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Any Advice For Combining MDMA & Heroin??

Olivia Nicole

Dec 3, 2017
I’m seeking advice on using MDMA and heroin together. I have specific questions and I’d appreciate any feed back
  1. Is it best to use one before the other? MDMA first? Heroin first?
  2. How long after using one first would you recommend using the other?
  3. Any dosage changes I should make because of overlapping effects?
My goal is to form a really strong bond with someone I care about. I don’t practice Wicca but the idea is basically the same; I want to bewitch him. I want all his heart and desire focused on me and I’m talking about consensually using together.

4. Would meth and heroin make a better “love potion”?
5. Is sex on MDMA and heroin more intense and intimate?
Interesting questions @Olivia Nicole. I've placed this post into its own dedicated thread to hopefully get it more attention.

Best wishes,
I don't find opioids to mix that well with MDMA. It kind of blunts the roll. I would do tht heroin when coming down from the molly. It will mellow you down and the heroin will feel even more euphoric. If you want to do a combo like taking them at the same time then yes I highly recomend the meth + heroin speedball. In my opioid years it was by far my favorite combo. I would mix a line of meth with a line of hydromorphone... Oh, what a pleasant rush !
It's good for the comedown but will really dull the roll in the Empathetic sense. I've tried combining snorted Heroin with Oral MDMA and it was nice but it made the Mandy act more as a stimulant. Also use to use IV Methylone/Heroin combo and pretty much had the same effect was a bit of a cuddly speedball. In retrospect its best to keep them separated until you comedown from the MDMA in my experience.

Hope this helps some :)
I love H but if you want to "bewitch" him I think that MDMA (or lower dose MDA) is probably the best chemical for that purpose. I don't see what H will add to the situation or how it can help other than, just as others said, making the comedown great.
If you don't have a H dependency, there's not much sense in combining them in my experience.
MDMA is a terrible drug for sex imo. But thats just me maybe. Personally I think good, proper, "magic" mdma is better than sex. :D 2cb, coke, meth would all be better suited, and Ive never done heroin, but I cant imagine it being good seeing what other opiates do when it comes to getting had, or making an orgasm a 5 hour quest of determination. haha
^How is MDMA terrible for sex lol. There isn’t a better drug in existence which is why X is almost always portrayed in the sex scene
To be honest, the talk of 'bewitching' and 'love potions' is a little disturbing and I'm not sure what your motives are.

But if you're non dependent on heroin, then do the MD first and save the heroin for the comedown - its lush.

If you're already dependent upon heroin, then it's best to take your standard dose before dropping the MD because you dont want to start withdrawing whilst in the grip of a powerful stimulant.
^How is MDMA terrible for sex lol. There isn’t a better drug in existence which is why X is almost always portrayed in the sex scene
During a six month MDMA binge I totally lost interest in sex. I wanted company and closeness with women but never sex. Lucky because the binge also seemed to make me impotent (temporarily thank god). I spent so many nights with girls just talking and having a cuddle I wondered if MDMA was revealing my true gayness (it wasn’t)

If I want to combine drugs and sex it would have to be meth. Probably with a viagra.
^How is MDMA terrible for sex lol. There isn’t a better drug in existence which is why X is almost always portrayed in the sex scene

Lack of orgasm and difficulting maintaining. Lol. Sure viagara may help in that, but one can only go so long before you lose feeling and just not fun. Massage and possibly oral may be cool but I just never even think of sex while rolling.
I was never at any slight risk of becoming addicted to heroin, or any other hard drugs. It just would have been impossible for me to go down that path and get into that lifestyle and that energy and the people who take drugs and Environment I was always just completely out of place and person.

Plus other types of drugs including downers never suited me and always had a very debilitating effect on my otherwise supremely clear and high consciousness as a person. Same for cocaine and crack. Not debilitating like the downers but I just could not not go down that path and that General energy and vibe and mindsets doing an addictive substance which would almost always lead to spending time with people on a lowly vibrational level, in a low vibrational environment where most people's lives are complete mess.

