and now 4 yrs of being under the CMHT, permanently disabled, and that's before my H and crack habit. I don't make things easy for myself but I'm a lot stronger from it. Thanks BTW. Deffo not fucking another suicide up.
In huve contradiction to my above comment, I do sometime consider a big shot of H as the 'next way to go' but it's luck of the draw. Done too much damage.... Sorry if this is getting a bit deep!
In huve contradiction to my above comment, I do sometime consider a big shot of H as the 'next way to go' but it's luck of the draw. Done too much damage.... Sorry if this is getting a bit deep!
PH TRUST ME DON'T, I once tried to commit suicide by buying 500$ of drugs at a hotel. I was determined to kill myself. Literally I bought 240mg of pure pharma morphine, 3mg of PURE pharma fentanyl, 2 40mg oxycontins, and a blister of 0.5 alprazolam. I woke up at hte hospital with a tube down my throat and my hands tied down to the bed so i didn't take out the tube. All of that stuff was like a 70ML shot at like 12 PM, I downed everything and seriously thought i was never gonna wake up again. Police found me comatose at 2 am. Don't know how i survive to this day. My tolerance was massive around that time but still all that shit would kill like 3 normal people without a tolerance :/