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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy 1P-LSD Thread - Volume 2

Me thinks I'll start my experimentation at 200ug starting, I love how they have "ANALYTICAL SAMPLE" posted on my package of blotters, as if chemists are gonna use dosed blotters as their standards haha
It still looks pretty legit, right? NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION, et al.

As for the LSD vs. 1P-LSD discussion, I've never tried LSD myself, but my first 1P-LSD trip was a day to remember. Holy nutcracker suite, that was intense. We've landed at 250 µg as of yet, which I find very, very, very potent indeed.
I'm currently pleased with that dosage and don't really feel that need (right now) to push beyond that dosage.
Me and a few friends are planning on taking 300ug each of this on Saturday but I have a question regarding staggered doses. We intend to meet up and take it at a local bar we are frequent very regularly and is owned by a close friend of ours, we all feel comfortable there and we have all taken it there before so we know we will e okay, my question is though I don't want to take more than 100ug while I'm in a public place, we intend to go to a friends flat after a couple hours so if we took 100ug in the bar and then the other 200ug each when we got back to our friends flat, would that work?
Some people here will tell you it will just extend your trip....I think if you take it within 2 hours of the initial dose them you will extend it and trip harder
You're not crazy. I have read anecdotal reports of LSD-25 lasting upwards of 5 years.

I think storing for multiple decades is just a tad bit too optimistic, both logistically and realistically.
The problem is not in LSD or other psychoactive substance degradation.I am sure chemicals are very long lived.

Main question is how to keep blotter,i mean paper for so long time.Paper destructing really quick. And when you planing to keep for decades thing about the way to keep paper itself.

A friend of mine was gived me a blotter with LSD from past 2007 year, stored in freezer in aluminium follie and in vacuum sealed bag.
It was very potent and we had a great time,but blotter was looking allready as from acient Egypt time...I think if it will be kept more,blotter (paper itself not active chemical on it)become extremely fragile and not capable for use(transportation and etc) only if u swallow it imidiately.
But look LSD on that blotter from mummy sarcofage was pretty active.After 9 years!
I am sure the fragility question about LSD and other lysergamides is exagerated.
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I may have missed something posted earlier or in another thread, and I may just show my ignorance by asking this question, but I'm curious. A fair deal has been written about the cleaving off of the 1p - molecule and how the digestion process following a (light) meal may be involved.

However (and this is where I am clueless) if the blotter/tab is dissolved under the tongue - let's say for the sake of argument - until most of the 1p-LSD is absorbed sub-lingually, why would the contents of the stomach/digestion process matter? Now it could be that something in the blood causes the cleavage or something in the saliva, but once again to my mind the issue of food ingestion seems redundant (unless of course the blotter/tab is swallowed immediately).

Any thoughts?

Lysergimides don't work well sublingually. Most people wouldn't put LSD or 1P-LSD under their tongue because it has a lower bioavailability taken sublingually than oral. Sadly ever since NBOMe hit the streets in mass quantities everybody seems to think all blotters are supposed to be taken sublingually. Taking lysergimide sublingually is a waste.
That's interesting Sean - thanks for that. For 40 years I've been putting blotters under my tongue, chewing them and then swallowing after about 20 mins. Always worked well - but then of course it would, from what you say, as long as I swallowed them =D

Glad I never developed a habit of spitting them out!!
I'm not sure that's really true sean107, what makes you say it has lower bioavailability sublingually?

I don't think the idea of sublingual dosing started because of NBOMes, around here everyone I know dosed LSD sublingually/subbucally since way before those were around.

My preferred method is sub-bucally, under my top lip. I believe it tends to hit faster this way, and seems to absorb better too. After I'm fully tripping I swallow it.
Skimmed through the two threads and I couldn't find what I was looking for so I will ask.

