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Opioids Methadone Mega Thread and FAQ v 2.0

Not bad is an understatement.

I take 220 mg daily which is also free, get up to 6 take home doses per week, and I don't have to get them from a clinic but instead pick them up from my local pharmacy which is literally 2 blocks away :p Gotta love Canadian healthcare...at least some of the time. I still have to see my doctor regularly of course to get new scripts, but only once every 6 weeks or so.
I take 220 mg daily which is also free, get up to 6 take home doses per week, and I don't have to get them from a clinic but instead pick them up from my local pharmacy which is literally 2 blocks away :p Gotta love Canadian healthcare...at least some of the time. I still have to see my doctor regularly of course to get new scripts, but only once every 6 weeks or so.

I just earned my holiday take home first drug test I took I was clean. How do I get other take homes if you don't mind me asking thanks for your time. :)
My place gives sunday take homes and then if you have clean urines for 3 months in a row you earn a 2nd and then in another 3 months you earn a 3rd and so on. You drop a dirty you lose your take home. I have another 5-6 weeks until i am eligible! It will be nice not having to go there every day
In my strong opinion, I believe that suboxone is horrible for you. I have been told by my neurologist that they have found that suboxone is not healthier to live on. It stimulates opioid receptors not stimulated by most or not much by most, and it has been show to cause cognitive and memory deficits that are not always reversible. I am epileptic. I have been on methadone and suboxone. I was on suboxone for three years because it was too much of a pain in the ass to go to the methadone clinic as much as they require. I was having so many seizures that also turned into status epilepticus twice and my heart stopped both times. I have been hospitalized over 60 times in three years. I got off of it and they slowed down. I have had 3 in four months. Its so nice. I am doing so much better and other people have told me they have noticed a huge difference in me. I hate suboxone. And I will never take it again. My body also freaks out and I have more seizures when I am in opioid withdrawal. So that is why I did methadone. I have MS I do NOT want to experience the withdrawals with as much pain I am, overall suboxone is horrible for you in my opinion and experience.
I take 220 mg daily.

That is an enormous dose each day. Do you get medical tests done every couple of months lime ekg and shit? Highest I was ever on was 120 and that was for a nasty iv smack habit, every bit of money I could get my hands on went in my veins. I can't imagine 220mg of meth. Do you like nod all day lol?
Madonit... you are lucky u didnt die taking a weeks worth at a time... its people like you that makes it hard for others to earn the trust and actually get take homes in the first place. Thats just ridiculous to take over 800 mgs if done and then blame the done for ruining your life. I happen to be doing great and am very happy with mmt. Its a wonderful opportunity for some people to turn their lives around. You just have to be honest with the staff and follow drs instructions. Plz dont let that persons experience change your mind if you have a choice between mmt or staying on H. Mmt is such a better life. Free yourself from tha H albtross. Once a day really does beat every few hours. Its not that big a deal going there before work.
Yes I think the methadone program is a positive thing for many poeple in the program..... You can tell in 2 seconds talking to your fellow patients in the line, who is in it for a cheap easy high , and who is really utilizing the treatment to better themselves.... it seems sort of like there are only those two extremes , not a big gray area like you'd expect.....

One thing i've noticed is that the people who are always trying to get the highest dose possible (who also have bad attitudes, and talk openly about using heroin and meth on top , or do deals in the line) always complaining of being in withdrawals at any dose over 100 mg, they are the ones who fit the profiles of "seeking a high" , and most of them are also homeless, no suprise there (they even stink some of them! and stink up the clinic!, talk about your 'dregs of society'!)

And then you see the opposite, like myself, who basically have to get PISSED OFF in order to have their dose LOWERED, because the clinic i'm at doesn't really want me lowering my dose after only a month in the program! They give me all sorts of reasons why I should maintain my dose of 60mg without lowering it anymore. "You will relapse!" , "We want to make sure you have a firm foundation before lowering your dose" --- its almost crazy, i guess it kind of makes since, i guess...

