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Can you become a full on addict from snorting heroin alone?


Sep 21, 2016
I've been told that if you do keep snorting it theres a 50/50 chance of just going to bigger quality or using a needle, is this true? sorry if this is on the wrong forums.
Heroin feels fucking good regardless of the ROA. So the answer is yes.
This has been answered numerous times, I suggest you look at the should I try heroin megathread.

But listen coming from an ex heroin addict now on buprenorphine maintenance, snorting is not even worth it and you will eventually 100% get on the needle and live a life basically what hell is like daily, including all the fu ked up shit you end up doing, or causing, or ending up. Just for a fix, I remember my first Vicodin and I can also remember my first H experience evertime you begin to use and or abuse an opiate/opiod the deeper you get until one day you and your own momma wont reconize nor like you!!!! Heroin is very bad and the most famous line is o well just do it once, that statement and then acting on it will bring you nothing but problems, jail, and eventually death. H is horrible and doesnt just cause epidemics by chance. ....
^^Garbage I wish both of you the best, and I hope you will eventually quit its just not worth it, and ive been in them shoes before so I know what its like
OP: What do you think? Seriously is this a question that even needs to be addressed?

Of course heroin is addictive and it doesn't matter how you take it, it can make you quite ill the first time you take it even.

It would twice as strong as morphine and with the new cuts exponentially stronger.
of course it does man,! and often it is where your start to create your addiction,... any ROAs of heroin will get you hooked there is no magic here
It ain't about change in roa or dosage necessarily, but being a slave to a substance. Doesn't matter if you eat it, smoke it, snort it, shoot it, plug it, whatever, you're brain will become physiologically addicted, producing physical withdrawl and mental craving without the substance or a substitute.

My .02, stay away from dope. Ruined my life for 10 years and 10 years later I still miss her...
It ain't about change in roa or dosage necessarily, but being a slave to a substance. Doesn't matter if you eat it, smoke it, snort it, shoot it, plug it, whatever, you're brain will become physiologically addicted, producing physical withdrawl and mental craving without the substance or a substitute.

My .02, stay away from dope. Ruined my life for 10 years and 10 years later I still miss her...

Very true, stay away from heroin, like everyone said no matter what ROA, this here was a good post along with mine, why you DO NOT ever want to get hooked on H. It ruins lives daily... do you really just wanna be another statistic that will go in and out of jail and or rehab lose all real friends and personal connections, and eventually if you continue your own family will dis own you. I remeber snorting my first line of H and I also remember just a few months later takin thousands from my parents bank account to fuel my H Iv addiction. Trust me H is nothing to play with theres a reason it ruins lives....
Hell, I'm a chronic pain patient who goes on and off of hydrocodone, diazepam, and methocarbamol.
I am fully addicted to kratom. I have used many various of opiates/opioids both Rx and otherwise.

After about 8 years of complete opioid abstinence I began using hydrocodne for pain, legitimately and legally. Two years later I'm off the hydro and full blown addicted to kratom. Granted, this is much more manageable that traditional opioids.
Point being, man, once you taste it it never goes away. Listen to all these people, look at this board. I get it, trust me, and if I was you I would do it anyway because a lot of the time we are doomed to learn the hard way. I have seen so many lives ruined or people dead from that junk, found my best friend and also an ex both dead from OD. It sneaks up on you before you know it.
I sincerely hope you walk away, but if you don't, remain hygienic always, sterilize and do not share equipment, not spoons, not straws, not a damn thing that's going anywhere near another junky's body regardless of ROA. IV isn't the only way to contract illness and not saying heroin causes these illnesses but they tend to infect people who use heroin. One drop of hep c blood on a straw or syringe up your nose, welcome to hep c.

Kratom is going to be illegal in a week and I'm pretty devastated.
Heroin feels fucking amazing, that's the problem with it.. it feels TOO good, way too good! IT will eventually control every winking moment of your life and what you do with it. When I did dope, and really all opioids for that matter, all I though about was getting fucked up! All day at work I would just be staring at the clock, waiting and waiting to get off and cop some dope.. It was a really fucked up way of life. Like others stated, there is no "safe" ROA with heroin, and eventually any of them like sniffing, smoking, or plugging will more than likely become less and less fun and curiosity plus tolerance will make you pick up the needle and shoot it.. once you shoot it thats that.. ain't going to want to do it any other way again.. and shooting dope everyday is dangerous in so many ways and just becomes a "job", finding the money for it, getting the money, then finding the dope, then shooting it, just to feel normal.. IV heroin feels like heaven at first but quickly takes you to hell! Just don't do it! Be careful, and be smart... don't IV heroin! Take the advice from people, like myself, who have been there and done that... Thankfully I am on Subs now, and have no desire to use heroin anymore..
Heroin does feel really really good, and at time of use all your problems will disappear ... But this is short lived when reality enters your brain and your feinin for that next fix.

