Mental Health My parents are driving me to suicide.

cj- This is just so damn crazy....because I am and have been actually going through EXACTLY this....even the meds part (except kratom in place of 'done). The benzos are long gone family already ruined that (went directly to my doc and ruined that relationship, told him I was drug abuser), and of course, got tossed off all the meds I was prescribed, and was too embarrassed to even go back there for anything after I'm stuck with shitty Gabapentin from a different prescriber (very high dosage). Though I'm a bit surprised mine haven't gone after that yet....luckily, it's non-scheduled....but even then, they have, in the past, looked up non-scheduled drugs before, and of course, on net, there's always that "(enter drug name here) high", ya know....

Even fucking antidepressants have concerned them because of this. Currently prescribed an SSRI, gaba and they haven't pounced yet....they don't know I'm also dosing kratom daily....or that I smoke weed nightly.....or that I smoke crystal here and there.....especially when they're riding my ass or doing something exactly like what you're saying when you're just like "well I'll show them", or I don't want them to win, or when they're constantly falsely accusing me of being high, so I'm just like "well, fuck it, if they already think it....fuck you, might as well do it for real!" really is fucking crazy, the similarities between you and I and our situations....

It's funny, mine actually tried that shit with me too when I was prescribed scheduled meds, held onto them for same reason yours are, and I had same problems....except I didn't have car. They doled them out to me on their time, even though I needed them when I needed them (some were PRN) I had to do like you and "break in" their room to get them myself and as you say "steal my own script"...

I've been feeling very suicidal myself....though I've been very slowly trying to work down from it. It got to the point where it was literally all I could think was inescapable.....I guess I still think quite fondly of death, and still, the thought comforts me....I still think about it pretty frequently....but it's not 24/7 like it was....during that time though....I was definitely very sick and did some.....pretty......I guess colorful things to myself in that regard....

I've actually been homeless before.....I had somewhat of a mental break where I became more suicidal than I ever had before and was drinking myself to death....was involuntarily the news that I had lost my residence while in hospital.....lucked out after a couple days of drinking heavily enough to sleep in my car, someone from my apartment complex opened their door to me.....stayed there about a month or so.....

Sometime while living there- probably less than a week after leaving hospital- I drove to a nearby state on a whim....ended up getting arrested and robbed by the police, thrown in jail....and lost my car.
Got out the pen soon enough, went back to apt and stayed there until management found out and had me removed because it got around that I had been in psych ward and it scared had no other wouldn't take me in....I guess probably for a "tough love" lesson.....

But funny thing is, that backfired.... I didn't do jack shit to improve myself or my life because I was too goddamn depressed and the situation didn't help a bit....and.....that's when I started using crystal meth....which I had never done before....but where I live, use is rampant.....including in the homeless's incredibly cheap and available here.....but many people had it and were quite liberal with I started using daily just to cope...

Now.....I am living with them again and had CT'd the crystal and did good about it for several months, despite the constant harassment and false accusations and bullshit. But I eventually started getting back into it a tiny bit here and there....and there have been multiple times I've done it just as a "fuck you" to them.....they're driving me up the fucking wall, I'm seriously so fucking fed up with them, and of my life. I can never get it figured out, and I honestly see no hope in the's in the shitter, and the way I see it, no going back....especially with the dark, evil nature of humans....but that's another discussion.

I'm fucking 25 and I have a curfew....even earlier than the legal curfew for minors (12- mine is 11!)! And this applies to jobs I can't work or apply for jobs that are later shifts than my fucking they control that too. This is fucking ridiculous, they've constantly been on my ass to get a job, they've continuously put me down and verbally abused me, even talk shit behind my back, about many things, but especially my mental health, my lack of a job and being a fucking loser.....they acted like they wanted me to get work so bad, but suddenly when there is something, they completely shut that opportunity down and restrict me on my job search.....which not only makes it much less likely I can get anything, but also discourages me from even trying.

Point is, I feel your misery, suffering, etc....seems we've been to many of the same places (in experiences)...

Hhhhh.....cj.....I know I'm supposed to tell you don't kill yourself, etc.....but that's difficult for me to do when I'd feel kinda hypocritical.....and I doubt I could be taken too seriously. But what I will tell you, based off my somewhat decent knowledge of pharmacology, medicine, and DO NOT want to try it with what you're talking about.....serotonin syndrome is absolute hell (in addition to the absolute hell you're/we're already in), and will most likely not kill realize these pharmaceutical companies and the health field have intentionally made most of these newer AD's basically impossible to fatally OD on, with people like you and I in mind, right? Almost no matter how many you'll just end up in hospital in very uncomfortable setting and horrible experiences (which also includes withdrawal from your done and whatever else...).....I guarantee it will be one of the worst experiences you'll have, and far from please listen to me on this at least.
Although I don't feel I'm really in the position to instruct you not to kill yourself, I will say that I hope you don''s not often I find someone with the same experiences as I.....and like you, I'm sick and fucking tired of trying to explain myself to people that don't and can't understand or relate at, far as I can tell, seems like you got heart, and things to offer. I've been trying many damn hardest to stick around and try moving forward no matter how fucking difficult it is and even though I'm not totally sure why anymore.....
But hope you'll do the same and try to hold on..

