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Deciding to go on a methadone program! Am i crazy to consider this


Nov 4, 2008
It's a long story i won't get into but when i was 18 i was told by a doctor that all my internal organs were no good and instead of drinking alcohol i would be better of using heroin and supplemented my heroin habit by going on methadone for the simple reason opiates like heroin and methadone are not harsh on the body.

So in the future i'm thinking of attempting to get on a methadone program, you know just for kick's.

Sounds crazy??? hear me out

For many years i have thought about taking advantage of the Australian health system by making a conscious choice to purposely snort a small amount of heroin everyday for about a week and at the end of the week see a Doctor that prescribes methadone and get on the methadone opiate replacement and maintenance program to get a prescription script for a daily dose of methadone that i can get everyday from my local chemist and in all honesty i would stop scoring heroin, give up smoking and drinking but try and organise as big as dose of methadone a doctor will be willing to prescribe.

The logic behind this decision is i've been told by a few methadone users that a large dose of methadone will get you through the day the same way smoking a 20's pack of Benson and hedges cigarettes everyday helps with reducing tension and anxiety. Having a daily dose of methadone will take the edge off and once you adjust to your opiate dependency you go on cruise control. The benefit of your daily dose of methadone is that it feels just like snorting a little bit of heroin and you will feel the same enjoyable way everyday after drinking your dose as it's well known methadone is a more than satisfactory substitute for heroin provided you were using heroin by smoking or snorting but weren't shooting it with the needle as it is the rush and intensity of a IV shot that turns a heroin users into a real dope fiend.

Going from using a small amount of H orally to getting a doctor to prescribe methadone is no biggie. They do a blood test to detect the level of opiates in your system and conduct an interview about your recent drug use as well as discuss your medical history and as long as you have opiates in your system and seem strung out a GP will help you out. In Australia methadone is a real low cost alternative to buying heroin everyday. From what i've been told if you like the feeling snorting or smoking heroin gives, methadone which is a synthetic opiate mimics the positive aspects of heroin. Methadone will keep you going with a daily high for a price as cheap as $3.60 a day. i know former heroin users who have been on methadone since the 1980s and their doctor's put no pressure on them to lower their dose at all let alone attempt to quit methadone. In Australia you can live a full and enjoyable life all while being a functioning opiate addict.

Why i am thinking of becoming a daily methadone user? It's the cheapest way to get a decent high everyday, the way I see it once i get older and retire due to being forced from the workforce i will have to live off a welfare payment, which means the end of drinking alcohol and getting high from meth and heroin. living off welfare in Australia is difficult, not impossible plenty of retirees in Australia get by alright on the aged pension it's just a matter of pinching your pennies and cutting out vices like smoking, drinking and narcotics. If you live in Australia than the costs of legal vices like smokes and alcohol are over taxed making them prohibitively expensive at the same time illegal drugs like heroin or meth are expensive but methadone, yes methadone is cheap as it's a Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme medicine subsidised by the Australian Government and unlike America where getting on a methadone program quickly is extremely difficult.

In Australian cities getting access to methadone can be organised in as little as 48 hours. And the out of pocket cost of daily methadone treatment, $3.60 to $5 a day depending what you pay up front. Generally speaking if you are on welfare in Australia you can pay $50 upfront on your fortnightly payday and that covers 14 days daily doses of methadone from your local chemist. Some chemist are cheaper some are more expensive.

Out of interest anyone who has been on methadone would you describe the feeling you feel after taking a dose of methadone as a feeling similar to smoking or snorting heroin? I know drinking a dose of methadone could never feel as good as a IV shot of high grade heroin. I heard of many different heroin users both current and former users say that heroin is the true "bitch" drug cos once you get addicted to heroin you need to keep on using heroin to not get sick and to a addict a hit of heroin is only enjoyable because all the pain you feel in your body disappears.

