Mental Health Recently diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and trying to navigate treatment


Jul 19, 2006
For about a decade I've been treated mostly for moderate general anxiety and treatment-resistant depression. I've been on most antidepressants and anxiolytics that are even prescribed anymore, including intravenous ketamine treatment. Currently my life is in a precarious position, partly because I tried to self-sabotage my job and grad degree for no explicable reason besides stress and mental illness. Long story short, people convinced me my meds aren't working and I need to TRY AGAIN.

Doc doesn't take insurance and actually spent a lot of time with me, pretty thorough compared to the other 5 or 6 pdocs I've seen. I was mostly squirming a little and rambling about how incredible unmotivated, lazy, scattered I was, and how I was a bit disillusioned with our current pharmacopeia for depression. The only thing that ever really worked for me were the $2500 IV ketamine infusions, but I can't afford to pay that much for a medicine that costs about fifty cents a dose.

She snuck in some questions about my behavior in certain situations, but I didn't know she was doing an ADHD diagnostic. She asked me to look at it and showed that I scored high in all sections of part A, and not as much in Part B (such as, "Would you walk out of a seat in a meeting where somebody is talking to you?" Well that would be rude...) We also ranted a bit about recent generic quality control issues in medicines like Wellbutrin (she brought that up).

I don't like stimulants, but she told me they might paradoxically quell my restlessness instead of increase anxiety, and give me a push to start my day on the right foot while not falling behind on menial chores. I was skeptical...she asked if I felt that adderall or ritalin would help me as there's apparently no way to tell besides trial and error like most psych meds. I replied that I had no idea, and she prescribed me a small test dose of 2x5mg adderall IR per day. She told me to experiment with dosages (e.g. take 10mg in the morning and 5mg at night and vice versa). She also told me to just call if I decide to switch to a different medication.

I think it's working. I know it's a small dose (I'm not sure I feel 5mg at all), but 10mg calms my akathesia-like restlessness and pacing more than pregabalin and benzos combined! It makes me want to prioritize and organize and I can just finish filling out a damn application without thinking about all my existential problems at once. The only real side-effects at 10mg are some jaw clenching and dehydration (possibly mild headaches, not sure if coincidence yet).

QUESTION I imagine she will want to keep me on the same medication at a reasonable dose since the trial script is working like it should on a child or adolescent with ADHD. I think ~20mg per day (2 x 10mg IR) is the usual starting dose even for kids. If she prescribes this or similar, I would agree...but am considering asking for just the d-isomer (i.e. dexedrine IR). We discussed racemic salts during the last appointment, and she admitted that she couldn't think of a convincing argument for levoamphetamine. I've tried adderall, and if anything dexedrine is probably more tolerable (maybe less vasoconstriction and jaw tension (I have TMJ)).

So really I have three questions (fuck sorry):

1)Is 2 x 10mg dexedrine so much stronger than 20mg salts? It contains 25% more d-amp, but levoamp also causes stimulation so....

2) I prefer IR because ER and XR formulations feel uneven and harsh. Is Dex IR much harder to find than the spanules?

3) Is this unreasonable and will JUNKIE be stamped across my record? My medical/criminal record is clean, I have no flags, and have a respectable job that requires federal clearance. I didn't go into this asking for ADHD meds (or any meds at all). Now that I found something that works for now, I just don't want my jaw to pop out or something. Should I ask about the dex again or just shut it?
The spansules are 10000000x better for behavioral ADHD or just every day treatment, but I'm trying to study for a bar exam next month and no way I can do it on Dex IR or the spansules. Adderall XR didn't do much for me and the IR 15 mg dies out pretty fast (also on Lexapro 10 mg, klonopin 0.5 mg, and got inderal 20 mg). I'm seeing my doc this week and no idea what to do.
I'd at least try what your doctor recommends before asking for anything.

I do, but my doctor has asked me to choose between several medications, (ritalin vs adderall, etc). If we decide to stay on IR adderall, which is pretty certain, I don't think it should be wrong to ask about it. But I also don't know how stigmatized this med may be. Sometimes drug stigmas in psychiatry don't have much route in sense (ex. many doctors are ok with xanax but don't like valium because of its reputation)....

If dexedrine causes less jaw tension or raise in BP at comparable dosages it would be nice to know.
Strange. He asked you to choose between ritalin and adderall?

Yeah I was a little surprised given I don't have any background with prescription stimulants. I asked several times if there was a certain medication that similar patients have had more luck with, but she said she didn't notice any pattern and that some people respond better to one but the only way to figure out is trial and error. She is going to do a cheek swab DNA test that I guess might point in one direction.

But yeah she asked me whether I had any "intuition" if one would work better than the other, I said I wasn't sure. Then she asked if I was sure there wasn't one that I felt might be better for me, I again just shrugged and asked her to pick so she prescribed adderall IR and told me to just call her if I felt at any time before my next appointment that I wanted to switch.