One guy I talked with today is dosed 250 mgs a day! that is the highest i've heard of
At my sub dr you can always tell who's on 'done! My dr saves the ORT appts for later in the the day, but the ones who come in screaming & shouting or can't pee straight into a jar are the ones on methadone. No wonder she doesn't want me on it.

Has anyone heard of a sub dose of 36 mg being used for pain not maintenance?

Im on done and have no problem peeing into a cup and certainly dont come in yelling. You would never even know unless I told you. I go to work every day and even assist the surgeon in minors. So its not the done and my pts have no idea bc I am totally normal. You really shouldn't generalize. Not all people on done are trying to get high. To me that seems like a ridiculous amount of suboxen. Any more than two strips a day is overkill in my book.
In my strong opinion, I believe that suboxone is horrible for you. I have been told by my neurologist that they have found that suboxone is not healthier to live on. It stimulates opioid receptors not stimulated by most or not much by most, and it has been show to cause cognitive and memory deficits that are not always reversible.

This is just not true at all unless there have been some very recent studies I'm not aware of. First of all, buprenorphine doesn't stimulate any opioid receptors that regular opioids don't, buprenorphine is primarily a partial mu agonist and kappa antagonist, all the other effects are secondary at best. All opioids have a negative impact on memory with long-term use, though methadone being an NMDA antagonist has a much more profound negative effect on memory and cognitive ability than buprenorphine or mu agonists like morphine for sure.I'm curious about long-term effects of kappa antagonism, but at this point I'm not aware of its connection to permanent memory deficits.

Don't take this as an unfair generalization though, I can imagine you can function normally on methadone as long as your dose is not too high and I'm sure many people use methadone as a maintenance and not to get high, it's just that the pharmacology of methadone makes it generally more abusable than buprenorphine is and allows for easier shuffling between methadone and heroin, so a larger fraction among methadone patients abuse it and/or use other drugs. I myself haven't met anyone (in person) on methadone who would do fairly well and somehow recover. All the people on methadone that I see at the program when I collect bupe are stuck on it and don't live a steady life, I only once saw a person on bupe and you'd never guess he was on maintenance. Perhaps I somehow miss those ones on methadone who do well because they just come to collect it and leave immediately. I collect my bupe every 2 weeks and two reasons why I hate going there are 1) loutish staff members and 2) people on methadone, clearly intoxicated with it, acting weirdly (e.g. talking nonsense loudly or staring at me as if I was an alien). I can imagine they somehow get along and my presence there is limited to collecting my bupe because they attend obligatory group therapy while I don't have to and I don't. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a person who sees themselves as better than others, but observing some of methadone patients at my program I can understand why the society generally hates or fears addicts.
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Im on done and have no problem peeing into a cup and certainly dont come in yelling. You would never even know unless I told you. I go to work every day and even assist the surgeon in minors. So its not the done and my pts have no idea bc I am totally normal. You really shouldn't generalize. Not all people on done are trying to get high. To me that seems like a ridiculous amount of suboxen. Any more than two strips a day is overkill in my book.

Two strips of two or eight?

I wasn't generalising, just generalising about what I see at my clinic.