So my main question is does methadone have a high? You know a euphoric and enjoyable high that heroin gives you if you are not physically addicted, Correct me if i am wrong but methadone's main purpose is to stop you getting dope sick. Being a opiate methadone must have some recreational value to it. But trying to quit methadone cold turkey is actually harder than stopping street grade heroin cold turkey, true or false it doesn't matter what form of opiate you are physically dependant on there's always pain and sickness getting clean.
You need to feel bad, REAL bad before you can feel good.

Sorry if my post seems naive but i really have no idea what being addicted to heroin feels like let alone knowing the pro's and con's of using methadone everyday to improve ones quality of life or simply put decide to make a lifestyle choice to use methadone for the entertainment value just like a person will smoke a cigarette while drinking a beer. Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol is an enjoyable choice of entertainment for the same reason people use illegal drugs, you get a high and feel uplifted while the high or buzz takes the edge off.

For example choosing to go to a rave party and pop a ecstasy pill is another form of entertainment. No different to a elderly person who chooses to play bingo at a pub while drinking glass after glass of wine. One is an illegal choice of entertainment the other a legal and regulated entertainment choice.

So when i'm older my entertainment choice will be methadone
I'm not questioning your decision. But I just jumped off methadone. Last dose was 2 weeks ago and I haven't slept now in 3 nights.

Also - liquid handcuffs. You have to dose regularly at a pharmacy, it severely limits your general schedule and really restricts travel.

It's a lot harder to come off of than crashing a few days after abusing dope.

So just know what you are signing up for. It will also cost you 50-80/fn usually.
It's a long story i won't get into but when i was 18 i was told by a doctor that all my internal organs were no good and instead of drinking alcohol i would be better of using heroin and supplemented my heroin habit by going on methadone for the simple reason opiates like heroin and methadone are not harsh on the body.

While this is true relatively speaking, methadone has a few physical issues that need to be taken into account. For example, QT prolongation , an issue causing potentially fatal heart arrythmia. Its rare, but if you have heart issues, you probably won't be a suitable candidate for methadone.

When I was on it, I found the intense constipation to be really uncomfortable- I could hardly eat because I would get so fucking bloated and couldn't pass wind- totally fucking blocked. All opiates can do this, but methadone did this really badly.

For many years i have thought about taking advantage of the Australian health system by making a conscious choice to purposely snort a small amount of heroin everyday for about a week and at the end of the week see a Doctor that prescribes methadone and get on the methadone opiate replacement and maintenance program to get a prescription script for a daily dose of methadone that i can get everyday from my local chemist and in all honesty i would stop scoring heroin, give up smoking and drinking but try and organise as big as dose of methadone a doctor will be willing to prescribe.

I don't think this is particularly sound logic. As with all drugs, once you are tolerant to it you either need to increase the dose to get 'high', or you will end up supplmenting it with other drugs. Given that you only want to go on methadone to actually get high, what will you do when the drug inevitably stops working?

The logic behind this decision is i've been told by a few methadone users that a large dose of methadone will get you through the day the same way smoking a 20's pack of Benson and hedges cigarettes everyday helps with reducing tension and anxiety. Having a daily dose of methadone will take the edge off and once you adjust to your opiate dependency you go on cruise control. The benefit of your daily dose of methadone is that it feels just like snorting a little bit of heroin and you will feel the same enjoyable way everyday after drinking your dose as it's well known methadone is a more than satisfactory substitute for heroin provided you were using heroin by smoking or snorting but weren't shooting it with the needle as it is the rush and intensity of a IV shot that turns a heroin users into a real dope fiend.

TBH, methadone is way more useful if you are trying to get away from the drug life. If you are tolerant, its not going to get you high or cause euphoria- but it prevents the lows of opioid withdrawal which lead to drug seeking, binging, etc.

Rather than euphoria, methadone creates that srtate of euthymia. Its a feeling of 'normality' rather than a feeling of being drugged up. That said, I found methadone could be quite euphoric- 3 hours after ingesting it, I would start feeling that wave of heavy pleasant warmth and always wanted to intensify it by either smoking weed, taking a downer, adding more opiates. I found buprenorphine much more useful at stabilising me- I was not high at all, but felt no discomfort or urge to take more drugs PLUS opiates shouldn't be mixed with bupe. Almost the perfect antidepressant in a way.

