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Is anyone else feeling it?

That medication is keeping you down in consciousness. What is perceived as "manic" is simply elevated levels of joy and consciousness which becomes troublesome or hard to contain in this world and I don't think you should let yourself be medicated for it.

But don't tell me you're taking Lamictal? Come on, it just makes you braindead and is a form of chemical lobotomy. They practically force-fed it to me when I was in benzo-rehab, but that is only to their advantage, or keeps their patients calm, and not to your advantage (unless you're insane or seriously ill).

I can believe you lost touch with the spiritual life after that. And, no, I'm not taking psychedelics or part of any organised group. I prefer doing mystical work on my own.
But, yes, it does seem to be a big deal and there's message after message coming in from everywhere now.

Usually I don't pay so much attention to this kind of thing, as I haven't been able to perceive directly and just had to take someone's word for it, but now it's mostly the changes inside myself that makes me take notice. Anyway, I liked this:

"Some ETs and Ascended Masters are taking advantage of your "spiritual amnesia" and are not telling you the Truth regarding your spiritual powers. You are an INFINITE BEING OF LIGHT and do not need to be "saved". Your are so Powerful and Spiritually Strong that the only thing that can stop you from ascending is yourself."

Also, this book is very informative, written in anticipation for 2012.

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The important supportive role of our extraterrestrial "Space Brothers" invisibly surrounding us with their great Fleet of Motherships and of their smaller Scout Craft/Flying Saucers is thoroughly explained, along with recent "Updates" on the coming Earth Changes given by the Galactic Federation and other Higher Spiritual sources.

Sounds akin to Scientology imo...

And no, I'm not feeling it. If anything I'm feeling the opposite. A dearth of spirituality in the modern world, a degeneration of our values and human connectedness, and the world being headed to a bad place.

This, unfortunately.
wtf?????? said:
The important supportive role of our extraterrestrial "Space Brothers" invisibly surrounding us with their great Fleet of Motherships and of their smaller Scout Craft/Flying Saucers is thoroughly explained, along with recent "Updates" on the coming Earth Changes given by the Galactic Federation and other Higher Spiritual source.

Sorry but whoever is selling this bill of goods is a clinical case themselves or looking to take financial advantage of other ones (or at least the extraordinarily naive ...To pull some examples, Hubbard was a bit of both. Leary was squarely in the first category. Alex Gray in the second. And I could go on with the examples.

other New Age stuff said:
"Some ETs and Ascended Masters are taking advantage of your "spiritual amnesia" and are not telling you the Truth regarding your spiritual powers. You are an INFINITE BEING OF LIGHT and do not need to be "saved". Your are so Powerful and Spiritually Strong that the only thing that can stop you from ascending is yourself."

This is dangerous stuff, Scientology type dangerous.

I'm not going to refute any New Age stuff point by point because I don't think it's a very worthwhile exercise. The whole frame of mind is completely alien to me and most of it is prima facie nonsense. But if meditative practice helps, that's OK I guess, although there are dangers ... but inviting in other spiritual entities, that is a very dangerous practice and can land people in very dangerous circumstances.

Ninae said:
That medication is keeping you down in consciousness. What is perceived as "manic" is simply elevated levels of joy and consciousness which becomes troublesome or hard to contain in this world and I don't think you should let yourself be medicated for it.
This is antipsychiatry nonsense and it actively ruins people's lives. Stop it. There is a critique to be made of psychiatry but claiming that psychopathological states are good things and, by implication or directly, encouraging people to stop seeking and accepting treatment , is dangerous and wrong. This stuff literally kills and causes people to return to states of extreme suffering.

The manic states that correlate with your spiritual ideas may to you sound like they are not pathological, but they certainly were for me, at one point I was very close to being frankly psychotic, I believed I was an avatar of some kind. I was out of my fucking mind and scared the hell out of my friends and in retrospect myself. But setting aside the spiritual for a moment, in my latter example of my manic thinking that lacked the spiritual overtones, can you honestly say there was anything healthy there? I did all sorts of nonsense that could've landed me dead, in jail, or in the hospital. Yes, drugs, guns, large sums of money, gambling, women, all sorts of other nonsense. In b4 some says sounds like fun. It wasn't. Bad, bad, bad scenes.
But don't tell me you're taking Lamictal? Come on, it just makes you braindead and is a form of chemical lobotomy. They practically force-fed it to me when I was in benzo-rehab, but that is only to their advantage, or keeps their patients calm, and not to your advantage (unless you're insane or seriously ill).
Off meds, I would consider myself seriously ill.