May be very different from yours,

Anymore than 2 8mg strips. All the people i know on subs are constantly running out or use them to trade or use them to detox. Meanwhile, i just go to the clinic and take my dose. I'm the stable one! You're probably only seeing a fraction of methadone users and the ones required to be there bc of compliance issues.
I read all 45 pages this is a great thread I just got on MMT on November 9 from a terrible black tar heroin addiction I started off with pain killers oxys percs opana roxies you know the goodies but they're was a terrible drought of the pharms and black was only available so I've been smoking it for 6 months everyday a gram or more a day since I stopped my mom got really ill she had gallbladder stones and I took her to the hospital New Years morning at 3am if it wasn't for MMT I wouldn't of been there for her I
Feel blessed.. This forum is good stuff answered a lot of questions my clinic test
Once a week apparently if you fail drug test they'll just take away take homes nothing too crazy they only do mandatory tapers if you revalue abuae the staff or the patients stuff like that
I got on dilaudid 4mg for the past 5 years, I never thought I'd have iv it. A friend taught me all the safety measures and how the blood flows what veins are artery and to try not reuse them... so I let him hit me up with a 4mg, I was so scared but I was just like omg.... 3 years of this I have swallowed and never had I felt something so intense. I couldn't stop, he even told me if I did it i would never be able to swallow it again orally. I go through 6-8 4mg a day now and sometimes get the 8s, all of it is free I never have to pay for it as someone gives them to me. The withdrawal was what I was not expecting, omg now I've been through a vicious cycle of withdrawal towards the end of the month for 7-15 days sometimes!!! I'm 5 days right now with no iv, instead I break tiny pieces off of 80mg oxys, also need to mention I was on valium for 10 years and run out the same time as I do the dilaudid so maybe you can understand what kind of hell that is... is it bad that I'm using these tiny tiny chips of 80s to get by? I already feel like my body is functioning again, the whole 9 yards... but the RLS and anxiety is such a mind fk I was almost having a seizure it felt.. some hours I'd be ok then bam! The oc doesn't seem to get rid of the pain like dilaudid iv did, usually I can substitute it with norco and I'll be fine if I take 6 a day minimum maybe 4... but I don't have that luxury anymore. I wish I had the money for the clinic by my house they take no insurance and give you 2 40mg methadone a day the white methadose after a year of maintenance. So your trapping yourself basically after a year I bet I would be so screwed I'd never get off it... I am constantly thinking about the 18th coming up when the refill is and I just know I will hit up the dilaudid. Idk what to do, the suffering is just unbearable. I got some valium yesterday so that helped me so damned much on day 4, I got 5 hours sleep no dreams. Idk get back with me if you can. Thanks
SUMILLORTMAXU311 I'll try to help you but unfortunately what are you trying to ask as I don't understand your question? With methadone like other medicine, it can be good if used for what it's intended for or bad if you abuse it I've been on my third try with methadone last two times I did a 21 day detox which cost me $200 and it saved my life I got my life going twice unfortunately I was not able to get the monkey off my back fully I am now on MMT due to I stumbled again fortunately 10 days into my third methadone detox I found out I had medical and the clinic accepts it so I was able to transfer to MMT no problem I am currently on 70mg from a Gram a day heroin habit I was on 60mg but had some
Unfortunate things happe. In my life and it was not working for me my counselor allowed me to
Go on 70mg and advised stress will not let methadone work she's right... Anywho I have not done heroin or any other illegal drugs since November 9 2015 I do not crave drugs nor can't even imagine what a high feels like nor do I want to know i have a somewhat normal life again a lot of people bitch about going to the clinic everyday but I've spent countless hours a day trying to figure out how to score 15 minutes of my life to be a functioning member of society does not bother me for a second I hope i can help you in the near future take care
Anymore than 2 8mg strips. All the people i know on subs are constantly running out or use them to trade or use them to detox. Meanwhile, i just go to the clinic and take my dose. I'm the stable one! You're probably only seeing a fraction of methadone users and the ones required to be there bc of compliance issues.

Perhaps you're just generalising about the ppl in your community who take sub.

Hey guys. I'm on MMT, and I think I'm in my 4th year or so. I was on 100mg for several years, then went down to 95mg, then recently went down to 90mg, then to 85mg. As of right now, I decided to taper nice and SLOW....going down only 5mg every month, since I'm not really in a hurry (I can always taper faster or slower as needed). I'm a full time father raising a 5 year old by myself, AND working full time, so I really can't taper as fast as I'd like.

Anyway, my question is this: For those of you on MMT, especially those of you who have been in MMT for a long time (1+ years), do you notice that you aren't able to feel, emotionally, as you did before using methadone or perhaps opiates in general?

My biggest problem with methadone right now is that I feel like my emotions have become clogged, or deadened. In fact, the only 2 times I ever really feel emotions are when I'm in the beginning stages of WD (if I havent taken my dose in 36+ hours), or in my dreams. The dream thing is REALLY weird, because in my dreams I experience and feel ALL KINDS of emotions, and therefore I honestly feel far more alive when I'm dreaming then when I'm awake.