Normally when I do LSD I take 600-800ug as a comfortable normal dose I have taken roughly 900-1000ug once and it was great. My tolerance is pretty high now 300ug just produces a heavy stone with light visuals, now a days I take 600ug just to get visuals. Soooo with that being said my question is has anyone take that much 1p? Anyone do 700ug? 1000? 500ug? I have only seen people say 250ug and one guy in reddit saying he ate 1000ug but I don't really believe alot of shit I read on reddit.
I've read on multiple different places online saying LSD has a highest bioavailability orally. I don't have the links right off hand though, and in my experience with LSD from 2005-2010 everybody always swallowed blotters, or the candies liquid was dropped onto was taken orally as well. Around 2011-2012 is when I first noticed people always dosing blotters sublingually, the same time lots of 25I-NBOMe started getting passed off as LSD and dealers would be very insistent that you take it sublingually because NBOMe is hardly active orally.
You're going to have to provide links (to actual studies, not anectodotal reports) indicating LSD's decreased bioavailability sublingually or subbucally before I take this claim seriously.

I've been using LSD for a number of years and never noticed the slighted difference between oral, sublingual, or subbucal. I've always read that bioavailability for all three methods is excellent. And all three methods were certainly quite common long before any research chemicals ever hit the market.
I've read on multiple different places online saying LSD has a highest bioavailability orally. I don't have the links right off hand though, and in my experience with LSD from 2005-2010 everybody always swallowed blotters, or the candies liquid was dropped onto was taken orally as well. Around 2011-2012 is when I first noticed people always dosing blotters sublingually, the same time lots of 25I-NBOMe started getting passed off as LSD and dealers would be very insistent that you take it sublingually because NBOMe is hardly active orally.

The bioavailability for virtually every ROA is very, very high. I doubt there is much of a difference between oral and sublingual/buccal.
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The bioavailability for virtually ROAs is very, very high. I doubt there is much of a difference between oral and sublingual/buccal.
Truth! With mg or more potency, it may make a difference but with mcg being the measurement it won't be too much of a difference...
Yowzers. I believe I've made a very important discovery about 1P-LSD, my friends. Take your blotter and simply swallow it; sublingual administration is ~significantly~ less intense than oral, in my experience. I think that 1P-LSD is metabolized by enzymes in the gut to LSD-25, which may be the primary source of its psychotropic effect... or something like that. (I'm not in a great position to speculate.)

I've taken it by holding it under the tongue and spitting it out, which has always served me well for LSD-25, and while it is certainly active that way, it seems roughly 1/3 or 1/2 as potent, and the character of the effect seems different too. Sublingually, 1P-LSD struck me as having a somewhat stern and colorless character; clinical in a way, with very few visuals. Orally, at even half the dosage, it provides me with a much more intoxicating and psychologically involving effect, with classic closed and open eye visuals.

If you've only used your blotters sublingually, I recommend starting orally at no more than 30 ug or so. I would have to be ready for a heavy +++ before even thinking about taking 125 ug orally.


Wow, I had no idea this discussion was already happening in this thread! Just so you know, I was not biased whatsoever by anybody else's observations. So far as I believed, they were uniquely my own! Also I should note that I have taken it both ways on multiple occasions now, with the same results.
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^^^ Based on my last 1P-LSD experience, where I simply swallowed 2 100ug blotter tabs after eating a steak & mushroom / baked potato dinner and plentiful beer, I would have to agree -- it was my deepest and most intense 1P-LSD trip ever, and my "breakthrough."
Interesting, I've always held 1P under my tongue and ten swallowed the tab after around twenty minutes. Next time I will be simply swallowing the tab straight up to aee if this theory holds any water for me personally. I'm interested.
Yesterday, I had my last 1p-LSD microdose from a 30 days trial. I put 1/16th of a 100 ug blotter in a capsule and swallow it on empty stomach. Surprisingly effective for 6-7 ug!

Next step will be a 2 blotters trip, I'll roll them and stuff it in a capsule.
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for someone thats never done this, and only psychedelic has done is 4-ho-mipt at 22 mgs, was was quite intense, would 100 ug be too overwhelmimg?
^^^ Based on my last 1P-LSD experience, where I simply swallowed 2 100ug blotter tabs after eating a steak & mushroom / baked potato dinner and plentiful beer, I would have to agree -- it was my deepest and most intense 1P-LSD trip ever, and my "breakthrough."
well after a dinner, your stomach juices become more acidic. and the amid bond between the LSD and the propionyl group can be broken catalytically by acids (my educated guess).
for someone thats never done this, and only psychedelic has done is 4-ho-mipt at 22 mgs, was was quite intense, would 100 ug be too overwhelmimg?

If you found 22mg 4-ho-mipt to be quite intense then I would start with 50ug.
You can always take more or take 100ug the next time.