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Opioids Kratom Mega Thread V.4

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I am a former NJ ECP daily user who IVed regularly. An ibogaine trip 1.5 years ago to mexico introduced me to my current partner whom I live with now i. A cozy place in Redwood Mountains northern california. I stayed away from dope and oxy but i still use kratom daily for all the reasons i used dope. To wakeup in the morning, for energy, for focus, for pains, for social anxiety, for relaxation, for nodding, and believe it or not, for sex ( that never worked with doap!)

Znegative, i press my own capsules and i take 25 00 capsules every dosing just about. My sched looks like this

6:00am Dose 25 capsules (7 grams?) then eat then hit of California weed
12:00pm Dose 25 capsules then eat then hit of shatter

On weekends I sometimes take a third dose around 6pm.

If i want to nod or come close to nodding i will skip a day substituting with heavy gabapentin.
Gabapentin and weed combine with kratom very well and enables me to stretch out my kratom.

If i have had a good month i will celebrate with a darknet opiod, usually a pharmaceutical, or some tianeptine.

Word to the ECO! I'm from Brooklyn, did most of my dope shooting there before I moved to the west coast and then finally, to the fucking dumpy Midwest.

So basically you're thinking two big dosages rather than staggering? I'm down for expiramentation, my only hesitation on dosing to high is that I encountered some terrible side effects that I thought was possibly serotonin syndrome, lots of shaking, twitches, irritability, shocks and electricity going up my spine etc.. But that was from taking like, 21gs or so. I'm thinking of making some extract just for the hell of it, see how that goes. I hate tossing and washing so much plant matter, I gotta get one of those capsule machines. I also think that next time, I'm not going to get just one kilo of a strain, but rather 4 8oz batches of different types so that I can expiramentation more. Bali seems kind of boring compared to Maeng da, and I actually really liked the 'superior Malaysian' capsules I had gotten before.
Can we get a moderator in here to smack this little bitch Stryker1975 around ?

Hey, best way is to press the report button which you can find on the top right of every post. I just did it for Mr Stryker's awesome first post, shouldn't be long before it's removed...
hmm that website seems very amateur .. and your post count doesn't help the cause .
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Can a mod please remove strykers post? I was surprised to see that it's still there.

Anyways, anyone notice that taking lower spectrum strains with upper spectrum strains kind of antagonize each other rather than synergize? I've had this happen frequently and just thought it was weird. Having trouble finding a good energy + pain relief combo
Advice on use of Kratom for recovering alcoholic


It would take any interested party no time at all to discover the short history on Bluelight of my current struggle to get back to sobriety from decades of alcohol abuse.

I have recently had some success, and more recently some setbacks.

I have very recently discovered that Kratom at low doses, say 1g every 2 to 3 hours during what would normally/ historically be my drinking time helps very much to take away the anxiety and 'need' to drink. So far it is indeed early days for me regarding this.

I simply want to know if anyone has used Kratom to help in this way.

I have read as much as I can here (there is A LOT!) and seem to be finding mainly Kratom use for withdrawals from opiates.

I am open to any advise on this and am aware that Kratom will very soon be made illegal in my country, so there is a bit of a ''time is of the essence'' thing going on here.

One of my questions would be 'which variant works best?' (I have tried Sumatra White Vein Kratom initially and found it to be great for 1 hour out of every 3 when dosing at 1g each 3 hours, and am currently trying Premium Bali Kratom, which seems to be great for around an hour at 1g each 2 hours)

I have found the Bali a little jittery, which I kind of want to avoid, but that may be down to dosage and when the jitters have passed the calm I get is very nice.

I have found the Sumatra a little uplifting, which I like, but short lived and long onset, hence only good for 1 hour in 3 when dosing every 3 hours.

I am opiate intolerant, first time user of any opiate, and take the 'toss & wash' route to ingest Kratom, with orange juice, and I find it ok on the palate.

Anyone? Anything?

Thanks in advance.

Be extremely careful. By using Kratom and being an alcoholic you're basically begging to become addicted to opiates like Kratom, or relapse on alcohol.

Stay safe.
:\ Same here, Slow_Mobius..."trouble finding a good energy+pain relief combo".

My GI issues rebel against pain meds via partial bowel obstructions, so I tried Kratom (Maeng Dai) last summer. It had great potential I felt, especially with the depression aspect of chronic pain. I used 600 mg capsules. Sadly, constipation issues intensified. I never really knew if it was the Kratom, or my kooky intestines, or my failure to drink enough water.

At this rate, I don't know which will send me over the ledge first, pain or the desperation that rides shotgun.
Can a mod please remove strykers post? I was surprised to see that it's still there.

Anyways, anyone notice that taking lower spectrum strains with upper spectrum strains kind of antagonize each other rather than synergize? I've had this happen frequently and just thought it was weird. Having trouble finding a good energy + pain relief combo

these days i dont even bother seeking certain effects from strains, i just mix all strains in one bag and take 5 grams..for me, it either gives me good effect or it doesnt..pretty much all kratom gives me nice pain relief but as far as giving you energy, i find you almost already have to be doing something in order for that to happen..i man, if you dose kratom, sit on your comp just waiting for it to kick in like a stimulant, its not going to happen..at least it never worked like that for me..
i have to admit that kratom would be a much safer drug to be addicted to compared to alcohol but its still not good to just replace a with b..

as for strains, if you want a relaxing effect go with any red strain..greens also work in a very similar way..dont get too caught up with 'strains' as honestly there isnt that much variety in how they make u feel..at the beginning i thought it really mattered but after months using, i just pour 5-6 strains into one bag, mix up and eat!
I am giving Borneo Red Vein a shot as i found MANY people claiming it is the best for relaxation, good pain relief and mood and then second place was red bali....Im going to use this for the next week or two as i wean off my oxy scripts since i want to give my body a break from all the oxy...then once i get the oxy cut out im thinking of trying some of the other strains of kratom for energy, euphoria, mood etc...that way ill have a strain for energy days and a starin for relaxation and sedative days....
Thank you.

