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Opioids Kratom Megathread V.6

Well I do think that in my experience too much Kratom can have negative effects because you essentially overdosed and I've killed highs before by taking too much but not in the course of less than 45 mins so that's the difference and maybe that just isn't possible.

I know that from having taken too much many times and I don't think a lot of proof is required to guess that if you take way too much it might not be enjoyable and the side effects might overpower the good effects, and I think it's true that everyone has their own unique sweet spot based on many factors.

I'm not saying who's right or wrong.

I'll take advice from many places and see what I can learn from everyone.

I guess all I can do is keep experimenting with different doses.

I have a hard time believing that I fooled myself into feeling high, but I do also question whether or not it's physically possible to feel Kratom's effects after only 20 mins so it could perhaps be the case.

It's just frustrating.

Maybe next time I'll just jump to closer to my old doses and figure that my tolerance is permanently messed up.

Or I could try to take it on an empty stomach, but I don't like doing that as it gives me side effects and I don't like starving myself.

I'm not saying he didn't provide evidence (I haven't read it). It was more a general statement that when people come up with some strange theory that they can't provide evidence of, I'm dubious..

Of course if they did provide evidence, then that's fine..just weigh it up in your own mind and decide if it's valid or not...

Like I say, I was more referring to odd theories that don't make sense and for which people can't offer you any proof other than "well it works for me man"...I'm sure you know the type I mean....
@Mycophile it's not about whether or not it's possible for you to feel kratom 20 minutes after dosing. And alcohol is absorbed differently btw. With T&W kratom, you slowly extract alkaloids from the root before it can even be absorbed, and mitragynine analogues take extra time to cross the blood brain barrier because they're a PGP substrate iirc. So even at peak blood concentration, it may take additional time to feel it. And the In the study they're giving people aqueous mitragynine on an empty stomache--not T&W powder. Those number are going to be bigger for T&W powder.

Anyways, the effects you describe have basically 0 correlation with what your blood concentration of kratom alkaloids will be. If you're feeling high 20 minutes after dosing and the high goes away another 20 minutes later, the "high" was at least partly the pavlovian effect. I'm not saying everytime you get high it's a placebo. I'm saying that if you're high is coming and going 20-40 minutes after dosing, it's at least partly a placebo in that very specific circumstance.

I don't think there's much else for to add. To summarize, if your high vanishes 40 minutes after dosing, the most logical explanation, based on what you've said, is that the "high" was partly a pavlovian response. Sounds like your tolerance is high again which is why you're having trouble getting anything out of your kratom. The conditions in the study you cited are very different from consuming powder, unless you're drinking a very well prepared kratom tea on an empty stomache

Ok thanks then I believe you, unfortunately.

In your experience, do you think it's likely that for someone like me who does NOT use hard opioids (and has only used them a handful of times in my life), who had a good response to Kratom 10 months ago (albeit to 16 gram doses but still) could COMPLETELY lose the ability to get high in the same way off of Kratom again for some unknown reason just because I took such massive doses?

I mean I could MAYBE get it if I stopped getting effects from it due to tolerance BEFORE my 10 month break but I didn't so how could it happen AFTER a 10 month break?

I'm just wondering if I can get my old effects back again, I mean I've had SOME but it's very hard to really get much.

And please note I'm not asking if it could SOMEHOW be possible to lose all ability to get the same high off Kratom by some unknown mechanism (cause I guess anything is possible) but if you have ever actually heard of it happening or if you think it is LIKELY...

Would you have any possible suggestions to make it work better for me again and do you think if I keep taking higher doses (although of course I'd like to keep my tolerance down) that sooner or later I should be able to get it work for me?

Cause so far all I can think of is to just give in and go back to my old mega doses of 16 grams...which would kind of suck but oh well...

I mean I DID feel 12 grams today which is the most I've dosed since I started again, and I felt it...but it was STILL extremely mild.

10 months ago I was getting REALLY high off of 16 gram doses.

Thank you for the responses.
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Myco....Ive noticed that I can't get high on kratom the same way as I did at first. Even after stopping for a couple months. And to further complicated it. I had been through years of IV oxy/heroin use before I ever tried kratom (had tapered down to low maintenance doses and stopped injecting by the time i discovered kratom though).

Kratom although binding to the mu receptor, does so differently than opiates. results in different dopamine levels in different parts of the brain than regular opiates and has all that additional off target pharmacology too. Thus maybe we can get used to it and not get the same high.

