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Just had the most beautiful/sad moment with a few other tweakers at my place.


Dec 2, 2014
So there are these group of tweakers that I hang out with on-and-off, basically we smoke bowls, listen to music, trade stolen electronics and other weird shit, and basically have some bizarre group therapy session. Anyway two nights ago I had a really special moment that shows even the worst drug addicts and gangstas can get together and have a loving moment. Basically it started off with the usual drama, me searching for a gram I was owed, another tweaker pestering me for three points I owed him, and yet another tweaker trying to get his stolen laptop back from another tweaker, and it somehow ended up with like five tweakers and me back at my place with a huge amount of random shit spread over my already disgustingly-messy studio apartment floor.

Literally like three huge backpacks full of random shit just got spread into these massive piles, and people began trading, arguing, and soon, smoking and injecting a bunch of crystal magic. Somehow there ended up like two eight balls of meth spread around, and everyone got super high and I turned on the music and it started to turn from hostile to peaceful. I have no idea how anyone could figure out whose stuff was whose, even myself I had a hard time, but there's this weird sensation that happens when a group of tweakers mingle to trade stuff; all concepts of personal property seem to evaporate. People freely give each other stuff, steal from each other, and trade things in a way that is completely bizarre beyond recognition, something I'm sure economists and psychologists alike would baffle at if they knew of this phenomena.

It isn't the cliche where everyone is out for themselves and quickly steals things to get high, while that happens, people also freely give, trade, and leave things in a way that defies logic. At least half of my possessions at this point are truly alien as to how I got them, I mean, looking at my floor right now, I have Pokemon cards, some gadgets from obscure factories in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, someone's polka dot panties, and a wallet full of birth certifactes, social security numbers, and passports (wtf?), among a shit load of random electronics, clothes, and drug paraphernalia.

Anyway, the music went on and people began to chill and it turned into this suddenly communal love-fest where everyone started cuddling, some guy invited over these two serious crack whores who were strangely very hot, despite yellowed teeth, and it just turned into a really warm feeling, not unlike the Woodstock-esque vibes of the old days. Then people started masturbating, fucking, eating gas station food and drinking soda, among with some other junkies who just arrived who were shooting up in the corner. Of course my mom calls and asks how things are and if I've decided on enrolling in college for the fall, meanwhile I say I'm currently just hanging out with some foreign exchange students who are telling me about their countries (lol, oh the webs we weave as tweakers...), and that I'm applying for grants as we speak (trying hard to cover the phone to muffle the serious porno-esque moaning in the background, among with the one guy who is moaning and twitching that just injected a truckload of down).

Anyway this session goes on for literally like four or five days, people coming and going, and me realizing at some point that I'd be in serious shit if the cops or my landlord showed up, considering the mass amounts of illegal activity going on, but the vibes are just way too chill and fun for me to use my higher brain reasoning at this point, not to mention days without sleep on speed makes you feel invincible.

This is where the cute moment happens, people start falling asleep (or nodding off), but they do so cuddling together. I mean at this point there are three different people in my bed with my all cuddled together, and the two dues who were shooting up are sleeping leaning against each other's shoulders, while a few half-naked people are passed out on weird positions on the coaches and tables, but the cuddling here was what brought a tear to my eye. Here are a fine assortment of serious hardcore gangstas, prostitutes, homeless addicts, etc, that are all somehow united in a love bond that would make any feel-good movie watcher tear up in the eye.

At that moment I didn't see these people for what society demonizes them as, I just saw broken souls from rough paths that were united for a fleeting moment in true love, man I wish I could keep this train going. Well all stories come to an end, and it ended with me waking up some time later as some girl was searching for her panties and bends down directly infront of me searching, giving me quite a view of what another had clearly deposited within her, her legs quite sticky. For some fucked up reason, I decided that this would be a prime time to practice oral sex, which lead to one final unprotected sexual encounter that ended with me getting penetrated without a condom by one of the junkies who happened to stir from the bathtub, and leave me in the same state as the girl was left in, along with somehow getting talked into sharing the used needle of said junkie as he left.

Sometime later (nodded off to the point I thought I was dead), I wake up to find everyone gone, and the clock reads eight days had passed since it began. I guess the combination of drugs used lead to a weird afterglow with only minor nausea and headache, but now my appartment looks worse than a crackhouse after welfare day, there's literally some strange black goo in the bathtub (wtf), a few boxes of pizza, a shitload of cans, broken crack pipes and needles, an assortment of panties, bras, boxers, and a huge pile of clothes, electronics, garbage, and weird shit I don't even know what it is (this plastic octopus that lights up and buzzes, teaching kids how to count!).