That made me tear up. From one human to another thank you for taking the time to write that. It's nice to know I'm not the only one. I thought up one non crazy escape plan today. I'm going to apply for a student loan and apply for a transfer to an instate school far enough away from my parents so they can't visit often. I don't know if it will work and it wouldn't get me away from them until January nut would be a step in the right direction.
First they want to make me quit methadone. Now they think one 800mg gabapentin pill fucks me up. I am sure they will be going after my kolonopin prescription next. What they don't realize is that they are slowly but surely pushing me towards suicide.i am 28 yet they make me give them my medication so "I don't abuse them". They control what jobs I am allowed to apply for which in reality means I am not allowed to apply for a job. I have no car and no way to make friends because we live in the middle of nowhere. They also took my cell phone away and we have no home phone so I have no friends or contact with the outside world. I am seriously considering killing myself. I have 60 linsinopril pills, I am thinking of mixing those with as many Tylenol as I can find. I think that will do it and frankly watching my grandmother suffer through cancer has made this decision so much easier. I don't want to grow old and die. Frankly I don't want to live anymore.

I've been to the phych ward they have no fucking answers. They will also rip me off methadone at my current dose of 150mg because this is fucking Alabama and methadone is considered the same as heroin. The funny part is if I was a violent person I would murder both my parents. They're selfish relationship bickering allowed me to be molested everyday after school. And now they tell me I need to just get over it, you can't live in the past, blah blah blah, well I am fucking crippled and my only escape is the sleep that these shitty drugs provide.

I am over it I am over the fighting I'm over trying to explain myself to people in my real life who will never understand.
There's only one way out I've known it for a long time but I just haven't wanted to admit it. I haven't used heroin in 2 years and I am still miserable. I just feel trapped and I feel like it's time.
I am also going to look tootheoastedogs suggestion about going ahead and setting up intake at whatever's city the bus take me too.

The suicidal feelings are still strong but lika ill wait a couple days till my grandma dies. She's actually in a hospice ward now so it shouldn't be kongo
cj- not sure if meant to repeat yourself or not, seems like some copy-paste from your previous posts here.
I do agree though that waiting at least until your grandmother passes and then reevaluating sounds like a good idea.

Doesn't the whole thing suck though? Like I've had to switch to some harder drugs, stronger intoxication just to put up with their shit and my own already existent shame, as well as I guess sorta self medicating physical and mental conditions....
Ugh I dunno about you, but everything I ever say is dismissed in one way or another... So I don't really say too much to them (for many reasons though). Though a few months back, I did let out that they're tripping me up at every turn. Of course, not only have they continued this behavior, they've gotten worse...
One thing I've really noticed I love about drinking (I don't so much anymore because it doesn't agree with my personal body chemistry....kinda makes me worse off) is how I actually spoke up....but I'd speak too much, unfortunately.

If you are truly considering relocating, just make sure to give due diligence and consideration....for example, I personally won't move to NV because I know the sin would be too tempting haha. I'd probably end up pretty bad...
Also, I don't know about your locale, but where I live, some of the homeless shelters will give you a free bus ticket to where you choose...
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No I didn't mean to repeat myself I don't know how that happened. I gotta run right now but I'll fix it later and better respond to your last post.
cj, I agree with you that things are never going to get better as long as you and your parents are locked in this cycle. Your school plan sounds good but only if you can get the means to live while you are going to school. The Denver> Seattle plan does not sound bad except that you would really have to be proactive in creating social scenes where you could meet people that you could be yourself with--it would not be good to be isolated right now. I don't know how difficult it is to get into a methadone clinic but start researching it now and maybe you can do some of the work ahead of time.

Make some goals just for now:

1)Stay alive and make one positive inquiry a day. (I know for myself it gets so hard to face a huge change but it gets easier when I break it down and actually do small steps .)

2) Don't give in to anger. Be your own big brother right now. Encourage yourself to let go of whatever your parents are saying and doing that harms you. You know it comes from ignorance and not a lack of love.

3) Stay connected here. There are so many people here that love you and care about your life. I am one of them. You can talk to me here or on FB or skype or send me your number and I will call. I know you feel exhausted. I don't blame you. But we can help hold your tired spirit up while you figure out a plan.