I'm taking Lamictal and a few other things (if you're curious, Klonipin, Wellbutrin, Viibryd.) They help. Without them I was approaching suicidality and could not get out of bed without panic attacks (or hard liquor) and in attempt to cope I was slowly drinking myself to death. So, the alternative. The pills. I feel some mild cognitive side effects. They're worth it. Everything is a trade off. But "down in my consciousness?" What does that even mean? I think being horribly depressed and anxious all the time is pretty down in consciousness. And "chemical lobotomy," the cliché description of Thorazine, is an extreme exaggeration with regards to Lamictal. And also, I didn't "let anyone put me on it," I sought psychiatric help and actually I am on the specific medications I chose to be on in collaboration with my private psychiatrist.

And not only do I take meds, but for a living I'm on the other side of that equation. Like the old Hair Club for Men commercial ... I'm also a client. Now as far as coercion goes, I've never been a psychiatric inpatient and I know from direct observation that it is a miserable thing to be, but at times it is the only alternative. Sometimes also the only approach in dealing with the seriously and dangerously mentally ill (and this is my client pool) is a coercive one. I see violence and coercion every day at work, but you know what? These people or at least a substantial portion of them wind up getting better, at least for a time. It is my calling and among the most gratifying experiences in my life. As for antipsychiatry I've read me Szasz, Laing, and all the rest, and there is a valid epistemological critique of psychiatry's foundations, but at the end of the day, we (biomedical/biopsychosocial model) are really the only ones getting any substantive results in healing these people, who suffer terribly.
I can believe you lost touch with the spiritual life after that. And, no, I'm not taking psychedelics or part of any organised group. I prefer doing mystical work on my own.
Actually, no, I'm Catholic. I just gave up the drug/New Age stuff.
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I would echo the sentiments of SKL's posts so far.

And no, I'm not feeling it. If anything I'm feeling the opposite. A dearth of spirituality in the modern world, a degeneration of our values and human connectedness, and the world being headed to a bad place.

This. There's only one thing that I can see that is rising in our modern world, and that is self-absorption. I will say that I do believe it is possible for people to intuitively pick up 'disturbances in the force' as it were, but I don't believe there are many (if any) out there who can interpret that data properly. That is, I think we have a faculty or connection to some hidden data streams, and some people do feel it.. but processing it accurately through the mind is a different story. Like light shining through a filter the data takes on connotations and impressions of the mind of that individual, becoming distorted. I do think some drugs give people glimpses of this data.. and perhaps we're not actually meant to see it at all, that it is not our place as humans too.

All the ascension stuff, 2012, the feeling that we are somehow special.. it all just smacks of human self-absorption and always seems to inherently positive. Maybe the truth is not positive. Maybe humans are more akin to cattle being farmed and we just don't realize it. Who knows.

Alex Gray was mentioned and I think that's a great example to highlight.. once he painted that Obama image he lost absolutely all credibility now and forever. All the mind expanding drugs he's taken and he placed faith in Obama to be a world leader? I shat myself with laughter when I first saw/read about his painting. A slightly more intellectual mind, Terence McKenna, went on about 2012 a lot and his time wave theory. It just goes to show that being intellectually smart, or having taken mind expanding substances, doesn't actually amount to shit.. they are still just people and the truth is no one has a fucking clue what is really going on with the world or reality.

I don't think we are going anywhere, dimension wise. It's a quaint idea, I would love for something kool to happen.. I placed hope in 2012 myself.. because without something things really look utterly hopeless for our world. A more 'rational hope' is placing faith in technology, such as nuclear fusion, AI, nano-tech and other goodies such as extending life even further.. but ultimately even that is just the same as the 2012 stuff. The problem we really have is us. People have always struggled with mortality and facing the prospect that actually they don't matter, death is assured, and nature was just using you as a tool to further its own biological agenda for planet Earth. Even with even greater technology we're still fucked. All it will do is further accelerate the moral deficit we have.
I don't mean I wanted there to be something like that. I just started to notice it despite of myself. Too many things to mention, but things like connecting with God or your higher self seems a lot easier these days. Could be just a part of my personal path, but I have a feeling it's not.

But I don't care about all the crazy details, like coming space ships, etc. Those are just distractions that put people off. It's the quality of energy/consciousness that is changing.
I would have to agree with you, since the start of the summer I've been having a lot of strange experiences and changes in consciousness that occur often. I started seriously doing yoga and meditating because of this. It feels like something big is about to happen. But like an earlier poster said this could all just be a reflection of how I've been feeling internally :)
We're getting off topic, but with your critique of modernity and apocalyptic/messianic thinking I can only totally agree.


Alex Gray was mentioned and I think that's a great example to highlight.. once he painted that Obama image he lost absolutely all credibility now and forever. All the mind expanding drugs he's taken and he placed faith in Obama to be a world leader? I shat myself with laughter when I first saw/read about his painting. A slightly more intellectual mind, Terence McKenna, went on about 2012 a lot and his time wave theory. It just goes to show that being intellectually smart, or having taken mind expanding substances, doesn't actually amount to shit.. they are still just people and the truth is no one has a fucking clue what is really going on with the world or reality.

