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☮ Social ☮ [PD Social Tripping Thread] NEW! Gather here for swirly talk

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I think the want to transmit what we've learned or our "wordly" or rather "other worldly" unique experiences is highly prevalent in our field. We've been to places other people could hardly even imagine or fathom, to me, it's very selfish to not want to spread the word to open inquiring minds that are willing to listen! I used to be too boisterous about that though attempting to scream it from the rooftops regardless of how overzealous the judgement I would recieve would be. Much more reined in now a days.

I wouldn't worry about it to much Xork, your already, IMO doing big parts with your TR's! I'm pretty sure I told you before, but I "grew up" reading your TR's and was highly inspired by the eloquent, beautiful message they painted! Basically thanks to you and a few other profilic TR writers, I decided to find RC psychedelics like 2c-E/T-2/I/B/T-7/P/4-HO-MET/etc.

Your a wise guy man. I love when people can get the bigger picture! A smart man can strive to learn "everything" he could in his lifetime while an ignorant man thinks it's actually possible to know "everything". That's the great thing about life though, absorbing others experiences, and amassing their differing points of view on things to compile true wisdom! Beautiful!

I feel similarly too about dosing 3-MeO-PCP. For whatever reason, dosing 3-4 mgs 3-6 times a day(depending on what I'm looking for, how deep I'm looking to go, and how long I'm up for)is actually manageable and really quite plesant. It's the only way I'd dose it now a days though I wouldn't do it as much as I was a few months ago.
I assume thats the thumb from the anteater (the anteater's ear?), not the mitten?
nah, the thumb from the mitten. it is a very rural area, and a pretty close drive to the bridge to Sarnia, CA. we get canadian radio stations, sometimes my cell phone starts picking up canadian cell phone towers. i even have a Michigan Enhanced Driver's License that functions as a document allowing me to freely cross the border.... better than a passport basically.
There's a ban impending in Canada on all 2C-x ..sob..cry..
Seems like Canada was one of the last places to still have these chems unregulated. Really too bad.
I hope it's not inappropriate to mention this here.
There's a ban impending in Canada on all 2C-x ..sob..cry..
Seems like Canada was one of the last places to still have these chems unregulated. Really too bad.
I hope it's not inappropriate to mention this here.

It sortof figures that with pot becoming legal, the government is becoming quazi-smarter regarding drugs. It makes sense in one way, as in consistency, to have all psychedelics illegal. But I disagree with the core ideas that psychedelics should be illegal.

Ideally, along with marijuana, all plants should become legal. Including mushrooms, peyote, mimosa, along their constituent chemicals. But law always lags behind reality.
There's a ban impending in Canada on all 2C-x ..sob..cry..
Seems like Canada was one of the last places to still have these chems unregulated. Really too bad.
I hope it's not inappropriate to mention this here.
Yeah but those monsters have all arylcyclohexamines illegal and some other stuff! Like anything it's give or take. They had 2c-X we had arylcyclohexamines!
Upon administration of MDMA...

Damn yo, I just vaped some flubromazolam for the first time. I think I did the perfect amount maybe a milligram I don't know it was just some dust but I think I got it all in my lungs because 30 seconds later I was like woooo I feel vunderfully floozy flubally fun.
Is there a Benz social thread? If so I should find it.
I doubt there's a benzo one specifically... I think OD may have a social thread. Be careful, I hear that one is extremely potent and long-lived. Just don't redose.

I wouldn't worry about it to much Xork, your already, IMO doing big parts with your TR's! I'm pretty sure I told you before, but I "grew up" reading your TR's and was highly inspired by the eloquent, beautiful message they painted! Basically thanks to you and a few other profilic TR writers, I decided to find RC psychedelics like 2c-E/T-2/I/B/T-7/P/4-HO-MET/etc.

Your a wise guy man. I love when people can get the bigger picture! A smart man can strive to learn "everything" he could in his lifetime while an ignorant man thinks it's actually possible to know "everything". That's the great thing about life though, absorbing others experiences, and amassing their differing points of view on things to compile true wisdom! Beautiful!

Thanks man, you've got some food wisdom yourself. :) And you're a good friend. <3

But yeah, I had the same, growing up on TRs from morninggloryseed and a variety of others. It feels pretty neat to know some other people feel that way about mine. :)

There's a ban impending in Canada on all 2C-x ..sob..cry..
Seems like Canada was one of the last places to still have these chems unregulated. Really too bad.
I hope it's not inappropriate to mention this here.

Oh man... bummer. :( I remember when the 2C-Xs and some of the 4-sub-Ts were about all that anyone had made available. Nowadays the 2C-Xs are getting more and more rare and expensive. It's a shame because they're great drugs, many of them. And I have none of them anymore.

I need to at least get myself some 2C-E before it becomes a unicorn.
^Shouldn't be hard to pick up some 2C-E Xork. I nabbed a whole gram 8 or so months ago and have yet to touch it myself hahah. Honestly the TRs about it scare me, and since I'm living with the folks I'm so hard pressed to find good opportunities to trip, that I only bother tripping acid these days as I wait till they leave for a day or two and it has always been my favorite. Maybe once I move out I'll get around to it, but it still kinda scares me >.> also on my "I have it but haven't tried it" list are 2C-P, AMT, DOC, pentedrone, and maybe some others I'm forgetting... point is, I need to get outa here if I wana try any of these hahah.