You are not a drama queen so get that out of your head. You are in a crisis, you feel trapped, you feel hopeless and exhausted. This is real and while I do not share your hopelessness now, I understand it and have felt it before myself--enough to know that it can be impossible to claw your way out of alone. That is why I am stressing to you that you did a very powerful thing for yourself--you reached out here-- and now you have to trust that no one here is going to feel burdened by you, no matter how long you struggle with this or what decisions you make. Most of us get raised to be comfortable with giving but not with receiving. :(

Stay safe, cj. The world needs all the big hearts it can get right now. Don't for a minute think your life does not matter. You have helped me so much through 6 years of grief. Whenever you have posted in Caleb's shrine I always think he is somewhere saying, "Thanks for taking care of my mom, dude." and I get a chuckle out of that because that is exactly how he would say it. Beyond the chuckle is the pain that never goes away but is softened immeasurably by people here in the BL community and you have been such a huge part of that. Let me give a little back.<3
cj- you're good man. Guess it wasn't quite as bad as I thought anyway, probably was just since I had already read through the other posts and actually paid attention ha.

I definitely get what you mean though about them slowly pushing's like fuck, my life is already shitty and hard enough, why do they gotta make things so much harder??

I have my own history too man....and I'm told same thing as you....."just get over it", "don't live in past", how about you fucking try being in my shoes, with my experiences, and see what the fuck you do....let's see how long you'd even if they know anything about it.....

I'm a bit of a loner myself.....I was arbitrarily cut off from everyone (like you are) when I was younger.....nowadays, it's pretty much mostly my own doing. I've been pushing people away for some time.....there's no loyalty anymore.....and can't trust just about anyone....and people are just straight up fucking stupid.....despite the very few exceptions (some of which I believe to be on here- having been a lurker for 10+ years lol).......I'm just so fucking sick of it.

That would be a great decision to separate from them and go to school. But I still stand by what I said about due diligence and consideration.... First and foremost, are you confident that you are stable enough on your med regimen? How ready do you feel? Are you REALLY prepared to live the homeless life if something falls through or you hit a bump or you fail? It may be different than you're expecting.....I'm not sure about CO or WA, but where I'm at, my life was full-on threatened multiple times by others, hard drugs and alcohol were everywhere, use was rampant and people were often willing to share.....I got much more depressed because of the situation than I already was and that made me pretty incapable of doing much other than getting high. There's still things from that experience that don't leave my head.....I can recall exact details of everything but it doesn't seem like it was me or my it'll play in my head and it seriously seems like someone else's life or a movie or something....of course, I have other experiences already that produce this sort of memory and thinking in regards to the events though.....Not only that, but the crystal still followed me I said, had never used it before then, did it daily for awhile until I got a residence again and CT'd.....I wouldn't say I'm an addict by any means, but it still follows me, calls to me.....and I now answer here and there. Probably wouldn't have happened otherwise.

Not only these things, but you have to consider everything the homeless life entails....especially if you have no-one nearby...
You only get to have so much property, basically as much as you can carry....and you're constantly at risk of being robbed of everything you own, jumped, or even killed. And you don't get lockers at the shelter (or even on the street if you choose that- alleys happened with me unintentionally a few times lol), so even when you're sleeping, you're at risk of someone else in the room jacking your shit....
You don't get washers and dryers for your clothes....
You're hurting from having to walk everywhere with all your property strapped to you.
You look unprofessional in many ways. You may or may not have access to showers. Same for food (not all shelters feed, and many that actually do only feed once a day in a 30-60 minute window).
Many of the shelters require you be subject to random or suspected searches.
You're more likely to be targeted, harassed, subject to searches some questioning by police.
Many of the homeless can be desperate and unstable due to illness, drugs, or situation.
OUTLETS. Oh my god, power outlets (to charge phone and such) were scarce as fuck....many places throughout city where I was at had either locked or disabled any outside power outlets solely because homeless used them....we sometimes had to walk through sorta ghetto city with a lot of dangerous people ALL FUCKING NIGHT just searching for an operational fucking outlet.....and you can't go inside somewhere to use an outlet cuz you'll be kicked out quick- regardless of whether you're being a perfect angel or starting problems.

All I'm saying here is cover all angles....these aren't even all of them, I know I've forgotten some...

perpetual anhedonic the whole thing sucks immensely it's like there is no argument I can make to them without them saying but yeah except your a drug addict. It's like logic and reason somehow go out the window because of that and I am always wrong. The shame I feel from failing and the arrests even though they have all been minor BS stuff so far drives me to use. I feel like people already think I'm a fuck up why not use. IV heroin was my thing for ten years so there's not much harder places to go then that but just know that the farther you go with the harder drugs the worse shit gets in all facets of your life. It sounds to me we both know we need to break away from our parents. But for me there's a lot of fear involved in that. Like can I make it as my own person? Am I destined to be homeless? Should I just accept my mental issues are too large to overcome and live off my parents forever? I don't want too but those are some of the self doubting fears going through my head at the moment. My grandma dying is a big catalyst because I don't feel so bad about heading out into the world and maybe losing regular touch with family now.