Then it hits me, the dopesick from the heroin, plus that lethargy and horrible shitty feeling of a meth withdrawal, lead to the next few days of me sleeping, bathroom-going, eating, and overall bleh-ness. I then look in the mirror and realize that it probably wasn't the healthiest decision to have literally, sex with a dozen or so different people, all unprotected, as well as sharing needles with a serious junkie, but you reach a point in your life where you just stop giving a fuck and live for the day.

Ah well, time to scrape some money to repeat the cycle, too bad my cellphone, laptop, and cash is completely gone, but hey! Look on the bright side! I now have several passports from obscure third world countries that I can flee too if shit really gets bad, things are never too dark when there's always a free ticket to Liberia waiting for you!
i enjoyed reading that, i dont really know why though, haha. the scene you described of everyone falling asleep reminds me of the ending of Spun. I think you might enjoy it if you havent already had a chance to check it out.
You do realise that you might just have accidentally discovered the solution to the World's economic crises and banking fiasco's there? Worth a try!
It was really funny and then really disgusting, to be perfectly honest. I laughed, and now I feel sick. I'm not sure it was worth it.

Also I love how this story starts off so casual and just totally devolves. Pretty awesome.
Seems like every time I read stories about meth & heavy binging for days, it ends with a lot of unprotected & filthy sex, & nasty people all around.......but interesting read non the less.
So there are these group of tweakers that I hang out with on-and-off, basically we smoke bowls, listen to music, trade stolen electronics and other weird shit, and basically have some bizarre group therapy session. Anyway two nights ago I had a really special moment that shows even the worst drug addicts and gangstas can get together and have a loving moment. Basically it started off with the usual drama, me searching for a gram I was owed, another tweaker pestering me for three points I owed him, and yet another tweaker trying to get his stolen laptop back from another tweaker, and it somehow ended up with like five tweakers and me back at my place with a huge amount of random shit spread over my already disgustingly-messy studio apartment floor.

Literally like three huge backpacks full of random shit just got spread into these massive piles, and people began trading, arguing, and soon, smoking and injecting a bunch of crystal magic. Somehow there ended up like two eight balls of meth spread around, and everyone got super high and I turned on the music and it started to turn from hostile to peaceful. I have no idea how anyone could figure out whose stuff was whose, even myself I had a hard time, but there's this weird sensation that happens when a group of tweakers mingle to trade stuff; all concepts of personal property seem to evaporate. People freely give each other stuff, steal from each other, and trade things in a way that is completely bizarre beyond recognition, something I'm sure economists and psychologists alike would baffle at if they knew of this phenomena.

It isn't the cliche where everyone is out for themselves and quickly steals things to get high, while that happens, people also freely give, trade, and leave things in a way that defies logic. At least half of my possessions at this point are truly alien as to how I got them, I mean, looking at my floor right now, I have Pokemon cards, some gadgets from obscure factories in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, someone's polka dot panties, and a wallet full of birth certifactes, social security numbers, and passports (wtf?), among a shit load of random electronics, clothes, and drug paraphernalia.

Anyway, the music went on and people began to chill and it turned into this suddenly communal love-fest where everyone started cuddling, some guy invited over these two serious crack whores who were strangely very hot, despite yellowed teeth, and it just turned into a really warm feeling, not unlike the Woodstock-esque vibes of the old days. Then people started masturbating, fucking, eating gas station food and drinking soda, among with some other junkies who just arrived who were shooting up in the corner. Of course my mom calls and asks how things are and if I've decided on enrolling in college for the fall, meanwhile I say I'm currently just hanging out with some foreign exchange students who are telling me about their countries (lol, oh the webs we weave as tweakers...), and that I'm applying for grants as we speak (trying hard to cover the phone to muffle the serious porno-esque moaning in the background, among with the one guy who is moaning and twitching that just injected a truckload of down).

Anyway this session goes on for literally like four or five days, people coming and going, and me realizing at some point that I'd be in serious shit if the cops or my landlord showed up, considering the mass amounts of illegal activity going on, but the vibes are just way too chill and fun for me to use my higher brain reasoning at this point, not to mention days without sleep on speed makes you feel invincible.

This is where the cute moment happens, people start falling asleep (or nodding off), but they do so cuddling together. I mean at this point there are three different people in my bed with my all cuddled together, and the two dues who were shooting up are sleeping leaning against each other's shoulders, while a few half-naked people are passed out on weird positions on the coaches and tables, but the cuddling here was what brought a tear to my eye. Here are a fine assortment of serious hardcore gangstas, prostitutes, homeless addicts, etc, that are all somehow united in a love bond that would make any feel-good movie watcher tear up in the eye.