But I did take these drugs on numerous occasions mostly because I was with crowds or people who were into it or doing it at the time I'm and I was flexible and free enough to allow myself to experience new things open mindedly.

So I must have taken heroin 25 or 30 times maybe but usually in combination with other drugs like MDMA I never appreciated heroin by itself and was only really used as a compliment two other substances and seen as they naughty one off.

Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to paint heroin users out to be black as black or even bad people in any way.

Got the point I want to make it simply that combining heroin with MDMA would be a very hallucinogenic experience at times with full on hallucinations and cartoon land but I do tend to take quite large doses of MDMA.

I'll be honest I did enjoy the heroin effect on top of the MDMA. More caution was necessary combining heroin with LSD where bad trips are very possible similarly to ketamine and LSD but MDMA and heroin was generally pretty safe and trouble-free apart from the seedy characters which those environments tended to harbour.
During a six month MDMA binge I totally lost interest in sex. I wanted company and closeness with women but never sex. Lucky because the binge also seemed to make me impotent (temporarily thank god). I spent so many nights with girls just talking and having a cuddle I wondered if MDMA was revealing my true gayness (it wasn’t)

If I want to combine drugs and sex it would have to be meth. Probably with a viagra.
Lack of orgasm and difficulting maintaining. Lol. Sure viagara may help in that, but one can only go so long before you lose feeling and just not fun. Massage and possibly oral may be cool but I just never even think of sex while rolling.
Because mdma is chemical castration.

MDMA causes big time Prolactin release, and Prolactin is what makes dicks go limp after orgasms.
Also high serotonin levels makes it very hard to achieve orgasm.
I'm with @F.U.B.A.R. this talk of "bewitching" is kinda creepy and rapey.

But to answer your question I like to space out my doses of opiates on MDMA. I've done oxy and MDMA a few times and always enjoyed it greatly. What I found worked best is dose a little oxy with my MDMA, then throughout the roll do a line of oxy whenever I felt like a bump. It allows the best of both worlds. You peak on the MDMA with just enough opiate euphoria to enhance it then as you plateau you redose the opiate and nod out while you're still rolling. By the time you're coming down you don't even notice it cuz you're on the nod haha.

Best of both worlds. Usual HR advice about mixing uppers and downers applies here (don't take more smack than usual to try and "break through" the MDMA, stick to your regular dose!) and obviously stay hydrated etc.
Yeah I find both heroin and mdma to be pretty poor choices for sexual enhancement. Not that they interfere that much to the process but they both make me uninterested by it. If a sexual potion is what you are after I would suggest adding a psychedelic tryptamine to the mix. Most of them will do the trick but 5-meo-mipt is a great one for that purpose. Certain phenethylamines like 2c-b are also awesome for love-making.

Edit : 5-meo-mipt would replace the mdma in the combo since it has similar effects and the possibility (unlikely but speculated by some people) that 5-meo-mipt could have maoi properties and cause adverse reactions when mixed with mdma.
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i think overall the dope will hinder the mdma experience, but if you're looking for a more sedated one, it'll be more to your liking but please be advised you'll be under the impression you can use more mdma while using dope, avoid this.
^How is MDMA terrible for sex lol. There isn’t a better drug in existence which is why X is almost always portrayed in the sex scene

For real lol, when I finally had the opportunity for sex on MDMA it was easily best sex I've ever had

I agree that MDMA isn't particularly arousing in and of itself, like its not outright horny or lusty or anything more superficial, but I find when the opportunity actually presents itself, it tends to shift gears real quick

To OP, not too sure about the interaction between the two but it just sounds sort of dangerous, and from my limited experience, nothing about an opiate high feels sexual to me, theres just an utter lack of any motivation to do anything but lay there.
^How is MDMA terrible for sex lol. There isn’t a better drug in existence which is why X is almost always portrayed in the sex scene
Care to share some examples?
I couldnt think of anything worse.
The idea is great but the reality is that honest to goodness mdma makes it a waste of time and very very frustrating. Maybe you have been getting more speed than mdma? That would sure do it for me.

As to H and MDMA ........... ahhh NO.