Herbivore yeah the school plan will only work if I get a big enough loan to cover all my expenses without a consigned which I don't even know is possible. I feel like it's the more responsible option I guess. But I feel like I need to experience life without a safety net. That's why getting on a bus with limited funds to a city I don't know anyone in or anything about sounds so damn appealing. As a lower middle class kid I guess I am naive to the realities of what life in shelters and shit means but I am not afraid to find out. I feel like I spent my 20s in a drug induced coma I mean sure I had some fun and I wouldn't trade it but I'm just so not cut out for a normal life and I feel like the only thing for me here is normalcy. At 28 I feel like I am reaching the end of the stage where I can self explore and not be looked at as just another drug addicted vagrant if that makes any sense. I guess I am just feeling the end of what should be youth but I'm not ready for it to end I still haven't found myself other then to know I want to help other people in some way.

That's the positive side of my brain. The negative side is tired hurt and frankly doesn't see a whole lot of things I want out of life outside the next high. I know I have some major mental health problems and frankly I should probably be in the hospital right now but with my grandmother dying I don't want to put that extra stress on my mom. I am an only child and it hurts me that my mom has sacrificed so much of her life for me and that I am going to have to cut that connection for awhile if I am going to find myself. Shit I am sorry that I have caused her so much stress and grief. I am sorry that it's highly likely she is going to outlive me. I am sorry that I am such a selfish piece of shit.

I am glad if My inadequate words where any consolation to you whatsoever after the passing of Caleb. Words just seem so inadequate in such situation but reading your pain made an impact on me that I bet is far greater then anything I said made on you. I dunno what I was really trying to say in this whole post my head is a mess right now. And truthfully I am isolated blue light is all I have since my parents took my cell phone not that I had many friends anyway. I would love a pm from you and anyone else who wants to send one though they always make me feel loved! I'll probably be ember asked by how disjointed this all sounds when I reread it tomorrow but I am exhausted. I'll still be here tommorow so I guess that a good thing
crimson, I came across this thread right as I was about to head out, but I plan on responding with more than just this later on. Just know that I know exactly how you feel and that I think youre a cool dude who can definitely get out of this rut and deserves to move on to bigger and better things.

hang in there, all storms eventually pass
cj- Wow this is just so crazy how strongly we relate. Lol even last night during smoke sesh, felt pretty profound haha.

Just because they know I have drug history, you're right, all reason and logic goes out the window with everything. It's fucking insane!

Right there with you on the shame from being a complete failure and the minor BS arrests.....certainly drivers for use...
It's not even that people think I'm fuck up, so might as well use (though certainly a significant part), but also that *I* know I'm a failure and piece of shit and I legitimately get this feeling like hard drug use and all that comes with it (maybe even homelessness- in fact, have multiple times thought seriously about going back out...) is exactly where I the pos I am....

I definitely agree with you on the depths hard drug use can take you.....I've seen a ton and experienced a lot.

Everything you just said about your thoughts and fears about leaving are exactly me. I know it's unhealthy being here, I know for the sake of myself and everyone involved, leaving is best. But, like you, I'm scared as hell.... I'm terrified of failure. And I don't honestly feel I can make it on my own. Hell, it was even proven with my homeless stint. I most likely would end up homeless, addicted more than ever, and eventually walking in front of a fucking train or intentionally OD'ing...

My own mental health has been incredibly difficult to overcome and I still haven't, but working with doctors on it.....It's a long path. And often feels impossible. But I have just recently renewed my battle...I'm going at it stronger than I have in some time....really hoping it will pay off....I'm SO fucking tired fucking tired. And tired of fighting... Tired of life.... Tired of me. Tired of everything and everyone. Fucking 25 and I feel inside like I've lived too long, I've definitely experienced too much.....25 and feel like an old ass man. There's really more truth than many people realize to the saying "you're only as old as you feel"....especially considering time is subjective and clocks/calenders are manmade (even though based off astronomy)- but that's another discussion.

I am very disturbed with all these things and they definitely hold me back.....but unfortunately for me, I don't have as much time to get on path to success and independence as it sounds like you might....guessing your parents will be around longer, therefore more time.

Please, please, PLEASE don't make such big decisions while in the current state of mind you're in caused by current trauma such as your grandmother passing. I've made that mistake too many times, making crazy decisions on a whim while hurting like that and confused and my mind in an even less straight frame than usual.....crash and burn every time and end up in some sort of trouble.....I've learned from it, and I hope you will heed my warning and take it seriously...

As for losing contact.....I did that while was okay for me cuz I had my own little substitute family of homeless drug addicts and a decent supply of drugs to cope.....but my family supposedly worried every day thinking I was dead.

