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Gabapentinoids The Lyrica (Pregabalin) Mega Thread v 2.0

I have a few lyrica questions pls from all you lovely lyrica experienced people.

I don't take it daily, I have one or two day gaps a few times a week.
Might I not even be addicted to it doing it this way?

How many days does it take for lyrica withdrawals to kick in? Doses ranging from 225mg to 450mg, 3 days on 2 days with no lyrica, been doing this a few months.

What drugs go well with lyrica?
Not really interested in doing benzos with lyrica, cos of the fall-down factor that happens when I booze with lyrica, (naughty but I love lyrica with a drink)

Does modafinil go well with lyrica?

Sorry for all the questions but I have had a few reads of these threads and you all seem to know lyrica really well.
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I don't take it daily, I have one or two day gaps a few times a week.
Might I not even be addicted to it doing it this way?
Only you can answer this question to be honest. Addiction/habituation has both a psychological and physical dimension. I know people who have been able to keep relatively frequent Lyrica use under control (75-150 mg each time) and I know people who have quickly picked up a daily habit when trying to keep gaps. If you want to find out where you truly stand, try at least a week completely off Lyrica and take note daily how you feel physically and mentally.

How many days does it take for lyrica withdrawals to kick in? Doses ranging from 225mg to 450mg, 3 days on 2 days with no lyrica, been doing this a few months.
This can really vary a lot. It would seem that in your case, three days on-two days off is not enough to display any significant withdrawals as you have been able to keep it up for months, but what would happen if you extended the gap to three-four-five days? Might be worth trying just to see where you are at in that regard (there are reports of high doses daily not causing exceptionally bad w/d's and small doses every other day causing hell when discontinued, so you'd really need to see for yourself).

What drugs go well with lyrica?
Most. I cannot endorse mixing but I can tell you that since Lyrica is not metabolized to any significant extent, interactions with other drugs are a non-concern in terms of the CYP450 liver enzymes (the purpose of drug metabolism is to make the substances more water-soluble so they can be excreted more easily, Lyrica is already very water-soluble so it comes out mostly unchanged in the urine). If you're going to combine it with other downers there is always reason to use caution, your motor skills go to hell fast and there's always risk involved if you overdo it (it is impossible to define what "overdoing it" is as this varies heavily, taking Lyrica and then sipping some booze is much preferred over being drunk and popping a capsule). Opioids are potentiated nicely already by relatively small doses of Lyrica so be careful if you are going to attempt that. The undesirable side-effects of stimulants are reduced. Weed and Lyrica is a well-liked combo and probably the safest of combinations relatively speaking.

Does modafinil go well with lyrica?
It is not unheard of for patients to have prescriptions for both Lyrica and modafinil. The exact mechanism of action of modafinil remains a bit fuzzy and the same goes for Lyrica, which is considered to act through voltage-gated calcium channels. There does not seem to be any major immediate safety concerns with combining the two in therapeutic doses, but I cannot evaluate the combination recreationally.
It looks like I may be one of the few who absolutely hated Lyrica.

My hatred may have been coerced by the fact that this was the 50th med I was given in an attempt to avoid increasing my oxycodone script - and knowing that my back pain had nothing to do with nerves (I had my lat muscles transplanted and the pain I was feeling was clearly muscle-related) I knew Lyrica would just be another shitty time-filler while I continued to get my measly 5mg pills (which thank god went up to 15mg soon after).

One day I decided to take double my dose - 300mg - and within 30 minutes I had fallen asleep at the table and proceeded to have "tunnel-dreams" where you feel like you're awake, but you're not, and then you dream that you've woken up but you're still not awake, and it just keeps happening over & over.

I guess that may be an effect someone is trying to achieve - but I'm more of a Stimulant + Oxy kinda gal. Falling asleep & not being able to wake up isn't my cup of tea - but I can concur that there's definitely something about this drug that could have some recreational use of you're into the type of "high" it produces. I definitely felt some psychedelic qualities - but it's just not my thing.

Also / I never noticed any difference when taken with my oxycodone. Obviously everyone's different - but I wasn't one of the lucky ones who felt a better high with the combination.
Only you can answer this question to be honest. Addiction/habituation has both a psychological and physical dimension. I know people who have been able to keep relatively frequent Lyrica use under control (75-150 mg each time) and I know people who have quickly picked up a daily habit when trying to keep gaps. If you want to find out where you truly stand, try at least a week completely off Lyrica and take note daily how you feel physically and mentally.

This can really vary a lot. It would seem that in your case, three days on-two days off is not enough to display any significant withdrawals as you have been able to keep it up for months, but what would happen if you extended the gap to three-four-five days? Might be worth trying just to see where you are at in that regard (there are reports of high doses daily not causing exceptionally bad w/d's and small doses every other day causing hell when discontinued, so you'd really need to see for yourself).