Going from using a small amount of H orally to getting a doctor to prescribe methadone is no biggie. They do a blood test to detect the level of opiates in your system and conduct an interview about your recent drug use as well as discuss your medical history and as long as you have opiates in your system and seem strung out a GP will help you out. In Australia methadone is a real low cost alternative to buying heroin everyday. From what i've been told if you like the feeling snorting or smoking heroin gives, methadone which is a synthetic opiate mimics the positive aspects of heroin. Methadone will keep you going with a daily high for a price as cheap as $3.60 a day. i know former heroin users who have been on methadone since the 1980s and their doctor's put no pressure on them to lower their dose at all let alone attempt to quit methadone. In Australia you can live a full and enjoyable life all while being a functioning opiate addict.

If you get to the point where you can take home your dose, you can have a normal life, but needing to go to a chemist everyday and lining up with a bunch of junkies is certainly not a "full" life. Its a fucking drag, it can impede your ability to go to work, there is the stigma and all that bullshit. Its a great solution to someone in a crisis who is unable to control their usage- it provides a framework and structure to your day, but I think you will rapidly find it a hassle.

In Australian cities getting access to methadone can be organised in as little as 48 hours. And the out of pocket cost of daily methadone treatment, $3.60 to $5 a day depending what you pay up front. Generally speaking if you are on welfare in Australia you can pay $50 upfront on your fortnightly payday and that covers 14 days daily doses of methadone from your local chemist. Some chemist are cheaper some are more expensive.

This is pretty true, methadone does help addicts hang onto their money a bit better. Or does it leave us more money to spend on other drugs? :|

Out of interest anyone who has been on methadone would you describe the feeling you feel after taking a dose of methadone as a feeling similar to smoking or snorting heroin?

It is broadly similar in that it has similar physical and mental feelings- like all opiates- but methadone takes fucking hours to kick in and peak. It can take up to 5 hours to work, though it assuages withdrawal within about 2. Heroin is a lot more euphoric because it kicks in really rapidly. I never got much of a rush from methadone.

After I got clean 9 years ago (after being detoxed from methadone/heroin and benzos), I resumed chipping for a few years, and was taking 50mg doses of methadone recreationally. It was definitely recreational and enjoyable when taken and having no tolerance. Taking it everyday removes this high within a week or so.

Of course, I ended up addicted again and 5 years on, I am basically clean of opiates now.

So my main question is does methadone have a high? You know a euphoric and enjoyable high that heroin gives you if you are not physically addicted, Correct me if i am wrong but methadone's main purpose is to stop you getting dope sick. Being a opiate methadone must have some recreational value to it.

Does it get you high, or is the feeling of NOT having w/d symptoms? I could never tell, but either way, its nothing like the nod of shooting heroin or morphine. The recreational value largely lies in not experiencing the horridness of withdrawal, rather than any positive high.

You need to feel bad, REAL bad before you can feel good.

But feeling good is more than simply NOT feeling bad. And feeling good is not really the only point to living.

Sorry if my post seems naive but i really have no idea what being addicted to heroin feels like let alone knowing the pro's and con's of using methadone everyday to improve ones quality of life or simply put decide to make a lifestyle choice to use methadone for the entertainment value just like a person will smoke a cigarette while drinking a beer. Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol is an enjoyable choice of entertainment for the same reason people use illegal drugs, you get a high and feel uplifted while the high or buzz takes the edge off.

If you have never been physically dependant on opiates, I implore you to maintain this. It might sound like a small thing, but that kind of addiction totally refocuses your life. You end up only wanting to get high and after a while, you really cannot anymore unless you are willing to continually increase your dosage. It is a horrible existence- addiction effects every aspect of your life, you will end up finding it virtually impossible to experience pleasure without opiates.

On another note, I don't really support your idea of "exploiting" the methadone maintenance system in Australia. I mean, it is in place to help addicts who want to better their lives, not to prevent boredom or dissatisfaction in non-addicts. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but I also don't want that incredibly useful system to become harder to access because drug users are exploiting it.

