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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

MDA sounds like X for "grown ups" with a harder psychedelic edge

They're both really similar but quite different. I feel like dancing on MDA makes me feel as good as having a meaningful conversation with someone on MDMA. If that makes any sense lol
They're both really similar but quite different. I feel like dancing on MDA makes me feel as good as having a meaningful conversation with someone on MDMA. If that makes any sense lol

Kinda. More tactile/ kinesthetic than verbal/ lingual?
I hadn't used Mdma in years for that time I mentioned which was perfect, and following shulgin's advice and taking a high dose... I had nystagmus for around 8 hours until I was able to read so much as a text message or anything at all.

I also experienced what I believe might be called astral projection as I left my body and experienced life through an entity in orbit around the planet in the vast abyss. I think Mda is a slight metabolite of Mdma (I'd be interested to look into that) so I suppose I have already tried it in a way.

It was crazy and that is when I met one of my best friends who I just had a 45 minute conversation with that was supposed to be maybe 10. We really chatted about interesting stuff.

I'd personally never try MDA these days (and really I have no interest in Mdma either after hearing of the destruction of the Cambodian rainforest related to its production) as I have heard that it is more neurotoxic than Mdma - although that is debatable, I just don't really trust either of them in terms of the effects on my health. I love my 2C-C and my friend just told me that it goes really well with 2c-I - which makes sense to me in a way, as chlorine and iodine are both halogens, with iodine being a heavy atom in that category and chlorine being much lighter (a ratio of 126.90447 : 35.453 in terms of atomic mass) - or about 3.5795.... an irrational number. I like how this is relatively close to Pi... 3.14159... the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. I dig that.

I feel like 2C-C and 2C-I would go really well together although 2C-I would likely be a heavier trip. I would definitely take them in combination together without trying the 2C-I first on its own. It's a shame it seems to have vanished from the face of the earth as I have so many other 2c-x's and I am not really interested in experimenting with them presently. I'd trade them all for a copious amount of 2C-I, I feel like it would enhance the 2C-C experience for me, since that is what I am so familiar with.
I just want some fucking acid, man.

I really like lysegamides, the slightly dissociated feel they have is wonderful. They're so fucking breezy and bright and LINGUAL. I am the world and the world is words lol. Thats actually a huge plus for LSD in my opinion, how it seems to supercharge language processing.

Mushrooms are great too I really liked Psilocybe Cyanecens, they were god damn strong, giving me OBE's on par with like MXE at one point. I really liked this variety of mushroom, they too have a slightly dissociated feeling. I felt like I was floating in and out of ethereal alien Bars and Convienence Stores, with neon signs bombarding my consciousness with brands I did not recognize or have time to fully interpret. I dunno, I realized how straining growing up in a major city in a full swing consumer boom can be on a young kid's psyche. My over exposure to consumerism and it's subsequent evolution into my drug addictions was laid bare doing 9 grams of Cyanecens in the woods at night camping in backcountry.
Man, how you describe LSD to me is how I feel exactly about these aspects 2C-C for me. It's so weird like that, because I can't think straight on lysergamides at all. I am entirely overwhelmed by the experience and it can be really chaotic for me. I can handle around a quarter of a strong blotter and nothing more these days. 2C-C is supercharging language processing for me to the extent that my intelligence is advanced in a really incredible and amazing way. My awareness of my surroundings, too. I feel like I can see every minute detail... noticing all the little things. I've gotten really into photography through and and I've really taken some beautiful photos of the lovely autumn here.

"I just want some fucking acid, man" - LOL=D

Never tried Cyanecens but they are way stronger than cubensis. I would eat those up the moment I ever somehow stumbled across them. Pretty rare stuff up here never even heard of anyone who has tried them. Never tried K or MXE myself... not really interested with the potential bladder damage.
No shit.

I've never had a bad time on LSD. I respect and revere mushrooms for revealing new planes of reality and little shroom angels of gods I don't believe in, but that experience can be kind of rough, y'know? Much more of a twice-a-year tops experience.

LSD has always been a good loving journey through some of the same mirrored reality. Talk to cats and the homeless; you can shoot laser beams out of your arms! Truly great stuff.
@ Scroffula : I feel like acid makes me integrate seamlessly with human society/synthetic materials/industrial settings whereas on mushrooms the creations of man seem like sick jokes or wondrous alien technology, indecipherable to me, a mere primate.

