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Opioids Chicago dope thread

Sourcing is on here is not really needed in chicago, if yiy know the city or just check the old threads you can see the hints and back then we could even post the streets and corners. Some of those corners might be still in business but at least you would know the area.
Aw man you know I would have ripped that fuckers head off lol, I used to eat noobs for breakfast on here

Sorry to say I'm not sure I remember you though, did you have an old name? Either way its nice to see someone still remembers me in these parts, I pretty much ran this shirt for years lol

Yeah, I used to post from a different name but I cannot for the life of me remember my password. So I just made a new name. But yeah, I remember, you used to get people all caught up in their feelings and shit. It was fucking great. And people would get sooooo mad but it's not like you were just being a dick, people just didn't want to hear the truth and you my friend never had a problem saying exactly how you felt, lol. People were getting butt hurt onvthe regular.
Sourcing is on here is not really needed in chicago, if yiy know the city or just check the old threads you can see the hints and back then we could even post the streets and corners. Some of those corners might be still in business but at least you would know the area.

Are you still in the ATL? Last I remember you had just gotten back from a stay at hotel California and immediately hopped a plane to ATL. Ever find a D connect out there?
Yeah I'm down here still..it's not bad, kinda like Chicago's burbs in a way just weather is so much nicer, I haven't seen snow or had to wear a coat for almost 2years..

About dope, I stayed clean for the 9mo I was fighting my case and like anothe 4-5 after I came down. But you know how we do I sniffed out a couple people as soon as I started to get an itch..hit the bluff a couple times but was sketched out by it and just slowly made friends after that who put my in contact with the right people. But dope down here is like almost twice as much back home. It's all raw, no mix bags but they charge out the ass. So I really haven't been doing it too much. Every othe week I might cop a few points and that will last me a day or 2 and then I'm good again.but it seems to be getting more and more popular down here by the day. I had one plug for Chicago prices but he got locked up aND I'm stuck paying bullshit. But the connects are just 10min away and I don't have to travel to the hood to get it.
Yeah, I used to post from a different name but I cannot for the life of me remember my password. So I just made a new name. But yeah, I remember, you used to get people all caught up in their feelings and shit. It was fucking great. And people would get sooooo mad but it's not like you were just being a dick, people just didn't want to hear the truth and you my friend never had a problem saying exactly how you felt, lol. People were getting butt hurt onvthe regular.

Uhhh idk about that woosa, if I remember correctly he got suspended a couple times for severely harassing members 8) lol. The feelings part was just them not being able to handle it lol.

Going to be in the Chicago area and also looking to make a new friend. I always take care of my friends!

What guarantees do I have outside the prospect of fast $ & your one post count, that a fellow BL member wont be thrown into cook county downtown lockup in possibly one of the worst counties you could get locked up in here in the U.S. With the possibly of a four year sentence or more?? 8o
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Things I hate:
Wakin up in the morning, way to early to cop because your money hasn't come through, and the onset of sickness won't let you go back to sweet sweet sleep.

Watching my weed smoking girlfriend wake up all bubbly and shit every morning and doesn't understand.

Jumping in the shower for hopefully some relief and to waste time, but not knowing if turning the nob to the left or the right will get the hot water running, and when I do figure it out not knowing if the shower will make you feel a little better or worse.

Having to setup a mtg at the local airport just to cop dope quicker, knowing you can get better shit if you took the 30 min travel time.

Smelling every fucking little thing in the air and it makes me sick to my stomach....

Right now it's 9 55AM
AND hopefully I will be able to cop when my check comes in the mail at 11 30AM. Maybe my next post will be better, once I'm medicated. All in all reading and posting just to waste some time, y'all be safe out there in the city and im out!!!
A question for all the Daily Users...
How many times a day do you cop? If you dont cop daily, how many times a week do you cop?
This is only for the commit ed users. The ones that if you do not have a shot or line available in
6 to 12 hours, things are going to get very REAL, very FAST.
For the people that.......
Wont be going to work if they do not have a wake up, or something for "breakfast"
Wont be sleeping a minute if they dont have something to take at bed time
Wont be having much of anything to eat for dinner, because they are vomiting every 40
How many times do you cop a day/week?
Are you the kind that will buy 5 jabs every few days?
Are you the kind that joins the a.m. and p.m. rush hours,
but going the opposite way of everyone else, to pick up
a few dubs 3 or 4 times a day?
And how does this daily routine work with your job, career,
relationship, etc? Does your schedule work around the dope,
or does the dope work around your work?