For example choosing to go to a rave party and pop a ecstasy pill is another form of entertainment. No different to a elderly person who chooses to play bingo at a pub while drinking glass after glass of wine. One is an illegal choice of entertainment the other a legal and regulated entertainment choice.

So when i'm older my entertainment choice will be methadone

And it will end up your only form of entertainment and you might very well have wasted the one, singular, brief life you have.

Not trying to talk down to you, because I am still in recovery myself and I know the urge to get high all too well- but I think your plan has some huge flaws and your motivation for wanting to do this is unwise IMO. I've been trying for 10 years to get clean, and one reason that I took up opiates was during a 3 year binge on psychedelics in which I sort of felt like I wanted to see what opiate addiction and withdrawal felt like- to my mind now, that is utterly insane. I didn't know that I was walking into a life that is incredibly hard to walk out of, I was naive to the max. I think you might be being naive too.

FWIW, I am actually clean atm through choice. 10 years later :| This cannot be wwhat you truly want from life.

Anyway, feel free to PM me or simply reply here if you have any questions. All the best <3
Going to a methadone clinic is not glamorous at all. If your not addicted to opiates or opioids I say... Stay away.

After being on methadone for going on 3 yrs now I get a happy "glow" but no rush or serious euphoria when I dose in the morning. Methadone is an awesome drug for a heroin addict. It definitely kills cravings and withdrawal without a major "rush." I also have chronic arthritic pain and methadone absolutely destroys my pain and allows me to live a normal life. Also, I have given my clinic 36 clean UA test so I have built up trust with my clinic. I never give them a problem and they never give me one. They trust me. My methadone clinic gives me 5 take homes a week and 6 beginning in March. Having a week worth of take homes make the methadone clinic so much easier. With take-homes I can live a normal life without having to go to the clinic every single morning which can be tiresome after a while. Take homes are considered a reward and not a mandatory part of the program.

Everyone's body is different... Swilow had major constipation on methadone and I have never had constipation on methadone. I'm as regular as regular can be.

You will get high as fuck if your not methadone tolerant. After being on it for a few weeks you will develop a tolerance. After that, you will not feel high at all, just a "glow."

Methadone comes in pills and liquid. I prefer the liquid because it kicks in within about 30 to 45 mins. The pills seem to take 3 to 4 hours to kick in completely but only an hour or so to relieve withdrawal symptoms.

To wrap up my answer to you I would stay away from Methadone if you're not addicted to opiates or opioids. If you get into methadone you will develop a methadone habit. You can always taper your dose down to zero milligrams slowly but many don't. There is a very high chance that if you're not addicted to methadone you will be. I'm just bring 100 percent real witcha.

What up Swilow?
I actually know someone who did something similar and was able to get on methadone despite not having a previous opiate/opioid addiction. They wanted to have a nice pleasant buzz all day, and as a result they kept pushing their dose higher and higher. I think they ended up on something ridiculous like 140mg of methadone a day. Eventually, they realised that being tied to a chemist and having a ridiculously high tolerance to opioids wasn't really worth the relatively mild kick they were getting out of their daily dose. Last time I spoke to them, they had been through a long and drawn out taper down to a lowish dose of buprenorphine and were hoping to jump off eventually. I have no idea if they ever did.

I think you will find that overseas travel is quite difficult when you are on methadone. You will find that you will encounter an unfortunate amount of stigma from a lot of people if they find out you are on it. It will cost you a small fortune to get high off heroin or black market pain killers. If you injure yourself then you may struggle to get adequate pain relief. You will get tolerant to any dose you take every day, and there will come a point where you will not be able to get that dose increased any further. On the whole, there are a lot of negatives and I don't see that there are really any positives. Do yourself a favour, save MMT for if you ever find yourself in the unfortunate position of being addicted to opiates or opioids.
Thanks for all the detailed replies guy's. It was interesting reading that's for sure.

