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What's the weirdest sex act MDxx has got you into?


Nov 17, 2010
Sober, I like my sex pretty strait laced. I don't put on any sexy clothes; I don't incorporate any objects. When I'm rolling I get buck wild. Public places, almost got arrested. More than one partner, I've had orgies. Sex toys, I've used them all.
I'm going to be fearless now. When I'm rolling balls, what turns me on the most is wearing a thong and flashing my whale tail to strangers by leaning forward somehow. Idk wtf is with me. I'm comfortable enough to share this. Somehow it seems so dangerous and exciting while I'm rolling. On anything else I wear normal underwear and keep them to myself FYI.

What's the craziest thing that you've done? Is it just me? Why do I act out so strangely?
Happens to many people I am sure, there tends to be a lowering of inhibitions with some who use.

But your mom was a freak, had been for years, so you can't rule out genetics and blame it all on a drug.
Happens to many people I am sure, there tends to be a lowering of inhibitions with some who use.

But your mom was a freak, had been for years, so you can't rule out genetics and blame it all on a drug.

Classic bro. She wants me to ask if they ever found the rest of our genitals after that accident with the blender at Mardi Grs?
It's not just you, most people get like this when rolling. I'd say a big majority of people get fucking weird on e but I doubt many will admit it here. Lol.
^youre probably right. I was sure that my act of bravery would inspire others :-\

I had a girl friend who loved to get choked out when we rolled together. Which was highly erotic until she passed out one time from it, and I was sure I killed her. She was ok, and we lightened up on the oxygen deprivation play from then on.
Happens to many people I am sure, there tends to be a lowering of inhibitions with some who use.

But your mom was a freak, had been for years, so you can't rule out genetics and blame it all on a drug.

lol, this guy. Considering what you PMed me and how I decided to only give you a warning, I think I qualify as either super nice, or forgiving. I could have racked up the points with you...but I don't really care anymore and I'm too lazy to go do that.

However, I'm saying this to you because you seem to know the OP, so pull out that whip and get him settled down. ;) these threads nowadays are really pathetic. I took a quick look around all of the other sub forums, and literally none of them are as bad as here. Not even close. So even one down would help. Thanks. :)
What exactly are you talking about? Is bringing up my mother really such a burn? She's dead btw.
And I'm so sorry this topic is t good enough for your majesty. I had an feeling at was slightly exciting and different. I'd be curious to hear what you believe to be a worthy thread topic.
Why create this kind of thread? This isn't about me; it's about the state of this sub forum. I don't believe you are unaware of what kind of reaction you would incur upon myself and everyone else that's responsible for the maintenance of this site. Basically, it's a handful dealing with this. It's pure trolling and it's making this sub forum...well, shit. If that's the intention, then you are doing it right.

I don't know who you are, obviously, and I'm always suspicious of GLers who prefer to stay super damn anonymous so I don't know how open someone of that stature can be, but you should know what I mean. You're not going to get any actual responses with these kinds of threads, and if you don't know the reason why, just read over your post and see if anyone who isn't this anonymous gives you a real reply.
I'm not saying you can't share ANY of your experiences or ask questions.

But specifically of this nature and with your choice of diction, yeah it's best to keep it to yourself. Or you can submit it to an erotica website, where I'm sure it'll be much more appreciated lol. OR check out the SLR sub forum (though I hope the mods there don't hate me for the referral...).

This is a harm reduction website dedicated to substances of all kinds, and a place to connect and communicate with others who have the same interests. Everyone has a place here, as long as they aren't douches.
Honestly, I didn't realize this was a harm reduction forum. I thought it was about drug related information. Thanks for being understanding
Honestly, I didn't realize this was a harm reduction forum. I thought it was about drug related information. Thanks for being understanding

I don't understand why that mod is making such a big deal about this thread. Imo the topic is fine, maybe would be better in drug culture but since you are specifically talking about mdxx i think it belongs in this sub-forum.
I don't understand why that mod is making such a big deal about this thread. Imo the topic is fine, maybe would be better in drug culture but since you are specifically talking about mdxx i think it belongs in this sub-forum.

PM me and I'll explain to you.
^^ l believe the moderator would argue that this thread has nothing to do with harm reduction and that responses it will generate will not be conducive to an intelligent discourse of mdma related inquiry. I'm curious why the moderator seeks secrecy in delivering his explanation, and would ask that any information pertaining to myself be made available.
Your accusations are astounding. I'll take the bait.

First of all, it would be a disservice to my mod duty, as well as all of the higher ups, if I didn't do what I think is best to help this forum conform to the rules. If you take a look at the first 3 available pages, around 1 out of 4 of the threads created here have been closed. This is because they were either reported by knowledgeable BLers, or they were blatant violations of the BLUA. Put it another way, we (the MED mods) don't have any other choice. This is essentially our main function.

I seek 'secrecy' (although PMs are actually not that private, just so you know) because the answer will not be on topic and create unwanted attention on my part. But the above and also what I'm about to say would've been exactly what I would've PMed pbuilder. Still, not one poster (who isn't a GLer) gave you a response to your questions. I don't believe this kind of thread will create any quality discussion, and if you read it, it's not hard to see why. If the original post isn't considered troll-ish, then I don't know what is.

Despite all of that, I put my bias aside as best as I could and left this thread open. That's also despite you acting like a prick to me.

Any more questions or accusations?
Accusations is a strong word. I was parroting what you'd said earlier l; I'd go so far as to call it paraphrasing.
You said specifically that this is a harm reduction resource for all substances. Which I admit I was ignorant of.
It seemed like I got 2 responses, albeit one was a joke. But for me to say that you'd argue (which I meant to mean something more like claim) that the topic wouldn't lend its set to anything productive is how I would rephrase your fear of this thread being used for trolling.
Also, full disclosure, I'm not entirely clear what trolling is. My concept of it is that someone is aiming to get a reaction thy can later criticize. My hope that by being open and honest myself would indicate to the contrary.

You had mentioned a PM earlier to someone that had posted a joke response that I thought may be related to another thread's posts that contained a similar exchange. Regardless, the term Private Message to me carries connotations of secrecy, and I didn't mean that in a bad way. I only meant to convey a wish to be included for the benefit of my understanding of how to contribute better.
Yeah, and also your "singling me out" (for lack of a better description) is pretty strong too. What have I done that is so bad and wrong? Do you really not see that I am simply choosing to do my part since I just took up this post as a mod here? Do you really think I enjoy taking time out of my day to close threads and continue this silly argument instead of having a good time with my gf? You seem to have some beliefs about me despite you being a GLer, which would imply you're not so new.

Just as you are free to express your opinion, I have expressed my own. I'm sorry, but I don't hide from the things I feel strongly about. No, I can't see PMs. The higher ups can, and it is well within their rights to make sure everything is running smoothly. Although I am 100% sure it is only done in extreme cases, such as PM abuse, conforming to the law, etc. This is the case with every single forum in which we sign up and acknowledge that these are the rules that we are abiding by.

About everything else, it's pointless to continue it further. There's a case to be made on both sides and I really dislike participating in oneupsmanship, especially during my vacation time. Do what you want. I'll let someone else handle it because this is the best I can do.
I apologize if this is causing you trouble. I feel no animosity towards you and have no ill feelings about our exchange, and I don't see this as an argument.
I'm unclear what makes you think I'm saying you've done something bad or wrong. I believe you're doing your job and am grateful of that. I wish you didn't feel it was pointless. All you have said to me I feel is very benificial. Thank you.