There really is no end to this stupid shit


Jul 23, 2014
From my posts, you can see how my life sucks ass. I need not repeat myself. I can't say that my life has always been like this. In fact, I've lived a privileged life, like the life of a prince. I played the best games, watched the best movies, ate the best foods, and jacked off on adderall. It was good times and I admit the only reason I was able to live like this is not due to my own merit, but because I was dickriding off my parents. Left to my own devices, I realize that I really suck at this game called life. My parents left me with a car and still give me a roof over my head. This gives me a chance to go out and work. Although I have some protection, I am very scared. This is a low paying dead end job, meaning that if I get fired, it is impossible to find another job equivalent to this. I may have to go back to school but the reason I'm not is because I don't have the credit score to take out another student loan. Heck, I don't have the money to take the fucking exam! So as you can see, money is tight and the immediate objective is to get some money in the bank, not worry about no future. I am the type of person that will not deprive myself of certain luxuries. Like I refuse to eat any meat below chicken.

So, then the problem is, I am effing exhausted. School took alot out of me. Now work is going to drain me dead. Another thing is, I hate society. I really do. I feel like people are really judgmental in their opinion and that if you don't meet their expectation, they talk about you. It gives me a little bit of relief that they are going to die just the same cause I don't give a fuck about these people who feel the same. People expect you to be this morally upstanding skilled rich person when they don't fit the criteria themselves and I think that is the ultimate hypocisy. So, this brings me to the problem of death and suicide. It appears that accidents or dying of old age is the only socially acceptable way to die. I really can't believe I'm only 25. I'm really not concerned about dying young. In fact, I want to. I'm more worried about becoming old and never dying because it already feels like an eternity and I honestly already did the things I wanted to do. I don't want to get married, have children, etc. I don't understand why my parents are pushing me to start a family when I really don't want one. I looked up all the ways to die and every single way of dying hurts like hell, except dying in your sleep, but that chance is really small and you will more likely die from something else. If there is one thing I want most is to die in my sleep and not from something else. I don't know, I'm not like other people. I can't live pretending I'll never die because in those final moments, I know I will be in some pain. The thing about the drugs is, people made it seem like drugs was ruining my life when in fact, my life been sucking this whole time. Maybe resentment is a symptom of my withdrawal, I don't know. It is hard to have empathy for others when your own situation is rock bottom.
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You still are young, like myself (24, 25 in a month).
Believe it or not but you still have so much more to live for.
Travel the world, find a career you actually ENJOY.
You're going thru some depression, and I know how much it sucks, but it gets better.
Try not to isolate yourself. Get out of your comfort zone and take HEALTHY risks.
I feel the exact same way about society. I hate the police. I hate people in general.
Just try to make a plan of action of what you can do that would make you happy.
I'm here for you my friend. If you need anything, just let me know.
I wish I had been as wise as you at 25 WowOMG, you seem to have a great handle on life. Took me a further 13 years to see the light.

Sound advice.
I wish I had been as wise as you at 25 WowOMG, you seem to have a great handle on life. Took me a further 13 years to see the light.

Sound advice.

Thank you, Muzda Jonxx! :) I'm trying.
I still have my ups and downs, but I don't let it get to me too much.
I'm still fresh off the wagon after my 1000's time of relapsing.
This time feels different though. I have completely surrendered.
Much love!
Pleasure! I just say what I see.. Amazing the picture of a person you can glean from words on a screen. :)
thanks for the help guys. well, it actually gets worse. Let me explain. making minimum wage trying to pay off student loans from a diploma mill of a school is really goddam hard! what the fuck! goddam it! Not only am I broke, I am worse than broke! I am in a shitload of debt that is compounding by the day!! I have 2 weeks to submit an app to do the pay as you earn plan that takes off 15% of my paycheck, but even that is ridiculous because the government already takes away 25% of my paycheck for social security or some stupid shit so I am losing like 40% of my earnings to the government. What is the point of even working if the government is taking everything away? I have 99 problems but at least a bitch ain't one!
if there is a God, please let me die! I wanna die so bad! I don't care how it affect others. Fuck others! Seriously they can go fuck themselves for the way they treated me
There is so much in my life that is wrong and fucked up, and some portion of it is only going to get worse. In every likely scenario my friend with dementia is only going to get worse. My economic prospects have a high probability of getting worse not better. Several friends have moved away, and we'll always be friends but not so much anymore, cause if your over 25 you know friends that move far away are still precious but they are just too far away.

Not trying to trump your sorry life by saying mine is sorrier.

I'm going try to improve somethings. I'm ready to engage a professional like a therapist. I'm ready to give up somethings that have been hindering more than helping. Mostly I'm accepting that life isn't easy and I'm coming up on doing some hard shit and doing a lot of stuff that isn't really my preference or style. I'll be OK. Mostly because I've accepted life is hard and I have to do a lot of shit that isn't my style.

I'll be OK.
if there is a God, please let me die! I wanna die so bad! I don't care how it affect others. Fuck others! Seriously they can go fuck themselves for the way they treated me

It seems you have some MH issues you need to address ASAP. You stayed you lived like a prince, and now you have a ton of debt. The school loans and debt you have, are you parents willing to help you out with them. I am not sure if your parents are still alive if not I apologize. How was your relationship with your family?

You have to focus on yourself right now and your own well being, believe me many of us want to be dead, but we keep fighting and that's what you need to do. You are young, get these issues worked out see a professional ASAP and don't worry about what other think, get help.
thanks for the help guys. well, it actually gets worse. Let me explain. making minimum wage trying to pay off student loans from a diploma mill of a school is really goddam hard! what the fuck! goddam it! Not only am I broke, I am worse than broke! I am in a shitload of debt that is compounding by the day!! I have 2 weeks to submit an app to do the pay as you earn plan that takes off 15% of my paycheck, but even that is ridiculous because the government already takes away 25% of my paycheck for social security or some stupid shit so I am losing like 40% of my earnings to the government. What is the point of even working if the government is taking everything away? I have 99 problems but at least a bitch ain't one!

Man up -- get a few jobs as a waiter at a decent mid range restaurant(s) make a budget and a plan.

Restaurants are ALWAYS looking for good wait staff -- and a good waiter at Outback can earn $200-250 a shift.

It's shit work, and you have no social life -- but a good waiter can earn $1000-$1500 a week working 6 days
God is a fairytale, you have place to stay, car and job. Once you have none of that, than you can talk about giving up. While everyone talks about how it can get worse , it usually gets better. It just takes time, after years of suicidal behavior I'm doing okay and I think it's better I didn't drink that draino
@ Muzda--I worked as a waitress for years and I loved the two-tiered earning. I would live on my tips (just pay the bills) and save the small paychecks for travel. When the travel kitty got full I'd quit the job and go. Restaurants expect turnover so there is no harm in quitting and having gaps in employment as in a career. My only advice to anyone that hasn't done it is to work in a fast-paced restaurant otherwise the money isn't great and the boredom will kill you.;)

deadendgame, I don't much care for fools and haters and society and me have rarely gotten along but I like the good in most people and I make it a point to look for it. If I can't see it I just move on but you would be surprised at how just the act of seeking it out brings out surprising compassion in people. When the world of people gets to be too much, I take a break from it. I can walk for hours without even thinking about people if I get out in nature. If you have a dog for a companion it's even better.