Think of the first time you smoked weed, I was hallucinating like an acid trip. And this happened the first several times i was high on weed. Now it never happens again even after stopping weed for a year.
94h after last dose : I'd say I'm close to baseline (never felt far away but I expect the wd to linger). Took 2mg Lope today (1 pill). Most significant wd symptom atm is the adrenergic rebound; as soon as I take any stimulant (weak ones like caffeine or adaptogens) I get a cranked out quickly. Colors are more vivid in general, when during the first 2 days they were more dull. Interesting.

I don't feel any craving for Kratom, as my rational conclusion is, that it is just not beneficial for me anymore. I realized, the only reason I did not stop earlier was the low price, the low negative impact on dystopian western every-day life and the (mostly exaggerated) horror stories about wd symptoms. Maybe in the next emotional/physical crisis it can proof itself helpful again. Or maybe I actually grew up. 8(
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Thats good man, congrats. Sounds like you're coming past it nicely. About how much were you using per day beforehand?
Myco....Ive noticed that I can't get high on kratom the same way as I did at first. Even after stopping for a couple months. And to further complicated it. I had been through years of IV oxy/heroin use before I ever tried kratom (had tapered down to low maintenance doses and stopped injecting by the time i discovered kratom though).

Kratom although binding to the mu receptor, does so differently than opiates. results in different dopamine levels in different parts of the brain than regular opiates and has all that additional off target pharmacology too. Thus maybe we can get used to it and not get the same high.

Think of the first time you smoked weed, I was hallucinating like an acid trip. And this happened the first several times i was high on weed. Now it never happens again even after stopping weed for a year.

But do you still got high on Kratom but just not AS high on it?

Yeah, I mean I noticed today I did get a mild high off of 8 grams but it's just not the same kind of STIMULANT high I was once able to get or nearly as good as they used to be.

Yes I know what you mean about how weed was like tripping for the first 2 years I smoked it and then it never went back to feeling that strong again.

But why do you think I'd have been able to get that high BEFORE the 10 month break but not AFTER it?

Wouldn't it seem like it would be the other way around?

At least it DOES still work for me, and I think if I keep experimenting with different dosages and different strains that eventually I might get a similar high to some that I used to.

Actually I think I did for a while last week but now I'm questioning whether or not I felt that way the day I mixed it with F-Phenibut or another day, but I think the day I'm thinking of I didn't take F-Phenibut so it wasn't that.

Do you have any tips to get the more stimulating effect?

Would you just taking lower doses and lighter white and green strains like everyone else says?

I personally have never felt that white strains worked well for me but I like green ones.

And do you know of any good potentiators?
I loved kratom before I tried other (real) opiates. Those didn't do anything for me, only ruined my kratom tolerance.

1 gram of kratom did more for me than 200mg oxy (instant) and 600mcg nasal fentanyl combined. I wish I knew that sooner.

My fav daytime mixes were red thai with green malay, and green thai with red bali iirc

For night, red bali and red borneo.
Thats good man, congrats. Sounds like you're coming past it nicely. About how much were you using per day beforehand?

At my peak 8g daily (like 4-5 times 1.5g). Did a rather short taper to 6,4,2 and then 0. The doses are not olympic. But I was using several years (most years <6g daily), so I expect the after effects to linger for much longer. Atm I cannot complain. Took 2mg Lope today. But I have less obligations now, so I guess I can drop that also completely tomorrow.

I have to add, that my pheromone level must have increased significantly. Just saying : If you are a guy and in mild Kratom WD, talk to a lot of women and see the difference compared to your behaviour on Kratom (even if it just an illusion, it will make you feel better). It is a whole nother world.
Well I got a different strain from a different vendor and now I'm happy to see that I AM still able to get good effects from Kratom and actually at MUCH lower doses than before my 10 month break which is great to see and is what we'd usually expect would happen after such a long break, but what I'm finding is quite hard to get is that STIMULANT Kratom high you know?

That's actually my favorite thing about Kratom and I'm getting more of the sleepy or at least just relaxed high (which is of course nice) than the stimulant high.

Any tips on getting more of the stimulant high other than just taking lower doses and lighter (green and white) strains?

Those seem to be the common logic so I'm going to keep going with that.

I still don't quite know what is up with why I've been having so much trouble, but at least one factor seems to be the vendor as after trying this one I can immediately see the difference in quality and in fact, the second I even opened the package and smelled it I could smell how much stronger and better quality it was so I'm pretty sure I'll just be ordering from these guys from now on rather than the other one.

