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Where has all the banter gone?


Bluelight Crew
May 12, 2010
Seriously, not so long back I could get wankered of an evening, safe in the knowledge I could contact my BL chums for Jolly Japes, bally banter and general wagging and wibbing with you wapscallions out there. So what's happened? I blame that Evey woman for getting the sack ..
Wasn't my salami thread good enough for you....eh?

What more do you want...ungrateful cunt.
Wasn't my salami thread good enough for you....eh?

What more do you want...ungrateful cunt.

Now then Mr. Roller, I appreciate you making the effort, I really do... but the responses demonstrate a lack of rapier wit, an absence of cutting sarcasm; hell, there's not even any fucking drama these days.. (Flounces off to PM some random and moan about you lot).
How was yer trip to the good ol' US of A?

Too bleeding healthy by far! The brother in law is this health freak, goes jogging at 5am, doesn't drink, no take aways etc:X Walked at least 5 miles a day (unheard of normally, I drive/ride everywhere) never got lower than 80c even in Maine and the humidity was hellish,( so this pale English wallflower wilted a bit;) ). Got the eye on the beach at Ocean city because of certain ink, but nothing came of it.

I know that all sounds bad, but I/we enjoyed ourselves, the wife got to see her 2 yr old neice for the first time, her uncle is a glass blower, so we all had a go at that( didn't make a pipe, just a glass) and physically it did me good, or at least I hope it has when all this aching goes away.

Always good to be home though and i'm realising the older I get the more jet lag fucks me up, still not sleeping well, even with beer bud and benzo's.
Too bleeding healthy by far! The brother in law is this health freak, goes jogging at 5am, doesn't drink, no take aways etc:X Walked at least 5 miles a day (unheard of normally, I drive/ride everywhere) never got lower than 80c even in Maine and the humidity was hellish,( so this pale English wallflower wilted a bit;) ). Got the eye on the beach at Ocean city because of certain ink, but nothing came of it.

I know that all sounds bad, but I/we enjoyed ourselves, the wife got to see her 2 yr old neice for the first time, her uncle is a glass blower, so we all had a go at that( didn't make a pipe, just a glass) and physically it did me good, or at least I hope it has when all this aching goes away.

Always good to be home though and i'm realising the older I get the more jet lag fucks me up, still not sleeping well, even with beer bud and benzo's.

Heh, I can't help but imagine a similar situation to 'Meet the Fokker's' :)

Regarding Ocean City, was that the eye of respect and subordination, or the eye of confrontation?
awww...FUBAR's got no-one to direct his 3fpm induced rantings at...

go to an NA meeting and try the banter in there! :)
You could start a meeting by you FUBAR where folk just turn up on drugs to talk shite.. I guess you could just go to the pub or something, really but it could be handy if you're a bit skint..
Are banter and gibbering not the same thing? I am home alone, electrics in minuscule village keep going....sighhh this time last week Mr Mist I was in the back of a transit van/someone's home with 13 people trying to get me to eat these hoooge blue mushrooms..this was the night after we saw many naked people dancing and running around a burning pyre..I didn't partake in either I hasten to add.

hmm home alone...bag of fings....no noise police..nowt to get up for tomorrow..suggestions on a bluelight small tab of 1plsd postcard? I was thinking coupla fat lines of plant fertiliser and breaking out the new magnolia scent Mr sheen?..

sighhhhhhhh..this is not banter or gibbberings..this is my life.

May the gods, mods, smods.. help me...

She knew about my drug use but this is the first she's learned of my love for tits.
Appreciated FG, but you know what in my entire life I have never seen an actual female with breasts like those above, I wonder just how much photoshopping each model gets?