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Interesting Things to Do With Kief


Bluelight Crew
Mar 2, 2008
Alright, so this isn't a thread I made to give you guys information, really, but a way for me to figure out new things to do with this fuckton of kief I keep finding myself with.

Smoking on top of bowls and laced through joints/blunts is the obvious answer here. It's what I've been doing lately and it's honestly been getting kind of boring.

So yeah! What do you all like to do with your kief? Got a cool way to make some kind of extract? Edibles? Press a bunch of little kief-pucks and store 'em for later? Lemme know, man, I'm tryna get weird with this shit.

(I used the search engine. Last thread about kief was in 2009, and it wasn't exactly this topic either. Feel free to merge or close if I missed something in the search.)
Yoghurt! Find a small fruit flavoured creamy yoghurt, a spoon & some butter or cooking oil. Put your kif on the spoon, cover it with oil, put a lighter under it until it dissolves & starts to boil a little, then mix it in your yoghurt & eat it.

You can press it into solid hash, if you use cellophane then it'll peel straight off, if you have any problem with it sticking then you could freeze it while it's still wrapped & then peel it off. I wrap it up in cellophane & put it in the crack of a door & then close it, perfect little hash press. If I'm going to smoke it then I'd prefer it to be pressed & broken up again, it seems to burn less harshly.

If it's good then you could vaporise it in a glass pipe.

If you want to get really weird you could do a hash suppository.
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well if ya don't wanna mess around with complicated shit like these dudes are talkin about lol nothin beats a fat b rip of kief ;)
or you can roll a j and put a little honey all around it (very light amount) and roll it in kief that sounds good
well if ya don't wanna mess around with complicated shit like these dudes are talkin about lol nothin beats a fat b rip of kief ;)

Greenthumb was actually super on-point, that was exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for. Complicated uses that I wouldn't likely think of on my own... it's just that I'm not about to shove drugs up my ass, lol.

I've been playing with the idea of getting a kief press, pressing the pucks, and then trying to perfect a way to make little 1-3.5g hash pucks. I also learned myself a way to make QWISO simply by cleaning your grinder, but I still have to learn all the ins and outs to that type of thing. I've seen people say all over the internet that they've successfully made hash with kief and a press simply by applying heat to the press and a drop or two of water to the kief while it's in the press: http://imgur.com/37INB

What'd be really amazing would be to find a high-quality press that was all-metal and safe to throw in the oven for a few minutes at a time. That'd be a fucking godsend.

Send me some. I'll get rid of it for you.

You don't need to buy a press, most of the cheap little ones suck, they stick together & are a hassle to use. Just get some cheap cellophane bags, wrap it up tight, use a few layers & squeeze it in the crack of a door. If your kif is good then you don't need any heat, if not then some hot water can warm it up, you don't need an oven.
You don't need to buy a press, most of the cheap little ones suck, they stick together & are a hassle to use. Just get some cheap cellophane bags, wrap it up tight, use a few layers & squeeze it in the crack of a door. If your kif is good then you don't need any heat, if not then some hot water can warm it up, you don't need an oven.

That's exactly what I've read, that most of them are pieces of shit that end up stripped after a few uses and tend to put metal shavings into the end product. There was this really cool hammer press I stumbled upon, though, that works exactly as it sounds-- you put your kief in, close it up and smash the sucker with a hammer over and over. It might be worth a shot...

The oven idea was just so that I could know exactly which temperature the stuff is sitting at... The kief is decent, I'd just like to change it's form from being able to powder so easily. Seemed like heat was a key component into getting that solid, malleable texture to the puck in that reddit guide I posted.