Maybe i'll leave MMT alone unless when older in the future i get over my head on pain meds due to a genuine medical requirement for pain relief like cancer or kidney failure resulting in a need for dialysis.
It's a long story i won't get into but when i was 18 i was told by a doctor that all my internal organs were no good and instead of drinking alcohol i would be better of using heroin and supplemented my heroin habit by going on methadone for the simple reason opiates like heroin and methadone are not harsh on the body.

So in the future i'm thinking of attempting to get on a methadone program, you know just for kick's.

Sounds crazy??? hear me out

For many years i have thought about taking advantage of the Australian health system by making a conscious choice to purposely snort a small amount of heroin everyday for about a week and at the end of the week see a Doctor that prescribes methadone and get on the methadone opiate replacement and maintenance program to get a prescription script for a daily dose of methadone that i can get everyday from my local chemist and in all honesty i would stop scoring heroin, give up smoking and drinking but try and organise as big as dose of methadone a doctor will be willing to prescribe.

The logic behind this decision is i've been told by a few methadone users that a large dose of methadone will get you through the day the same way smoking a 20's pack of Benson and hedges cigarettes everyday helps with reducing tension and anxiety. Having a daily dose of methadone will take the edge off and once you adjust to your opiate dependency you go on cruise control. The benefit of your daily dose of methadone is that it feels just like snorting a little bit of heroin and you will feel the same enjoyable way everyday after drinking your dose as it's well known methadone is a more than satisfactory substitute for heroin provided you were using heroin by smoking or snorting but weren't shooting it with the needle as it is the rush and intensity of a IV shot that turns a heroin users into a real dope fiend.

Going from using a small amount of H orally to getting a doctor to prescribe methadone is no biggie. They do a blood test to detect the level of opiates in your system and conduct an interview about your recent drug use as well as discuss your medical history and as long as you have opiates in your system and seem strung out a GP will help you out. In Australia methadone is a real low cost alternative to buying heroin everyday. From what i've been told if you like the feeling snorting or smoking heroin gives, methadone which is a synthetic opiate mimics the positive aspects of heroin. Methadone will keep you going with a daily high for a price as cheap as $3.60 a day. i know former heroin users who have been on methadone since the 1980s and their doctor's put no pressure on them to lower their dose at all let alone attempt to quit methadone. In Australia you can live a full and enjoyable life all while being a functioning opiate addict.

Why i am thinking of becoming a daily methadone user? It's the cheapest way to get a decent high everyday, the way I see it once i get older and retire due to being forced from the workforce i will have to live off a welfare payment, which means the end of drinking alcohol and getting high from meth and heroin. living off welfare in Australia is difficult, not impossible plenty of retirees in Australia get by alright on the aged pension it's just a matter of pinching your pennies and cutting out vices like smoking, drinking and narcotics. If you live in Australia than the costs of legal vices like smokes and alcohol are over taxed making them prohibitively expensive at the same time illegal drugs like heroin or meth are expensive but methadone, yes methadone is cheap as it's a Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme medicine subsidised by the Australian Government and unlike America where getting on a methadone program quickly is extremely difficult.

In Australian cities getting access to methadone can be organised in as little as 48 hours. And the out of pocket cost of daily methadone treatment, $3.60 to $5 a day depending what you pay up front. Generally speaking if you are on welfare in Australia you can pay $50 upfront on your fortnightly payday and that covers 14 days daily doses of methadone from your local chemist. Some chemist are cheaper some are more expensive.

Out of interest anyone who has been on methadone would you describe the feeling you feel after taking a dose of methadone as a feeling similar to smoking or snorting heroin? I know drinking a dose of methadone could never feel as good as a IV shot of high grade heroin. I heard of many different heroin users both current and former users say that heroin is the true "bitch" drug cos once you get addicted to heroin you need to keep on using heroin to not get sick and to a addict a hit of heroin is only enjoyable because all the pain you feel in your body disappears.

So my main question is does methadone have a high? You know a euphoric and enjoyable high that heroin gives you if you are not physically addicted, Correct me if i am wrong but methadone's main purpose is to stop you getting dope sick. Being a opiate methadone must have some recreational value to it. But trying to quit methadone cold turkey is actually harder than stopping street grade heroin cold turkey, true or false it doesn't matter what form of opiate you are physically dependant on there's always pain and sickness getting clean.
You need to feel bad, REAL bad before you can feel good.

