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To boost adderall


Nov 2, 2016
One thing that helps with my 20 XR, (even though I want IR), is to take it fully with oatmeal and water. I take chelated magnesium at night about 1000-2000 mg. Sometimes a multivitamin at night. Any other suggestions?
Anatacids and/or baking soda with water(it works as an antacid too.. just tastes foul..), but I always chew up like 3-5 tums, eat a banana and some cereal, then take my Adderall.. I have the IRs though, 20mg. Never tried the XRs, but I am pretty sure, if you want to make them to IRs, its as simple as emptying the capsule of all the beads, putting beads in a mortar and pestle, and crushing them to a fine powder, which you can then parachute, or sniff/plug just as you would be able to do with IRs, not quite as easy, but still not too hard from what friends who have XRs and do this, have told me.. But yeah.. take antacids like rolaids/tums about 20-30 mins before taking the Adderall, avoid acidic foods if at all possible, and stay hydrated for best results.. try to eat too, even though you said you eat oatmeal which is great, but its best to just force yourself to eat after taking it too, nothing too big, just snacks like bananas which are filled with potassium and potassium boosts the effects of amp IME...
Ilove2nod covered it, I'll just add that if you want to turn XRs into IRs for whatever reason, you really need to crush the beads until they're a very fine powder...it can take some elbow grease lol! It's all about your stomach though, the oral bioavailability of adderall can vary widely, something like (ballpark estimates) 30-90% iirc. It's annoying! I also find that taking l-theanine on the comedown not only helps with comedown symptoms but kicks the focus and stimulation back in a bit.
Yeah I tried L-Theanine, I meant to mention L-Lysine, I've been taking Safeway brand, 2 pills, 1000 mg each, it REALLY helps and I hear it's a precursor to dopamine. I got some TUMS too so I'm good. So does the XR to IR last though if I take it in really fine form? I can't seem to get it fine enough, does it work better than just taking the XR by itself? Because I usually take out the beads and crush them and eat them but it goes away and sometimes it kicks all day...
Well, it really depends on the effect you want. You can look at an XR as basically one dose split in half, i.e. if you have a 20mg xr, that's 10mgs that are released instantly and another 10 slowly throughout the day. Turning that into an IR would just give you the 20mgs at once, so it'd be stronger but not longer lasting. So in other words, there's no real difference mg for mg, but an IR of a certain dose will feel about twice as strong as an XR of said dose, but wear off much quicker. Getting it crushed fine enough really is difficult though, and usually you end up getting a weird IR/XR mix (that's probably why you're getting very inconsistent effects) because only some of the XR mechanism gets crushed. Also, it's almost impossible not to waste at least a little when crushing. What I did was get myself a really nice quality stainless steel mortar and pestle (the pestle is big and heavy) and even then it takes work, but with that set-up I can crush it well enough to destroy the XR mechanism quite well. You can change up the BA by using a different ROA (i.e. plugging/snorting) but people usually only do that for recreational purposes as it generally makes the duration quite short. I've never plugged it myself but have plenty of experience snorting it and honestly, I think potentiating it orally is the best way to go anyway.
Please use the search engines in the future OP! There are literally dozens of different threads dedicated to the potentiation of oral Amphetamines like Adderall.
It's so simple to crush the beads and not lose aanything. Just dump the beads in a cigarette solophane, use the end of lighter and crush, dump out on flat surface, smear powder with side of lighter and it comes out sooo fine, Idk sorry to jump all over the place, but xr seems sketchy even when made into IR, it just had whole different nature to it..not a big fan
I take xr and litterly dont really feel it till like 6 to 8 hours later. Really it depends on how you define better aa it higher or stable focus
It's so simple to crush the beads and not lose aanything. Just dump the beads in a cigarette solophane, use the end of lighter and crush, dump out on flat surface, smear powder with side of lighter and it comes out sooo fine, Idk sorry to jump all over the place, but xr seems sketchy even when made into IR, it just had whole different nature to it..not a big fan

I feel the same way, that I've never been able to completely defeat the Adderall XR time release mechanism. I don't know what causes this, but I agree that Crushed XR does not equal IR.