@ ShroomySatori
Lol when it came to bladder damage I was like "I am already destroying my liver with Percocet and booze, let's do some caps of MXE and, you know what? fuck it! let's do some (more) Percocet without an CWE (APAP rinse) because I want every fucking milligram of oxycodone cause I have no roxies or MsContin" I also was a cigarette smoker and generally found food disgusting at that point in my life so, health wasn't really my thing yet.

Of course when I was tripping on the MXE, all filtration organs working on overdrive, drinking fucking sweet tea instead of water, I had an "epiphany" (which I now consider obvious) that I was being an incredibly poor maintenance man for my body, which is the only thing in this world that I truly own. I quit smoking and started drinking so much god damn water. It was effortless, it wasn't a conscious thing, I just realized one day I had slowly substituted cigarettes and sweet drinks for water bottles to satisfy my hand to mouth habit, until I just wanted water every 30 minutes or so.

Dissociatives are like doing some light reprogramming of your human biocomputer, which is normally very difficult unless you have a lifetime of experience in meditation.
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FuckinAcidMan, that is crazy though how what everyone is saying about acid is how I would precisely describe 2C-C. I think acid honestly causes me a panic reaction and that might be why... I have a panic disorder so I had to find the right psychedelics that work for me. The primary ones I use are 2C-C and DMT, although I haven't taken DMT since I did every day for a month over the summer during some clean time, sometimes on the hour, and eventually worked my way up to what I would consider subjectively a breakthrough experience.

Also I have taken way too many percs, and used to binge drink but quit several years ago entirely. The percs pretty recently, but I haven't used them in a while now. I have always had a healthy vegetarian diet, am in excellent health, exercise through yoga and post-hardcore guitar jamming, long walks, and stuff... but I know I need to detoxify my liver because of the percs. I'll probably pick up some milk thistle when I can afford it. I never CWE'd either because it was a waste of oxy and would take like 15mg at a time, sometimes 20. I actually really hope I'm okay but I think it is my healthy lifestyle that might save me, and perhaps some milk thistle. I'm going to talk to my doctor about it to make sure I'm good.

I would like to shoot DMT sometime, but I don't really know how to IV drugs. I was always a smack sniffer apart from 5 very desperate times when I shot it, and did so well. That's bringing back not so nice memories for me right now :( I had access to really, really good real straight up Cambodian china white at one point and a small pinch, with my tolerance at the time, could cause serious respiratory depression and nodding. It took me 6 months to even feel oxy's again after going through a quarter ounce of the stuff. It was pure as fuck and I'll never see it again, except in the film Inherent Vice I finally just finished watching which involved lab grade china white and some smack heads in over their heads as a part of the plot.
Fuck I really should take some milk thistle, since I have no health insurance :)

I also thank God I never had an opportunity to try Heroin. Hilariously RIGHT after I quit opiates Heroin got HUGE with suburban white people my age, in my town.

Honestly with where I am in my life now, I would way rather take some really good dexamp and clean my house than lay around on oxy, having one long orgasm essentially, getting nothing done. But I don't even do that I just make like Yerba Mate or Coffee. It feels good to be over opiods aside from Kratom which I use less and less of as time goes by. I hope to end up only during Kratom during the day on weekends and maybe every other night or somthing.

The only drugs I really crave any more are cannabis and psychedelics. Kratom is like for aches and pains and just cause I am so used to having a fuck it button that makes life easy and people cool to talk to. I am not always social but I have often had to force myself to be to make sure I can get favors and drugs and other things from people I will want in the future and it is just exhausting and I am so happy to be moving away from that fucking manipulative, survival oriented lifestyle, which is so hectic mostly because there is never enough dope to go around. I feel a lot of sympathy for people who are stuck in that life.
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I wasn't really in a heroin scene so much. I had been living with chronic pain for two years, and personally sought it out as hard as I could until I found it. I can't believe it is a huge thing now? What the fuck do people see in it? And it's like younger people? I was in my early-mid 20's when I started using opiates. For me it was really discrete and only the very closest people to me knew about it (my brother, and my two romances). People I could trust to never tell anyone about my disease of the spirit. When I didn't have china white I'd sniff quite pure afghan #4. I am so glad to be done with this shit, even typing about it brings back memories that bring me presently to tears. It was HELL on this beautiful planet of ours.