Absolutely. This idea that drugtaking is an enlightening virtue. Now, Gray's Hofmann-molecule image is iconic but everything else is pretty much uninteresting. The Obama painting was terrible artistically and politically. Around the same the "Deadheads for Obama" was utterly disgusting, too, Jerry would be rolling in his grave.

At least these were amusing:


Apparently they were pipes. Which is some sort of potent metaphor for the imprint and the regime itself isn't it?
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It's just like the 2012 predictions now. But it's just the beginning of it. I don't really have any doubt any more. So I guess we will see how it folds out, how exciting, etc.

"The reason people have been disappointed so many times is because they have erroneously expected for these shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness to instantly manifest in the physical plane.

People look at outer-world appearances and because they do not see any immediate changes, they feel that the events did not actually happen and that the information was just another “New Age hoax.” The reality is that the vast majority of events that have taken place over the past several decades not only happened, but according to the Company of Heaven, they succeed in accelerating Humanity’s and Mother Earth’s Ascension process beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven.

So that we will not miss this amazing opportunity by letting our distorted perceptions fool us again, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth want to reiterate how we will experience the colossal shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness we will receive through the upcoming Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and influx of Gamma Rays from Wave X. They want us to remember that first and foremost, we are multidimensional Beings functioning in various dimensions simultaneously. The physical plane of Earth which we believe is so real is actually the least real of all of the dimensions we abide in and it is the very last dimension to reflect the changes we are cocreating with our Father-Mother God in the Realms of Cause.

The reason we do not experience these monumental events instantaneously in the physical plane is because they are first created in the Realms of Cause where everything begins. Then, they are magnetized into the World of Effects, which is the physical plane, through the thoughts, words, feelings, beliefs, and actions of the Sons and Daughters of God abiding in the physical plane. The important thing to realize is that once something has been God Victoriously accomplished in the Realms of Cause NOTHING can prevent it from eventually manifesting in the World of Effects.

The only variable is how long that process will take which is strictly up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity, and how effectively we empower those patterns of perfection with our creative faculties of thought and feeling and our gift of free will."


I like this "Plane of Cause" idea. It's the sort of thing Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov talked about, and he was a true initiate - "The real magician works on the causal plane", etc.

It's a bit complicated, but seems I can now tune into some of it. The plane of causes or the underlying energies of this world. It's interesting, but hard to talk about.

Anyway, this will be a personal thing for everyone, and like I said is not really something to argue about.
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There might be something to this changing dream thing..

Last night I dreamed I was in this peculiar old house when all of a sudden 15 identical looking humans appeared. I thought they were all Chinese but after giving it some thought perhaps they were not Chinese, or even humans. For reasons still unknown, they set up very large pots filled with water and proceeded to cook poached eggs.

Later on I was hanging out with Pras, or it might have been Wyclef, from The Fugees. I was explaining to him the reason why he would not have been successful without Lauryn Hill. I think this upset him a little, although he seemed to have a sense of humor about it.

If this doesn't sound strange enough already the next thing that happens is Lauryn Hill appears. I believe I tried to compliment her and she just ignored me which is not surprising considering what I have read about her.

That is about it except for some other minor details. I actually awakened with the song 'After The Gold Rush' by Neil Young playing in my head. You might consider that ironic if you're familiar with the lyrics.

I've had some special dreams too, but I forget so soon.

But the two nights ago someone wanted me to give up my sexual energy and I was like "No, I'm keeping my celibacy". I have a lot of kundalini built up for months now, so I'm quite powerful. I've also been reading some of the Yogi ideas about it and it's quite interesting.

(I realise this won't be popular on such a male forum, but never mind)
Yes, I like most people forget the majority of my dreams within a few minutes if not seconds. If I have some odd or unique dream I try to repeat it to myself as soon as I get up, writing it down is of course the more reliable option.
Go out in the sun. Do some sun-gazing. It's a great time for it now the sun is weaker and the energies are so strong it makes you feel really lit up.
But the two nights ago someone wanted me to give up my sexual energy and I was like "No, I'm keeping my celibacy". I have a lot of kundalini built up for months now, so I'm quite powerful. I've also been reading some of the Yogi ideas about it and it's quite interesting.

(I realise this won't be popular on such a male forum, but never mind)

I'm male and I've been celibate for 4 months now. I'm interested in hearing anything concerning celibacy and energy.
I'm male and I've been celibate for 4 months now. I'm interested in hearing anything concerning celibacy and energy.

An example of the kind of thing they write. Also interesting are the comments from martial arts practitioners.

Aivanhov also wrote some in the same vein about it.

"Sexual energy is like petrol: if you are ignorant and use it carelessly you will burn yourself. Your very quintessence will be destroyed by this all-consuming force. But Initiates, who know how to handle it, use it to move freely about the universe. This is the true meaning of the winged dragon."
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