• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Random E Coli? Diarrhea recurring for 1 week. Vomiting the first few days. Need help investigating what could be wrong.


Nov 23, 2014
Hi gang,
last Sunday I began puking and shitting water. Monday night it seemed to be improving, but Tuesday it hit again! It keeps returning and now it's 7 days later and I am weakened by an early AM watery-poo session. I am experimenting by removing things from my diet like salsa, and I am going to start using old back of the fridge kratom that never gave me any problems. I do have a new batch. but I had used it for 3 weeks with no issues it seemed.
So I am wondering if this sounds like food poisoning, a stomach-flu, or what? I never had an issue with these symptoms, except once in Peru's Andes I did get bed-ridden for a week puking and shitting with presumably altitude sickness or food poisoning. There was a recent E Coli outbreak in romaine lettuce in Northern Cali, close to where I am located. I didn't eat any, but where there's smoke there's fire right? Who can share their experience with sickness to shed light on my experience? I know we are not doctors etc and can't diagnose.
----------One more thing- I began intermittent fasting a couple weeks back, before this all started. I wonder if it changed my digestive system and is causing this extreme diarrhea?
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I am wondering if this sounds like food poisoning, a stomach-flu

This would be the Occam's razor diagnosis, yes. If you're still eating food, I'd suggest you stop entirely to let things calm down in there for a day or so, particularly if it's a bug like e coli, which you'd simply be refeeding every time you eat.

Then after things have settled, slowly reintroduce simple foods and see how you go.

Having said that, at the one-week point, I'd probably have gone to see my GP on the assumption something else may be up.
This would be the Occam's razor diagnosis, yes. If you're still eating food, I'd suggest you stop entirely to let things calm down in there for a day or so, particularly if it's a bug like e coli, which you'd simply be refeeding every time you eat.

Then after things have settled, slowly reintroduce simple foods and see how you go.

Having said that, at the one-week point, I'd probably have gone to see my GP on the assumption something else may be up.
Interesting CFC! Also, nasty, so E coli feeds off your food like a worm!? I'm gonna research that.
UPDATE: Now it has been over ten days, and I am still under the weather a bit, but early this week, per doctors command I started taking PEPTO BISMOL. That helped immensely. Soon after I stopped shitting water, my nose started to run, and ever since, tons of congestion is coming out. Today I went for a jog for the first time since this began! I'm curious whether my stomach will stay calm if I stop the Pepto-B? Not gonna chance it quite yet...still trying to rehydrate. If there isn't a DIARRHEA MEGATHREAD, I think there should be,lol
The thing about E-Coli as bed bugs, they live everywhere. You can get them from animals, people, environments. If you don't know how to cook your food, you would also be at risk-. Most people who catch this shit, catch it from animals, either a domestic one ( I say domestic because they usually are very healthy, as owners take care of them and maybe once a month, they visit the vet) or maybe a recent interaction with one. There are 5 groups of E-Coli, you can find them in Wikipedia. This type of E-Coli is also know as ''The diarrhea of the traveler''. It's mostly transmitted throughout food. You may get some symptoms, such as > Fever, sometimes dizziness, puke, chills, shittin with blood, upset tummy. You really need to take care of yourself, because E-Coli you would be surprised but this bacteria mostly it's because of your fucked up hygiene. Go talk to your doctor if this persist for more than 1 week. But my advice and maybe what others think too, go and sit down with your doctor.
Thanks S.Fox,
Yeah, I can see how not washing my hands after having touched something that had a poop germ, and then biting my fingernails could have caused my problem. Today still slightly ill. Main symptom nasal congestion.