I guess it's just a combo of that and that my tolerance was so high but then I took such a long break so my brain is just not quite sure where my sweet spot is, coupled with the fact that Kratom is already an unusually fickle substance and strains differ in many ways.

The other factor of course is IMO it's often been difficult for me to tell if I've taken too little or too much because both can IMO result in not feeling high and my tolerance had gotten so high that what would seem a good sized dose might be too little or too much depending on the strength of vendor.

I know for a fact I've completely killed a good high by taking too much on top of a reasonable dose just to try to see if I could get a little higher, but obviously if you take too little you also don't get a good buzz.

I think the general way of knowing whether or not I've taken too much or too little is the absence of negative side effects like irritability, jiterriness, nodding out or "the wobbles": if i take too much I'll get those plus I won't feel high, whereas if I take too little I won't get them, but won't be high either.
I loved kratom before I tried other (real) opiates. Those didn't do anything for me, only ruined my kratom tolerance.

1 gram of kratom did more for me than 200mg oxy (instant) and 600mcg nasal fentanyl combined. I wish I knew that sooner.

My fav daytime mixes were red thai with green malay, and green thai with red bali iirc

For night, red bali and red borneo.

Please stop exaggerating. Those doses could be fatal taken at once. Either your Kratom has been laced with o-desmethyltramadol or you are talking utter bs.

Epilogue : I read your other posts about struggling. Opiates seem to have you in their bonds at the moment. Why not go back to Kratom ? Switch to Kratom, taper down slowly (you choose the velocity) and in the end be free.
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This is another question for you guys:

In terms of how bad Kratom WD can be, what do you think is the bigger factor: 1) how many days per week you dose or 2) how many grams per week/grams per day you dose?

I know that both are factors but I'm asking which you guys think is the bigger because I want to avoid letting myself get WD like I did a year ago.

Back 10 months ago and a couple years before that I was under this dumb crazy impression that if I could keep myself to only dosing, say, 3-4 days a week, it really wouldn't matter how many grams I used per day in terms of how bad my WD would be LOL.

Now I see how illogical that was as I got to using 16 gram doses twice per day and somehow rationalized that it would be ok because I never dosed more than 4 days a week and considered myself better off than even those who only dosed like 5 grams a day but did it every single day and never took a break.

Now I think that I actually think that the amount of grams you use in a week or in a day is probably more important than how many days per week you dose in terms of how bad the WD will be.

I mean I guess it's generally like the larger the dose you have in your system when it is exiting your bloodstream/body the worse it's going to feel and the the milder the WD right?

Or are they both equally important factors?

Do you guys think that if you normally dose, lets say, 5 grams a dose, that you would definitely be able to say that your WD will be milder than those who's doses are 10 grams, even regardless of how many days per week you dose?
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Yes, they are both equally important factors. Reflect, why you are taking Kratom in the first place. Does Kratom provide a solution for your use case ? Yes ? No ? If yes, is the dose maintainable ? No ? Why not stop for a while and see how it goes ? Kratom is not a overly obvious intoxicator, which screws up your plans when you stop taking it. It is subtle enough to fuck your life slowly and lure you into a mental space, where you think, that you are dependent, but you are actually NOT. You just think you are. The withdrawals are mostly mental.

If you take Kratom functionally to better perform in a certain task, that's your choice. But imho Kratom is a mental depressant. It inhibits mental growth. It is a sweet, subtle lie. There are moments in life, when you need that lie. But most of the time it is just counterproductive.
I started taking Kratom regularly against chronic pain (after a serious fracture), later also as a stim substitute. After I stopped taking it I feel actually less pain in the affected area than while on it. Go figure.

This does not mean, you should stop NOW. Just reflect your use and beware, that you should not be scared of the WD at all. It is mere fearmongering.
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Yes, they are both equally important factors. Reflect, why you are taking Kratom in the first place. Does Kratom provide a solution for your use case ? Yes ? No ? If yes, is the dose maintainable ? No ? Why not stop for a while and see how it goes ? Kratom is not a overly obvious intoxicator, which screws up your plans when you stop taking it. It is subtle enough to fuck your life slowly and lure you into a mental space, where you think, that you are dependent, but you are actually NOT. You just think you are. The withdrawals are mostly mental.

