• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Recovery 16 years oxy user working up plan to get off for good please help have questions

Orgasms are super helpful for most people when they're kicking. I'm sure John would be agreeable ;)

What did you want to know about loperamide/Immodium Broken74?
I am so sorry poke i never checked your profile im a idiot, and also italian and should be a grandpa by now but my 26 year old daughter is still only dating with her longtime boyfriend. And if you are down to only one oxycodone hopefully short acting 15mgs or even 30mgs you might be giving yourself extra torture because with your supporting meds you should have this at that low dose. But its no lie the longer you can stand tapering the easier the end is, was easier than most of my weens. And i was on oxy everyday for the last 18 years and a couple years before that not everyday. I understand the need more meetings for some people but believe it or not i dont have a addictive personality ive been able to control anything else ive done i quit smoking cigarettes 19 years ago first try. I think i was just too scared and believed i could not live without ops oh i was oh so wrong and the gift i was given and earned i will never go back on NEVER! i actually have grown now to hate ops. Mainly because i see what its doing to our youth mainly 18 to 25 year olds actually breaks my heart!. so many kids dying in my state hell everywhere, i actually heard them discussing on a talk radio station i listen to on my way to work that maybe they should stop the cops from using narcan in my state because sometimes they save the same person more than once a day OMG i flipped oh so let somebody die wtf i dont listen to that station nomore only music now.
Sista im praying for you keep ua posted!

Oh John, please do not call yourself an idiot...you are a wonderful and supportive BL friend..a New Jersey Italian... what can be better??? Growing up, we would go to see my Italian aunt in Edison, NJ.. I have many fond memories of a houseful of cousins and the smell of spaghetti sauce.

Meetings sure are not for everyone, I agree.

Good job on being about to quit the cigs first try!!!

What a sad story about the narcan...sounds so heartless.
Orgasms, that "part " of him had not worked, AT ALL, for quite some time. Last night he was having his first dream since all this started, said it was a sex dream with him and I and he woke up 'ready' but I was sleeping and he didn't think he had the actual energy to pull it off..but he was super excited that it still works. I'm in absolute agreement!! It's one of the many discussions we had been having while he was is denial. I heard so many excuses , nods=narcolepsy and sleep apnea
Sex organ issue=erectile dysfunction
Dropped cigarettes=carpal tunnel, can't feel my fingers

Fishing is wonderful, we did a deep sea trip right as all this was starting, it was great fun. Super glad you got to enjoy time with your son, quality time too!

Ty for the hot tub advice, I can by no means carry him my back and neck are severely damaged. I'm fine, so long as I'm super careful and don't lift over 5 lbs, bend wrong, twist wrong, sleep wrong or stay in one place too long. I had typed a reply to your p.m. earlier, then my phone died as I was writing the last sentence so I list the whole thing. I plan to re do it soon.

Happy to know people (you folks!) here are freeing themselves of the opiate prison!!

Side note: did anyone watch "Adam Ruins Everything Tonight"???? He talked about drugs, the old DARE program street drugs and then prescription drugs...his show basically word for word televised the actual conversation John and I had this morning sitting out on the patio having hot tea and smoking cigarettes. I swear it was weird, we were watching it and Johns like..the timing for this is impeccable....and then the more "Adam " spoke the more he said things we were saying, we both just laughed.
Oh John, please do not call yourself an idiot...you are a wonderful and supportive BL friend..a New Jersey Italian... what can be better??? Growing up, we would go to see my Italian aunt in Edison, NJ.. I have many fond memories of a houseful of cousins and the smell of spaghetti sauce.

Meetings sure are not for everyone, I agree.

Good job on being about to quit the cigs first try!!!

What a sad story about the narcan...sounds so heartless.

Sista I cant believe how small the bluelight world is i live 5 minutes from Edison nj, and your right nothing is better than a sunday sauce oh the smell!!!. Thanks for the kind words im praying you get off in the end as easy as me....were gettin too old for this shit im not sure i could have done it ten years from now.

Hi Sista, your mail box was full so i copied question and aswered it below.

P0kemama said:
Hey John,
I was wondering the same thing you mentioned.... if my withdrawals are worse on the low dosages? Were they for you? Of course, I feel good for about 6 hours, on the 1 15mg oxycodone. But then, w/d sets in again, and I don't know if it is from the oxymorphone last week or from the recently taken oxycodone.

What do you think?

Your sista

Hi Sista, yes for sure 15mgs doses i would be in withdrawals two hours before next dose, One great thing is the low dose your on now it should not be a bad withdrawals in the end. praying for you for a easy end like mine was
Orgasms, that "part " of him had not worked, AT ALL, for quite some time. Last night he was having his first dream since all this started, said it was a sex dream with him and I and he woke up 'ready' but I was sleeping and he didn't think he had the actual energy to pull it off..but he was super excited that it still works. I'm in absolute agreement!! It's one of the many discussions we had been having while he was is denial. I heard so many excuses , nods=narcolepsy and sleep apnea
Sex organ issue=erectile dysfunction
Dropped cigarettes=carpal tunnel, can't feel my fingers

Fishing is wonderful, we did a deep sea trip right as all this was starting, it was great fun. Super glad you got to enjoy time with your son, quality time too!

Ty for the hot tub advice, I can by no means carry him my back and neck are severely damaged. I'm fine, so long as I'm super careful and don't lift over 5 lbs, bend wrong, twist wrong, sleep wrong or stay in one place too long. I had typed a reply to your p.m. earlier, then my phone died as I was writing the last sentence so I list the whole thing. I plan to re do it soon.