You know what's a unicorn though? 2C-I. I know those Canadians have had it but no one sends it down here to the states. I've always wanted to try it, it's near the top of my drugs to try list. Real bummer. Maybe they have it on the deep web but I haven't ventured into those dark, uncharted waters yet and I'm not sure if I ever will.
2C-I is pretty cool, nothing profound but a strong and pretty euphoric psychedelic.
It feels pretty neat to know some other people feel that way about mine. :)

For sure, man! Your wonderful trip report of 5-MeO-MiPT that's posted on erowid was one of the factors that made me get moxy when I bought RCs for the first time.

I actually really apreciate your contributions to this site, Xork. From what I see, looks like you've gone through a lot of ups and downs in your drug usage, periods of abuse and prolonged abstinences. I feel that in your comments I can see that, you always have a broad perspective to share when poiting out your opinions. I always find something I can relate to. You are a cool dude :)
As well as so many people in this forum, by the way!
Thank you kindly. :) Yes I've had a lot of ups and downs. In particular battling through opiate addiciton and depression and coming out the other side much stronger and happier than before has shown me that such a thing is possible, and I really try to help other people with those kinds of issues if I can.
There's a ban impending in Canada on all 2C-x ..sob..cry..
Seems like Canada was one of the last places to still have these chems unregulated. Really too bad.
I hope it's not inappropriate to mention this here.

Could be worse; you could live in the UK where they've just banned any substance with psychoactive effects. The bill was so poorly drafted and all-encompassing that the had to add explicit exclusions for alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. Even poppers would originally have been included but I think they may have added them to the exclusion. As for things like nutmeg, who the hell knows?
Frankly it's bloody pathetic and is what comes of government by tabloid scares; the fact that alcohol causes more deaths and has more severe withdrawals then just about every illegal substance is irrelevant it would seem.
Still, chin up old chap (as we never actually say in Britain) I've used pot for many years despite its illegality so I couldn't give a tinker's cuss if they make everything else illegal. They can eat my fucking shorts as the police have already stated in many counties they don't even enforce the pot laws due to lack of resources. It's the old chestnut when you get stopped for speeding:" isn't there a burglary you should be investigating?" All cops love that one!
I was genuinely depressed when these fuck wits won the election last year and all my greatest fears are coming to fruition. These bastards don't give a fuck about anyone other than themselves and are too busy hiding their money in Panama to care about what they're doing to the country. I find it unbelievable that even the US is slowly decriminalising cannabis and that we're still stuck in a 1930s Reefer Madness time warp. Fucking conservatives. Hate them with a passion.
Yeah I'm with Xorkoth on 2C-I. Nothing to write home about. Pretty visuals with zero introspection. Eh. 2C-E seemed to have a bit more depth but I'd take LSD over any 2C, any day of the week. Though these days I'd probably take some tree meow instead of any of the above. I have yet to combine L and tree but I'm worried the stimulation would be too much.
Thanks man, you've got some food wisdom yourself. :) And you're a good friend. <3

But yeah, I had the same, growing up on TRs from morninggloryseed and a variety of others. It feels pretty neat to know some other people feel that way about mine. :)

Oh man... bummer. :( I remember when the 2C-Xs and some of the 4-sub-Ts were about all that anyone had made available. Nowadays the 2C-Xs are getting more and more rare and expensive. It's a shame because they're great drugs, many of them. And I have none of them anymore.

I need to at least get myself some 2C-E before it becomes a unicorn.
Food wisdom? Well I am a pretty good cook if I don't say so myself!;) Thanks man, you've been a great friend as well!<3 Oh man, I could tell from reading reports, old posts, and such that you were super chill/laid back, but it still didn't change the fact I felt like I was talking to some sort of legend! Haha! Same went for MGS.

I remember those days too. A well stocked vendor had a good selection of the 2c-X's, 4-subs, and that was that really. The underground vendors with illegal stuff always had the cool stuff but every once in a while you could find a vendor with rarer stock but once again it was usually just one of the more obscure 2c-X's, a 4-sub, or maybe DOI or DPT. I still remember what a glorious day it was when DOC was rereleased, MXE came out, that seemed to open the flood gates. I'm sure it was an eye opener though as anyone who was a psychonaut in the know ordered it up ASAP making it clear what a money market custom synthing things could be.

240, your missing out man! 2c-E is one of the best psychedelics! I actually used to trip on it all the time at my moms house years back when I was the ripe, young age of 18. I've probably done about five grams of 2c-E over the years. I've done basically every 2c and besides maybe T-7, it's my favorite one by far. It's so full bodied! Great body high, extremely cognitively engaging on all fronts, and really visual. I know Xor will back me up for sure as will a lot of posters around here. If you don't feel comfortable I wouldn't do it though but next time your parents are gone, dive headfirst into those waters! Like others said 2c-I is eye candy with little substance... It's pretty much the only 2c I'd never waste money on again. I did like it way back when but at that time I had barely done any psychedelics. I only had DMT, mescaline, LSD, and tried 2c-E a while after I.
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