I've always wanted to help people too....trouble is, I've gone overboard with doing so and sacrificed my own success and well-being....I've learned from that too.....but it's still so difficult. But I know that just doesn't really work in this world....and that's wrong.

Your head is CLEARLY a mess right now, and I know exactly where you're at head-wise......Please consider my words, and don't try making any crazy or life-changing decisions while in this're not in the right state to be doing so, and it's just begging for more trouble and pain. And the homeless will change you I'm sure....definitely changed me....and not for the good.

herbavore- I also extend my condolences for your late son....I know I don't know you, but have lurked for decade+ and seen many of yours and your son's posts....your son seemed great, and same with you....seems you've got a great heart and always have excellent advice to offer. Keep on keepin on and stay strong..

CJ, I hope you're in a better frame of mind now. I really, really felt for you in your OP. I had a girlfriend that treated me the same way (her idea of recovery was me doing nothing including drinking or getting high) and I was in my early 40s. It sounds like you're hatching a plan and I wish you the best of luck with that because you've got to get out from under that shit.
Man I know homelessness is no cake walk or nothing to strive for but I just feel fake in the life I live. Like what kind of peeve of shit lives off his parents at 28. I've seen more therapists then I can even count I've had maybe 2 who weren't fucking useless. It's like they prefer clients who are sad there favorite tv show was canceled and brad just doesn't see how much she likes him or some other trivial bullshit. They are like super taken aback when I tell them I was severely sexually abused as a kid I shot heroin for 9 years I'm on methadone and have seriously tried to kill myself multiple times. I've actually had therapists ask me to not come back because they can't help me. Talk about feeling like a broken fucking person. All phychiatrists do is play SSRI roulette for 75 dollars for 15 minutes. Not to mention they are usually fucking arrogant pricks anyway. So no I don't have much faith that the mental health industry is gonna do shit for me.

I'm filled with suicidal rage today. If I get the chance today I may walk away from it all. I'm just so fed up with all the bullshit. I slashed the shit out of my wrist last night and it felt so good to let it bleed. Watching the life sustaining force leave my body just felt so right. I really feel like any chance I had at a normal life ended at 7 years old when that dude started sticking his dick up my ass.

The other day I started wondering if I have tripped as many times as I had his dick stick up my ass. My conclusion was that the numbers where probably pretty close both being somewhere in the mid 100s. It always comes back to that same place. I tripped so much because I hoped that I would one day blow the door of perception so far off the hinges I would be a different person. That was my plan from ages 15-20. When I realized it hadn't and wasn't going to work I started into IV heroin because I wanted to die. Go figure I would be the one person with no negative consequences except for a raging addiction and all the issues that brings. No HIV no HEPC not even an OD serious enough for narcan. Talk about not fair especially as I watched friend after friend drop dead from it.

Now I really feel back where I started. Suicidal, pissed off, and having no fucking idea how to deal with the trauma I have experienced. I just don't feel cut out for this world
cj- I wish there was something that I could say... You know all those movies/TV shows where there is that one chic/dude/dog/cat that has the perfect monologue? What ever they say is so inspiring that who ever they talk to starts walking on clouds and farting rainbows? I'm not the screen writer for any of those... plus I'm not sure anyone wants to fart rainbows, what if they're sharp?

All I can say is that I hope you give yourself to the chance to find out what/where your strength is. We all have it somewhere, and while sometimes it is hidden somewhere where we can't see it (perhaps behind sharp farted rainbows?), if we look hard, and have an idea of what will motivate us, it eventually becomes visible. I hope you find yours!

In hope- GRSH
^I'm really sorry that you have been through all that, PA. I was homeless as a teen. It was grueling and for the most part terrifying but I think it was somewhat easier because this was in the 70's and hippies did look out for each other to a certain degree.

cj and I have talked before about the "legacy" of childhood abuse. It goes in deep, it is experienced on so many different unconscious levels as well as on the conscious level. When trust is destroyed at a young age the child is robbed of childhood. Because exploration is what childhood is all about and without trust it is extremely hard to freely explore the world outside the self--the child is too busy desperately trying to find hiding places inside. But there is healing. It takes effort and courage and will, and it takes lots and lots of time.
cj- give me a little bit to give you my full attention and respond adequately to your last post, I just got home not long ago after all nighter of getting spun out and of course now that I'm approaching the inescapable depths, I have to walk to get cigs now lol......hahaha fuck my life....

But many things in your last post immediately triggered multiple things in my mind and maybe my words could end up benefiting you in some way or another.....I do hope so anyway, but guess we'll see.
Besides, some of your words in your most recent post were just a tiny bit concerning to me, so I'd very much like a chance assist you in whatever extent to which my experience, knowledge, objective views/opinions/ideas, capability/ability will allow, and whatever help qualitatively/quantitatively they may possibly provide....