Sorry if my post seems naive but i really have no idea what being addicted to heroin feels like let alone knowing the pro's and con's of using methadone everyday to improve ones quality of life or simply put decide to make a lifestyle choice to use methadone for the entertainment value just like a person will smoke a cigarette while drinking a beer. Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol is an enjoyable choice of entertainment for the same reason people use illegal drugs, you get a high and feel uplifted while the high or buzz takes the edge off.

For example choosing to go to a rave party and pop a ecstasy pill is another form of entertainment. No different to a elderly person who chooses to play bingo at a pub while drinking glass after glass of wine. One is an illegal choice of entertainment the other a legal and regulated entertainment choice.

So when i'm older my entertainment choice will be methadone
That is a terrible idea! My friend that’s been an IV user for 20+ years says that’s what he regrets most. You have to be at the clinic everyday and unless you piss clean you’ll never get take homes. You’ll also probably be on it for the rest of your life as it’s almost impossible to quit especially once you’ve been on it for a while. Yeah you get sick but you won’t get high really either. My friend takes a retarded dose everyday cause his habit is so bad and for so long and he says other than making him a little sleepy he doesn’t feel anything, nor did I when I used to take it. Also kiss your heroin high goodbye or at least 50-75% of it. You won’t save money because you’ll have to do 2-3 times as much and bigger shops just to feel it at all. And if you’re planning on having a rush with your shot, guess what? Welcome to doing speedballs, now that’s the only rush you’re going to have from a shot boy from now on. Enjoy hahaha
I wouldnt see it as getting a decent high. I would see it as getting treatment for a serious drug dependency. All the very best with it.
Do you want to be tied up to methadone rest of you're life? Lets say there is revolution in Australia, some civil-war and you stop getting methadone and there are no other opioids available then you will feel really terrible. It have happened like in East- Ukraine when it was occupied by Russia, and as Russia have no methadone program all the methadone patients went cold turkey on it. Something to think.

I think opioid maintenance program is terrible idea, unless it's short time with tapering like in 2 weeks. BUt life-time maintenance sound like prison.

Methadone saved my life. I am on 40mgs daily, and I'm very happy with it. :)

They say it's good to keep the dose as low as possible, because of side effects.

Waking up and having my daily dose, is awesome- I think it's even nicer than heroin.


Methadone saved my life. I am on 40mgs daily, and I'm very happy with it. :)

They say it's good to keep the dose as low as possible, because of side effects.

Waking up and having my daily dose, is awesome- I think it's even nicer than heroin.

How long have you been on it?
since january this year. I'm planning to stay on it as long as I can :)
I'd like to hear opinion from someone who have been on it over 10 years, if it's still beneficial to them. Methadone is much harder to stop than heroin, but maybe very slow tapering will make it easier.
good luck finding a 10 yr patient. is it up to the cross-addicted to suggest meth replacement program?
It's a long story i won't get into but when i was 18 i was told by a doctor that all my internal organs were no good and instead of drinking alcohol i would be better of using heroin and supplemented my heroin habit by going on methadone for the simple reason opiates like heroin and methadone are not harsh on the body.

So in the future i'm thinking of attempting to get on a methadone program, you know just for kick's.

Sounds crazy??? hear me out

For many years i have thought about taking advantage of the Australian health system by making a conscious choice to purposely snort a small amount of heroin everyday for about a week and at the end of the week see a Doctor that prescribes methadone and get on the methadone opiate replacement and maintenance program to get a prescription script for a daily dose of methadone that i can get everyday from my local chemist and in all honesty i would stop scoring heroin, give up smoking and drinking but try and organise as big as dose of methadone a doctor will be willing to prescribe.