With time and money constraints I may simply buy one of each of the 3 strains (red, white, green) and do as you suggest.

Or I may stick to the Sumatra White Vein as the uplift was needed to take away the anxiety.

Idk, keep reading I guess then just bugger it and go for what you said !!

Thanks all of you.

Be careful, redosing that often with kratom can and probably will lead to physical dependence. The reason it helps with opiate withdrawal is because some of its active alkaloids are mu opioid receptor agonists, albeit weak ones.

As far as which strain is the best, that is very individual. Everyone likes something different, my personal favorite is probably white vein indo. General rule of thumb is white=stimulating, red=sedating, and green is somewhere in the middle. I personally find all strains at least somewhat stimulating though. I recommend getting sample packs as it really is a matter of trial and error.
Thank you M-D.

So you would advise caution at redosing say 1g every 2 to 3 hours due to dependence yes?

If every 2 hours, I don't mean 12 doses a day, I was thinking max 6 doses as my alcohol free time causes anxiety and depression only during the later part of the day, say 3pm till bed ( midnightish to 2am).

The Bali green I am currently using is having some effect, but I'm not as impressed as with the mood uplift I was getting from the white Sumatra, and I have small children who are unhappy if Dad does not have at least a little life in him even when he is feeling low and anxious.

With that said, the red being more sedating I would think a mix of the white and green perhaps would hit the goldilocks zone, but as you rightly state, with so much difference in people and strains, not to mention batches, vendors, time of year and the colour of the harvesters van, it all seems subjective to say the least.

Top that off with soon to be UK ban on the subject I think I need to make a dive in somewhere, win or lose it's intended for a limited time use anyway and some effect should be expected even if it is not 100% what you hoped for.

Thanks guys for the info I'm getting, a further question would be (and yes I have looked but still conflicting advice out there), would the likes of St Johns Wart or others herbal products that are not to be banned assist in the mood lift with the Kat, as that would also help to eke out my soon to be purchased pre ban supply.

Thanks again all.

Yup, I'd advise not using more than twice a day, with several hours in between uses. Kratom has a short half life so if you wait to come down between doses, you're won't develop a physical dependence as quickly as if you were to redose before it wears off completely or right after it does. The amount isn't the issue (1g is a very conservative dose and it's awesome that it works for you!) but rather the fact that with constant redosing, you're not giving your brain enough time to restore equilibrium and tolerance will develop quickly as a result. Everyone is different so that still doesn't guarantee that you won't develop a physical dependence but at least it reduces the risk, and also that way if you do happen to become physically dependent, you'll notice right away and you can stop before the withdrawals get bad. I personally used kratom 3-6x a week, usually once a day but sometimes twice, for over a month and I never experienced withdrawals. I also used higher doses though, so I think at just 1g you should be ok for daily use as long as you're not redosing throughout the day. Kratom extracts are another story though, stay away from those. The withdrawals are brutal. And yeah as far as strains go, there's so much variation it's hard to suggest one, but one thing that is very important is finding a good vendor. We can't discuss that much here unfortunately, but there are plenty of kratom forums that exist specifically for that reason and it shouldn't take long to find a good one.

As far as other supplements/herbal remedies-I don't have a ton of experience with them but I've always liked 5htp for a mood boost, especially after withdrawing from opiates and having to deal with PAWS, so I'd imagine it could help with your situation too. Do a lot of research first if you take any other medications as it does interact with a good number of drugs. Kava tea is also nice if you're looking for something more sedating, I don't know if it's available in the UK but here in the US we have a brand called yogi tea-they make one blend with kava extract and not only is it effective but it tastes pretty good too, and is available at most grocery stores. By the way, congrats on kicking the booze!!
I agree with some of the previous posters that you don't want to replace one addiction with another. That being said, kratom addiction/withdrawals are considerably less life threatening than those of alcohol, so if you had to choose between addictions, I'd say kratom is better at least in the sense of HR.
At the doses you're talking about, though, I don't think you'll face much trouble - as long as you don't increase the amount you're taking. Tolerance sucks, and you'll probably find yourself wanting to take two grams instead of one per dose. That's when you should watch out.

(On a side note, my sensitivity to alcohol plummeted as soon as I started using kratom, so if that happens to you, that may help in resisting a relapse.)

Kratom has a short half life so if you wait to come down between doses, you're won't develop a physical dependence as quickly as if you were to redose before it wears off completely or right after it does.
I've actually found this can vary quite a bit from strain to strain. With some strains, I can still feel it a decent amount up to like six hours later. Anyway, that's still good advice, waiting until it's completely worn off before redosing.
Can I ask which strains lasted longer? I found my favorite pretty early on and just stuck with it, but it was one that primarily caused stimulation and euphoria (white vein indo) so maybe that had something to do with it? I would looooove a strain that can provide pain relief for longer than 2-3 hours!
Can I ask which strains lasted longer?

Yes, I would be interested in that also.

Look guys, this is all great info. I'm looking into the Kava and also as my first day not drinking is today, I can report so far so good, have no urge to drink right now and I am waiting for comedown between doses.

I take it 5htp is also to be included in the ban, so will look into that also.

Thanks again.

How much did you drink per day?
Because it seems you kind of quit cold turkey?
Kratom will not prevent delirium and seizures.
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