If you take Kratom functionally to better perform in a certain task, that's your choice. But imho Kratom is a mental depressant. It inhibits mental growth. It is a sweet, subtle lie. There are moments in life, when you need that lie. But most of the time it is just counterproductive.

Wow, although I somewhat actually agree with you in some ways, I hadn't really expected a somewhat "anti-Kratom" post at the moment haha, not that I think you are preaching or anything cause I don't really think you are, just stating some psychological facts.

Well for me, I never would think personally it would be good for me to use it non-stop without taking LONG breaks here and there of a few months.

I got to using it way too much, even though I never used it more than 4 days a week (only once did it I use it 5 days in a week and never did 6) and took a little more than 10 months off but had actually planned on entirely quitting, if not forever, at least for years.

While I use it for fun I do also use it for anxiety and depression I guess (also working out) but without really CONSCIOUSLY self-medicating, but being aware that I am.

At the ridiculous doses I was taking my WD only lasted 6 days but did make me pretty non-functional for 4 of them but then I was fine but I'm still not ever going to let myself get into that spot again.

I guess I at least PARTIALLY agree with you if what you are saying is that using it as a performance enhancer is counter productive because you come to rely on it, or if you think you are using it to solve some sort of problem, because by and large pretty much no substance (unless it's medicine) ever really "solves" any problem.

But in that way I don't really think it's different than any other of the substances which can either be crutches or performance enhancers in any way.

I guess in some ways it's similar mentally to something like Adderall that isn't SUPER addictive or destructive and which is often performance enhancing and can be taken frequently while you go about your day, where you will kind of subtly grow mentally dependent on it and sort of "weaken your will" by not forcing yourself through the discomforts of life that you'd have without it since it sort of makes everything seem "easier" in a way.

Then again, any drug used too often for ANY reason can become a way of avoiding life.

Some people might say that one is better off if they use drugs to be productive while on them (which is generally a good idea) while others might say the opposite that really it's better not to lie to yourself and acknowledge you are generally wasting time when you use your drug of choice and just doing it to enjoy yourself.

I think there's a little truth in both ideas but if you CAN use a drug to be productive (which IMO Kratom is good for) then it's probably better to be able to later see progress you made on a task you did on Kratom when you are actually sober, then think you just totally wasted your time....if having fun is actually wasting your time that is hahaha.

Yeah, as some smart people tend to say "all growth is meant to be painful" and "if things are too easy then they are probably not very productive".

But as long as you are honest with yourself about that stuff I think moderation is ok.

While I'm enjoying myself a bit now, and only started using it again for the first time in 10 months about 3 weeks ago, I'm almost positive it won't be more than a few months give or take before I stop for another few months as I just find constant use to eventually start to become counterproductive like you said, and take time off before I go back to it...assuming it's still legal that is...

I started taking Kratom regularly against chronic pain (after a serious fracture), later also as a stim substitute. After I stopped taking it I feel actually less pain in the affected area than while on it. Go figure.

This does not mean, you shot stop NOW. Just reflect your use and beware, that you should not be scared of the WD at all. It is mere fearmongering.

I'm not fear mongering.

I just had like 6 uncomfortable days from using too much back 10 months ago so I am being smarter this time around and I'm trying to gauge if my WDs will be less if I'm using fewer grams per day (which is OBVIOUSLY the case) and was just wondering which of the 2 people felt is the bigger factor.

Obviously Kratom WD is never really THAT bad, but it can suck for a few days.
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I agree wholeheartedly with your last posts. Good points you made. I have to add a short notice : IMHO better abuse Kratom than Adderall (or much much worse Opiates). Anyway, the "ultimate" aim should be to pursue a sustainable life without any mental/physical adulterations (as long as you are not handicapped, the level of handicap you estimate yourself, that is a privilege of our civilization). If I think about my past, the only reason I experimented was the complexion of the society.

I am aware of the circumstance, that stopping sometimes and taking regularly otherwise should not be an issue, as it leads to mental addiction. Now, that I am grown up, I think, that only sobriety is real, even in pain. Trust me, I know, what (physical) pain is. Emotionally many people suffered more than myself, but I got a glimpse. Kratom is a short-term solution. As soon as you take it, you should know, how to get rid of it as quickly as possible (the boundaries of "possibility" is defined by you).
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I agree wholeheartedly with your last posts. Good points you made. I have to add a short notice : IMHO better abuse Kratom than Adderall (or much much worse Opiates). Anyway, the "ultimate" aim should be to pursue a sustainable life without any mental/physical adulterations (as long as you are not handicapped, the level of handicap you estimate yourself, that is a privilege of our civilization). If I think about my past, the only reason I experimented was the complexion of the society.