I have only tried the IR version, so I was just going on what I have been told by people I know who have done this or still do this with the XRs, turning them to IR powder.. I have never had any success with plugging Adderall! I have no idea what it is, but I have had wonderful experiences plugging other drugs like oxy and subutex/suboxone, but never Adderall! I tried it 3 different times, and I know how to plug properly, but it felt very lacking compared to when I plugged other stuff.. sniffing it on the other hand, while maybe rather bad for you compared to oral/plugging, works great for me! I like to sniff them a lot of the time, usually on the days I work I sniff them, and they will last me all day! I know most people, this isn't the case, it will supposedly only last most people like 1-3 hours when they sniff Adderall.. for me, it lasts easily 4-6 hours! every time! I prefer the intranasal ROA with Adderall because for me, it is way more consistent, than oral's variable BAs.. I also still eat something like cereal, usually frosted mini wheats, and a banana, is my breakfast and coffee, but I take like 3-5 tums every time after I have my breakfast, then do the Adderall.. Because I have noticed, even when you sniff it, you are still getting a drip nearly every time, and that drip is going into your stomach.. so I always keep my stomach as basic as possible! not acidic, even with other ROAs.. Keep taking it oral either in the XR form it comes, or the crushed XR form if you want.. take antacids, and eat/drink things with a more basic ph.. see how it works.. AND I don't suggest anyone sniff pills, I know it is bad for me or anyone, but I keep doing it.. just because it is so much more predictable than oral is.. that is my opinion, but doesn't mean I am suggesting others do it.
Yeah it gets annoying, I get sad even like an hour after poppage, I'm like FUUUUCK anticipating the comedown like FUUUERRRK.
Dam.. that sucks. have you tried other ADD/ADHD meds? The only problem I seemed to have at all with Adderall, was for one, the shit generic I started on, was NOT up to the brand name standard, don't care what anyone says, these ones I first had, sucked! I am very glad I changed to another one, because the one I take now, agrees with me much better, and works like a charm, so long as I take it with antacids, whether I sniff or pop it, I still take the antacids for the drip if I do sniff it and the leftover Adderall that I end up swallowing in that drip, and everyday, I feel the same, nice feeling! How Adderall SHOULD feel, compared to the inconsistent bs I went through the first couple scripts I filled, with that one bad generic I had, not thinking anything of it, thinking I should try something else but.. Adderall, is a fickle drug. Period. Some people like one generic and hate the other and vise versa, and some people try all of them brand and generic, and it just doesn't work right for them... maybe you should try something like Dexedrine? or Ritalin? and see if they work better/worse than the Adderall does..

All I know, is I am very glad I tried numerous manufacturers of Adderall IRs.. had I not have done this, and just jumped on something else, who knows what would've happened, I most probably wouldn't be as happy as I am now, that things have been straightened out.. The FDA does a pretty good job with most other pharmaceuticals and their brand name/generic manufacturers' quality control and whatnot! Adderall, is the only one I ever had a REAL problem with the generic forms of, and I take 2 other meds, prescribed, and have been on tons of others in the past, which no matter the generic for the most part, they all worked, some SLIGHTLY better or worse than others, but that's just inevitable with pharm drugs, but like I said, the differences/similarities from generic/brand to the next with every other med I have tried before were minimal at best.. But, something was definitely not right with the generic Adderall I first had, it was like a totally different drug altogether than the ones I get now! Like night and day differences!4 I truly believe, after doing lots of research on google, and other sites, that some companies are not making Adderall like they should with the correct amounts of each amphetamine salt, binders, and fillers in their formulations of the drug.. some manufacturers of Adderall even had to even be recalled in the past! From bad quality control issues, and tons of complaints from people about how bad they were working for them, and how they weren't working at all, sometimes making people's ADD/ADHD even worse! its true! And again, I am sorry if this post is out of line at all, to all of the BDD BL moderators! I am not setting out to bend the BL rules in any way, and I truly love this site.. it's great, and I have learned so much here, and like to share my theories and information with others when I can as well, to teach others what I have learned! I just thought this information could prove to be useful for other people, who went through the things I did, when originally getting on Adderall! AS I don't think the OP should be having their Adderall XR wear off in a matter of an hour, something isn't right there..
