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Obama seeks more funding to fight war on drugs


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
Obama seeks more funding to fight war on drugs
February 6, 2015 12:00
By Tracie Mauriello

WASHINGTON — President Ronald Reagan wanted people to just say no. Three decades later, President Barack Obama wants to give them the tools.

He is asking Congress for $133 million in new funding to fight heroin and prescription drug abuse.

The initiative emphasizes help to drug users, which is as important as combating the supply side by going after sellers, said David Hickton, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, who joined an administration press call Thursday to explain the president’s call for new drug policies.

“Even with the enhanced law enforcement efforts underway here and in other districts we cannot prosecute our way out of this problem,” he said. “We need to be as vigilant at attacking the demand part of this problem as we are attacking the supply side.”

He said it’s important to recognize that drug addiction is an illness and that drug traffickers are preying on sick people.

To help, the administration wants to make clear to drug courts that medication-assisted treatment can be appropriate, said Pamela Hyde, administrator of the substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Some judges have been requiring addicts to stop using methadone as a condition of participating in drug court programs that are an alternative to incarceration.

“If we can get the courts to rely on data-drive medical and science data … that will help,” said Mr. Hickton, who represented the Department of Justice on the call because of his work last year helping to produce a federal report on drug overdose and addiction.

The president’s funding request includes $18 million to study the use of medication-assisted treatment and expand access to such treatment.

It also includes $12 million to help states purchase naloxone and train first responders on its use. Naloxone is a drug used to reverse the effects of opioid overdoses.

The request also includes $48 million to expand the Prescription Drug Overdose Program for States, currently funded at $20 million. The increase would provide grants to states for drug monitoring programs.

Another $10 million would be used to help states fight substance abuse through education, technical assistance and additional data capacity.

Mr. Obama also wants to spend $5.6 million to collect near real-time data from emergency departments on heroin-related overdose deaths and to improve quality of data by integrating information from death certificates and toxicology reports.

Continued here http://www.post-gazette.com/news/na...ng-to-fight-war-on-drugs/stories/201502060156
shit.... i voted for obama twice and wish ida just stayed at home.... but am soooooo happy mccain didnt win... but still hes doing to little to late
Thanks Obama (but not really)

so glad I never voted for this fool.

Legalize heroin and end the madness.
Thanks Obama (but not really)

so glad I never voted for this fool.

Legalize heroin and end the madness.

Somehow I don't think suddenly legalizing heroin would work very well. Let's start with weed being fully legalized and work our way up slowly.
Throwing more money to the drug war is like trying to pit out a tire fire with more tires.

I'd like to imagine one day in the future there will be books printed about this insane failed war on drugs and how it ruined the lives of millions upon millions of people, showing how corrupt everybody is...have a feeling that things will just continue getting worse forever tho lol.
^There currently are, most public choose to generally ignore them though apparently.
Throwing more money to the drug war is like trying to pit out a tire fire with more tires.

I'd like to imagine one day in the future there will be books printed about this insane failed war on drugs and how it ruined the lives of millions upon millions of people, showing how corrupt everybody is...have a feeling that things will just continue getting worse forever tho lol.
I'm reading The New Jim Crow" by michelle Alexander right now. She highlights the absurdity in depressing detail.
The president’s funding request includes $18 million to study the use of medication-assisted treatment and expand access to such treatment.

It also includes $12 million to help states purchase naloxone and train first responders on its use. Naloxone is a drug used to reverse the effects of opioid overdoses.

The request also includes $48 million to expand the Prescription Drug Overdose Program for States, currently funded at $20 million. The increase would provide grants to states for drug monitoring programs.

As inflammatory as the headline sounds, he wants funding for programs that most of us support right? Does anyone really think it's a bad thing if more first responders carry naloxone?
^ thats why i said its too little too late IMO... he should have done this shit day one... but it is wat it is...
is no one reading the actual article? This is all valuable spending and is more in the name of harm reduction than incarceration. Its unfortunately (and seems like more recently than ever) very typical of BL users to be quickly denounce ANYTHING that is not pro-legalization.
Obama is a sell out tool of the devil worshipping ruling elite, just like Clinton (both of them), Kerry, Romney, Bush (all of them), you name it... Our last, best hope was electing Ron Paul, which never realistically would have happened, and if it did, they would have had him assassinated within the first month of his administration, just like they executed John F. Kennedy for trying to put the PRIVATE central bank, The Federal Reserve, out of business and trying to let the US government go back to printing its own money again, just as Thomas Jefferson stressed was VERY important.
is no one reading the actual article? This is all valuable spending and is more in the name of harm reduction than incarceration. Its unfortunately (and seems like more recently than ever) very typical of BL users to be quickly denounce ANYTHING that is not pro-legalization.


Instead of throwing the money at paramilitary units to seek and destroy the lives of drug users, "The initiative emphasizes help to drug users, which is as important as combating the supply side by going after sellers"

Whatever we choose to believe, there is no magic wand to legalize all drugs. It would be an extremely daunting task regardless of who is in office and would require an entire congress to work together in order to retract an extremely popular law. Presidents aren't kings, even with executive orders and with the help of the attorney general, he/she cannot by themselves dismantle the CSA.

Voting for this person over that person regarding the matter is useless.
I agree with Captn, in my experience it is not until you get full legitimate access to something that you decide on your own that it's not really worth it. It won't happen but it would be worth it just to stick it to the cartels. I really don't understand why they would need funding for naloxone, don't all emt's carry it anyways? It would be one thing if they were going to stock needle exchanges with it to give it out to users where it would be most effective.

Real time data, for what? I worked in data and its just a scam for the most part. Are they going to put out smack alerts for heroin purities?

How about requiring pain meds to include nalaxone? How about taking some opiates of the damn market? How many are really necessary?

Why in the world would he be asking for our money when the damn pharmaceutical industries are the leading cause of opiate use ever?
I think they should liquidate Purdue Pharma and have them bankroll any type of assistance. This is just a joke.

Rand Paul scares me, I would have voted for Ron, not Rand. He seems to cater to wing-nuts vs. his father attracting them.
Do you really think this is Obama's doing? There is a change coming in medicine because of prescription pill abuse and deaths whether you like it or not, opiates are no longer being seen as a legitimate treatment for lifelong chronic pain. This is making people switch over to heroin.
Do you really think this is Obama's doing? There is a change coming in medicine because of prescription pill abuse and deaths whether you like it or not, opiates are no longer being seen as a legitimate treatment for lifelong chronic pain. This is making people switch over to heroin.

Blaming dead people for actions of the living is certainly out of the question, for a rational mind.
But I like pain meds, and I use them recreationally and responsibly. So why should I be punished because other people can't handle their drugs?

Good point, but would you consider your responsible recreational use of pain meds the norm, or are you an exception? I have yet to meet someone who hasn't played with fire long enough that got burned, or better put someone who wouldn't stop playing with fire until they were burned. The fact that a legitimate market make billions every year, yet costs the country hundreds of billions kind of quells my concern for recreational users. Its not like the sinoloa cartel rewrites medical textbooks that changes doctor prescription habits, that gives them millions of new daily customers. I have been hurt much worse than helped by doctors for that very reason. That is sad.