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A real Friday thread by Stee

Cheers mucker! Same to you. Was thinking of getting some codeine actually... can you extract codeine from iburoprofen+codeine pills?

You can indeed mate, and this is totally anti-hr but on occasion I have just eaten them whole lol, as it's not the liver destroying ibuprofen and I have a tough gut, I was ok.

You got the nurofen plus? what I used to do was crush and extract 12 and just eat the other 12 whole, that's like 2.4g of ibuprofen, not a damaging amount,
that's like 300mg of codeine, that used to get me nice n high :D Am one of the lucky super metabolisers of codeine, I seem to get a lot more out of it than others, my lil bro is the same, gets absolutely shitfaced off say 200mg
You can indeed mate, and this is totally anti-hr but on occasion I have just eaten them whole lol, as it's not the liver destroying ibuprofen and I have a tough gut, I was ok.

You got the nurofen plus? what I used to do was crush and extract 12 and just eat the other 12 whole, that's like 2.4g of ibuprofen, not a damaging amount,
that's like 300mg of codeine, that used to get me nice n high :D Am one of the lucky super metabolisers of codeine, I seem to get a lot more out of it than others, my lil bro is the same, gets absolutely shitfaced off say 200mg

Sound advice there mate, cheers. Going to do that. I have just gobbled up 12 like pacman on occasions and have felt fine and got quite high with no noticable damage or pain.
Sound mate! tis a lovely day to be blissed out on opies! :D

Would ya happen to be in ireland mate? reason I ask is the nurofen plus, its the only option us paddies have in regards to codeine whereas if ya were a brit youd have access to all sorts of generics and wouldn't need to fuck bout with the nurofens :p

How are my detective skillz?

:D Tis a lovely day here anyway, chilled like fuck from this gear and this spliff is sending me to nodsville :D
Sound advice there mate, cheers. Going to do that. I have just gobbled up 12 like pacman on occasions and have felt fine and got quite high with no noticable damage or pain.

Overdosing on the Ibu/Para isn't something that causes immediate noticeable pain, the damage is insidious and often doesn't give a single sign even 2 days after 15g Paracetamol - but once it does there's close to fuck all you can do, other than die slowly from a necrotic liver over the course of an agonising month or so.

On the extracting a portion and necking some whole - a tiny fuck up in your CWE process or technique will add grams onto the expected amount.
The weekend has landed. All that exists now is clubs, drugs, pubs and parties and loads of downers on Sunday as I'm a fucking junky. I've had 36 years off from the world, man. I'm gonna blow steam out my head like a screaming kettle, I'm gonna talk cod shit to strangers all night, I'm gonna lose the plot on the dancefloor. The free radicals inside me are freakin', man! Tonight I'm John Travolta, I'm Mark Renton, I'm going to never-never land with my chosen family, man. We're gonna get more spaced out than Neil Armstrong ever did, anything could happen tonight, you know? This could be the best or possibly last night of my life. I've got 73p (plus the tenner the chemist gave us) in my back burner - I'm gonna wax the lot, man! The Milky Bar is on me! Yeah! Got a knife so I can cut it in half?

Actually lol'd :D

No plans this weekend. I need to buy a suit, or at least some clothes, for a wedding in a couple of weekends. Not sure what to do because the bride actually told me not to wear a suit because they're doing the whole casual country outdoorsy thing, but when I asked if I could just dress like I always do I I was told I still had to be "wedding smart". Anyone got any ideas.
Just Beer, Weed and the setting sun for my fix tonight........ Perfect!!

Happy Friday all :)
Happy birthday Stee! Enjoy your night out. :D

I'm on something of a sobriety thing atm, well I'm avoiding opis, kratom, and GBL anyway for as long as possible, so it'll be just RC stims, benzos and pregabalin for me, and a nice bit of hash before bed. Not too bad i guess, but could be so much better if all the most enjoyable substances weren't so damn physically addictive.
Pick up some of them 9%ers your Fond of and ill bring a flip-chart and we can brainstorm the clit out of this Ridiculous plan.....

Already picked up mate - and nearly supped up. May have to nip back down to the Polish shop (and I'm not talking Mr.Sheen...).

Flipcharts and clits FTW!!
Well, after Stee bombed some speed he's just explained the entire history of God's Kitchen in a short 2 hour presentation :D

Heading out now. See you there then guys, I've got some marker pens. Got everything covered...
Well, after Stee bombed some speed he's just explained the entire history of God's Kitchen in a short 2 hour presentation :D

Heading out now. See you there then guys, I've got some marker pens. Got everything covered...

Have you got your glowsticks and Vicks?
Well, after Stee bombed some speed he's just explained the entire history of God's Kitchen in a short 2 hour presentation :D

Heading out now. See you there then guys, I've got some marker pens. Got everything covered...

Hahahahahahaha Brilliant :)
Have you got your glowsticks and Vicks?

Yup, I've hired a girl also called Vicks to blow on my eyes. Proper American night out. I'm not looking forward to the 12 month come down and serotonin syndrome. Dems the price to play though...
Yup, I've hired a girl also called Vicks to blow on my eyes. Proper American night out. I'm not looking forward to the 12 month come down and serotonin syndrome. Dems the price to play though...

As long as you wear your hair in pigtails and suck on a baby's dummy all night - you'll be fine :)
Well I got fired today. Can't say it wasn't totally unrelated to drugs, but at the same time it was a load of bullshit reason and I was really starting to enjoy the job. So angry at how avoidable it could/should havebeen! Past in th past in ht past and all that, i'm getting seriously fucked today. 2cb and ket mixed insufflated, numerous drinks at random bars, a spliff, 10 or 20mg diaz (can't remember past the point of caring about the whole benzo thing today), getting past the point of caring) and at least 300mg dhc or so. Needs more ket/cb but don't want my parents getting home from their nice meal out to me tripping face. At least I don't have to break the news now as its the weekend, I was getting mom-tue off anywa then partents are away to paris for anniversary till friday so will save the good news till they get back...!!!!!..