I normally cop once or twice a day depending on my cash flow. I try to get enough for the day or hopefully two and a wake. I work for my shit now but I need the d to function. All in all I got a girl who's down, got our own, shit, mails here!!!!! Woo I'm out
Smelling every fucking little thing in the air and it makes me sick to my stomach....
I use to hate that, everything would make me sick especially really strong ethnic food even though I really enjoy it.
Dankkang... I totally hear you. I feel the same way. I spent the past 48hrs just miserable. I didnt wanna be sick on Mothers' Day for my Mom but.... I picked up some dope REALLY late Sat night. Idk what it was but it couldn't have been dope. It looked mostly likedope but the effects were interesting.two other ppl i know tried it and all said (3 of us, without telling the others) that it felt like we did some h then took serious bong hits. The first time was fine cuz I did rockford dope Same day. This time, on no other (real) dope...it was pure fear. Oh my God I swear. I did a RINSE on the same cooker I did that oily tan crap in and got almost as 'high' on no actual dope. It felt like.... panic. Fear. Paranoia.I felt my eyes rolling in the back of my head, my vision blurred, couldn't see, couldnt walk. I was so scared.

Anyway, see my suboxone doctor in an hour. I've been on sub since last night. 8mg seemed to kill most symptoms. Minus psychological ones. Kill for a benzo. Managed to save a lil weed for today, which is unusual. Hope you all fared better than me this past wknd.
I use to hate that, everything would make me sick especially really strong ethnic food even though I really enjoy it.

Oooh man, I hate that, when you're dope sick and everything smells fucking terrible! Coffee, which I normally love, is one of the worst things to smell when you're door sick, at least for me. The only thing worse is the smell of the food in cook county jail. Uuuugh, the so-called bologna, smells like budussy!
I would have my girlfriend at the time leave me at this hotel by Great America for a week so I could clean up for my probation. No matter how many times they washed the sheets I could smell the b.o. from the people before me on the bed.
I really would hate restless legs and waking up in the middle of the night having to change my shorts,boxers and shirt bc i sweat threw them and then getting back in bed and realizing i have to lay a towel down to sleep dry bc my sheets and mattress are soaking wet too. I used to think I could smell he dope coming outta my pores when I was sick and sweating through everything. Like I would leave my room and and come back and it just smelled like dopesick sweat. If that makes sense to yall. Even after you shower you can still smell it.
I really would hate restless legs and waking up in the middle of the night having to change my shorts,boxers and shirt bc i sweat threw them and then getting back in bed and realizing i have to lay a towel down to sleep dry bc my sheets and mattress are soaking wet too. I used to think I could smell he dope coming outta my pores when I was sick and sweating through everything. Like I would leave my room and and come back and it just smelled like dopesick sweat. If that makes sense to yall. Even after you shower you can still smell it.

yes!!!! exactly! its like a weird mettallic smell or something....but gross man, i know what u mean.....and having to change clothes 3x a night due to dope sweat is just disgusting. i hate withdrawals as does everyone. just that muscle weakness too, makes me feel like a punk, weakling, like every thing is heavy and such a chore.smh
I really would hate restless legs and waking up in the middle of the night having to change my shorts,boxers and shirt bc i sweat threw them and then getting back in bed and realizing i have to lay a towel down to sleep dry bc my sheets and mattress are soaking wet too. I used to think I could smell he dope coming outta my pores when I was sick and sweating through everything. Like I would leave my room and and come back and it just smelled like dopesick sweat. If that makes sense to yall. Even after you shower you can still smell it.

