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Chicago heroin thread v. blowin for blows

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Im high I so many things ridiculous...started w my ex begging for me back, me running off on an h hunt, finding crack and doing lots of crack, passing out IN a church service not just outside and it was a weird one id never been to, the getting a ride from a neighbor, waking up, mission find pot and benzos and plan sub detox. Fuuuuck.

Im high if you cant tell. I have two pints of vodka I snuck and bought. Theyre under my pillow, now im a badBAD alcoholic who hasnt drank in 9+months...do I take a sip??(a sip) or just enjou my buzz. What do ya think?
northsideboy I think you should give it a shot and try and rekindle the relationship. It takes one person to make themselves emotionally vulnerable and try to spark the spark that make you want to marry this woman. Maybe not immediately, but communication is key and letting her know how you feel is key. But then again, I can't say how she will respond because it all depends on the type of woman your dealing with. Some will be turned off by you exposing your emotions in such a mushy way :\
I'm a believer in guidelines for a successful relationship
1) faithfulness
2) communication
3) Being open with one another
4) respect/show you value eachother
In the traditional idea of the male being dominate, with the female being submissive can sometimes be the strongest relationship. If the male values the females input on the relationship and decisions, and gives her 50/50 control but still has the final say so. that would be a strong traditional relationship.
Its attractive for a female to be submissive with her man and only him, but at the same time handles her business. She is treated with complete respect and has a equal vote on things, she just delegates things for her man to run.
Yeah jjones. Unfortunately, it's very hard to find a submissive woman in this popular slut-culture, that's willing to behave in a traditional manner that you described. That shit went away with the feministic movement where women literally hate men and are trying to compete for matriarchy. Imo, there are very few women out there that actually know what a woman is supposed to act like.
Yeah Pill Bill. We don't need a feminazi in office reinforcing that stance. Just my opinion.
Unless I missed something, jjones, NSB is trying to become a polygamist?
...that shit seldom works and its illegal in Il... Lol But double the drama sounds real tempting.
I had a buddy that was living with his wife and his gf. The gf got the house...lmao!
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Is this a double post? BL is fucking up
Northside, we talk now ... reach out to me and talk about those feelings man. I understand a LOT. Sometimes having a female friend isn't a bad thing, I'm a good sounding board. I get where you are coming from, I do. We have a LOT in common, even back in NYC. Stay strong and yes, it's party the meds - I assure you that right now. I'm not going to say which meds because I don't think I should post that publicly since you shared it privately with me. It had the same effect on me - I just simply didn't care. I didnt' need to be on that type of medication, but dr's push it.

Im excited to start next week, to be DONE throwing up, feeling physical withdrawal. I don't get depression, just idle hands but I'm listening to a lot of music and plotting painting and stuff. I smile even now, even if I am throwing up.. crying and detoxing from the WORST detox.

I'm here for any of those that have my # and I will always meet up and grab coffee, you all know where the coffee shop is in front of my flat. Or should at least. We can just sit and bullshit and laugh at things. I found this group instantly welcoming and instantly helpful. When I chipped off to get fluids down because I literally was fucking dying, no one scorned me..they just said "do it because you have GOT to drink and eat and get that zofran in / immodium and prep" best damn choice I did make. I flushed the rest after having 1 bag tested to see why I'm so sick. I shared the reports with those I'm in contact with. All I have to say is, Niacin, Fentanyl, bupe and Dorm. with "unknown". My fucking hair fell out by over 70% (thank god for the jew fro). and my skin was so dry: Niacin. I have no real idea about the dorm. I'll do research later. some of this is verifiable by Ukie who had the same results, same sickness albeit well before me a bit. (a few months).

Yes there was H in it but look at all the other crap!

Anyway, let's do this poll! Hell I'll even answer a Q n A as a woman/adult/sex-worker/albeit formally educated and over 30 years of age. I can be a wealth of info and I won't bullshit you or at least try to paint myself as some demi god or get offended.

Be well. I'll check in when I wake up at 5am. If I get some sleep. Struggling a bit today, hoping for a better tomorrow. PS: No contact with PC and no desire to use. Day 3/4 right now
Yeah jjones. Unfortunately, it's very hard to find a submissive woman in this popular slut-culture, that's willing to behave in a traditional manner that you described. That shit went away with the feministic movement where women literally hate men and are trying to compete for matriarchy. Imo, there are very few women out there that actually know what a woman is supposed to act like.
Yeah Pill Bill. We don't need a feminazi in office reinforcing that stance. Just my opinion.