You're clearly suffering immensely, and in relation/response to many pretty serious experiences am I.....and have been for as long as I can memory is and always has been pretty good, and in fact has strongly impressed others many times......but....good experiences are damn scarce in there.....I do however, have a whole countless ungodly fucking slew of bad, terrible, scarring, life-changing, forever permanently self-altering, traumatic, fucked up, greatly negatively impactful ones.....but I don't often dip into any of those drives (nor do I- nor have I ever- really cared to) least until I'm forced. Honestly, I've never really spoken about them with anyone. Partially due to people, and partially myself.....and I know and admit that. I mean, there's no doubt my knowledge, experience and the strongly held and seemingly incredibly reasonable, logical and accurate views/opinions/believe of humans in general certainly hold much of the responsibility for this inability, but I know that my own self also key to determining this I think was probably seeing just how badly it hits me just going over them by myself no-one else involved- or when something triggers these deeply buried thoughts and memories to fucking surface unintentionally, unexpectedly, undesirably, STUPIDLY.
Really just crazy how long some of that shit can stick in your mind forever, like laying unused and dormant in your subconscious quietly waiting til it remembers how long since you two last hung out, so it decides to pop out of it's home in your subconscious and up into your conscious mind for a surprise fucking visit.....
No matter how little use it gets, your memory holds onto it forever, while the fucker sits there gathering dust most the time, that specific thought, rarely surfacing, but even while it's catching zzz's, it's still profoundly impacting you, your brain, your health, everything....the while damn time regardless...and working to not only kill you, but being so fucking sick as to make you wish you were dead more and more the longer it goes on without it's intention having yet been completed- ultimately resulting in it's main goal of not only killing you, but twisting you and your mind to the point of doing it yourself. Some straight sick motherfuckers man...

I know all too well the horrible struggle it is finding at all adequate help, both professionally, and in personal social interactions and relationships.....on the latter, people either are unwilling to help or absolutely incapable of doing so due to lack of personal relatable experience, knowledge, helpful words, appropriate advice, or many other causes....It's like a game with no instructions, no-one able of being found to properly assist or direct you in how to win the goddamn thing....

Anyway, REALLY need to go now, already have been putting it off for far too long....I get bad without those sticks of poison lol.
But I won't be long at all man, and I will certainly be back on so we may continue this discussion.

I also just had an interesting thought that I may or may not forget since its not necessarily in response to something in your post, but has caught my interest nonetheless, so I'm posting this last part to guarantee I don't lose the thought haha. I'm not at my peak brain functionality right now. Probably not too perceivably bad but you have no idea how long I've sat on this same damn comment repeatedly writing>reading>erasing>reading last acceptable writing>restart writing>read>erase>etc etc etc continuous cycle. I honest didn't even know how many times I repeated said cycle, but I myself am shocked and having a little trouble believing how fucking much time I've wasted with not much to show for it and not really realizing the length of time and how long I've been without a smoke. So I'm gone haha.
But again, won't be long....if you're having trouble finding more constructive things to do today, may I suggest speaking with someone here such as herbavore? Given my decade+ lurker experience here, I actually already hold a very strong, very positive opinion of her. I guess I feel kinda like I've actually gained some pretty decent insight on many people here without ever actually personally encountered, engaged or any personal contact haha, just by all the posts I've read. Of course, you only get to know people so much that way, but I have very little doubt that herbavore has certainly experienced, has a huge heart (even to relative strangers, she still manages to care more than most- or at least does very good job of emulating that appearance), and I have always noticed she generally has better and more sound advice than any other current member). She definitely strikes me as THE person to go to with shit around here....but of course, that's just off my judgements based only on observation, not personal experience with anyone here, so my judgement may not be as good as a more tenured registered member who has had better ability to gain more accurate knowledge of people. Very well could be someone better for ya, but that's just who I'd first suggest if I were for some reason asked. Otherwise, I got plenty of time to chat throughout day (barring something unforeseen), but if you got nothin constructive to do while I'm away, you know my vote ha.

Be easy man, be smart, be constructive and willing to consider other or alternative ideas, and of're not always as alone as ya might think man....catch ya soon.

herbavore- your post actually means quite a bit, I greatly appreciate your kindness towards me now, as well as the countless many, many BLers I know you've given so much selfless interest, care, big heart and consistently good, sound, thought out, and valuable advice or's rare to find such selflessness and genuine care for others when I actually see that rare unicorn, it really is something profoundly meaningful to me....I definitely take notice. If you haven't noticed haha. Hope that's not weird. But I wouldn't doubt in the least that you've probably saved lives of multiple (if not many) people here. You truly seem to have done immeasurable good here, and for no reason other than to help others. I dunno, maybe you can relate or truly understand why this kind of thing is so meaningful to me personally, maybe not, but I don't think my way of thinking on the matter is unreasonable- nor incorrect.

