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Amphetamines effect you differently at night than in the day


Apr 18, 2015
I know this sounds like a ridiculous concept scientifically, but I have heard people saying that amphetamines feel more euphoric when taken at night. Also I have read studies that showed amphetamines have different effects during the light and dark cycles of animal experiments. This was not the purpose of those studies but it was mentioned so I thought it could be significant. What do you think, I know it sounds strange are stupid but I just thought I might as well mention it since I haven't seen it talked about anywhere else
Does anyone have any opinions on this matter, the thread has a lot of views. What is a view, is it the number of times people have clicked on the thread, or is it something else.
What is a view, is it the number of times people have clicked on the thread
Yeah, it's how many times the thread has been opened/read.
I don't know about this. It seems like a 'set and setting' kind of thing to me. Perhaps people generally feel tired at night time - and alert during the day - so using amphetamine at night has a bigger contrast to sobriety?

I cant imagine there is a great deal more to it, scientifically. But i could be wrong i suppose...
Personally I think that in the day it gives me less euphoria and more stimulation, at night however I feel it gives me some nice euphoria and stimulution.
thats because there are less things to kill your vibe
true, do you think that applies to most other drugs? Would you say that the uphoria induced by a particular drug or combination of drugs can be removed by distractions or shoke, and then being impossible to get back for the remainder of the experience. This appears to be the case with some users of the Khat plant in my community.
I find rolling more pleasurable and relaxing and euphoric into the night, as everyone is asleep and out of my hair, :)
I have a rather odd reaction to dextroamphetamine. I take 250 mg armodafinil (oral) + 20 mg d-amp (sublingual) every morning. Instead of waking me up, this combination makes bed feel so much more comfortable and sometimes keeps me in for a few hours. It's paradoxical: the stimulants make getting out of bed in the morning harder. I don't know why.