The logic behind this decision is i've been told by a few methadone users that a large dose of methadone will get you through the day the same way smoking a 20's pack of Benson and hedges cigarettes everyday helps with reducing tension and anxiety. Having a daily dose of methadone will take the edge off and once you adjust to your opiate dependency you go on cruise control. The benefit of your daily dose of methadone is that it feels just like snorting a little bit of heroin and you will feel the same enjoyable way everyday after drinking your dose as it's well known methadone is a more than satisfactory substitute for heroin provided you were using heroin by smoking or snorting but weren't shooting it with the needle as it is the rush and intensity of a IV shot that turns a heroin users into a real dope fiend.

Going from using a small amount of H orally to getting a doctor to prescribe methadone is no biggie. They do a blood test to detect the level of opiates in your system and conduct an interview about your recent drug use as well as discuss your medical history and as long as you have opiates in your system and seem strung out a GP will help you out. In Australia methadone is a real low cost alternative to buying heroin everyday. From what i've been told if you like the feeling snorting or smoking heroin gives, methadone which is a synthetic opiate mimics the positive aspects of heroin. Methadone will keep you going with a daily high for a price as cheap as $3.60 a day. i know former heroin users who have been on methadone since the 1980s and their doctor's put no pressure on them to lower their dose at all let alone attempt to quit methadone. In Australia you can live a full and enjoyable life all while being a functioning opiate addict.

Why i am thinking of becoming a daily methadone user? It's the cheapest way to get a decent high everyday, the way I see it once i get older and retire due to being forced from the workforce i will have to live off a welfare payment, which means the end of drinking alcohol and getting high from meth and heroin. living off welfare in Australia is difficult, not impossible plenty of retirees in Australia get by alright on the aged pension it's just a matter of pinching your pennies and cutting out vices like smoking, drinking and narcotics. If you live in Australia than the costs of legal vices like smokes and alcohol are over taxed making them prohibitively expensive at the same time illegal drugs like heroin or meth are expensive but methadone, yes methadone is cheap as it's a Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme medicine subsidised by the Australian Government and unlike America where getting on a methadone program quickly is extremely difficult.

In Australian cities getting access to methadone can be organised in as little as 48 hours. And the out of pocket cost of daily methadone treatment, $3.60 to $5 a day depending what you pay up front. Generally speaking if you are on welfare in Australia you can pay $50 upfront on your fortnightly payday and that covers 14 days daily doses of methadone from your local chemist. Some chemist are cheaper some are more expensive.

Out of interest anyone who has been on methadone would you describe the feeling you feel after taking a dose of methadone as a feeling similar to smoking or snorting heroin? I know drinking a dose of methadone could never feel as good as a IV shot of high grade heroin. I heard of many different heroin users both current and former users say that heroin is the true "bitch" drug cos once you get addicted to heroin you need to keep on using heroin to not get sick and to a addict a hit of heroin is only enjoyable because all the pain you feel in your body disappears.

So my main question is does methadone have a high? You know a euphoric and enjoyable high that heroin gives you if you are not physically addicted, Correct me if i am wrong but methadone's main purpose is to stop you getting dope sick. Being a opiate methadone must have some recreational value to it. But trying to quit methadone cold turkey is actually harder than stopping street grade heroin cold turkey, true or false it doesn't matter what form of opiate you are physically dependant on there's always pain and sickness getting clean.
You need to feel bad, REAL bad before you can feel good.

Sorry if my post seems naive but i really have no idea what being addicted to heroin feels like let alone knowing the pro's and con's of using methadone everyday to improve ones quality of life or simply put decide to make a lifestyle choice to use methadone for the entertainment value just like a person will smoke a cigarette while drinking a beer. Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol is an enjoyable choice of entertainment for the same reason people use illegal drugs, you get a high and feel uplifted while the high or buzz takes the edge off.

For example choosing to go to a rave party and pop a ecstasy pill is another form of entertainment. No different to a elderly person who chooses to play bingo at a pub while drinking glass after glass of wine. One is an illegal choice of entertainment the other a legal and regulated entertainment choice.