I disagree, there's some but not all of us. I still want traditional care taking in a sense but I want to provide too. I don't get all bent out of shape over shit but also look at my line of work.
HAHAhahah!!! Soma you kill me girl! Lmao!! "I'm a good sounding broad"...blahhaha!!!
I'm falling in love!...gtg. Laughing too hard, can't type...hahaha!...
Love ya...
Ok, I'm back. Ooh funny shit!
I hate antidepressants of any sort. I've been on a few of them. They have a very similar effect on me. They put me in a very middle of the road place, where I don't get mad, I don't get sad, I don't get happy, I just don't give a shit to the point where I'm just going through the motions of everyday life kind of on autopilot. I don't take them anymore. I have some left over zyprexa that I occasionally chop in half if I can't sleep, cause those really knock you out. Otherwise, it's just a benzo and I'm out.
Btw, I'm happy for you.
Niacin eh? That explains the redness and dryness on my cheeks and nose. I always thought that it was from me rubbing my face but it happened even when I made a conscious choice to not rub my face. That explains it...
Once again, I'm very happy that you are kind of out of the darkest part of the woods.
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Yeah Pill Bill. We don't need a feminazi in office reinforcing that stance. Just my opinion.

dude... no republican can win a general election with how crazy they sound... id say theres a good 85% chance shell be the next president
Idk, you might be right. I'm pretty conservative on certain issues, man. So to me the dummycrap party and their agendas are very unappealing.
Lol But double the drama sounds real tempting.
Lol insane, with the interconnectedness of society due to social networks it is crazy. Society networking didnt explode until the 2000's, and never before have we been so connected. So only time will tell what the consequences are from this. Big government does things all the time without thinking out the repercussions, this is dangerous with an establishment (a whole society) with the resources and manpower to do gravely things if they set their minds it. Like locking people up like murders for drugs. They have the man power to stop and search every man... pat u down bam popped without ever attracting attention to yourself.

The gf got the house...lmao!
aint that a mf, I bet they just looked at each other stupidly lol

We are no where near needing a new thread but we should visit the idea of thinking of a name lol. What was the other one womens underwear or something lol
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well i figure everyone is conservative about somethings n liberal about others...
Lol jjones.@ the women's underwear. I'm not sure if we are more interconnected or more disconnected. It's like everything is a text nowadays. Nobody really talks anymore, you know? Everything is a text, email, whatever. Pretty soon it's going to be where like '1984' by Orwell. With 'speak type'...wait, we already have that. Me personally, I prefer the phone method. It doesn't lose as much of the human emotion as a text. But nothing beats f2f interaction.
@ pill. Absolutely true, with the exception of the issues that I'm very conservative on, everybody else is very liberal.
Hey what's that other thread I saw you on about how people got robbed or something. Are some of those ppl full of shit, or what? Funny.
dude... no republican can win a general election with how crazy they sound... id say theres a good 85% chance shell be the next president

not a chance she will. a republican will be in office like it or not.history is on their side
@ pill. Absolutely true, with the exception of the issues that I'm very conservative on, everybody else is very liberal.
Hey what's that other thread I saw you on about how people got robbed or something. Are some of those ppl full of shit, or what? Funny.

lol well i would hope your atleast somewhat liberal on the idea of drug legalization... and most ppl are conservative about that... but i get what your sayin tho...

and idk if the ppl getin robbed thing was at me or not... cause i honestly cant remember...

and cic... not a chance? at all? lol hows a republican gona get elected when they cant even admit global warming is a thing?? let alone what causes it... and their views on womens rights... illegal aliens... weed... evolution... they have zero chance in a general election...

and why exzactlly is history on their side? im pretty sure george bush is the one who tried his hardest to ruin this country and obama pretty much turned it around... he did everything romney said he was going to do except he did it better, obama has def done some shittest things like expand the NSA and not got out of the middle east... but gas is cheaper, stock markets are up, unemployment is down and hes deported more people than any other president in history... you really think people are just wishing they could go back to the days of bush?? well agree to disagree about this but my est of her having an 85% chance of winning still stands...
Deported!? Where the fuck did that come from, bro?! :eek:
He's fighting to open borders and give amnesty to illegals!
Deported... Smh...
Fuck it man. This is the wrong platform for this and arguing about politics is like arguing about religion.
I don't give a shit either way. I consider myself to be an ancap.
About the shit with anti-depressants. They made me insanely anxious, vivid nightmares if not night terrors and insomnia the rest of the time. I never could last through the 2 week start period. Now that I've had dope withdrawal, the anxiety anti-depressants gave me is exact same as dope withdrawal anxiety. exact. It just never worked for me...except once. Many years ago I had a freak out while in a very toxic relationship. I was "sober" but made about 10k at work one night so me and the girl that helped me earn it.. chose to buy bottles of ACE champagne and get shit face wasted and do blow (not dope). The come down was awful, something about caine makes me manic depressive. My ex was in London promoting shit and I called him crying about how I couldn't take it ... how life was hard (I was homeschooling my kids at the time, working as a dancer at night, just got diagnosed with an illness...paid 4200 a month in rent and was falling behind - I couldn't take it!). He actually said "I can't listen to you right now, my life needs positivity.". Nevermind we'd been together 4 fucking years and it was low-drama and I rarely ask for shit. So I hung up the phone, kids were at their dads' for a holiday... drove to the ER and said "Im going to kill myself".