Happy to know people (you folks!) here are freeing themselves of the opiate prison!!

Side note: did anyone watch "Adam Ruins Everything Tonight"???? He talked about drugs, the old DARE program street drugs and then prescription drugs...his show basically word for word televised the actual conversation John and I had this morning sitting out on the patio having hot tea and smoking cigarettes. I swear it was weird, we were watching it and Johns like..the timing for this is impeccable....and then the more "Adam " spoke the more he said things we were saying, we both just laughed.

TPD is on the money kim its crazy even near the end of my ween and now i was wake up with erections like years ago, ops are not great for spouses or partners the need is monthly at best on ops funny how things change.
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I had a late night swim. It was longer but I can move my arms and feel great.
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Well someone just ruined my morning so it's all in perspective.
POkemama! I wanna PM you but your IB is full. Thanks!
Oh John, please do not call yourself an idiot...you are a wonderful and supportive BL friend..a New Jersey Italian... what can be better??? Growing up, we would go to see my Italian aunt in Edison, NJ.. I have many fond memories of a houseful of cousins and the smell of spaghetti sauce.

Meetings sure are not for everyone, I agree.

Good job on being about to quit the cigs first try!!!

What a sad story about the narcan...sounds so heartless.
Just dropped by to say you all are doing swimmingly (pun intended)!

Keep on keeping on!

- VE
^ I saw that!

The ocean actually scares me. When I think about it, I get dizzy - haha. Mostly because it's so big and there are so many scary things about it. Do you like the water/ocean? And where do you go swimming? A local gym or are you lucky enough to have your own pool?

- VE
Hi VE,
I love the beach and ocean. I either swim in a salt water pool that's part of the condoplex or hit the beach. We have a great area with an artificial reef where swimmers, paddle boarders and children (in the shallow end) go.
I respect the fact that I am not in my element and that the sea creatures are. it's usually when people forget that fact that bad stuff happens.
Hi VE,
I love the beach and ocean. I either swim in a salt water pool that's part of the condoplex or hit the beach. We have a great area with an artificial reef where swimmers, paddle boarders and children (in the shallow end) go.
I respect the fact that I am not in my element and that the sea creatures are. it's usually when people forget that fact that bad stuff happens.

Wait hold on.... im moving in with CD lol that sounds like paradise my plans are to move to Florida i love the state been there over 30 times, but not as long as my 87 year old mother is alive definitely afterwards!!!!
Day 11 for me still battlin bowels and insomnia besides that still goin strong!

Kim i was touched by reading this you said in November sober thread posted below

Ds - that is excellent advice, I suggested that same thing to someone last week. It does something for the person offering help without an resistance or reward, but there is a reward internally. You feel like you possibly made a difference, it is self rewarding and gives you a sense of purpose. The person receiving the help obviously is benefited in more ways than one, they see another side to humanity, hope, and faith...whether in life,God, whatever you might choose to put your faith into..m just faith in life.

Well said so true!!! I also find that anything i have learned to leesen the hell of tapering and withdrawals to tell others maybe gives them a better chance at ending the addiction and as painless as possible, we are all of the same flesh and blood suffering sucks!
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Hi all,
Yes, there is a wee bit of room now in inbox... it sucks to be so popular.....lol!! I spent the day with granddaughter and her mom... my living room has 1/2 unpacked boxes of decorations unpacked... chaos... pretty, but chaos.
I did take extra yesterday and am thankful I did; otherwise would have turned a fun high energy day into a dud.

Last night, I did attend my first ever in person SMART meeting. It just felt a lot like outpatient substance abuse therapy... there was a facilitator, a topic and people discussed their addictive issues in relationship to the topic. Most were there for alcohol... a couple for marijuana, as it seems it is becoming a problem due to the high potency of the newer strains; I was the only one there on prescription opioids. A lot of vices out there... for sure!
Hi VE,
I love the beach and ocean. I either swim in a salt water pool that's part of the condoplex or hit the beach. We have a great area with an artificial reef where swimmers, paddle boarders and children (in the shallow end) go.
I respect the fact that I am not in my element and that the sea creatures are. it's usually when people forget that fact that bad stuff happens.

CD: So jelly!! Salt water pool and the beach????? What an enviable lifestyle.... however, you definitely deserve to enjoy yourself to the fullest!
Hi VE,
I love the beach and ocean. I either swim in a salt water pool that's part of the condoplex or hit the beach. We have a great area with an artificial reef where swimmers, paddle boarders and children (in the shallow end) go.
I respect the fact that I am not in my element and that the sea creatures are. it's usually when people forget that fact that bad stuff happens.

So. Envious.

thatisall :)
I just got off the phone with the contact for a local PA meeting... Pills Anonymous. Wow... the contact's experience is very similar to mine, and to others posting here. She was prescribed meds by her doctor, of course tolerance set in, and she found herself addicted. She now has many years clean and sober. We are on the same page regarding subs, marijuana and alcohol... we choose not to risk substituting one addiction for another.

So, I am definitely looking forward to Wednesday evening.
As I am very familiar with 12 step format, I am confident that I can "take what I want, and leave the rest."
By moving out of my isolation, I am enhancing my chances of lessening the depression//anxiety that create barriers to getting 100% clean, and look forward to having in person support to add to my compassionate and intelligent online BL friends.