I am aware of the circumstance, that stopping sometimes and taking regularly otherwise should not be an issue, as it leads to mental addiction. Now, that I am grown up, I think, that only sobriety is real, even in pain. Trust me, I know, what (physical) pain is. Emotionally many people suffered more than myself, but I got a glimpse. Kratom is a short-term solution. As soon as you take it, you should know, how to get rid of it as quickly as possible (the boundaries of "possibility" is defined by you).

I wasn't sure what you meant by this part?

Yeah well I agree it's obviously better not to NEED any drug. The more control a person has the better IMO, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying oneself with substances occasionally if it doesn't totally come at the expense of doing more important things.

Herbs like weed and Kratom are more like that than the dangerous ones because the harm is more in wasted time than actually physically hurting yourself.
The thing is : You should not bother, how much you need a drug. Your body is king. You don't need anything. You need someone (a partner, sexually or not), yes. That is human nature. But you only need nutrition to survive. You do not need drugs. Drugs should be used as a sacrament, rather than as an artificial daily aid to achieve tasks (I know, it is far fetched considering our society). Kratom is a sacrament and ought to be used sparsely (should be administered in case of Opiate addictions by a shaman or equivalent, not taken every day to fix minor/miniscule issues).

Today there are no shamans. Everyone has to be shaman. But the education to achieve that is missing. Anyway, the best advice I can give you, even if it may seem abstract : Try to be a shaman.
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The thing is : You should not bother, how much you need a drug. Your body is king. You don't need anything. You need someone (a partner, sexually or not), yes. That is human nature. But you only need nutrition to survive. You do not need drugs. Drugs should be used as a sacrament, rather than as an artificial daily aid to achieve tasks (I know, it is far fetched considering our society). Kratom is a sacrament and ought to be used sparsely (should be administered in case of Opiate addictions by a shaman or equivalent, not taken every day to fix minor/miniscule issues).

Today there are no shamans. Everyone has to be shaman. But the education to achieve that is missing. Anyway, the best advice I can give you, even if it may seem abstract : Try to be a shaman.

Yeah I know what you are getting at.

Shamanism, both relating and not relating to substances (as obviously not all shamanism does) is really interesting.

I totally think lots of substances, especially psychedelics like Peyote/Mescaline, DMT, Ibogaine, Ayahuasca, Shrooms, etc can bring about life changing results if used properly.

I wish I could say I ever had some great revelation on a drug but I never did...just fun lol.

Obviously no one (unless you are sick) NEEDS drugs.

I still think it's fine to use whatever you want if that's what you want to do (I obviously do sometimes lol) and think all drugs should be legalized, but I bet 95% of drug users never get anything really great out of them.

It would be cool if instead of DARE we had REAL drug education: teaching people how to use substances to enhance life, but the only peoples that really did that kind of thing were Natives and indigenous peoples for the most part, or people like Aldous Huxley or different artists who used them to do great things.
Just bought some Malaysian kratom. I have some questions!

I've never taken it before so I have a few questions! (I'm new here so apologies if I didn't format this post correctly!)

  • What does the high feel like?
  • What is the best way to consume it? (It's shredded, so I'm thinking maybe a tea)
  • How much should I take?
  • What is the Malaysian strain like compared to others?

Have you taken opiates before? If so what have your doses been?

For now i?m just gonna assume that you have little to no tolerance, in which case start with 2 grams. If your situation allows it get your liver function checked by a doctor shortly after you start taking kratom, it is known in rare cases to cause damage to the liver.

If you have shredded leaf the best way to take it would be making tea. Simply bring some water to a slow boil, add a bit of citric acid (lemon/lime juice is easiest), add your kratom, and let it slow boil for about 15-20 minutes. Finally filter through a coffee filter.

The tea will taste very bitter and if you allow it to cool some of the alkaloids will start precipitating out of the water and form a fine, extremely bitter powder at the bottom. It?s best to wait until the tea has cooled just enough to be drinkable and then drink it as fast as possible to avoid getting the bitter powder at the bottom.

The high is similar to conventional opioids but is slightly more numbing and stimulating with somewhat reduced opiate fuzziness.