That's good you never took heroin, but then again might have saved a bit of your liver, if you survived that is. Worst decision of my life and my greatest regret that I would subject myself through my own will to such an abominable, disgraceful act of selfishness (in my, recently clean eyes).

I was an unreliable zombie on opiates, a total manipulator, I had every symptom of BPD at the time including self harm, I was miserable. Eventually, I ended up pretty much laying in bed for the first half of this year suffering withdrawal and using maybe 2 or 3 days of the week but it was never enough. After I stuck a few needles in my arm, I just said fuck this and I haven't used since late July apart from a hell of a lot of oxy. Heroin one regrettable day a couple months ago.

There is a distinct difference between happiness and euphoria.
I do not know why it is super big now it kinda blows my mind too. I mean the state of the world isn't wonderful and a lot of people are probably just really scared and wanna feel safe without getting like DRUNK, you know? It takes a certain bravery to see the world, understand it maybe unnerving at times and then face it head on. For what it's worth I started using opiates at the age of 18 as a sort of shield because of this exact discomfort with the truths I was realizing to be evident all around me, indicating an imperfect, unpredictable world.

Xanax is bigger than heroin in Atlanta as a "socially acceptable hard drug". At least heroin and Xanax are real drugs. When people are fetishizing codeine cough syrup with sprite I just want to smack myself, in the hopes I'll wake up to a world without overgrown children.

(I have seen a 15 year old on like 3 to 5 mg of Xanax black out and fall down a stair case only to get up and walk back up them, passing out in the hallway right in front of the stairs he just fell down. That shit is so abusable by the stupid, bored, young and uninformed. So much unprotected sex and rapey vibes in underage Xanax circles, dudes pushing that third bar on an already barred out chick. It makes me feel uncomfortable to remember the 2 high school parties I went to... I came for weed and booze and was greeted with pilled out mindless fuck zombies falling over the furniture and passing out with hands down each other's pants drooling. We live in a modern Roman empire, intoxicated youths mindlessly fucking as all cultural substance and genuine human connection fades in the deafening drone of imperialism and self importance)
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Thanks for sharing, I found it uncomfortable to hear that, although I know it to be true. I am happy that I made it out alive and that I matured and I am clean. I am interested in finding that intimate, romantic, real connection with the lady of my dreams, whoever she might manifest to be. I am highly attractive to artsy, creative type women (with certain physical features I quite enjoy) and I believe that romance is out there waiting for me, perhaps just around the corner, or the beautiful woman at the candle shop who I have been flirting with. I have found myself to be very highly selective, and I am happy being with my own pleasant company. I don't really ever feel lonely anymore like I used to.

I love my brother so much, we have the best brotherhood that I could ever ask for and I am blessed for this. I have a few very close friends who I'd die for. If anyone messed with my bro they would be lucky to live.

I have been experiencing honestly nothing but genuine human connection on my 2C-C journey. It has been lovely, and wonderful, and I have met some really interesting people and had great and really genuine and meaningful conversations with so-called strangers.

When I woke up this morning, I spent an hour writing about how much it saddens me to see the present state of the world. I ended up sharing my writing with my brother and we ended up chatting for hours. I was wonderful, and I got him the best gift I could possibly think of - an experience and night out with me - and thought of another more material one I absolutely have to get him too that I know he would thoroughly enjoy and also eventually share with me as well.
Oh my brother is really one of the few real friends I have, I wish we could play more music together but he has a bunch of football injuries that make it hard to play his instrument for more than ten minutes at a time. All I want to do lately is play music and pursue women it feels like I'm finally honed in on things I actually desire with my reward circuts instead of just feeding them cheat codes in a self invented oblivion.

I ideally would like to find someone who is interested in nutrition and wellness to keep my ass moving in the right direction when it comes to that health shit lol. Actually there is a ridiculously cute girl who is helping train me at the restaurant I just started working at. Shes a vegan and she is studying nutrition in college and seems really cool, I think she's a Christian or something though which could either be a roadblock or absolutely inconsequential.

