Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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My experiences with Invega Sustenna and coming off

Because my family saw a change in my behavior, that I was no longer running away from family and I was no longer having delusions of grandeur or persecution. The delusions got me mixed up with bad friends, and got me into awkward situations. I don't want to be on it, but there's just no way I can convince my family that I should be off it.

Hi everyone, how are you doing? I was misdiagnosed with psychosis and have been forced to take Invega Sustenna for the past six months. I have had 6 shots of this toxin so far and my last one was on May 30th. This one is my last one and then I am going to begin tapering myself off this poison under the supervision of my psychiatrist. I was given four injections at 50 ml, one at 150 ml, and another at 100 ml. I was wondering, do I have to taper off the injection slowly, or can I just stop it and hopefully not experience withdrawal effects. Also, if I were to taper off the injection, how would I do it as the lowest Invega tablet dose is 1.5 mg. I tried stopping cold turkey this month but I experienced sleep disruptions, nose bleeds, and anxiety. Is there a way I can come off this poison safely? I was forced to take it for no reason and my psychiatrist apologized for the misdiagnoses. I have not able to function at my normal level since I was on Invega Sustenna. I don't know how I'll come off it now. I was a perfectly normal person injected with this toxin much like the original op of this post, Narshe81. Please help me someone. Thank you.
I don't think any tapering is necessary to come off this drug. The half life is so long, it actually tapers itself. You see, because it stays in your system and eliminates over time. Any pills you take will probably extend the effects.
I don't think any tapering is necessary to come off this drug. The half life is so long, it actually tapers itself. You see, because it stays in your system and eliminates over time. Any pills you take will probably extend the effects.

+1 to this, agreed. I was on abilify injections which have a 49 day half life. Invega is around the same. My last dose was 200mg and my doctor said there's no need to taper, pending any withdrawal symptoms it may be worthwhile to reinstate. See how you go in my non-medical opinion and reinstate if neccessary.
Hi. How is everyones libido. its been almost 4 months after the shot and i have little to none improvent.
@Bad Robot, you say month 5 you fully recovered? My orgasms are not intense as they used to be.
Does someone have a story of improvement? Does this goes away after month 5?
Thank you all for answering.

I've read that acupuncture can help return sexual feeling/energy. This is a very distressing side effect (or desired effect) of these types of poison for me too. Am in the process of a 4 month full body cleanse and will start acupuncture, etc at the end of that. Best wishes mate, Zombie
I'm sorry Invegahater, sorry to everyone still feeling at loss from the criminal injustice that has been done.. I'm at month 5 and honestly I don't really think about it anymore, it's such a permanent thing, u just become "comfortably numb". Recovering would be a dream come true, to actually wake up and have energy, strength, sexual and creative passions. Listen to music and feel connected with it. Hopeful plan is to recover at month 10 like decisive. There is real recovery story at ten months from Decisive just to remind any new members on here. I might just have to get a gym membership and force myself to run 3 miles everyday. I wonder if I could do that,.. It would definitely speed up the process.@BadRobot, how are you?? Youre almost at month 10. R u able to exercise yet?
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For anyone who has 100 dollars, go get vitamins b1,b6,b12,C,D,E and flaxseed oil tablets.

I take these everyday and I notice a difference. This WON'T remove all the poison but it will make you feel better.

It can't hurt to try.
@invega hater

I feel your pain bro, it's ruined me too. It's made me feel disabled.
Ah... Yeah... I forgot about the gagging. Actually didn't think to mention it since I've been doing it ever since I took Risperdal Consta. Then there's the burping problem. Every time I move around I start to burp. This in combination with the gagging gets ugly pretty fast.
Sexual dysfunction might go away after a few months. For me it went away after 4 months and then came back again for another 4 months or so. Now it's finally gone for good (I think) at 12 months off.
Ah... Yeah... I forgot about the gagging. Actually didn't think to mention it since I've been doing it ever since I took Risperdal Consta. Then there's the burping problem. Every time I move around I start to burp. This in combination with the gagging gets ugly pretty fast.
Sexual dysfunction might go away after a few months. For me it went away after 4 months and then came back again for another 4 months or so. Now it's finally gone for good (I think) at 12 months off.