Most. I cannot endorse mixing but I can tell you that since Lyrica is not metabolized to any significant extent, interactions with other drugs are a non-concern in terms of the CYP450 liver enzymes (the purpose of drug metabolism is to make the substances more water-soluble so they can be excreted more easily, Lyrica is already very water-soluble so it comes out mostly unchanged in the urine). If you're going to combine it with other downers there is always reason to use caution, your motor skills go to hell fast and there's always risk involved if you overdo it (it is impossible to define what "overdoing it" is as this varies heavily, taking Lyrica and then sipping some booze is much preferred over being drunk and popping a capsule). Opioids are potentiated nicely already by relatively small doses of Lyrica so be careful if you are going to attempt that. The undesirable side-effects of stimulants are reduced. Weed and Lyrica is a well-liked combo and probably the safest of combinations relatively speaking.

It is not unheard of for patients to have prescriptions for both Lyrica and modafinil. The exact mechanism of action of modafinil remains a bit fuzzy and the same goes for Lyrica, which is considered to act through voltage-gated calcium channels. There does not seem to be any major immediate safety concerns with combining the two in therapeutic doses, but I cannot evaluate the combination recreationally.

Hi s0rsha

Thank you for this well written post.
I know you said I would have to have more days off lyrica to see for myself how I go, but could withdrawals kick in after 72hrs?

Im on 600mg lyrica a day and have built up a ridiculously high tolerance to it, if i make a lyrica tea i get a small relaxing feeling though, just open the capsule and sprinkle it into your tea and give it a good stir, tastes rotten though
I was just on a 6 month run of 450mg/day and withdrew for 3 days, its a touchy state, the nerves are hypersensitive. Transitions of energy are hard. negativity and stress must be avoided. I kept it under control though using phenibut and MXE, it was actually quite a nice weekend of R&R, and I would consider using that as a longer term solution if not for the quick tolerance build-up of MXE, but on the other hand Lyrica also has a pretty quick tolerance buildup. I get stable on either one, and tolerance isn't such a bad thing with these drugs; they still work in the background but don't get in the way.
I'm upto page 8, reading this thread and clueing myself up on others' experiences of lyrica, and while I do appreciate repeated questions can irk, I will be reading the rest of the thread in due course.
I doubt, somehow, whether my question has been asked before, but I may be wrong.
If you were to take lyrica every 48hrs, in doses ranging from 225mg-450mg, only dosing once in the day, while this looks like a psychological dependence, could a person get addicted physically, using every 48hrs?
I was on 600mg of this drug, ive now been tapered to 200mg, personally ive never seen how good this drug was, i always thought it was rubbish, even at the highest dose i never got a high or stoned feeling, saying that im not sure if im feeling withdrawals because im been tapered off a lot of meds. XxxRachelxxx
Yeah its not a great drug when used to oblivion, i.e. every day. Also if your Dr. titrated you up properly thats probably why you never got a good buzz from it.
As for dosing every 48 hours to avoid tolerance/withdrawal, good luck. I am pretty sure though it will catch up to you over time. Every 3-4 days is a safer bet.
Would a SSRI/SNRI block the effects of Lyrica?

No. But, it would depend on what exactly you mean by 'block' and also exactly what SSRI/SNRI you are referring to, since although pharmacologically similar, their mechanisms are often different.

I've taken many SSRIs and SNRIs in conjunction with Pregabalin with no ill effect.
No. But, it would depend on what exactly you mean by 'block' and also exactly what SSRI/SNRI you are referring to, since although pharmacologically similar, their mechanisms are often different.

I've taken many SSRIs and SNRIs in conjunction with Pregabalin with no ill effect.

Block as in take away the euphoric effects of Lyrica. Thank you for your answer
Down to 200mg now, may as well be eating smarties, doc said take 50mg for anxiety ffs, no wonder im digging into my xanax supply so often now ?xxx Rachelxxx
Ill have to squirrel them away to make my infamous lyrica teas again, 2 of those gave me a nice chilled effect. XxxRachelxxx
Effexor. I just took 850 mg, with very little tolerance. I mean i did take like 900 mg last week but nothing happened. Right now, I feel this warm fuzzy feeling, but not intoxicated at all, which is fine. There is definitely a euphoria.
Effexor. I just took 850 mg, with very little tolerance. I mean i did take like 900 mg last week but nothing happened. Right now, I feel this warm fuzzy feeling, but not intoxicated at all, which is fine. There is definitely a euphoria.

Oh okay. I used to take 425mg of Venlafaxine and 300mg of Pregabalin for the therapeutic relief of anxiety and I wouldn't say that the Venlafaxine reduced the effectiveness of Pregabalin. Then again, this was at therapeutic doses, not recreational. But no, I'm not aware that Venlafaxine would inhibit the effects of Pregabalin?
I was just on a 6 month run of 450mg/day and withdrew for 3 days, its a touchy state, the nerves are hypersensitive. Transitions of energy are hard. negativity and stress must be avoided. I kept it under control though using phenibut and MXE, it was actually quite a nice weekend of R&R, and I would consider using that as a longer term solution if not for the quick tolerance build-up of MXE, but on the other hand Lyrica also has a pretty quick tolerance buildup. I get stable on either one, and tolerance isn't such a bad thing with these drugs; they still work in the background but don't get in the way.

Did you get high on Lyrica? Or was it effective for pain relief, maybe (?) If you don´t mind me asking.
I don´t have enough info about Lyrica, I just believed that it was a mild medication, not opiate that worked for some sort of pains..