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EADD Benzo Discussion v. Finally remembered to start a new thread.

The triazlo bastard child of the dreaded "date rape" drug....! I cant see the media having fun with this 8)
I am glad i get my Valium script. $7 for 50 x 5mg for anxiety.I get that every two weeks atm. I just take them prn but just having them makes me less anxious even without actually taking them. Glad i dont have to rely on the black market. The prices i have seen are ridiculous. I have not tried all these rc benzos but for me diazepam is ideal. Works wonders for anxiety. Not too sedating and goes well with a few wines. I dont find it eurphoric as such just super relaxing. Knocks my anxiety on the head. Lovely substance apart from the obvious dependance issues but being prescribed reasonably long term my doctor will manage a plan to taper off them when and if that time comes.
So the time has come to ditch the rc benzos and try and get on a supervised diaz taper. Going to bring literature on etizolam and diclazepam and explain my story from start to finish being totally honest in hope that they will understand I need professional help and support.

Any advise on how to approach this? Is honesty really the best policy in this situation? Am I likely to be pushed to a drug outreach team to work with first or am I likely to get asked for a urine sample then to be put on my script?

Im UK (northern Ireland) based if that helps...
So the time has come to ditch the rc benzos and try and get on a supervised diaz taper. Going to bring literature on etizolam and diclazepam and explain my story from start to finish being totally honest in hope that they will understand I need professional help and support.

Any advise on how to approach this? Is honesty really the best policy in this situation? Am I likely to be pushed to a drug outreach team to work with first or am I likely to get asked for a urine sample then to be put on my script?

Im UK (northern Ireland) based if that helps...

The NICE guidelines on benzo withdrawal state that benzo tapers should be done by a GP unless you've had other drug problems in the past. Public drug addiction services are often crap so if they try to palm you off, point to the guidelines and insist the GP puts you on a taper.
I went to my GP with the Ashton manual in hand, she was more than happy to abide by a taper based off of that - thankfully my dose wasn't too high to begin with.

What kind of doses are you on?
Thanks for the replies guys, il bring a print out of the ashton manual with me to then I guess.

Im on about 1.5mg of diclaz per day. Would that show up in a piss test? I hope so otherwise they may think im just a drug seeker as there is no way im going to my appointment in withdrawal just to prove my point.
No idea re: piss test - my GP just took my word for it. You might get a false positive for diazepam seeing as they're closely related but honestly don't know.

At least your dose isn't too high - that's like 15mg diaz right? I started tapering from 20mg (I was generally taking way more but knew that dose would 'hold me').

Took about 6 months to do but was so worth it in the end. There'd be moments where I'd get jittery as fuck and have to slow it down but part of the process is learning how to deal with your anxiety in a healthy way and facing it head on, realising you can get through it and all.

By the end when you're taking that 1mg of diaz, it is so purely psychological - you've already made it :)

Good luck bud
Yeah I know that Diclaz is metabolised into delorazepam so I should test positive for benzos in general.

1.5mg diclaz in theory is equal to 15mg diaz so your correct there.

Been through withdrawal countless times alone but I feel I cant do it alone hence seeking help from my GP. I know its totally possible but it won't be an easy ride but your totally right that its worth it in the long run. Im fed up having this monkey on my back!

Thanks for the info, reassurance and kind words fug, much appreciated. I'll post an update on how it goes although the appointment isnt for another week and a bit.
No worries man, benzos are a complete bitch and if anything just made my anxiety worse - tapering down was one of the best things I ever did.

Now I only use them as and when they're needed (i.e. stim/psyche comedown or something), not out of fear of having a seizure if I don't.

Hope it goes well with the GP!
Thanks for the replies guys, il bring a print out of the ashton manual with me to then I guess.

Im on about 1.5mg of diclaz per day. Would that show up in a piss test? I hope so otherwise they may think im just a drug seeker as there is no way im going to my appointment in withdrawal just to prove my point.

I don't know if it will be of any use but I put this together for folk in positions such as yourself to take to show to their GP's if they have any problem getting treatment for depndency of NPS (RC) Benzodiazepines and Theinodiazepines.

It's in the form of a PowerPoint presentation so have a read and print off a copy if you thonk it will be off any use. There is a link to it in the thread link below..

Diclazepam has a lot of metabolites. One of them is lorazepam which is a prescribed benzo on the NHS. If they do test you, that would certainly show up even if no other metabolite does.
I don't know if it will be of any use but I put this together for folk in positions such as yourself to take to show to their GP's if they have any problem getting treatment for depndency of NPS (RC) Benzodiazepines and Theinodiazepines.

It's in the form of a PowerPoint presentation so have a read and print off a copy if you thonk it will be off any use. There is a link to it in the thread link below..


Sorry only getting back to you now. Seen that pdf before, great work!

Had my appointment today. I was only able to get an appointment with nurse who initially claimed my anxiety was due to my sexual preference (she didnt let my mum come in for support and after a quick chat said she couldnt sort my issue out so sent a Dr in while she chatted to my mum and said to her "oh i didnt realise your son was a pill popper.) fucking twat!

Good news is I got a diaz scrip I have to pick up daily, all after one quick visit with my GP so at least I got sorted and have professional and medical help!

My Dr gave me a list of recommended foods to include in my diet to reduce anxiety, camomile tea being one of them. I mentioned Valerian to which he said: "no no, valerian contains valium" (face palm). He obviously isnt too clued in but at least im on my taper now and dont have to mess with RC benzos anymore :D

I had to hand over my stash to my mum which was painful but I know its the right thing to do.

Onwards and upwards =D
Cheers Stee, its not gona be easy but i feel far better now knowing I have access to the treatment I needed.
You've hit the jackpot mate - proper medical management of these issues using the gold standard of benzodiazepines is infinitely better than pissing around with NPS benzo tapers if you manage to get access to such medicines and support.
Cheers fug, so chuffed im sorted. Let the tapering commence! Going to the chemist everyday will keep me in a good routine to so despite the hassle it will get me out of the house which is great for my physical and mental wellbeing.
I had to go and see my GP yesterday as I was a bit worried due to the fact I hadn't eaten and had barely drank any water in 3 days due to fentanyl WDs and managed to get a single box of 5mg diaz. Its made a huge difference to how I'm feeling and think I finally may be coming through the other side of this bitch....

"Valarian contains valium?".......face palm indeed!!!
I had to go and see my GP yesterday as I was a bit worried due to the fact I hadn't eaten and had barely drank any water in 3 days due to fentanyl WDs and managed to get a single box of 5mg diaz. Its made a huge difference to how I'm feeling and think I finally may be coming through the other side of this bitch....

"Valarian contains valium?".......face palm indeed!!!
Should have given you some odanzetron as well. Might help to keep the water down.