Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. The Endorphin Factory

Yesterday I took a nap in the hammock and it was a bit cold when I wake up. Although I rarely get a cold that seemed to be enough for me to catch an annoying cough. I thought I should have gone swimming but I don't want this to turn into one of these flus.
Thanks for asking NSA.

I felt like my mood became steadily better, despite all of my sleeping problems it did get better.
Every day at the gym, when I'm taking my shower after swimming I get this great feeling. Like I'm doing well, feeling healthy (invincible for a moment ;) - but mostly happy for few hours).

When I don't exercise I feel heavy - like when you eat more than you should. I don't know if you remember, but it was you that told me to get some exercises about an year and few months ago if I wanted to succeed getting out my post quitting depression. I'm not depressed anymore.

My cold didn't really turned to a flu, it's more like a sore throat. So I'm skipping the pool for today as well, but I'm soon living for a small walk before getting ready to work. Another thing that I have noticed is that at work people tell I'm lighter, more productive. My semblant looks lighter than it used to be.

Wish you a good day. :) Mine is just starting now (5h15) local time.
Last night I did many variations of push-ups and some bicep curls as well. I'd like to start lifting heavy weights again though.
Had gone jogging today for about an hour. Avoiding the pool this week.
Shuffled a large room yesterday... worked me and I slept like a stone.

Light day today to recover.
So I think the only things I will need to do at the gym now will be chest, tricepts, and some bicept work for cosmetics. So one day a week. Might just buy a bench, some dumbels or join a gym that has a nice spa as well.
Well today is the day that I never ever thought would happen!

After suffering from bitch tits for over 10 years, they are fucking GONE!!!!

I never used steroids but heavy pot smoking and opiate/benzo addiction lead to a very unhealthy lifestyle, and I was skinnyfat, which I feel is the worst because you just look like lazy unhealthy person.

I even looked into male breast reduction, even though my bitch tits were not huge, they were the only thing left that I didn't hate and I thought they were there forever as many websites and videos will tell you as much.

But this week they disappeared and I gotta give a shoutout to my slavedriver boss, the sun, salads and 90*+ weather for the past two weeks.

Most of my family couldn't even recognize me this summer because my body has gone through a huge metamorphosis because when I was a junkie I was beyond thin, and after joining this site and taking up weight lifting and exercise (thanks to a thread by NSA, thank you, you have no idea the seed you planted with a picture you posted) I went from 6'0 140 pounds in October of 2014 to today being 212 pounds and a 14% bodyfat. I look and feel like a man and not some skinny junkie, so again thanks for all the positive threads and posts about replacing drugs with exercise. I was disabled from a botched surgery and couldn't function for 4+ years, I never thought this would be possible.
Good to hear that David. The lifestyle most of us used to have destroy our metabolism among so many other things, including hormones.
I have lost a considered amount of weight when I quit opiates but with time exercises helped reach my weight, also muscular weight.

Yesterday I had after a very stressing day I went swimming after few days only jogging, walking etc, I did swim for about 2 hours.
One before work and another session of training during the evening. It made me sleep like a baby, first time in weeks.
I'm so refreshed! :)
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^^^These are inspiring posts! I'm getting where I want to be physically as well. Hard work and diet changes here. I feel amazing. Now, if I could only sleep! Lol
Congratulations David that's fucking awesome.

I bought a 40 pound free weight today so I've been doing bicep curls with it. I might end up going back to Walmart to buy another to make it a little more convenient. Feels nice to lift some heavy weights again.
Starting a new diet so I can get some more mass weight. Perhaps alternating some body lifting on the days I'm not swimming.
I haven't worked out in a few days do to my recent move and new job. Need to do that tonight because that is my new relief valve?
Congratulations David that's fucking awesome.

I bought a 40 pound free weight today so I've been doing bicep curls with it. I might end up going back to Walmart to buy another to make it a little more convenient. Feels nice to lift some heavy weights again.

Thanks everyone, PefectDisguise I started off with a 25 pound bar bell, I have recently moved up to a 40 and it's kicking my butt.

Free weights today, but a pulled muscle is going to make me dial back for a bit
^ Good to hear David. Get some of the dopamine/endorphin back to your body ;)

I haven't worked out in a few days do to my recent move and new job. Need to do that tonight because that is my new relief valve

You'll feel better after. If I can't exercise for few days - which was the case last week bc of work issues, I start to feel lazy about it. But when I'm there at the gym, all I want is to be around.

Hope you are doing fine!
I'm climbing the stairs of my building every when I get home. I use the elevator only to go down. It's simple and effective and I'll see if I can make a routine out of this.. It's good for your calf which helps the circulation so I've heard. Some days I do it twice or even three times which is a bit over 30 minutes on top of weekly exercises.