So when i'm older my entertainment choice will be methadone
Go ahead, if you wanna be a Slave to the shit and don't mind having liquid handcuffs. There's nobody interfering with your plan,Although if you ever wanna travel somewhere, forget about it. You are gonna be methadones bitch for the x amount of years you're planning to be on it... NZN
Physicians in drug rehabilitation centers across the country prescribeSuboxone to their patients with substance use disorders. Suboxone is specifically intended to treat dependence on opioid compounds, including oxycodone, hydrocodone,heroin and more. At an ingredient level, Suboxone combines two specific medications to accomplish this task. The first, buprenorphine, is the key ingredient. Buprenorphine functions in a similar fashion to traditional opioids by binding to the same receptors in the central nervous system. Here, the medicine works to suppress opioid cravings, while also offsetting the associated withdrawal symptoms.
Naloxone is the second most important active ingredient found in the prescription. When used under the brand name Narcan, naloxone is deployed as an anti-opioid overdose medicine used by police officers and medical professionals. Essentially, the medicine blocks opioid receptors in the brain to reverse an overdose. While it retains this functionality in Suboxone, the chief duty of naloxone paired with buprenorphine is to trigger withdrawal symptoms if the medicine is being misused. In fact, the naloxone found in Suboxone remains dormant unless tampered with — think of it as a sort of failsafe. Whenever Suboxone is not used as direct, the naloxone kicks in to block a pleasurable opioid high and imitate a withdrawal instead.
Suboxone is one of several drugs designed for opioid detox. These methods can differ by approach at different rehabilitation facilities, but most refer to the general principle as tapering. The term “taper” indicates a gradual reduction of use rather than complete, immediate cessation. Though quitting is certainly the goal, doing so outright leaves people susceptible to unbearable, sometimes life-threatening withdrawals. Tapering tackles this Suboxone withdrawal problem two-fold by lessening or eliminating symptoms and adjusting the body to life beyond the drug’s clutches.

Tldr: use bupe or methadone for ONLY 7-28 days and TAPER yourself down little by little each day until your withdrawal symptoms are gone fully.

If you stay on Bupe or Methadone for longer than 1 year, your kidney enzymes which already naturally die every day will begin to die at a rate of 20-50x as much daily thus leading to the destruction of your kidneys thus leading to need a kidney transplant to save your life.
Go ahead, if you wanna be a Slave to the shit and don't mind having liquid handcuffs. There's nobody interfering with your plan,Although if you ever wanna travel somewhere, forget about it. You are gonna be methadones bitch for the x amount of years you're planning to be on it... NZN

Admitidly I've never attempted this, but when Ive asked I've always been told that if I were going away for a period of time that it would be possible to arrange a quantity of takeaways to cover that time.

On a separate subject, I find it interesting people talking about the cost of methadone. I pay for it now because I get it from a pharmacy, but for a few years I got my methadone from a public clinic and it was completely free. No cost whatsoever.

Downside is they wouldnt do takeaways and their opening hours were shorter than most pharmacies, though unlike pharmacies, they were open absolutely every day of the year.
Admitidly I've never attempted this, but when Ive asked I've always been told that if I were going away for a period of time that it would be possible to arrange a quantity of takeaways to cover that time.

On a separate subject, I find it interesting people talking about the cost of methadone. I pay for it now because I get it from a pharmacy, but for a few years I got my methadone from a public clinic and it was completely free. No cost whatsoever.

Downside is they wouldnt do takeaways and their opening hours were shorter than most pharmacies, though unlike pharmacies, they were open absolutely every day of the year.
methadone has it's pros and cons, at last you're not harming urself anymore. But at what COST? you have to go to the clinic everymorning, everyday, you're still addicted to the junk. Srsly in my case, im addicted to morphine and when i decide to quit, i won't go on methadone, i'd rather reduce my dose and then quit with comfort meds. Methadone's not worth it imho.
If you stay on Bupe or Methadone for longer than 1 year, your kidney enzymes which already naturally die every day will begin to die at a rate of 20-50x as much daily thus leading to the destruction of your kidneys thus leading to need a kidney transplant to save your life.
Where did you get this information bro? I've never ever heard/read that before. What's your source of information on this?