So after 12 months I get my libido back? YAY! thank you very much for answering!
Hey Guys. This libido thing is really killing me.
I cant orgasm. Somebody say something that really hads up.
For the love of God say something that doesnt make wait a whole year.
@invegauser you said its been 3 years youre off it. I think this is the longest ive ever knewn about. How many shots did you take? Did you have any sexual disfunction? If it so how long took it to go away?

I don't feel pleasure when I ejaculate, ever since I started this poison. I understand your pain. There's nothing worse than feeling less of a man. I haven't read one story of somebody completely recovering there sexual abilities like before the meds.

I don't feel pleasure when I ejaculate, ever since I started this poison. I understand your pain. There's nothing worse than feeling less of a man. I haven't read one story of somebody completely recovering there sexual abilities like before the meds.

Hi! how long has it been since your last shot? it will be 4 months in a few days for me.
Nobody is talking abour anorgasmia here in this forum.
Please somebody say something.
My last injection was at the end of February, so just over 3 months. More people should discuss this serious issue.
Hi. I'm the guy from the last thread who said he had insomnia and recovered. I didn't have anhedonia though, since my first and last injection of invega back in August of last year, but well... Now I have anhedonia.

It started two months ago when I was forced 'medicine' for my ocd/germaphobia. They forced an injection of some medicine on me one day. I resisted and fought back but it was useless. They held me down and got their way. They told me the medicine was "Neurobion" which is just B vitamins (specifically b1,b6,b12) Apparently some neurological disorders can be caused by a vitamin b deficiency? I kind of find that hard to believe. Cus it did shit. Some doctors can be so ignorant. What right do they have to experiment on my body? Aside from forcing it on me without my consent! And how can these people live with themselves guilt free after that? They should go to hell.

What I'm puzzled about is, how can B vitamins injected into my blood stream trigger anhedonia in me? Well invega does have a lot of drug interactions so I suspect that maybe it interacted with the invega sustenna poison that was still in my body then set off the side effect?

Edit: Forgot to add that the anhedonia happened overnight. Right after I was injected with the b vitamins, my body was shaking involuntarily. Then the next day I realized I had anhedonia.
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Hi. I'm the guy from the last thread who said he had insomnia and recovered. I didn't have anhedonia though, since my first and last injection of invega back in August of last year, but well... Now I have anhedonia.

It started two months ago when I was forced 'medicine' for my ocd/germaphobia. They forced an injection of some medicine on me one day. I resisted and fought back but it was useless. They held me down and got their way. They told me the medicine was "Neurobion" which is just B vitamins (specifically b1,b6,b12) Apparently some neurological disorders can be caused by a vitamin b deficiency? I kind of find that hard to believe. Cus it did shit. Some doctors can be so ignorant. What right do they have to experiment on my body? Aside from forcing it on me without my consent! And how can these people live with themselves guilt free after that? They should go to hell.

What I'm puzzled about is, how can B vitamins injected into my blood stream trigger anhedonia in me? Well invega does have a lot of drug interactions so I suspect that maybe it interacted with the invega sustenna poison that was still in my body then set off the side effect?

Edit: Forgot to add that the anhedonia happened overnight. Right after I was injected with the b vitamins, my body was shaking involuntarily. Then the next day I realized I had anhedonia.
That is really weird because all of the research that I have done explains that taking vitamins helps to get the poison out of your system. Sense you were forced to take the shot are you sure they did not lie to you and actually give you another shot of a antipsychotic?
That is possible. But I don't see why they would lie about it. Since they didn't tell me the name of the medicine until after they forced it on me.

Also, it certainly didn't feel like an invega shot. The invega shot I had was injected into my shoulder and was painful. This one however was a tiny needle and was injected via buttocks and wasn't the least bit painful.

It's possible. But I still suspect it was the b vitamins. Perhaps it was toxic in such large amounts or because it was injected via blood stream rather than orally through food. And it was a drug interaction. I don't know, just a theory.

Also, I was also taking Fluvoxamine that same week. It was just a few days though. Also I took magnesium supplements as a laxative like one or two weeks prior.
Hey guys, I finally had the courage to stand up to my parents and tell them how it's going to be, that I'm just not going to my next shot appointment. I am so close to starting to get off the injections, even if it means going on a type of pills instead. My arms and legs were shaking so bad and I couldn't stand in place for more than 10 seconds. I felt groggy and lightheaded.
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