Regardless, there were certainly some parts of your post that hit home.....definitely have a response but seriously need to run right now be long, and will respond then. I do actually appreciate your involvement and contributions in this thread.
Will return very soon all.

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You're clearly suffering immensely, and in relation/response to many pretty serious experiences am I.....and have been for as long as I can memory is and always has been pretty good, and in fact has strongly impressed others many times......but....good experiences are damn scarce in there.....I do however, have a whole countless ungodly fucking slew of bad, terrible, scarring, life-changing, forever permanently self-altering, traumatic, fucked up, greatly negatively impactful ones.....but I don't often dip into any of those drives (nor do I- nor have I ever- really cared to) least until I'm forced. Honestly, I've never really spoken about them with anyone. Partially due to people, and partially myself.....and I know and admit that. I mean, there's no doubt my knowledge, experience and the strongly held and seemingly incredibly reasonable, logical and accurate views/opinions/believe of humans in general certainly hold much of the responsibility for this inability, but I know that my own self also key to determining this I think was probably seeing just how badly it hits me just going over them by myself no-one else involved- or when something triggers these deeply buried thoughts and memories to fucking surface unintentionally, unexpectedly, undesirably, STUPIDLY.
Really just crazy how long some of that shit can stick in your mind forever, like laying unused and dormant in your subconscious quietly waiting til it remembers how long since you two last hung out, so it decides to pop out of it's home in your subconscious and up into your conscious mind for a surprise fucking visit.....
No matter how little use it gets, your memory holds onto it forever, while the fucker sits there gathering dust most the time, that specific thought, rarely surfacing, but even while it's catching zzz's, it's still profoundly impacting you, your brain, your health, everything....the while damn time regardless...and working to not only kill you, but being so fucking sick as to make you wish you were dead more and more the longer it goes on without it's intention having yet been completed- ultimately resulting in it's main goal of not only killing you, but twisting you and your mind to the point of doing it yourself. Some straight sick motherfuckers man...

I know all too well the horrible struggle it is finding at all adequate help, both professionally, and in personal social interactions and relationships.....on the latter, people either are unwilling to help or absolutely incapable of doing so due to lack of personal relatable experience, knowledge, helpful words, appropriate advice, or many other causes....It's like a game with no instructions, no-one able of being found to properly assist or direct you in how to win the goddamn thi
Those two paragraphs sum up ptsd pretty damn well surfaces when you least expect and it hits you like a bout of food poisoning.

I ended up having to take a kolonopin and gabapentin today. Then i pretended to be sick and slept at my grandparents house so I wouldn't have to go back to the hospice place and see my grandmother wasting away. It may make me a bad person but I'm just emotionally exhausted from the month of dealing with this. I babysat my grandpa who's in early dementia for a week. I spent countless nights sleeping at the hospital while my grandmother mumbled incoherently. But my mom still treats me like I'm a selfish asshole. Everyone else who does less then me she just says "well they do what they can". But when it comes to me I do no right. I'm just sick of it. Sick of her mood swings. Sick of her bullshit in general. She's so nice to everyone else but treats me and my stepdad like dog shit mostly me though.

All thoughts basically come back to I gotta get the fuck outta here. A bus ticket with no money jobs or contacts is fucking insane but it has this romantic allure that I can't get out of my head. Plus I know it will really piss my parents off and as terrible as it sounds that has a lot of allure. Maybe it's just part of being 28 and having other people run your life. I dunno I guess I am just an asshole. My parents tell me that all the time anyway along with selfish and irresponsible.

i probably am a piece of shit. Whatever I'm going to watch youtube documentaries and get ready for another day in hell.
CJ, are you working on saving up money to move out?

i was miserable for the longest time because I was stuck living with my parents or grandparents, but now that I'm actually about to move out, I feel much better.
cj- apologies for the prolonged absence, my friend. Intended only to make my purchase and roll on back here, but it's my good friend's shop and he happened to be in, so ended up being there considerably longer than planned lol. Anyway, I'm back and just letting you know, starting my full response immediately, hopefully won't take so long, but I'm definitely feeling reinvigorated and in much better shape than I was at the time of my last posts hahaha- so definitely will be much more timely hahaha.
Yeah man, I'm constantly overwhelmed with deep, intense shame myself......and it really doesn't help that mine constantly intentionally deliver to me detailed insults and shaming me, telling me just how big a fucking loser failure piece of shit I if I'm not already always acutely aware of these facts and constantly beating myself up about gee, I didn't really require the additional help of beating my ass while I'm down while I do it so effectively on my own, but thanks I appreciate the assistance....I'm constantly, consistently under a barrage of attacks, they really make a point of making things crystal fucking clear......even though I didn't need the glasses, already perfect vision on the matter.