Take more? I kid I kid. I use to love finding crushed XR beads in my nose 9 hours after I snorted them lol. (Ok lets be real in 9 hours Ive snorted 18-20 lines so could be from 9 mins ago. Damn I want some addie right now).
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I think its easy to confuse rapid onset with reliability. I can reliably feel the effects of xr at +6-8hours. But its much easier to learn the behavior of snorting it so its instant. Its like going from 0 to 30 degrees f in seconds vs maybe even higher going 0 to 70 f but at the rate of 8 degrees per hour or 8/360 1/40th of a degree per second. The rate of change 30-0/1 = 30. 70-0/(8*60) 70/480 ~1/7 like 0.13/30 13/3000 240.

Basic on this crude mental math I did with a cold even if adderall xr produced higher peak levels then snorting it the rate of change is 240 times or 24,000% faster so like going from a room thats 0 f to immediately a 30 f room would feel dramatic going from 0 to 70 f over 8 hours would be less dramatic
You on Adderall right now with that math? You would need PK model to compare and doubt theres much on intranasal amp.
How could you tell? Lmao but yes. And its based on https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/archives/fdaDrugInfo.cfm?archiveid=161666 section 12.3 figure one for the xr and the snorting I just switched to time to peak way to the left almost instant. But the numbers arent important what im trying to say is snorting hits you fast xr orally comes on so slowly it might be hard to notice even of the peaks are the same Or Even Higher. Because of u took xr 70 mg you might not feel it like 30 mg snorted simply because all the thirty hits you fast last a rapid change in temperature vs a very slow change over many many many hours
Eggs & bacon works too. That is, proteins. Makes body produce plenty more dopamine, for us having adhd it is important for getting full effect. Not sure how it is for getting high on Ritalin, but the meds block the reuptake, so the more dopamine you got going, the more dopamine won't get reuptaked.
I cant help but just love intranasal Adderall, it never ceases to amaze me, every morning! it is the same deal, everyday.. I am not becoming tolerant to it and not self-upping my scripted dose or anything, I just take my 20mg IRs up the nose, and I swear! I am feeling great from it more than half of my day! this has been going on for like 6 months now too.. some people claim it only lasts for a matter of 1-3 hours tops.. not with me, and I have a super fast metabolism.. Adderall is the one drug, that acts longer than its supposed to on me.. sometimes it even lasts the entire day in the IR form I take, I mean the peak effects are far more noticeable within the first 2-4 hours after sniffing one, but still, I can sometimes feel the Adderall awesomeness from like 9 am to 9 pm, a full 12 hours! Its crazy! I still take antacids, and eat the right foods before even sniffing my morning dose of Adderall, for the drip alone, which as I am sure everyone knows, ends up in your stomach.. and I believe it does help! Oral, taken whole or chewed/parachuted, it is too fickle for my liking, it will last anywhere from 1 hour or 10 hours depending on the smallest little changes in the ph of my stomach acid, so I don't particularly like taking it oral anymore.. I have tried taking Adderall orally, sniffing, and plugging it.. and sniffing seems to work the best.. for whatever reason plugging doesn't work well at all when it comes to Adderall, for me.. some swear by it, and I might have to give it another try one of these days and see, again, if I can get these amazing effects I hear about, from plugging it, like I have gotten in the past from plugging other drugs! Usually it is a very efficient ROA for me.. but not with Adderall.. and I know, sniffing pills is not good for the nose.. the first signs of problems from doing this too much, and I will likely find another way to make my adderall work.. have had sinus infections before, from sniffing poorly "cleaned up" coke, that wasn't done properly, with way too much acetone in it or something, and boyyy that sure sucked! so I know the dangers of railing anything... also have friends with deviated septum from sniffing way too much stuff..
Reminds me of my ever so sweet honey moon period on addys, which sadly was 16yrs ago :-( very jealous rite now!