Idk about you but abcesses, Hep C, constantly thinking about H and how and when your gunna score next, the things you have to do for money: first sell all your shit, then it usually carries over to your surrounding neighborhood stealing so much the cops almost foot chasing you nightly, and then usually progresses to your family if you dont wind up in jail yet, then you robb them constantly until their sooo fed up with you they hate you, and kick you out on the streets ... Idk about you but none of that sounds fun and thats just a little of some of what you will encounter doing H. Not including dealing with the street hustlers in the hood/Ghetto and all the people trying to survive down there fuck the city fuck heroin all it does is ruine people's priceless life, so bad that some sell their own body for the drug ... so please for me and all the other recovering H addicts please think about this and all the other stories before you put that deadly poison up your nose. Also DO NOT think for one second you wont end up on the needle, I hated needles and was traumatized by getting one shoved in my young hand when I had this rare heart disease when I was really younger 4-5 grade. But still I snorted heroin for a year and a half before I chose to pick up a needle and once I did wow did thing's shift horribly. All my life consisted of was stealing for my habit, then using as much as much as I could afford, and then came jail, not just once but a total of 4 times, I would usually only do about 4months at a time then break probation went back, then they brought up more charges on me due to there intensive research on me and multiple raids of my house, and they waited to my last days to tell me, but thankfully my family and wife were there for me and got me out on bond, but unfortunately this did not change me and I wound up catching another felony B.E. while on felony bond. I was only out for a month after doing 4months at the jail, well when they caught me coming back from the hood high as a kite they were waiting for me, pulled me over and arrested me and said I was under arrest for a home invasion, which it wasnt I just was trying to steal scrap copper wire from a barn... Well I ended up getting a year (10 months) but I had just got out on bond after 4months so really it was like I did 14months. BUTTTTTTT this time in jail I worked really hard at figuring out what I was going to do in life. I have six felonies currently and marked as a habitual offender. BUTTTTTT like I said this jail experience I took somethin from it and learned alot, also found my higher power, and worked out very extreme when I came home I was so ripped im 6'1 almost 200 pounds and its mostly all muscle, so its almost like im glad I had to do all that time. It definitely changed me for the good and bad, because any one thats done real jail time knows what Im speaking about its a rough place, where people pry on the weak, extort people you name it I prolly seen it there, I watched a grown ass man stab another grown ass man with a number2 pencil over a table to play spades on .... fuck jail fuck heroin, all I can say is if you do choose to sniff that line of H just remember your snorting all our stories too, and you to will become just another junkie ... come on man its 2016 you can do anything you want especially if your young and dont have felonies the sky is the limit, fuck heroin and any one who tries to get you to get down, its just not worth it, I could name a 100 things you could do that's better use of your time, and also there is NO beautiful, gorgeous woman that want a man thats a dopefien loser or even an H user like I said before fuck heroin go get you a beautiful, amazing woman, and some new J's go out to eat maybe a movie, and most importantly enjoy life. Doing/being addicted to heroin is a terrible life filled with misery, guilt,pain,depression,and will drain every dollar you got, even when your hustlin up cash for H that money is spent before you even get it, now thats fucked up, and all you are doing is gettin the dope man paid, off you... fuck that!

Im done ramblin, I just would hate to see any one go down some of the roads I went down. H is horrible, terrible, and will eventually make you steal from your own momma.

Also sorry for the bump, but I just wanted to conclude after I did that 10months I was completely sober for about 2months then started smoking weed and wound back up going to the hood to score, buttttt this time before things got way out of hand, I admitted I needed help. Now Im on suboxone maintenance, I also go bi-weekly to CBT counseling. Ive been H free for almost 2 years now. I still smoke weed. Also I have epilepsy and some mental health problems so I also take xanax 1mg three times daily, and phenobarbital 64.8mgs twice daily.

you can become dependent on any opiods by any route. Snorting, shooting, rectal, eating, anything.

Originally heroin was prescribed as oral capsules (circa late 1800s) and people even got dependent on those.

All you need to do is keep taking opioids regularly and you will get dependent!
you can become dependent on any opiods by any route. Snorting, shooting, rectal, eating, anything.

Originally heroin was prescribed as oral capsules (circa late 1800s) and people even got dependent on those.

All you need to do is keep taking opioids regularly and you will get dependent!

Forsure completely agree with you!
Most definitely absolutely! Whatever method you use to introduce heroin into your body is getting into your body. Different ways are going to give you different results per se. If you smoke it it's going to make you feel a tad bit differently than if you shoot it and so on and so forth. You're going to get just as sick as I would if you were smoking and I was shooting. Once you get to a certain point and have a certain tolerance, the bottom line is a tolerance is a tolerance it's as a matter how you introduce it. heroin is meant to be shot anyway. If you're going to get just a sick by smoking it because you think it's that much better than shooting it you might as well shoot it and have a real good time if you're going to end up sick every other day. And I don't care who you are and how much money you have there will be those days that you get sick and you just cannot avoid it.
The only downside is see to IV use, and I've done it, a lot, is the hygienic factor. You've gotta stay sterile and that's easier if ya got money, a home, etc but on the street not so much.
All for the nod...
Thinking back to those times makes me cringe, sure there's a part of the brain that romanticizes using dope but that's not the reality
Most definitely absolutely! Whatever method you use to introduce heroin into your body anyway getting into your body. Different ways are going to give you different results per se. If you smoke it it's going to make you feel a tad bit differently than if you shoot it and so on and so forth. You're going to get just as sick as I would if you were smoking and I was shooting. Once you get to a certain point and have a certain tolerance, the bottom line is a tolerance is a tolerance it's as a matter how you introduce it. heroin is meant to be shot anyway. If you're going to get just a sick by smoking it because you think it's that much better than shooting it you might as well shoot it and have a real good time if you're going to end up sick every other day. And I don't care who you are and how much money you have there will be those days that you get sick and you just cannot avoid it.

I AGREE 100% with this statement!! People if you have NOT done heroin, just dont, definitely not worrth it at all in anyway, please smoke a joint relax idk but please dont snort/IV heroin its a terrible idea, its a life changer even one use can grab you by the balls, because in the beginning you dont realize how fast thiings spiral out of control and before you know it, its too late your fully dopesick and gotta get a fix no matter what, no one will be able to stop you until you wind up in good ol jail and have to detox there horrible. But on another note also try not to get addicted to benzos as their withdrawal is pure hell and horrific and any benzo and alcohol are the only drugs that can actually kill you during withdrawal, yeah heroin feels like your dying, but with alcohol and benzos you can literally die from the withdrawals! !!!!! Of course tolerance, and the amount your taking all plays a role ....