Haha chinky...when I was locked up in county on a dope charge, I started getting really sick after 12 hrs or so and the celly below me (whom I never talked to) looked at me and said, 'hey you a dope fien right? I can smell dat shit comin out yo pores. Don't chall know that shit'll kill ya???'

Hahaha funny shit, but I knew what he meant
LOL Puke.......yea man, that is some serious bloodhound work, but when your sick you can smell what time it is in the morning! Lol, yea WOA, I just recently started messing with the subs on and off, but I buy them off the street at M and P, I think y'all know where I'm talking about without having to spell it out..... The only thing I hate is the chilly weird feeling you get when you first take them ( the first strips you take after a diesel binge). I think it's the subs reacting to whatever H is still in your system before you start taking them on the regz, oohhhhhhh I almost forgot...... that taste!!! Ewwwwwww! Can't get that nasty chem citrus taste out of your mouth. And don't even try to drink anything citrus flavored like mountain dew or orange juice, makes me want to puke just thinking about it. LOL. Dope I copped yesterday was not too shabby....still got some left over so I can work this morning :) was one of those weird nights yesterday....ended up seein this guy at midway airports transit station and was on my way home and still had a Nick of hard that was sitting in between my guns and my lips since the westside lol!!!! Asked him if he had a horn and he did so of course I take the little pebble I have and split it with him. Come to find out he was meeting someone soon for a couple dubz and his connect was almost there, and now that we're smoking compadres and him without dope and me with the dope, I think you guys know what happened next....a lot of ducking under pine trees and hitting up airport sweet spots and bathrooms. Missed the last bus that runs straight to my house and had to take the alternative one later on in which I have to walk 3 miles back home!!!# But it was sooooooo worth it! But had to hear it from my girlfriend when I get home about all the missed calls. Luckily it was her late day and she was working past 12 AM LOL! Well y'all have a safe morning and day and stay outta trouble and keep on keep in on LOL!!!!
yes!!!! exactly! its like a weird mettallic smell or something....but gross man, i know what u mean.....and having to change clothes 3x a night due to dope sweat is just disgusting. i hate withdrawals as does everyone. just that muscle weakness too, makes me feel like a punk, weakling, like every thing is heavy and such a chore.smh
Yeah thats one of the worse symptoms muscle weakness. u explained it perfectly
Gawd, was writing on this thread and my girl tries to peak over my shoulder to see who I'm " texting" and of course I don't let her see, so she starts crying and shit, what a pressure case! I tell her it's about ppl like me and this shots some G 14 classified addict shit and she starts going on and on how I can't respond to her but I can text druggie buddies all day long....smMFh.....But she's smart and prob will snoop to find these posts, in that case, I LOVE YOU SWEETIE!!!! LOL!!!
Lol bro got me rollin, it is some classified shitt tho. Alot of this stuff could be taken wrong and its definately illegal lol. This site is important, like I litterly look forward to reading and posting here as an outlet. So although we are here for harm reduction, I dont think they should be closing random threads because it doesnt have a 'purpose'. Shit we might find out harm reduction topic in our conversations we have.
It may seem like we are almost glamorizing it but trust me that aint the case. its more like laughing while ur crying bekuz ur so fucked up lol. Smelling this shit coming from ur pores is true and screwed up laying in ur own sweat waking u up when u just got a bit of sleep. That's why showering is important, I swear it got me outta withdrawal faster getting all those impurities and free radicals out and off ur body. Supposedly dope throws ur magnesium and calcium balances off, which also deals with cell communication ect. and d affects adrenal glands so its no surprise low energy and muscle weakness is a side effect in withdrawal.
Exactly Chinky!!! Lol!!!!
Sorry bout all the random posts Chi world, but I'm just delaying my work in day cuz I work from home LOL!!!!! Everyone be safe today Tuesdays and Thursdays are thirsty for the 5 0 out in the underground chi town world!!! Love goes out to all y'all out there that are in the daily struggle for the ultimate rush!!!!!!!