You are seriously making me want to hunt down some 2c-C.
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Oh, I quite think you might enjoy it. This has been the best week of my life. I am reconnecting with old passions, discovering new ones, I have become involved in so many creative outlets at this point it is ridiculous. I see myself finding a beautiful romance soon enough and I'm sure it will happen, but the way I go about that is by not looking at all or having any desire for it. When I go back to the candle shop, I at least know her name from the receipt. As I walked away with my candles last time she gave me the sexiest little split second naughty sexual look that I have ever experienced in my life. I will never forget that.

I'm in a very similar space it seems. I'm starting a new job that and I'm loving it. I was eventually unable to work as an opiate addict, and while getting clean I was quickly falling into the trap of cocaine. I'm truly done with all of that, there is no more time to waste in this incarnation.

My brother is a phenomenal musician. We are a decade apart, and opposite signs of the zodiac (although I heard today there is dispute about a 13th neglected sign) but he is just as mature as myself. We complement each other perfectly, help each other out mutually in tough times, learn from each other, look alike, hug eachother, and he is the most important person to me in my life. I am the elder. We play guitar together, I wish we could play more too but he is in a band and has practice a lot. I'd like to start a band myself, my style is heavier than his and more metalcore type stuff but we very much enjoy hanging out and playing our guitars together and listening to each other play.

2C-C is the best stuff around in my eyes. The way I am behaving socially is attracting so much attention, or maybe I am attracting the attention, or perhaps the 2C-C is attracting the attention. I am no longer a ghost.
Fuck I would love to play in a band, all my musician friends are either depressed or overworked. Or both.
It's one of my dreams and goals in life, but I need to find people too. It really seems that way for me too, but my brother, being so younger and studying arts, and being so happy and chill, and impressively creative, hangs out in the local music scene and I can meet new friends through him. I know I have the talent to play in a band too, and even start my own creation.

I am beginning to watch the season finale of American Horror Story: Cult that aired earlier tonight (the one tv show I have been following, Evan Peter's acting is amazing, he is like a modern day Charles Manson and it's absolutely ridiculous).

The opening scene blew my mind. Totally unexpected, and some pretty brutal slayings as well as sociopathic manipulation. I mainly watch it for Evan Peter's performance, and for the modern day cult aspect, and I am surprisingly really enjoying the series. I hope it ends well because so far I have enjoyed all of it and always looking forward to early Wednesday morning.

So many of you must live out west, probably in Cali or Washington or somewhere I've never been. As it is past 3 here and I typically stay up until sunrise these days. The night time with candlelight is so peaceful for me, and a lovely atmosphere for what I'm about to continue watching.

It's frustrating to me that I don't have many at all people to share my music with and create tunes together and improvise and jam out and have fun. I really want that.
I miss jamming for hours, man. Now that I am actually really good at playing the drums no one is able to jam any more. It's hilarious (which I have realized I use as code For "It's sad") cause when I had time and willing friends, I didn't possess the musical ability that I now have with no one to share it with. I usually play alone for an hour or so with headphones in but it isn't the same.

I do get a brief session in with my brother or one of my friends but no one is really very committed to the idea of regularly playing music.

I hadn't played a proper drum kit in years but I got my dad to dig my old set out of his basement and bring it over to my house recently and I am so happy that I have it back. It's like riding a bike it just comes right back to you.

I need to invite this guy over soon who's been wanting to hang I think we are about to become close friends, he is a musician and actually wants to do something with it and he is apprenticing under this guy learning how to hunt wild psilocybin which is actually ABUNDANT in the Atlanta Metro area.
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Oh you play the drums dude? That's rad man, I dig it. Like the band Tool at all? I play electric, gotta fat strat and a telly and a whole bunch of analog pedals and a tube amp with just two dials on it. Old school beautiful sound and I play in the dark corner of the basement with the amp facing the cement wall for natural reverb (got this idea on 2C-C and moved my stuff all in there... no distractions, dark creepy space in the dark man no seats, guitar at my waste. I'm gonna set up my telecaster today (ash bodied, blonde finish, beauty guitar with a maple neck) and play some chill stuff, not the usual more intense stuff I shred. I need to practice my cover track though too (Memento Mori by Architects... my idol guitarist who died of cancer at 28 last year... his last art).

I am frustrated by this as well. I would dedicated hours and hours each and every day I could manage to, which would be at least 5 days a week.

Yeah man once I got clean I hadn't played in like two years cause my addiction stole all of that energy and creative drive from my spirit, but my playing is better than ever before from very little practice. I am coming back with a vengeance. Glad you got playing again too!