I thought this was pretty liberal practice for a schedule II prescription but maybe I'm wrong since I've never been down this road before. It probably helped that I don't have any history of drug abuse, the nature of my profession, and that I didn't bring up ADD or ask for anything. Most of the psychiatrists I've been to usually give me a couple options. It frustrates me a little just because it reinforces the lack of any real quantitative testing in the field (throw everything against the wall and see what sticks approach).
Well I have limited knowledge but having been on just Dexamphetamine (Not ER or CR) But the instants have been great n helping me continue school and start a business.
I am otherwise a very scattered person and it can take a long time to finish something.
I believe in being open with all docs. I would try the suggested medication and dose first. If that fails to have an effect. Don't be scared to talk about the outcomes you have had. It's important so they can get a better idea of your needs.
Good Luck.
There is a non-amphetamine alternative. I forget what it is called but ask your doctor about it--it was recommended for my son. I have adult ADD. I am constantly trying to manage the problems it creates but I guess I am also not willing to take on the problems (depression when it wears off, increased tolerance and ever escalating doses) that an amphetamine creates. I tried Adderall when it was prescribed for my son (asked the pediatrician to prescribe to me for one week so I could see what he would be experiencing). It appeared to be the answer to my entire life. My house was sparkling clean every day. Paintings and drawings seemed to paint and draw themselves. I got more done in a day than I usually got done in a week. I also chewed the insides of my cheeks raw, could not sleep (but hey, who needs sleep when you are being so productive?) and never seemed to need to eat. I didn't stay on it long enough to experience the depression but that is why we ended up taking Caleb off of it after two months. By 3 pm each day he would be extremely depressed and lost his interest in doing things that normally made him happy. They tried changing the doses, time-release etc but in the end it was not worth it even though he initially reported the same miraculous results that I had experienced. My experience and that of my son (not to mention countless students over my years of teaching) was not a positive one but you are both self-aware and weigh things with plenty of consideration so please take this as only what it is: my experience that I am sharing with you.
You're lucky that you're responding well to the standard treatments (I could never get on with Ritalin or amphetamine derivatives). Now that you've found something that works, I suggest you stick with it and concentrate on finding the ideal dose for you.

One question though: you said you "don't like stimulants"; what were you basing that on? Had you tried and had bad reactions to recreational/street stims (coke, ecstacy, speed/meth) in the past?
There is a non-amphetamine alternative. I forget what it is called but ask your doctor about it--it was recommended for my son. I have adult ADD. I am constantly trying to manage the problems it creates but I guess I am also not willing to take on the problems (depression when it wears off, increased tolerance and ever escalating doses) that an amphetamine creates. I tried Adderall when it was prescribed for my son (asked the pediatrician to prescribe to me for one week so I could see what he would be experiencing). It appeared to be the answer to my entire life. My house was sparkling clean every day. Paintings and drawings seemed to paint and draw themselves. I got more done in a day than I usually got done in a week. I also chewed the insides of my cheeks raw, could not sleep (but hey, who needs sleep when you are being so productive?) and never seemed to need to eat. I didn't stay on it long enough to experience the depression but that is why we ended up taking Caleb off of it after two months. By 3 pm each day he would be extremely depressed and lost his interest in doing things that normally made him happy. They tried changing the doses, time-release etc but in the end it was not worth it even though he initially reported the same miraculous results that I had experienced. My experience and that of my son (not to mention countless students over my years of teaching) was not a positive one but you are both self-aware and weigh things with plenty of consideration so please take this as only what it is: my experience that I am sharing with you.

Atomoxetine a SNRI anti depressant is the non amphetamine alternative.... I take duloxetine and find it helps my adhd which is closely related to atomoxetine but atomoxetine is the registered treatment for adhd which isn't a stimulant
Modafinil/armodafinil is the other non-amphetaminic alternative. Unfortunately it was refused approval as an official treatment for ADHD (on some idiotic pretext) and it's rather expensive, so you'll have a hard time getting hold of it unless you're prepared to order generics online.
In short I have had ADHDR (Adult ADHD) Since 18... The only drug that hasworked consistantly over the years for me was Dexamphetamine 5. Im not sure if you get the same thing. But I didn't find Ritalin helpful at all unless I wanted some heart arryhtmia. That's just my experience.

Another thing is When you start on ADHD medication. I find it's best to take it as soon as you wake up. It starts the day of much easier. THen you can take the noon dose and still be really on the ball.

Peace, Goodluck.
I have ADD. I have used all the common stimulant amphetamines, with exception to methamphetamine. I may have had a meth pill sold as a roll once or twice. I have used atomoexitine / strattera, a time or two, and it made me paranoid, where I smoked an eighth of weed straight with a way lower tolerance at the time over a few hours, just to stay mellow.

IMO, IR Dexedrine works the best. Now SR Dexedrine is excellent also, but is the lighter weight of the two. For more people then would like to admit, SR Dexedrine is all you need. Forget dosage. Your Doctor will discuss that with you based on factors.

Dexedrine SR is having your cake and eating it too. Used as a therapeutic aid and for health, you get an IR jolt with a excellent taper off. We're talking positive effects for 7-12 hours, average, IMO, smooth comedown. IR Dexedrine is for writing a paper or cutting to the chase. It lasts for a decent amount of time, for an IR. I have found that I can dial in my dose with IR. The only drawback, is a bigger comedown that is subjectively rougher, but not bad.

You can get your doctor to give you a genetic cheek swab to see what chemical your body is better suited for.

As always, YMMV.
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IR Dexedrine is by far the best. Spansules of Dexedrine come second but are also good.

Adderall has a lot more peripheral stimulation and a rougher comedown for me. D-amp provides me with more mental clarity and focus than the alternative.

Edit: necro oops