You know where they put us non-insured? The state mental psych hospital. It made the film Jacob's ladder look like Disneyland. I didn't have a dope habit so they just gave me drugs and made me sleep the 5 days I was there involuntarily. I don't recall much of it other than a rape happening, a girl smuggling in heroin and a pimp coming to claim his girl. But I do know they dispensed methadone 3x's a day in the "juice" with valium and ambien plus anti-psychs. I know that because I was the only one who didn't have to get in that line for the juice, just the other shit. It's co-ed and that's why the rape happened. 1 nurse for 25 patients, some of whom are going to prison and are there to get evaluated for insanity pleas. So that's the one time I was on an anti-depressant cocktail that worked, lol but the daily meet n' greet with the social worker who releases you basically just wrote on the discharge papers "Seek better personal relationship or end current personal relationship with partner.". He was only good for me because he was straight edge, and no . he didn't pick me up when they released me. Which btw, is like getting out of county. You get a ticket and go collect what they took from you and hope to hell all your shit is there. Then you have a bus ticket and that's physically it. Luckily this is before iphones and when phone batteries lasted for a week if you turned it off. So I used my lil' t-mobile sidekick and called another stripper who arrived and said I was so fucked up on ativan and whatever else that I mumbled, threw up and slept from Reade hospital to where I live (which is a long ass way, I can't imagine if I had taken a damn bus!). My now ex, didn't show up till 2 days later and I was only on zoloft on release and that asshole accused me of being on HEROIN because the zoloft at that time made me quiet but normal and I guess straight edge people are fucking stupid. I dunno.. that was a bad 6 years of my life. Hence the almost now 8 years single.


Sugar daddy is bringing groceries, so even though I look better (color to my skin and no more niacin dark circles!), I gotta play it up a bit because he thinks it's the flu. I swear it's total Requiem shit right now, except I don't fuck this "smug fuck!". He did bring me a new 60inch tv 3 days before detox... so that was nice. At least I had trash tv to help during this.
Where does everyone who doesn't have insurance go... for detox etc around here? I could never ever go to the lakeview facility because of reasons. But otherwise, do they just end up in the mental wards like I was in? None of the patients were in for suicidal thoughts other than myself and one other person, a guy. You're 6 deep in a room and the other 5 people were:

4 going through heroin withdrawal and taking juice each day
1 going through alcohol withdrawal and losing her fucking mind
and myself, who just slept and was scared to even shower.

It was mostly homeless people and since it was co-ed I had our 3 meals with them. I mean, older homeless (50+) and it was rather humbling. They kept me safe. You actually sign a waiver at reade when you're so fucked up on sedatives that states "If you're not compliant, ECT is used". They still use that! How often, I don't know. I remember arriving there via ambulance and being on some sorta sedative drip during the ride over, because I was talking some weird shit lol. Something about boxed wine and mexicans. No idea. Anyway, ambulance brought me from the ER 2 fucking days after I arrived (start calculating the bill!). At the ER cops actually questioned me because I tested positive for caine and they searched all my shit while I sat in an observation room, druged on ativan and ambien. Then eventually a bed opened up and I was transferred. At Reade they strip searched me in this huge fucking room while 2 male guards held me up. I had to do the jail squat and cough. I was so unbalanced I fell and hit my head. They let me lay there, pissed I fell and finally they helped me onto a wheel chair as I signed my life away for the next week.

That place should be fucking shut down. So my question is, that is what happened to me.. a person seeking psych help with no history of issues and wasn't using at the time. What happens to us who need intensive therapy or detox? Because I was so so sick (still am) from this withdrawal that a hospital was definitely in my near future. I did not go because of the above shit happening and also, they do call DCFS
jesus man... thats fukin crazy... when you check yourself into places around here you have to test positive for whatever or they wont admit you and unless a judge sends ya (usually for failing a piss test) then you can check yourself out whenever you want... one place i went to didnt even go through my bag let alone a strip search...

but where im from you have to go to the DHHR office or go online and fill out a couple pages of questions and then they set ya up with health insurance... shit they even refunded me money from where i had gone to the ER a few times in the previous months... and the insurance covers treatment at a place that does intensive outpatient therapy... and the state will pay for hep c treatment n i guess they are doing some 2 or 3 year trial for a new pill thats suspose to be more effect and make ya less sick...
They fill out forms while you're there for help (charities, medicaid). A temple picked up the entire cost aside from the ambulance, which was 900$ for 4.5 miles. The ambulance is a private company, I'm guessing that's why.

I'm still doing my withdrawal at home, i've yet to return to life outside of taking my kid to school and showering daily. I just ate today, finally. I'm nowhere near working, socializing or anything .. which sucks because all bills are now due. Scrambling my life to somehow make 3k happen in 4 days. I can, but I don't feel well and there's no energy. I can look at me and see I've been through the ringer lately. I swear after detox we all look like actual junkies compared to when we were using! When I was using I ate well, worked out, worked and went to bed at 9pm. I'm not kidding. Sober? I'm without appetite, anxious and can't sleep. :( I guess that's why so many ex addicts get into fitness the way they do
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