Man, the whole field of mental health is exceptionally difficult, damn near impossible to fucking sucks trying to work it out successfully- or even at all for that matter.
The field as a whole including the practitioners (in both psychology and psychiatry), as well as the "treatments" and medications are FAR too underdeveloped and un-advanced, and therefore incredibly shitty, inaccurate, incorrect, and off base to be successful....we really haven't gotten anywhere at all in it honestly. Most of the "science" behind it is not credible, lacking legitimate evidence, unreliable, unrealistic, not much work or real thought at all put into research or legitimate efforts in actual treatment of patients, but very much so in the line of profits and complete fucking disregard and carelessness for patients lives, health, livelihood, nor physical or mental well-being, or the very serious and concerning chronic effects these drugs have on the human brain and body, of which are still very unknown.

Big pharma pushes very questionable (to say the least) drugs that are notorious for not only their very high rates of complete failures in treating the patients conditions, but also for their unbearable side effect profiles as well that result in an absurdly high rate of patient treatment noncompliance- higher than any other in fact (and of course, it's always the patient's fault because they chose not to take the very efficacious medications prescribed to them because they actually prefer to suffer it turns out- who'd have thought? Hell maybe I oughta try developing a few of these mental health conditions if they're really that great! And hell, if I decide it's not my taste personally, is not as if there'd be consequences of buyers remorse seeing as these conditions aren't even actually real anyway, but even if I experience some sort of minor, easily talked out of mindset that's a see disturbing like a tiny portion of these many supposed sufferers occasionally get a little bothered by and I'm feeling as lazy as them and don't wanna bother with the little effort required to talk myself out of it or change mindset, I can just go with the same convenience, simplicity, and laziness they all do and just cure myself with the great medications available that are guaranteed to cure it, and effortlessly!)
And that's not even mentioning the fact that these drugs are incredibly under-researched, under-studied, and contain a vast array of long term or even permanent defects in people (myself included...), many of which are still unknown and many of which are very common with these drugs but have no medical term, definition or understanding because they are unique to these drugs and had previously never been seen....and gee I really wonder why there hasn't been any investigation into these mysterious effects.....yeah, that's a hard one. Only legitimate reason for displaying such absence of any concern (or even fucking curiosity.....a staple of mankind throughout our entire existence...ring any bells?) and no interest or investigating into what these drugs are doing that have the medical community stumped......well, none other then the most important reason behind everything in this world- $$$ of course!

The never fucking ending boundless greed of humans, particularly so in those of high societal status, wealth, power (though of course you only need the 2nd to have all 3 considering THAT'S who "our" leaders and gov work for and represent (not us "unimportant, worthless cockroaches" of course, but that's obvious fact duh, ) in their quest to never-ending unlimited power with not only complete disregard for the well-being of us unimportant roaches, but actual intentional harm in order to keep us down and in our place and incapable of reaching any level of wealth and power nearing their own, and forcefully not only maintain their high class status of wealth and power, but gaining (through immoral, corrupt, thieving tactics) even more and ultimately reaching status immortality, leaving nothing up to chance for normal people to rise up near their own status or being knocked off their throne perched atop us unworthy peasants.
************************this is currently unfinished as I have much to include in my response, and many different things to address (I've always been quite thorough in my responses lol) but my posting powers are currently reduced lol. Will complete asap however, though I'm sure neither of my main exchanges will be on to read this for another several hours, but thought I'd explain and clarify this just in case lol, and hopefully this isn't any sort of unacceptable issue, especially considering the current times and current relative inactivity here, and since I'll be cleaning it up shortly of course. If I am mistaken, please just give me a heads up and I'll take care of it immediately after it's mentioned and absolutely no need for any reprimand please and thanks :) I'm not a troublemaker here lol and my online posting is typically better, just run down, tired, so a little more difficulty than usual (especially considering the length and detail I've been going into here specifically). And don't worry cj- I won't be leaving your thread here looking trashed and mess, especially considering the important subject matter, which I clearly take seriously.
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PA your good bro finish it when you feel like it.

Subtotal. I need too get a job and do that but it's incredibly hard when I live miles from civilization with no car. There's like one Pakistani gas station I could work at 2 miles away that's about it. And they seem to be all related far as employees go.
PA your good bro finish it when you feel like it.

Subtotal. I need too get a job and do that but it's incredibly hard when I live miles from civilization with no car. There's like one Pakistani gas station I could work at 2 miles away that's about it. And they seem to be all related far as employees go.

CJ how about a 1/2 way house or sober living home? My family was super disfuntional too & I found that when I could break free from the cycle & craziness things got better for me. I don't know what you are going through but it looks like a lot of people on here will support you!
Sending love your way!