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Anyone else experiencing a terrible mood after smoking?


Aug 19, 2013
Hi all, I am curious how everyone reacts to weed. I should clarify in my post that I mean the day or so after the weed has worn off not immediately after. After I smoke weed, due to a high tolerance, I hardly feel anything except a little more mellow and laid back. I can sleep better, I am less anxious, etc. I used to get really interesting philosophical thoughts high but that has dissipated. Anyway, now I've noticed that after the weed has fully worn off after several hours I get terribly angry, to the point that any time someone says something I wanna blow up. I can't even take a joke or anything without getting really heated. I also get this kinda dissociated feeling, like I'm not all there or something.

Suffice to say I'm going to quit smoking weed for the time being (except for social situations), and lay low. No one wants to have worse mental health cause of a stupid plant.

Also take note I've smoked since I was 14, been a daily smoker since 18, and am 21 now. Time to get off this stuff lol.
Yes, i consider it a withdrawal symptom as the brain is hanging out for another hit. A workmate of mine is an absolute shocker for this, he'll be all smiles at the start of the shift while still high, but soon he is pissed off with the world and impossible to get along with. One solution to the problem is you get high again and feel good (temporarily), or do what you have already decided to and start dealing with your dependence. That's the option i went for, I'm pretty happy with the result overall ��
Yea I've basically ceased smoking on my own; I don't really go out of my way to smoke. It is a dependence thing for sure. Sobriety becomes more and more miserable.
For me if I've been smoking daily for a bit and don't smoke the day after at some point I'll usually feel a decent amount of anxiety for most of the day, however I haven't smoked in a while (I'm expecting a test to come up in a few weeks or so) so we'll see what happens when I start again.
Yea I've basically ceased smoking on my own; I don't really go out of my way to smoke. It is a dependence thing for sure. Sobriety becomes more and more miserable.

That is why i personally don't smoke any more my man. When i am smoking weed sporadically i find it takes roughly 3 days before i feel completely myself again. Sporadic smoking always, and i mean always eventually becomes daily smoking, and before i know it my life revolves around getting baked again. How many times i have gone thru this cycle i could not begin to estimate haha. I mean weed works for a lot of people but for me it feels like i'm letting myself down. Good luck with this bit of turmoil, when you work out how to resolve this issue in your own way... You will be happier. I hope so anyway ��