That's super cool man, no shrooms up here really. Rare types, no cubensis. I've seen amanitas though, and even yellow ones. I have a crazy picture of one somewhere, maybe I'll find it. It looks like something out of alice and wonderland I found growing at my cottage. I forage chanterelles sometimes too, and boletes. Yummy. I need to find people who are dedicated to music too and I will do this by hanging out more and more with my brother. We're going to a show together this week, I bought a second ticket just in case he could go and he could. So psyched to spend time with him rocking out at a local band premier! His bday is coming up real soon so that is my gift to him, plus I want to get him that book Inherent Vice captain heroin mentioned which is my favourite film. He mentioned it to me today actually when we were talking about the film, already knew about the book. I knew right away I gotta surprise him with that and then we'll trade reads as we do and I'll get to read it too.

So chill. Time to spin up another unfiltered joint... only way I will smoke pot.

Man... I didn't even sleep last night. I was highly active all night and I am at this time too. I've been learning a lot about astrology all night while on the phone with a lady friend of mine. It was super cool. I just made breakfast, rolled a couple unfiltered j's, and did some yoga... 6 minute downward dogs to get exercising more after detoxing. I am not sure what I am going to do today but it is definitely going to be a busy day in terms of having a hell of a good time and working on my creative outlets. I'm going to continue reading my book this morning, and I ran some errands... I've had a very productive morning.

A lady friend of mine crashed after work yesterday and woke up at 3am as we were planning to have a phone call. We talking for 3 hours about various topics, and we studied astrology together learning the various signs in detail. We compared ours to each other, and she read me today's horoscope from Annabel Gat. She sounded like a cosmic weather lady, speaking in a delightful, cheerful, calm, and enthusiastic voice. (I got her into astrology just a few days ago, I love changing other spirits energy like that!!!). "The Moon in Libra clashes with Pluto at 3:12 AM, stirring up intense emotions. The Moon opposes Uranus at 6:36 PM, bringing surprises, but a grounded energy will arrive once the Moon connects with Saturn at 7:50 PM."

So I am in hysterics at this because it's like listening to a lovely, sweet, soothing, cosmic variation of a weather lady. I advised for her to be careful at 6:36! That's one of your ruling planets dear friend, some mystical stuff might go down. It was amazing and she told me I am a Chinese dragon which I already knew from my acupuncturist. I realized that my spirit animal is a beaver, and hers is an otter. How cute. Although, I am a also a symbolic bull, so I need to learn the difference. My ruling planet is Venus and I have a tattoo idea incorporating the Pentagram of Venus (crazy phenomenon, look it up), with my little astrology sign in the middle, with something occult like maybe the eyes and horns on the cover of the satanic bible in the pentagram there. I'm getting it done asap lol. Then she read our personal horoscopes, and my brothers, and my friend's... it was so damn cute, I normally just read them by myself.

I did some more "down to earth" things such as laundry, cleaning, and breakfast. Then I worked on my trip report on all of this that I am writing for erowid for a few more pages before desiring to move on to something else. I am presently about to open a book that will completely blow my mind to shattering soaring shining sheered slices of golden flakes exploding in universal, eurhythmic glory like a celebration of fireworks. In other words, further much welcomed fryage of my brain. I like to rail the stuff. I didn't even sleep, and such a lovely, beautiful day! I need to get outside at some point and take some more photographs. Maybe head to the mall, I could use some more candles ; )

I really have no idea what to do today but I can sense a high level of activity. It will most likely manifest as creative expression, and already has. I need to pick up this book, and perhaps aim for a 10 minute downward dog just before doing so.

Craziest thing of all. I have been taking way too many benzos for a long time, especially while in withdrawal from heroin earlier this year, and I am honestly forgetting to take them and not even noticing. I am at such peace with myself that I don't even care. I would say over the past week my use is down 50% and I have been on them for multiple years. It's fucking CRAZY like that, normally I'd be having panic attacks and tremors.

I created my first ever thread (in sex, love and relationships last night). It is called "pro choice ; pro life" and already has 17 responses and I am so delighted that I was able to engage people like that. My own decision has been on my mind a lot lately. Check it out if you'd like.
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'Tis the season of avatar changing, tralalalalalalalala

But seriously, did I miss the memo? Everyone's doing it :)