I'm hoping that as I continue to taper, I will slowly but surely regain my emotions. The worst part is I feel like I've been a zombie these past few years on MMT, and whats even worse than that, is most of the time I don't even REALIZE it.

When I used oxy or H, at least I had a buzz, but with methadone, I just feel flat, zombie-like, emotionless, almost like I'm watching each day pass over and over without even being involved.

Anyway, this is a hard concept for me to articulate, so I hope at least one person can relate a little bit, and give me their perspective.

Thanks guys
Well, haven't been writing in a long tome. From time to time I come to read some open forums just to know what young people think and do... It's often somewhat irritating. I don't like to read bullshit about methadone from people who don't really know much about it. Many of you are simply just too young to understand, or you must have been on program very small amount of time (getting to know only people who abuse their dose, takehomes or take heroin in top of methadone). By the way, methadone works such way, that if ones dose is optimal, one doesn't even feel heroin. And that doens't mean that one is already high on methadone, it means one simply won't get high

WEll, on the other hand, it is relatively usual that person new to the methadone program, don't fit to it in the beginning. Some could abuse their doses and try to fool around. That's OK for some period of time. But in maintenance one should start thinking their lives. Many understand that after some time and... Some hangarounds unfortunately never understand, and these are the people who give only bad reputation to methadone. I understan that tere are also people who are living in continuous chaos (are too poor, homeless etc), and for them there are not many options to straighten out their act. But, methadone is true life saver and it makes so many life tolerable and put that in right direction that everyone should at least think about these things. If you don't know much about methadone (except what you see in your narrow perspective) you should start studying it a little. Take a look at Dr. Dole and Nyswander, and how methadone was started to use clinically. These people (Dole et al) did study and they studied addicts and tested, for exemple, several opiates to their patientst. Those patients were typical long term users (who got always back to using), most of them middle aged. Well, only methadone produced unseen effects.... Take a look and read.

And to these things I just read here... if someone is on methadone program only a month and wants to start tapering, then one shouldn't be on methadone in the first place. You are not long term user. Maybe you are hooked, but it's quite obvious you haven't used years. You could not clear your metabolism, brain chemistry and your behavior in a month then. There should be some other options out there....

WEll, I for one have been about ten years on methadone and you wouldn't know it, if you see me. I get take homes and am working in a steady job. I have never given anything of my takehomes to anyone else, not a single milligram.

And then one thing about that dose thing: there is no small or huge dose per se. There are appropriate doses and inappropriate doses. And appropriate dose is not something which is similar to every people. It depends on many things: your body weight, metabolism, habit etc etc. I'm in fairly large dose, in milligram-base, but that's appropriate, because I'm fast metaboliser and not a small guy... I'm probably more alert than ordinary joe. There are people who have been on methadone thirty or more years, and they are no different than comparing group of "normal" people. Methadone is not poisonous! In fact buprenorphine is.... No, just kidding. But Bupe may be much harder to your liver.
And to these things I just read here... if someone is on methadone program only a month and wants to start tapering, then one shouldn't be on methadone in the first place. You are not long term user. Maybe you are hooked, but it's quite obvious you haven't used years. You could not clear your metabolism, brain chemistry and your behavior in a month then. There should be some other options out there....

nobody should be on methadone , we should all get take home-doses of diacetyl morphine obviously , problem for me is that i have to be on methadone for 2 years before being allowed into the heroin dispensation program , also no take aways, so I'm just gonna keep on chipping , been a heroin user for over 10 years now and have been off the done for over 5 years. I really dislike the NMDA antagonisms , it causes black-outs/memory gaps similar to benzodiazepines in me , I'd much rather be stabilized on morphine like in austria or switzerland or take otc codeine like in france.
I agree. But heroin or diacetyl morphine has its shortcomings. I still agree it should be an option (in better world)

But methadone is not that bad... What is true is that we shouldn't have racemic mixture of methadone only. The NMDA antagonism is mostly due to "inactive" enantiomer. Enantiomerically pure methadone causes fewer side effects.