At that moment I didn't see these people for what society demonizes them as, I just saw broken souls from rough paths that were united for a fleeting moment in true love, man I wish I could keep this train going. Well all stories come to an end, and it ended with me waking up some time later as some girl was searching for her panties and bends down directly infront of me searching, giving me quite a view of what another had clearly deposited within her, her legs quite sticky. For some fucked up reason, I decided that this would be a prime time to practice oral sex, which lead to one final unprotected sexual encounter that ended with me getting penetrated without a condom by one of the junkies who happened to stir from the bathtub, and leave me in the same state as the girl was left in, along with somehow getting talked into sharing the used needle of said junkie as he left.

Sometime later (nodded off to the point I thought I was dead), I wake up to find everyone gone, and the clock reads eight days had passed since it began. I guess the combination of drugs used lead to a weird afterglow with only minor nausea and headache, but now my appartment looks worse than a crackhouse after welfare day, there's literally some strange black goo in the bathtub (wtf), a few boxes of pizza, a shitload of cans, broken crack pipes and needles, an assortment of panties, bras, boxers, and a huge pile of clothes, electronics, garbage, and weird shit I don't even know what it is (this plastic octopus that lights up and buzzes, teaching kids how to count!).

Then it hits me, the dopesick from the heroin, plus that lethargy and horrible shitty feeling of a meth withdrawal, lead to the next few days of me sleeping, bathroom-going, eating, and overall bleh-ness. I then look in the mirror and realize that it probably wasn't the healthiest decision to have literally, sex with a dozen or so different people, all unprotected, as well as sharing needles with a serious junkie, but you reach a point in your life where you just stop giving a fuck and live for the day.

Ah well, time to scrape some money to repeat the cycle, too bad my cellphone, laptop, and cash is completely gone, but hey! Look on the bright side! I now have several passports from obscure third world countries that I can flee too if shit really gets bad, things are never too dark when there's always a free ticket to Liberia waiting for you!

How many people did you have sex with? Be careful, those people sound very sketchy and I wouldn't be surprised if they robbed you, or stole stuff from you.
god stories like this make me never want to do meth ever again...

I mean if hanging out with a bunch of crack whores & junkies amidst a bunch of random crap strewn everywhere is your idea of a good time then so be it, no judgment from me. That just does not sound like a good time at all to me. When I do drugs I usually like to just chill and not have to worry about some crackhead's bodily fluids on my carpet.
i enjoyed reading that, i dont really know why though, haha. the scene you described of everyone falling asleep reminds me of the ending of Spun. I think you might enjoy it if you havent already had a chance to check it out.
I thought the same thing. Its beautifully fucked up
god stories like this make me never want to do meth ever again...

I mean if hanging out with a bunch of crack whores & junkies amidst a bunch of random crap strewn everywhere is your idea of a good time then so be it, no judgment from me. That just does not sound like a good time at all to me. When I do drugs I usually like to just chill and not have to worry about some crackhead's bodily fluids on my carpet.

Nothing like taking a big Ol hit of #4 thenn nodding off alone without worry of someone emptying your apartment.
This thread just keeps cracking me up. The end of the story makes me sad though, I hope you learn to love your body more homie. More to life than tweakin and trading STDs.
Then people started masturbating, fucking, eating gas station food and drinking soda, among with some other junkies who just arrived who were shooting up in the corner.

I can't stop laughing.

you should probably go to your friendly neighborhood planned parenthood clinic and get tested.
Yeah this is one for the archives. Also, I love how you answer the phone to talk to your mom in the middle of all this.
How many people did you have sex with? Be careful, those people sound very sketchy and I wouldn't be surprised if they robbed you, or stole stuff from you.

Psychedelic wizard admitted that their cell phone laptop and cash were all gone at the end. So there's that...

How old are you psychedelic wizard? Hosting a five day meth and heroin fest with a ton of other junkies is not inherently bad, but you mentioned you did it in a rented residence instead of on owned and private property.

Your story was very very entertaining, but I think if you try to repeat this type of thing you will find yourself locked up. Dont do that to yourself, please. Please dont.
My god i wish i could have been there, sounds like an awesome time! I do not really enjoy uppers at all and usually stick to H but if i were there i would have tweaked out a bit and just had an awesome time! Definitely would have made sure to show up with nothing worth anything with me, i wouldnt even have my cellphone with me while there just to make sure everything i have that is worth money stays mine lol. Either way thanks for the good read, wish i would have been there to experience that first hand.